Unclear Outcomes of Heart Rate Variability Following A Concussion: A Systematic Review

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Brain Injury

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Unclear outcomes of heart rate variability

following a concussion: a systematic review

J. Charron, C. Soto-Catalan, V. Marcotte L’Heureux & AS. Comtois

To cite this article: J. Charron, C. Soto-Catalan, V. Marcotte L’Heureux & AS. Comtois (2021):
Unclear outcomes of heart rate variability following a concussion: a systematic review, Brain Injury,
DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2021.1891459

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Published online: 13 Jul 2021.

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Unclear outcomes of heart rate variability following a concussion: a systematic review

J. Charron , C. Soto-Catalan, V. Marcotte L’Heureux, and AS. Comtois
Department of Exercise Science, University of Quebec in Montreal, Montreal, Canada


Purpose: : To systematically regroup articles that were published since the latest systematic search, but Received 8 September 2020
with specific inclusion criteria to help comparison that will offer a focused presentation of methods and Revised 12 January 2021
results. This will offer a full overview of HRV’s behavior at rest and during exercise in adults post- Accepted 10 February 2021
concussion. KEYWORDS
Methods: : The systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Heart rate variability;
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. A computer-based systematic search was conducted in concussion; mTBI; cardiac
December 2019 through the Pubmed, Scopus and SPORTDiscus databases. A manual search was per­ autonomic function; ANS
formed through the reference list of all articles retained. The reliability of the systematic search was
assured by having the article selection process entirely repeated by a second author.
Results: : The systematic search yielded a total of 15 articles to be further analyzed. Results show
impairment of HRV during exercise for individuals with concussion, heterogenous studies with lack of
control over confounding factors and only less than half of the results showing a significant difference
between individuals with concussion and controls.
Conclusion: : Further research should try standardizing HRV measurement protocols that control con­
founding factors to allow easier comparison between studies and allows the possibility for an eventual

physiological factors (10,11). Because HRV offers the possibi­
A concussion is a physiological injury caused by biomechanical lity to observe the dynamic actions of both autonomic branches
forces that are transmitted to cerebral tissues from a direct blow (sympathetic and parasympathetic), it is believed to be
to the head or an indirect one that transmits forces to the head. a reliable tool to reflect autonomic function (11–14).
Such injury causes a series of neurometabolic events and func­ HRV is currently used in several clinical situations to pre­
tional alterations that temporally brings physical, neurological, dict increased risks associated with neuropathic diabetes, myo­
emotional, and circadian symptoms that cannot be explained by cardial infarction, heart attack, sudden death, to investigate the
alcohol, drugs, or preexisting pathologies (1–3).The numbers of autonomic nervous system’s (ANS) behavior, to study links
concussions yearly in the United States only is estimated to between physiological and psychological factors, to assess cog­
1.6–3.8 million. However, those numbers are believed to be nitive development, and to be used as a diagnostic and ther­
much greater, as concussion is an underreported injury from apeutic tool (9,11,12,14,15). More recently, it has been used to
which many will never be diagnosed or treated (4,5). Concussion observe ANS behavior following a concussion (8). As promis­
brings symptoms such as; headache, dizziness, nausea, photo/ ing as this tool sounds, several factors must be taken into
phonophobia, fatigue, postural lightheadness, difficulty with consideration when building study methodology and analysis.
memory, word finding and concentration, irritability, anxiety, HRV is a very sensitive measure that is affected by age, gender,
depression, and insomnia all of which affect both physiological breathing rate, level of physical fitness, body position, drugs
and psychological processes (6). (antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihypertensive, benzodiaze­
Because cardiac autonomic function can reflect both these pine, and beta-blockers), menstrual cycle, time of the day,
processes (7), Blake et al. considered it to be the ideal construct alcohol consumption, face cooling, and emotional stress
to assess the impact of concussion, an opinion we also share (9,11,16–21).
(8). Cardiac autonomic function can be observed using heart The relationship between concussion and autonomic
rate variability (HRV) which is the time variation between two dysfunction has been of growing interest in the past years
consecutive RR intervals (9). Shaffer et al consider it as an because of promising results showing HRV could be
emerging property of interdependent regulatory systems that a marker of recovery (22,23). Previous studies have already
operate on different time scales adapting to challenges to shown that measures of cardiac autonomic function, such
achieve optimal performance (10). HRV reflects the ability of as heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) at rest
the cardiovascular system to adapt from internal and external were modified following more severe traumatic brain inju­
stressors, such as changes to environmental, social, or ries in children; HR is elevated and HRV is reduced and

CONTACT J. Charron charron.jeremie@courrier.uqam.ca Département Des Sciences De L’activité Physique, Université Du Québec À Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succ.
Centre-ville, Montréal H3C 3P8, Canada.
© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

