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Q1 Read the following short story and choose the most appropriate tite for It trom the ‘options given below: Once a wise mankay Fved on a big mango tee on aver bank. Very near ived a crococte in the river. They became intimate tends. Quite often the monkey gare npe mangoes 1 his friend. One day the crocadie demanded some mangoes for his wile Sihe had never ated ‘mangoes in her ite. The: generous monkey packed a big ripe mango:and gave it tothe crococie: ‘The crocodies wile und the Setcious mange very much She-was very conning and wicked. ‘She tought of eating the monkay Aseit “One wha eats Such sweet mangoes. his heart must Be very sweet said she. The poor crocodile was upset. He oid his wile clearly thal he would never Allow to get such a then hiled. But the wicked wile made the crocochie's ite realy miserathe At last ha gave m. The next day ha went to fhe mange tree, He mvited the monkay to have hunch with sem, He 120k the many on Pes Back. When they Were inthe maki of the river the crocodile reveaied the ruth that he wile actually wanted to eat his heart. The wise monkey was. quiet for a moment. Then he hit upon a pian. He said, “ve left my heart hanging on the mango (Fee. | want to go back and bring "Soon they were under the tree. The monkey lost time in ciming up on the topmost ranch. Me Pointed to his heart and said, “My heart is insite me. Go Aamany and newer come near the mango tree again. I's the end of ow tiendshi.” 1.Tite of the story: _ A Wadom Saves B Alilonkey’s Foolishness ©. AWine Crocodie D. The Best Friend 2. Which tense has been used in the dialogues (given in direct speech) mentoned i this story? A Past Tone B. Present Tense C. Future Tense D. Past Pertect 3. A story cannot be narrated trom ths point af view, ‘A Fest person 1 Second person . Third person D. Alot the above 4, Ashor story is a narrative of moderate lengih that revolves: around a tingle incident involving one oF mare characters. (Teue! False) 5. Which one is not a part of the plot of a story? 1A Inibabing action 8. Climax C. Resotuton D. Alteration

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