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Salesforce CPQ does not use the core Salesforce Quote object.
--QuoteLines With CPQ QuoteLine Editor
--QuoteDocument-Generate Document button used to create the Quotes pdf
Check the ordered checkbox on Quote to create an order from the Quote
After the order has been activated and the order contains the subscription Product and you want to create a contract that
represents the subscription product, for this purpose you can simply check the contracted checkbox on the order, it will
create a contract for the subscription product and also create a subscription record
1) Option- We can create product bundle with the help of option in CPQ. For ex- If we want to bundle the LaserPrinter
with PrintingInk, PrintingPaperA4. We can add the option record for PrintingInk and PrntingPaperA4 in the LaserPrinter
Product. Now when salesrep add a LaserPrinter in the QuoteLine Editor, all its associated record are also shown in the
configure product Page. We can also set the default quantity and add validation with the help of Product Rules.

2) Feature- We can categorize the options with the help of Feature. For ex- For the DesktopComputer Product there are
multiple options(Like storage 500GB,250GB, 1TB,2TB, Ram- 12GB, 8GB, Display- 16Inch, 13.5 Inch…..) that are
associated with it. In this case it is helpful if we can categorize the options here. We can do this with the help of feature.
We can create the Feature Record for different category like Storage, Ram, Display. And we can associate the option to
the feature that we want.

3) ProductRules:
Product Rule helps in business scenarios like we want to alert the SaleRep if he has added only 1quantity of
PrinterPages. We can create a ProductRule and add the ErrorConditions(QuanityCheck and PoductCheck) and
Configuration Rule ( In which bundle you want this rule to be used.)
1) ContractedPrice
You can define the special price of a product for an Account with the help of the Contracted Price object in the related
List of Account. For Ex- Suppose the price of LaserPrinter is 1500$ and there is a customer(Account) BurlingtonTextiles
for which the Price of product you want is 1200$. Prior to CPQ to meet this requirement we may need to create
customPricebook and all but with the CPQ we can simple create a Contracted Price record for the LaserPrinter and
BurlingtonTextlies Account. And when a SalesRep add a LaserPrinter product in QuoteLineEditor for BurlingtonTextlies
its price is shown as 1200$ automatically.

2) PricingMethod- Percentage of Total (For Product)

If instead of using the fixed price of the product, if we want to set the product price as Percentage of Total order, we can
set the PricingMethod in th Product record as PercentageOfTotal and %of Total. For Ex- There is a Product
HomeInstallation with 100$ ListPrice and we want to use PercentageOftotal PricingMethod and have set the %of Total
as 20% then if the Order the contains other items totaling to 200$ then its price will be 40$ to order Total will be 240$ and
iif the Order the contains other items totaling to 100$ then its price will be 20$ to order Total will be 120$ .
3) Discount Schedules
This tool is used for volume based pricing/tier based pricing. For Ex- if the PrinterPaper is order between 10-15 quantity,
you want to provide 5% discount and if quantity is between 15-20 the discount is 10% and if it is more than 20 then
discount is 15%. And the discount as applied to net price automatically.

4) PriceRules
There may be some Pricing exceptions that can not be handled out of box tools, in this case, the PriceRule can be used.
We can create a PriceRule that affects the List Price of all products for Any Account that is in the industry of “Apparel”.
We can define and configure the priceRule in such a way that whenever A quote is created for An Opportunity with an
Account having the “Apparel” industry, then a 20% discount is applied to all the products automatically.
First PriceRule is created then the PriceConditions is created to check the Industry of Account of Opp. And then the Price
Action is created mentioning the Discount that you want for the customer.
1) Quote Template
We can create the Quote pdf in the quote record by clicking the generate document button or preview it. All the style and
design of the Quote from Top to Bottom can be defined with the Quote Template. It contains multiple sections.
2) Template Content
It can be added as a section in the Quote Template.

Renew and Amendment Product Subscription with Contract Rec→

As we know a contract record is associated the account if the order is placed having the subscription product with the
account. And if we want to ease the renewal process. We can check the Renewal Forcast checkbox, it will create a
RenewalOpportunity with the subscription product. And we can check the RenewalQuoted checkbox, it will create a
quote for the RenewalOpportunity with the subscription products. If we want to amend/cancel the contract, we can click
on the amend button on the contract record, it will create a new Opporunity and the quote specific for the amendment( for
the Amendment for contract).

QuoteCalculator Plugin---> When you needs are not met with PriceRule
When we are not able to meet our pricing need with pricing rule then we can use the plugins.

Note: On the Product field there is a Subscription Pricing field that differentiates the Products that subscriptions Products
or general products.

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