also during steady walking on treadmill (24–26). As for suggested by the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)
adults, the first study on the subject dates from 2004 by library services were systematically searched on
Gall et al. who observed HRV at rest and during steady December 4th, 2019. The three following retained databases
effort in junior male hockey players (18 years old). Their were: PubMed, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus. ERIC (ProQuest)
results presented a lower RR interval, LF, and HF powers 5- was discarded due to its educational focus. The following
and 10-days post-injury in the group with concussion (27). research strategy was used in all three databases: «Heart
Later, Tan et al., showed a decreased SDNN in war veterans Rate Variability» OR HRV OR «Autonomic Nervous
with previous concussion when compared to sex and age- System» OR ANS AND mTBI OR Concuss* OR «Traumatic
corrected normative data (28). However, La Fountaine et al. Brain Injury». All three database searches were directed
did not find any significant differences for LF, HF, and LF/ toward articles in the field of title, abstract, and keywords
HF between three adults with concussion and three con­ published since January 1st, 2014.
trols (29). Blake et al.’s systematic review presented addi­
tional studies that obtained similar conflicting results in Manual search
both children and adults (27,28,30–32). However, they con­ A manual search was also performed from the reference lists of
cluded that the evidence was still too limited to demon­ all retained articles from the systematic search. Selected articles
strate an alteration of HR and HRV parameters at rest by Blake et al. (8) that met our inclusion criteria were added to
following a concussion (8). present the best possible picture of HRV behavior following
Blake et al., did a thorough review by regrouping studies on a concussion.
a very new topic. However, the inclusion criteria were very
broad: original data presented in either an abstract or full-text
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
article available in English that included HRV or HR as an
outcome in individuals with concussion 6 years and older with Type
a comparison group (8). Out of their 13 included articles, 4 Only original full-texts from peer-reviewed journals were
were abstracts, one was an animal model (rats), one did not selected; serial, books, book sections, abstracts, reviews, com­
give any indication on the timeline since the concussion, two ments, and conference papers were discarded before starting
were on children and some had data exclusively on HR and the PRISMA method.
nothing on HRV. The inclusion of abstracts limits the ability to
properly interpret the data as there is no access to the complete Duplicates
methods. However, those criteria were understandable as the All duplicate articles were manually discarded by placing all
number of studies were much more limited at the moment of titles in alphabetical order in EndNote X9.
The previous systematic search was conducted in June 2014 Titles
(8), therefore no articles more recent than 2014 were presented. If authors could clearly identify by reading the title that the
Thus, this presents the opportunity to include a wider array of article did not present HRV measures on adults with concus­
studies that may have been published since then. The purpose of sion (18 years old and above), the article was discarded.
this systematic review is to systematically regroup articles that
were published since the latest systematic search, but with spe­ Abstracts
cific inclusion criteria to help comparison that will offer If by reading the abstract authors could clearly identify that the
a focused presentation of the methods and results. This will article did not present HRV measures on adults with concus­
perhaps provide a complete to date overview of HRV’s behavior sion (18 years old and above) with a comparison (control)
at rest and during exercise in adults with concussion. The group, the article was discarded.
included articles from Blake et al. that correspond to the inclu­
sion criteria defined herein will be added to the pool of studies to Language
present the most thorough overview allowable of HRV behavior If the article was in any other language than English or French,
at rest and during exercise in adults with concussion. the article was discarded.
Increasing current knowledge on the link between HRV and
concussion could give practitioners a noninvasive biomarker Text
(23) to assess concussion. This would be beneficial because the If an article did not present standard HRV measures (as pre­
current determination of concussion diagnosis is based on sented in the Task Force Guidelines) (9) with standard units (ms,
clinical judgment that lacks objective measures (33). HRV ms2, %, n.u.) on adults with concussion (18 years old and above)
analysis could also help guide practitioners in athlete/patient’s and control groups (a pre-concussion and post-concussion mea­
rehabilitation progress. sure on the same participant could also be considered a control
group), the article was discarded. If some participants were
younger than 18 years old and were mixed with older adults,
Methods the article was discarded. Logarithmically transformed (Ln)
units were also accepted. HRV values had to be presented in
Data source and search strategy
a numerical way either in text or in a table. If only graphical
This theoretical research was conducted by following the results were presented, the article was discarded. The device used
PRISMA method (34). Three of the four electronic databases to assess HRV parameters had to be ECG based. Previously

validated device that was concluded as equivalent to an ECG the eligibility of particular studies were resolved by a third
reading was also accepted. reviewer (ASC).

Contacting authors
Statistical analysis
If any specifications were required to determine whether an
article was discarded or not (e.g. if the method section was Some study designs focused on comparing resting measures of
lacking some elements necessary for inclusion or was HRV with an experimental protocol (ex: Valsalva maneuver).
uncleared and therefore left some doubt in the reviewer’s Therefore, some studies did not conduct statistical analysis on
mind), the corresponding author was contacted twice by resting measures between the control and concussion group. By
e-mail (one-week interval). If there was no answer, a final using the mean, standard deviation and n of each study that had
attempt was made by contacting a coauthor on ResearchGate. not performed comparison between the concussion group and
com if any of the other authors had a profile. If no answer was control group at rest, we were able to conduct unpaired t-tests on
received, the article was discarded. The authors were contacted GraphPad to determine statistical significance between every
only for clarifications and not to give their opinion on whether means presented. Statistical significance was set at p˂0.05.
the article should be included or not.
Classification, extraction, analysis
All data from selected articles were extracted to an Excel Search results
spreadsheet, classified by authors.
The systematic search and the manual search yielded a total of
15 peer-reviewed publications containing relevant data
Verification methods (23,27,29,32,35–44). Out of the 15 articles, only three from
The PRISMA method was reconducted by a second reviewer Blake et al.’s review met our inclusion criteria (27,29,32). The
(VML) independently to validate the selected articles. Any flow diagram of the article selection process can be found
disagreement between the two reviewers (JC & VML) over below (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the search strategy and article selection process.

