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I am your cat and today i wanna show you my all new duels server. It is
cracked and anyone can join even if you have a TL launcher Account, If
you came just for the ip its right there on the screen, But.. if you came
to see my PVP skills then stay around (no, remove that from the screen
editor). Oki so first up let me show you how you can pvp your friends or
some random on the server. Btw if you are an old player YES THIS IS MY
VIOCE! (editor you can regisgn if you want)
ok lemem start then
Firstly open Minecraft (if it was not obvious) and yeah make sure that
you are on a version that is above 1.13 atleast i highly recommend the
latest version tho.
Next join the serevr with the ip: if that doesnt work try the
dynamic ip i've given in the description. once you are in register by
using the register command. If you dont know how to register, why are you
even playing cracked minecraft, ok ok my toxicity aside if you dont know
how to register go onto youtube and search "how to register in a
minecraft server" there are like a billion Tutorials out there.
ok now once you are in you can start dueling people. if you've got friend
on the serevr you can use the command /duel and then the name of the
player For example i am Dueling "catcat_69" right now, If you entered
their username correctly a GUI will pop up. over here we have two boxes,
to select the kit we need to select the one with the sword, once you
click the sword you can see multiple options for kits, select the kit you
want to use here, right now there arent many kits but ill add new ones
after some testing, If you have any suggessions for kits join the discord
(the link is in the decription), and dm the bot called "MOD MAIL" (the
one with microsoft mail logo) and we will consider adding it. ok so after
you select the kit click anywhere on this green glass. once you do so the
requst will be sent and will appear something like this to the user, the
user just needs to click on the accept button and then boom you both are
in the game.
Alternatively if you dont have friends (just like me) **mhm** you can
just convince someone in the lobby and join the game through the NPC. to
join the queue just right click on the NPC and if the server can find an
opponent you will be sent to a match.
And if you are wondering what this "RIGHT CLICK TO JOIN THE SERVER" NPC
is doin here, its my SMP. ok editor stop that cringe sound effects, The
SMP iz very cool you better check it out, (or the cat will come haunting
you). hehehe
Fun Fact: I made this server just to make a video showcasing my pvp
skills (shut the fuck up editor you dont need to compliment). ok jokes
aside i made the server cuz a few months ago i didnt own a premium server
either. but i wanted to get good at 1.19 combat update based PVP, and i
failed to find a good cracked pvp serevr, so i decided to make my own.
I think thats it for today, I really need to go eat sum fish. (oh...
thanks for explaining that edior). BAYEE i mean BAYEEE
Fun Fact: No one can defeat me i am too good, (shut the....) No one can
defeat the CAT!

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