Results summary Tables 4 and 5 present HRV measurements taken in

a standing position. RR interval was found to be significantly
Results were organized by condition (rest vs exercise) and by
lower in the group with concussion at 4.7 ± 2.1 days and
position at rest, since HRV response is position (supine, sitting,
18.1 ± 7.9 days, but no longer significant at 25.5 ± 8.2 days
standing) dependent, especially for RR-intervals, Low
(23). SDRR was found to be significantly lower in two studies
Frequency power (LF) (0.04–0.15 Hz), and High Frequency
(23,32). CVRR was found to be significantly lower in only one
power (HF) (0.15–0.4 Hz) measures (46).
study (32). There was no significant difference in RMSSD in
Table 1 presents all participant characteristics from each any study (32,38). Absolute LF power is significantly lower in
included study. Results show that most studies used mixed two measures (23,38), but higher in two others (23). When
groups (men and female regrouped) except three that con­ expressed in n.u., only one study found it to be significantly
ducted their study exclusively on males (27,35,42). higher (23). Absolute HF power and HFnu was found to be
Participant’s age ranged, based on reported means, from significantly lower in only one study (23). Statistical signifi­
18 years old up to 40 (when standard deviation is taken into cance of total power cannot be presented with certainty
consideration, age can go up to nearly 60 years old). A few because it appears clearly that there was a mistake in the results
studies presented participants that previously had a concussion presented by Senthinathan et al. for this measure (23). It seems
(23,27,35,40,43). Finally, the delay since the concussion very unlikely that the standard deviation is the same in both
occurred was variable. Some studies were conducted in an groups at three different times (SD = 1848.5 the first, 1051.4
acute state of concussion (less than 2 weeks) (23,27,29,39–44) the second and 900.3 the third time). As for the LF/HF ratio,
and some studies were conducted several months post- only one study obtained a significantly higher measure (23).
concussion (32,35–38). Two studies measured the 30:15 ratio, the first one found it to
Table 2 presents results from three studies that included an be significantly lower (32), but the second did not observe any
exercise protocol (27,29,35). La Fountaine et al. and Abaji et al. statistical difference (38). Finally, Sample Entropy (SampEn)
used the same protocol, which is a 3-min isometric hand grip was found to be significantly lower in two of the three measures
test (IHGT) (29,35). Gall et al. used a cycling protocol on from Senthinathan et al. (23).
a stationary bike at a constant load for 10 minutes (27). Tables 6 and 7 present HRV measurements taken in a seated
Results show that during the cycling protocol, individuals with position. Articles by Liao et al. (39) and Sung et al. 2016a (44)
concussion have lower HRV in all measurements except LFnu were included in this table because their protocols were identical
and LF/HF ratio that are higher when compared to the control to Sung et al. 2016b (45). The latter specified the seated position
group. The difference between LF/HF ratio at 10 ± 1.4 days is no unlike the other two. RR interval was found to be significantly
longer significant. As for the IHGT, La Fountaine et al. did not lower twice in Senthinathan et al.s’ study (23) and higher in Gall
find a significant difference in LF/HF ratio (29) as opposed to et al.’s study at 1.8 ± 0.2 days post-concussion (27). SDRR was
Abaji et al. that found individuals with concussion had a ratio found to be significantly lower in two studies (23,27). Standard
over three times higher than controls (35). deviation of the NN interval (SDNN) was found to be signifi­
Table 3 presents HRV measurements taken at rest in cantly lower in individuals with concussion in every study pre­
a supine position. Only one study took supine measurements senting that measure (43,44). RMSSD was found to be
during the early phase of concussion and did not find any significantly lower in Purkayastha et al. and Huang et al. studies
statistically different HRV measures (41). Hilz et al. conducted (40,43), but only for the first measure at 4 ± 1 days in
four studies with participants that had sustained a concussion Purkayastha et al.’s study (43). As for the spectral analysis, LF
within months prior to data collection (32,36–38). Two studies and HF were expressed as absolute values (ms2), percent (%), n.
found significantly lower RR intervals in individuals with con­ u. and logarithmically transformed (Ln) units. In absolute
cussion compared to the control group (32,38). Standard values, LF was found to be significantly lower once (23) and
deviation of the RR interval (SDRR) was also lower in two HF twice (23,40). When expressed in percent, LF (40) and HF
studies (32,37). The coefficient of variation of the RR interval (45) were found to be significantly higher once each. When
(CVRR) was lower in only one (32) but there may have been expressed in n.u. every study found statistically significant
a mistake in the 2017 study because it seems very unlikely that results; LFnu being lower in four measures (23,27) and higher
both means and standard deviation (SD) in both groups were in one (23) and the opposite pattern for HFnu (4 higher (23,27),
exactly the same (5.7 ± 3.3) (38). Root mean square of the 1 lower (23)). When expressed logarithmically, LnLF was found
successive differences (RMSDD) was significantly higher in the to be lower thrice (44) and LnHF to be lower twice (43).
group with concussion in one study (32) and significantly Furthermore, logarithmically expressed Very Low Frequency
lower in another (37). As for the spectral analysis, absolute power (LnVLF) and Total Power (LnTP) were found to be
LF is significantly lower in one study (37), but significantly significantly lower in every study that included those measures
higher in two studies when expressed in normalized units (n. (43,44). Absolute Total Power was found to be significantly
u.) (32,38), while absolute HF was significantly lower in two higher at first in Senthinathan et al.’s study but lower twice
studies (32,37), and the same can be said when expressed in n.u afterward (23). LF/HF ratio was expressed in absolute value
(32,38). Absolute total power (TP) was significantly lower in and logarithmically transformed. In absolute value, it was
the only study that presented this measure (37). As for the LF/ found to be significantly higher four times (23,27,40). When
HF ratio, two studies found it to be significantly higher (32,38) logarithmically transformed, no significant difference between
and the other two found no statistical differences (36,37). the group with concussion and controls was found. Finally,
Table 1. Participants characteristics.
n Concussion n Concussion n Concussion Age Time Since previous GCS Age
Authors (total)/mix Male Female Concussion mTBI n of mTBI Score n Controls Controls Device used for HRV recordings
Abaji et al. (35) 12 12 - 21.4 (1.1) 95 (63) days 2.8 (1.7) - 12 22.1 (1.6) HR monitor (RS800CX from Polar Electro, Kempele,
Gall et al., (27) 14 14 - 18.1 (0.4) Rest: 1.8 (0.2) days Exercise: 5.0 1.9 (0.3) - 14 18.8 (0.4) Burdick EK-10
(1.4) days*** Electrocardiograph
Hilz et al., (32) 20 17 3 37 (13.3) 20 (11) months - 14.5 20 25.6 (8.8) 3-lead ECG
Hilz et al., (36) 24 17 7 34 (12) 32 (24) months - 14.5 27 30 (11) 3-lead ECG
Hilz et al., (37) 25 18 7 35.0 (13.2) 34 (29) months - - 29 31.2 (12.2) 3-lead ECG
Hilz et al., (38) 20 14 6 33.1 (13.5) 25.2 (20.5) months - - 20 29 (10) 3-lead ECG
Huang et al., (40) 23 15 8 20 (1.2) 4 (1) days 1 (1) - 23** 20 (1.5) 3-lead ECG (Solar 8000i patient monitor; GE
Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois)
Johnson et al., (41) 11 6 5 20 (2) 5 (3) days - - 10 22 (2) 3-lead ECG (DA100C, Biopac Systems, Goleta, CA)
La Fountaine et al., (29) 3 2 1 19 (2) 48 h - - 3 19 (2) 3-lead ECG
La Fountaine et al., (42) 10 10 - 19 (1.06) 48 h - - 10 19.8 (1.0) 3-lead ECG
Liao et al., (39) 165 65 100 40.08 (11.08) less than 2 weeks - 14.75 82 30.71 (12.09) ECG HRV monitor (LR8Z11) (Yangyin Corp., Taiwan)
Purkayastha et al., (43) 21–31* 22 9 20 (1.5) Visit 1: 4 (1) 1 (1) - 31 20 (1.2) 3-lead ECG (Solar 8000i patient monitor, GE
Visit 2: 22 (4) Visit 3: 95 (11) days Healthcare, IL, USA)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 11 4 7 19.9 (0.8) less than 1 week 2.2 (0.3) - 11 20.3 (0.6) Polar HR Monitors
Sung et al., (44) 331 131 200 40 (24) less than 2 weeks - 14.85 152 27.5 (14) ECG HRV monitor (LR8Z11) (Yangyin Corp., Taiwan)
Sung et al., (45) 181 72 109 38.47 (9.27) less than 2 weeks - - 83 30.52 (10.44) ECG HRV monitor (LR8Z11) (Yangyin Corp., Taiwan)
Mean (SD) * Study loss participants to follow up **some controls had have previous concussions ***Exercise protocol was started 5 days post-concussion while rest measures were taken in the first 48 h

Table 2. Short-Term HRV during exercise in individuals with concussion.

Authors RR (ms) SDRR (ms) LF (ms2) LFnu HF (ms2) HFnu Total Power (ms2) LF/HF
Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI

Time since mTBI

La Fountaine et al., (29) * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.2 2.7
48 h (1.0) (1.7)
Gall et al., (27)** 504.1 466.3 12.8 10.8 35.1 17.4 88.3 91.0 3.9 1.9 11.7 9.0 86.8 60.4 8.6 10.6
5 ± 1.4 days (7.8) (7.4) (1.1) (1.1) (7.1) (2.9) (2.2) (0.7) (0.8) (0.3) (2.2) (0.7) (22.8) (10.7) (1.6) (0.8)
Gall et al., (27)** 512.1 466.1 13.3 10.6 24.5 14.4 86.7 89.3 3.2 1.9 13.3 10.7 90.2 58.6 8.5 8.7
10 ± 1.4 days (13.7) (13.6) (1.3) (1.0) (4.4) (5) (2.1) (0.8) (0.3) (0.6) (2.1) (0.8) (18.8) (12.6) (1.8) (1.4)
Abaji et al., (35)* - - - - - - - - 1293.8 399.4 - - - - 1.68 5.48
95 ± 63 days (1029.2) (197) (1.33) (4.78)
Mean (SD)
Bold: significant at p˂0.05
*Data taken during a 3 min isometric hand grip test (IHGT) **Data taken during 10 min of cycling at constant load on an ergometer

Table 3. Short-term heart rate variability at rest in supine position.

Authors RR (ms) SDRR (ms) CVRR (%) RMSSD (ms) LF (ms2) LFnu HF (ms2) HFnu Total Power (ms2) LF/HF

Time since mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI Controls mTBI

Johnson et al., (41) 1022 1009 - - - - 108 101 - - - - 2294 2459 - - - - - -

5 ± 3 days (197) (168) (99) (83) (2314) (2058)
Hilz et al., (32) 1024.3 874.2 53.3 36.7 5.1 4.1 30.1 56.3 1141.9 804.9 50.3 69.1 1507.2 298.1 49.7 30.9 - - 1.2 3.0
20 ± 11 months (165.4) (157.8) (26.4) (23.7) (2.4) (2.5) (23.6) (31.4) (1070) (928.1) (16.2) (14.8) (1591.4) (309.8) (16.2) (14.8) (0.7) (1.9)
Hilz et al., (38) 1041 943.1 59.4 50.9 5.7 5.7 63.9 47.1 2650.3 1881.2 49.6 61.2 1837.4 1117.7 50.4 38.8 - - 1.4 2.7
25.2 ± 20.5 months (166.7) (123.5) (36.5) (27) (3.3) (3.3) (40.3) (27.7) (4336) (1983) (14.3) (15.9) (1935.3) (1232.6) (14.3) (15.9) (0.7) (2.6)
Hilz et al., (36) 888.3 857.7 - - - - - - 1001.5 782.8 51 48.7 1609.3 1171.5 48.1 51.3 - - 1.5 1.4
32 ± 24 months (149.8) (127.5) (1213.6) (950.1) (24.4) (24.4) (2287) (1559.7) (24.4) (24.4) (1.3) (1.7)
Hilz et al., (32) 908.4 868.7 59 38.6 6.6 4.5 48.4 31.2 2417.7 953.5 - - 1188.7 567.4 - - 3606.4 1520.9 3.0 3.6
34 ± 29 months (132.9) (138) (29.3) (18.6) (3.3) (2.1) (27.8) (18.3) (2441.6) (867.8) (1374.6) (581.9) (3544.7) (1300.25) (2.1) (3.1)
Mean (SD)
Bold: significant at p˂0.05
Table 4. Short-term HRV at rest in standing position in controls.
Time since mTBI (ms) (ms) (%) (ms) (ms2) LFnu (ms2) HFnu (ms2) LF/HF 30:15 Ratio SampEn
Senthinathan et al., (23) 814.6 82.1 - - 2526 79 686.1 20.9 6415 5.2 - 1.1
4.7 ± 2.1 days (46) (6.9) (404.3) (3.6) (163) (3.6) (1848.5) (0.9) (0.1)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 816 81.6 - - 2519.9 77.9 603.7 21.8 6724.5 5.8 - 1.2
18.1 ± 7.9 days (24) (5.3) (601.8) (4.3) (127.3) (4.3) (1051.4) (1.3) (0.1)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 775.3 73.2 - - 1430.3 73.4 559 26.6 4161.9 7.1 - 1.1
25.5 ± 8.2 days (29.7) (6.3) (251.1) (5.7) (159.7) (5.6) (900.3) (2.5) (0.1)
Hilz et al., (32) 786.1 83.6 10.9 33.2 4805.9 91.5 392.2 8.5 - 23.4 1.6 -
20 ± 11 months (121.4) (32.8) (3.4) (15) (3453.5) (7.2) (371.8) (7.2) (18.3) (0.3)
Hilz et al., (38) 801 49.1 6.1 24.8 1319.8 80.8 292.8 19.2 - 8.2 1.5 -
25.2 ± 20.5 months (131.5) (25.4) (2.8) (13.5) (1292.7) (12.5) (314.1) (12.5) (9.5) (0.3)
Mean (SD)
Bold: significant at p˂0.05

Table 5. Short-term HRV at rest in standing position in individuals with concussion.

RR SDRR CVRR RMSSD LF HF Total Power 30:15
Time since mTBI (ms) (ms) (%) (ms) (ms2) LFnu (ms2) HFnu (ms2) LF/HF Ratio SampEn
Senthinathan et al., (23) 748.7 81.6 - - 3509 85.2 760.8 14.8 7350.9 7.2 - 0.9
4.7 ± 2.1 days (41.5) (13.1) (1260.1) (2.4) (318.1) (2.4) (1848.5) (1.0) (0.1)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 734.2 64.7 - - 1411.6 80.1 237.8 19.8 3793.7 5.9 - 0.9
18.1 ± 7.9 days (29.7) (7.4) (397.1) (3.5) (152.1) (3.5) (1051.4) (1.2) (1.1)
Senthinathan et a.,(23) 751.8 75.7 - - 1882.9 77.7 505.9 22.2 4725.7 5.5 - 1.0
25.5 ± 8.2 days (34.6) (10.4) (501.9) (4.4) (180.5) (4.4) (900.3) (1.3) (0.1)
Hilz et al., (32) 726 56.5 7.7 24 2450 90.4 228.1 9.6 - 31 1.3 -
20 ± 11 months (114) (33) (4) (19.3) (2110.3) (10.1) (291.8) (10.1) (37.5) (0.3)
Hilz et al., (38) 775.6 39.4 4.9 23.2 1123.6 79.2 313.3 20.8 - 7.1 1.4 -
25.2 ± 20.5 months (132.8) (23) (2.5) (16.8) (1247.6) (15.2) (466.8) (15.2) (6.3) (0.3)
Mean (SD)
Bold: significant at p˂0.05

Table 6. Short-term HRV at rest in sitting position in controls.



Time since mTBI (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms2) (%) LFnu (ms2) (ms2) (%) HFnu (ms2) (ms2) (ms2) (ms2) LF/HF LnLF/HF SampEn
Gall et al., (27) 925.5 85.3 - - 1227.9 - 62.3 - 839.7 - 37.7 - - - 3531.6 2.1 - -
1.8 ± 0.2 days (28.6) (4.7) (222.6) (4.1) (167.3) (4.1) (459.2) (0.4)
La Fountaine, (41) - - - - - - - 3.63 - - - 3.36 - - - - - -
48 h (0.48) (0.5)
La Fountaine, (29) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.3 - -
48 h (1.8)
Purkayastha et al., (42) - - - 73 2051 - - - 2356 - - - - - 6757 - - -
4 ± 1 days (31) (1555) (2700) (5766)
Huang et al., (40) 963 - - 70.5 1807 30 - - 2274 - - - - - 5681 0.89 - -
4 ± 1 days (112) (30.5) (1726) (14) (2038) (3600) (0.45)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 910.5 78 - - 1604.9 - 56.7 - 1242.6 - 47.5 - - - 4938.5 1.8 - 1.5
4.7 ± 2.1 days (52.8) (7.8) (428.9) (5.3) (314.9) (5.7) (995.8) (0.4) (0.1)
Gall et al., (27) 951.6 79.9 - - 1100.8 - 65.7 - 809.4 - 34.3 - - - 3322.6 2.7 - -
6.8 ± 0.2 days (42.2) (8.1) (150.2) (4.2) (192.8) (4.2) (630.7) (0.6)
La Fountaine, (42) - - - - - - - 3.61 - - - 3.5 - - - - - -
9 days (0.28) (0.42)
Sung et al., (44)* - - 47.5 - - 63.24 - 6.46 - 25.43 - 5.66 7.01 7.76 - - 0.9 -
less than 2 weeks (27) (24.55) (1.23) (15.67) (1.37) (1.13) (1.09) (0.96)
Sung et al., (45) - - 48.5 - - 63.84 - 6.57 - 21.43 - 5.48 7.37 7.9 - - 1.09 -
less than 2 weeks (26) (20.59) (1.85) (11.67) (1.22) (1.92) (1.13) (0.95)
Liao et al., (39)* - - 52.5 - - 60.24 - 6.86 - 28.43 - 5.78 7.71 7.95 - - 0.93 -
less than 2 weeks (27.5) (21.57) (1.94) (11.67) (1.02) (1.23) (1.29) (0.99)
La Fountaine, (29) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.6 - -
2 weeks (1.1)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 889 88.3 - - 2321.5 - 55.6 - 1480.6 - 44.2 - - - 8039 1.7 - 1.6
18.1 ± 7.9 days (20) (6.6) (624) (5.3) (446.4) (5.2) (1383.2) (0.4) (0.1)
Purkayastha et al., (42) - - - 73 2051 - - - 2356 - - - - - 6757 - - -
22 ± 4 days (31) (1555) (2700) (5766)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 872 81.4 - 1925.8 - 57.8 - 1514.9 - 42.1 - - - 6868.1 2.3 - 1.3
25.5 ± 8.2 days (28.3) (8.1) (486.8) (5) (539.8) (5) (1685.2) (0.7) (0.1)
Sung et al., (44) - - 47.5 - - 63.24 - 6.46 - 25.43 - 5.66 7.01 7.76 - - 0.9 -
6 weeks (27) (24.55) (1.23) (15.67) (1.37) (1.13) (1.09) (0.96)
Purkayastha et al., (43) - - - 73 2051 - - - 2356 - - - - - 6757 - - -
95 ± 11 days (31) (1555) (2700) (5766)
Abaji et al., (35) - - - - - - - - 1293 - - - - - - 1.68 - -
95 ± 63 days (1029.2) (1.33)
Mean (SD)
Bold: significant at p˂0.05
*Both articles were written by same authors and were presumed as seated measures because their third article did mention data collection position and the described methodology was almost identical
Table 7. Short-term HRV at rest in sitting position in individuals with concussion.
Time since mTBI (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms2) (%) LFnu (ms2) (ms2) (%) HFnu (ms2) (ms2) (ms2) (ms2) LF/HF LnLF/HF SampEn
Gall et al.,(27) 954 79.8 - - 1334,2 - 67.1 - 829.3 - 29.3 - - - 3238.2 2.6 - -
1.8 ± 0.2 days (30.4) (6.2) (267) (4.8) (198.8) (3.4) (444.3) (0.4)
La Fountaine,(42) - - - - - - - 3.59 - - - 3.26 - - - - - -
48 h (0.4) (0.58)
La Fountaine,(29) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.3 - -
48 h (2.9)
Purkayastha et al.,(42) - - - 53 2330 - - - 1367 - - - - - 5289 - - -
4 ± 1 days (29) (2663) (1556) (4457)
Huang et al.,(40) 897 - - 52.5 1775 42 - - 1086 - - - - - 4377 2.4 - -
4 ± 1 days (125) (30.3) (1121) (13) (1085) (2975) (1.8)
Senthinathan et al., (23) 829.5 73.8 - - 1965 - 67.1 - 1096.5 - 32.9 - - - 8146.8 2.5 - 1.3
4.7 ± 2.1 days (37.7) (14.1) (790) (3.6) (461.31) (3.6) (4772.2) (0.4) (0.1)
Gall et al.,(27) 949.3 83.7 - - 1191.4 - 70.4 - 901.8 - 28.7 - - - 3501.7 2.5 - -
6.8 ± 0.2 days (23.2) (9.1) (227.6) (2.8) (303.8) (2.9) (798.2) (0.3)
La Fountaine,(42) - - - - - - - 3.43 - - - 3.10 - - - - - -
9 days (0.35) (0.59)
Sung et al.,(44)* - - 38 - - 63.01 - 5.97 - 27.88 - 5.37 6.59 7.32 - - 0.81 -
less than 2 weeks (25.5) (23.84) (1.41) (17.79) (1.84) (1.17) (1.2) (1.04)
Sung et al.,(45) - - 38.5 - - 63.03 - 6.17 - 27.09 - 5.33 6.54 7.28 - - 0.84 -
less than 2 weeks (22.5) (21.68) (1.48) (10.21) (1.26) (1.14) (1.45) (1.15)
Liao et al.,(39)* - - 38 - - 61.07 - 6.01 - 27.54 - 5.41 6.52 7.31 - - 0.74 -
less than 2 weeks (21.5) (21.5) (1.84) (17.61) (1.04) (1.75) (1.18) (1.02)
La Fountaine,(29) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.3 - -
2 weeks (0.8)
Senthinathan et al.,(23) 842.5 66 - - 1443.7 - 62.6 - 844.3 - 37.6 - - - 4195.8 2.4 - 1.4
18.1 ± 7.9 days (31.2) (7.8) (379.4) (5.1) (216.9) (5.1) (1193.6) (0.4) (0.1)
Purkayastha et al.,(42) - - - 63 2007 - - - 1915 - - - - - 5515 - - -
22 ± 4 days (42) (2320) (2383) (4350)
Senthinathan et al.,(23) 876.4 78.4 - - 1971.7 - 53.2 - 1493.5 - 46.7 - - - 5563.9 1.8 - 1.4
25.5 ± 8.2 days (36.6) (7.7) (578.1) (5) (362.8) (5) (1132.4) (0.4) (0.1)
Sung et al.,(44) - - 37 - - 62.67 - 5.93 - 26.92 - 5.2 6.61 7.27 - - 0.83 -
6 weeks (29) (24.64) (1.46) (19.79) (2.05) (1.27) (1.3) (1.05)
Purkayastha et al.,(43) - - - 80 2023 - - - 2912 - - - - - 7580 - - -
95 ± 11 days (45) (1614) (3606) (7079)
Abaji et al.,(35) - - - - - - - - 1225.6 - - - - - - 1.93 - -
95 ± 63 days (777.5) (1.66)
Mean (SD)
Bold: significant at p˂0.05
*Both articles were written by same authors and were presumed as seated measures because their third article did mention data collection position and the described methodology was almost identical

SampEn was significantly lower for Senthinathan et al. for the expected that the number of previous concussions might affect
first two measurements, but higher for the last one (23). the results because repeated concussions cause increased risk of
Overall, unpaired t-tests were performed on 203 measure­ long-term persistence of symptoms (55), but included studies
ments, yielding a total of 100 significant differences between showed there was no need for symptoms to be present to
those with concussion and controls (49.26%) and 103 non- observe ANS disturbances (23,32,35). It also showed there are
significant differences (50.74%). heightened and prolonged ANS disturbances with increased
number of previous concussions (23).
At last, several other external factors can affect results, such
Discussion as: nicotine intake, caffeine, cardioactive medication, time
of day, level of alcohol use, fitness level (active people show
Participant characteristics
higher HRV than sedentary ones and athletes show even
Results from Table 1 present several problems because of the greater HRV than active people in all time-domain measures,
wide variation in timeline and age, but also the fact that most LF power and LF/HF), age, and digestion (18,53,56,57). Table 1
studies used mixed groups. Men and women grouping is shows how the current literature is difficult to interpret and
a problem because there are some differences in HRV readings: compare because of several confounding factors affecting HRV
men have higher LF power (17,47,48), higher HF power measures, which are very sensitive to internal and external
(17,48), higher LF/HF ratio (17,47,48), higher NN intervals stressors. This table also highlights how important it is to
(48) than women. On the other hand, women present time- standardize data collection methods to present accurate
domain HRV that is lower by 8–11% when compared to men analysis.
(17), their SDNN is also lower when in supine position (49)
and their menstrual cycle might affect results (20). Before the
HRV during exercise
age of 30, women also exhibit lower RMSSD, SDNN, and
pNN50, a difference that persists up to 50 years old (50). Table 2 shows unequivocally that HRV is impaired during
These differences potentially affect results by causing larger constant cycling on a stationary bike as every variable was
standard deviations. significantly different from the control group except the LF/
Furthermore, the age of participants will also affect results. In HF ratio at 10 ± 1.4 days, suggesting that the autonomic
fact, there is a decrease in SDNN (48,50,51), CVNN (48), balance might be restored during exercise at that time post-
RMSSD (47,48,50), LF (47,48,52), LnLF (51), HF (47,48,52), injury (27). During the IHGT, LaFountaine et al. did not obtain
LnHF (51), Total Power (47,52), LnTP (51), VLF (47), HFnu statistical significance, but this might be explained by the
(52,53), and pNN50 (50) with aging and an increase in LFnu (53) limited number of participants (n = 3) (29) that makes finding
and LF/HF (47,48,52,53). There is a demonstrated negative statistical significance difficult. On the other hand, Abaji et al.
correlation between age and HRV (17). Some studies had wide found statistical differences in HF power and LF/HF ratio in
age range of participants (18–50 years old), which makes it hard post-concussive male hockey players (35). Both these studies
to compare because biological aging can affect HRV regardless of used the IGHT as a form of passive physical activity, since it
concussion (there are so many measures that might have been recreates a similar hemodynamic stress as seen during active
affected by the aging process and not necessarily by the concus­ exercise (58) without causing changes in ventilation rate,
sion). Finally, a recent meta-analysis from 2016 by Koenig and a factor that affects HRV (59,60).
Thayer, which included over 63 000 participants, showed Moreover, Abaji et al. measured several other HRV markers
a significant effect of age on HRV results (54). but did not present them in numeric form and made it impos­
In addition, included studies herein have measured HRV at sible to include them in the results of this review. Their results
variable times, some took measurements in an early concussion section also presented several comparisons between rest and
phase and some went as far as 34 ± 29 months post-concussion, exercise on the same group (35). Results gathered for this
which is either in a post-concussion syndrome phase or con­ review are as expected in an exercise situation, which is
sidered as being healed. The fact that certain participants were a decreased HRV probably due to a withdrawal in parasympa­
healed was a concern at first because we thought healed patient thetic activity (61,62). This can be concluded by the elevated
would perhaps not present any HRV differences. However, LF/HF ratio that is usually interpreted as an indication of
studies by Senthinathan et al. (23) and Abaji et al. (35) showed sympathovagal balance (35,63) an increase that has been pre­
that despite participants being asymptomatic, the autonomic viously reported following a concussion (39). In this balance,
nervous system (ANS) disturbances persisted weeks-months LF represents the sympathetic branch of ANS (SNS) and HF
post-injury during change of physical state (sitting to standing the parasympathetic branch (PSNS), more specifically, HF is
or IHGT). These results suggest that symptom identification directly linked to the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) (13).
alone may not be the best determinant for recovery. On the The LF relationship to the sympathetic tone is controversial; it
other hand, it should be mentioned that these HRV distur­ was suggested that it would more appropriately reflect barore­
bances persisted in a physical effort state, but were not seen at flex modulation instead of cardiac sympathetic tone (13).
rest (35). This could explain why there were little statistically There was also an article by Billman that suggested PSNS
different measures in Hilz et al.’s studies, which were all done affected 50% of LF signal resulting in SNS taking only 25% of
in a rested state (32,36–38). It could also mean that LF (64). This means that perhaps we should not consider LF/
a concussion has a long-lasting effect that limits the ability to HF as a valid indicator of sympathovagal balance as the para­
properly respond to physiological stressors. At first, we sympathetic branch affects the LF measures at a larger degree

than the sympathetic one, which is supposed to be the main the identical protocol (32,38).The other results can be com­
one. Despite this controversy, LF/HF is still widely used in pared between each other because they were all taken by the
HRV literature. However, it was suggested that SD1/SD2 same authors in the same study as repeated measures (23) but
could also reflect sympathovagal balance as Poincaré width studies by Hilz et al. and Senthinathan et al. cannot be com­
(SD2) and Poincaré length (SD1) reflects parasympathetic acti­ pared together because the latter gave very little details about
vation and sympathetic antagonism to vagal tone, respec­ aspects they did or did not control during data acquisition (23).
tively (65). RR intervals appear to be affected for the first 3 weeks post-
Thus, results from Table 2 are easier to compare as two of injury, but these differences disappear when going further. LF
them used the same protocol and all three of them conducted power expressed in absolute unit is clearly affected in
their study on athletes. This factor is important because the a standing position, but results are somehow peculiar because
level of physical activity also affects HRV. As a matter of fact, at 18.1 ± 7.9 days and 20 ± 11 months, a higher LF power for
SDNN, RMSSD, and NN are higher in male athletes when the control group rather than in the group with concussion can
compared to active males (57) and as for women athletes: be seen and the opposite is seen at 4.7 ± 2.1 days and
SDNN, NN, RMSSD, TP, VLF, LF, HF are all higher and LF/ 25.5 ± 8.2 days (23,32).
HF lower (57). Findings also showed that RMSSD is higher in Hilz et al. also presented a peculiar results for LF/HF ratio
active people when compared to sedentary ones (53). Further with a ratio over 20, which is the only study we encountered
research on exercise, HRV, and concussion should observe presenting such a high LF/HF ratio (32). When roughly calculat­
HRV while training at several intensities as this also affects ing the ratio (LF:2450 ms2, HF: 228.1 ms2) we reached a ratio of
HRV- with greater exercise intensity, a lower HRV is 10.74 not 31 like Hilz et al. presented. Perhaps the authors made
observed- (66). a methodological mistake in their calculations. We hypothesized
that the results might have been 2.34 ± 1.83 instead of 23.4 ± 18.3
and 3.1 ± 3.75 instead of 31 ± 3.75. These results would make
HRV in supine position
more sense and are close to what is seen in other studies. The
Table 3 presents results taken in a supine position. Most studies study by Hilz et al. in 2011 shows a lower 30:15 ratio for the
in this table can be easily compared to one another because 4 group with concussion, which indicates that baroreflexes are
out of 5 studies were conducted by Hilz et al. and used the compromised because of inadequate sympathetic and parasym­
protocol each time (32,36–38). These studies were all con­ pathetic responses to orthostatic stress (change of stature by
ducted several months post-injury, which makes passing from sitting to standing) (32).
a comparison with the fifth study (Johnson et al.) (41) difficult
because it was conducted in an early phase of concussion
HRV in seated position
(5 ± 3 days) and with a different methodology. Hilz et al.
conducted their tests between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM on Tables 6 and 7 present results taken in a seated position.
a reclining armchair, in a quiet room at 24°C and stable Results from this section are difficult to compare because the
humidity (32,36–38) while Johnson et al. measured during angle at which the back is placed during the HRV acquisition
10 minutes of supine rest in a quiet rested state with partici­ will affect the results. As a matter of fact, there will be
pants abstaining from alcohol, caffeine, and exercise for 12 h, a regulatory challenge caused by the radiational shift in the
and food for 2 h (41). Both protocols controlled several con­ body’s blood mass (46). Therefore, if the angle is different, the
founding factors which is good, but unfortunately, they did not gravitational challenge might be as well. No study mentioned at
control the same ones, making a comparison between them what angle the back was placed and whether this factor was
difficult. Also, the article by Hilz et al. conducted in 2015 added well controlled for repeated measures. Some studies acquired
one element, which is controlled breathing (36). This has an resting HRV on a stationary bike (27) and some other in an
effect on HRV outcomes, because all HRV measures increase upright chair (35,40,43). Results from Sung et al. and Liao et al.
(except LF) under paced breathing (17). It was previously can be easily compared because they used the same protocols,
shown that not only breathing frequency, but also respiratory which was 5 min of resting HRV measured twice in the morn­
depth (tidal volume) can influence HRV (18). ing with 100 min interval between both measures. Although,
It was also criticized that insufficient attention was brought there were few details given on confounding factors (43,44).
to the environment during HRV measuring by Heather in 2014 Thus, it can be concluded that SDNN, LnVLF and LnTP are
(63). The studies presented in Table 3, however, do give suffi­ diminished in the fist 2 weeks post-injury. SampEn is usually
cient attention to this element. Furthermore, this table allows lower in individuals with concussion, meaning that the time-
to see that HRV in supine position does not appear to be domain signals are more regular in those than in controls (67),
affected in the early phase of concussion, but this statement as reported in Senthinathan et al.’s study (23).
cannot be generalized because there is only one study with Also, spectral domain results expressed in n.u. seem like
a limited sample of participants (n = 11) (41). a promising way of obtaining a clearer view of HRV because
every study that presented such measures found significant
differences but did not when expressed in absolute units
HRV in standing position
(except one measurement by Senthinathan et al.) (23,27).
Tables 4 and 5 present results taken in a standing position. Thus, the tables herein include a lot of studies making compar­
Results from both of Hilz et al.’s studies’ can easily be com­ ison difficult as there are so many different protocols and
pared between each other as previously mentioned because of testing conditions (controlled temperature (35,40,43), control

of time of day (35,41,44,45) and periods allowed for blood ORCID

volume shift stabilization (40,42,43).
J. Charron http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7280-5823

Conclusion References
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