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Ref: 210929-000726

Adrian Ionut Radoi

26 Miller Close

Vacancy Reference: 08231

20 October 2021

Dear Adrian Ionut,


This letter is your contract of employment and contains a statement of the applicable terms of your
employment as required by section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

THIS AGREEMENT is between:

Adrian Ionut Radoi


DHL Services Limited Registered Office: Solstice House, 251 Midsummer Boulevard, Central Milton
Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK9 1EA. From this point forward DHL Services Ltd shall be referred to as the

As an employee, you will be subject to all of the Company’s Policies, Schemes and Procedures including
Group Policies. Copies of these and all other documents referred to in this offer letter are available from
People Services.


Start Date of Position: 31 October 2021

Continuous Service Date: No other period of employment will count as part of your continuous service

Your place(s) of work will consist of the following location(s):

DHL Supply Chain
C/O The Range
The Company reserves the right to reasonably require you to work at any place or location other than
your normal place of work either on a temporary or permanent basis within reasonable travelling
distance. You will be given reasonable notice of any change in your place of work.

Job Title: Warehouse Operative

You will be expected to carry out the duties associated with your role and any other duties which the
Company may reasonably require you to perform from time to time. Due to the changing nature of the
business, your duties may vary and develop. The Company reserves the right to ask you to perform
other duties that may fall outside your normal role responsibilities but which are considered reasonable
and within your capabilities.

RCS Grade: RCS.P

RCS grades are not contractual, your role is evaluated based on our internal company grading rules and
your grade may be changed at any time by the company in accordance with the applicable grading rules
in force at the time.

Reporting to Mihaela Simion, First Line Manager


Your normal ‘average’ number of working hours per week that you are paid for is 40 hours.

Your breaks will be as follows:

30 minutes Paid

You will be required to work on the following work pattern: Any 5 from 7

Your working days, start and finish times will be agreed with your Line Manager.

If your work pattern runs over more than a 7 day week, the hours paid will be based on the average
number of hours you would work over a week, based on an annual average calculation.

If you are contracted to work 48 hours or more, or work a shift pattern; the Hours of Work stated
above includes “periods of availability” which are not included when calculating “working time” for
the purpose of compliance with working time legislation. The Company shall comply with working
time legislation at all times.


If your role requires shift work, your working hours will be worked on a shift pattern, which will be
notified to you in advance by your Line Manager.

If you are on a shift rota to work any day of the week, for the purpose of this statement the shift runs
from 00.01 on Sunday to 00.00 on Saturday.
If you are on a shift rota to work Monday to Friday, for the purpose of this statement the shift runs
from 00.01 on Monday to 00.00 on Friday and for Night shift from 21.00 on Sunday to 06.00 on

You will be required to work all of the hours for which you are on the rota.

The Company reserves the right to change shifts and/or shift patterns and or shift periods in
accordance with operational requirements providing a minimum of 1 weeks’ notice is given ahead of
any changes.


For external appointees only, the first 13 weeks of your employment shall be a probationary period.
We may, at our discretion, extend this period. During this probationary period your performance and
suitability for continued employment will be monitored.

Your basic salary will be £20,696.00 per annum, subject to PAYE Income Tax and National Insurance
contributions. Your salary will be paid in equal monthly instalments, paid directly into your bank
account normally on the 25th of each month.

Your basic salary will be reviewed on an annual basis. To be eligible to participate in the annual
review process you must have completed more than six months in your current position. The
Company reserves the right to review and revise these timescales as required to meet business
needs. Although a salary review will be undertaken annually, the Company is not obliged to increase
your salary following such a review. Any change to your salary will be notified to you in writing.

The Company operates a number of salary sacrifice arrangements. If you participate in these salary
sacrifice arrangements, then the salary stated in your offer letter is known as your 'reference pay'
which will be used to calculate salary-related benefits. If you require further explanation please
contact your HR Business Partner.

For the purpose of the Employment Rights Act 1996 Section 13, you agree that the Company may
deduct from your pay (including from your final salary on termination) any sums whatsoever that you
owe to the Company including any excess holidays taken and any overpayments made in error or
loans made to you by the Company. You will be notified in writing of any overpayment before any
deduction from pay is made.


Shift premiums are payable as follows:

Frequency Shift Premium Amount:

Hourly Night Shift 22.00pm-06.00am £1.06 extra per hour

Those shift patterns which are not listed above will not attract a shift premium and hours worked will
be paid at basic rate only.
If overtime is required, it will be payable at the following rate:

Overtime is payable for this role at 1.25 x Basic rate, this is payable after 40 hours


The Company’s holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

If your employment starts or finishes part way through the holiday year, your holiday leave during
that year shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

You are entitled to 28 days‘ paid holiday leave during each holiday year, this includes the usual bank
holidays. If you are not required to work on a Bank Holiday then this will be removed from your total
Holiday leave entitlement.

All Bank Holidays are regarded as normal working days.

All types of Holiday leave will be a pro rata equivalent if you work part time.

Unless otherwise specified in your site handbook or Collective Agreement, if you are a night shift
worker, the Bank Holiday will be determined by the start date and time of the shift. For example:
Monday evening, 22.00 to 06.00 shift, the Bank Holiday commences at 22.00 hours on Monday

All periods of Holiday Leave must be agreed in advance with your Line Manager. Normally a
maximum of two consecutive week’s holiday may be taken at any one time, inclusive of any bank
holiday days that may occur during this period. We may require you to take (or not to take) holiday
on particular dates, including during your notice period, these dates will be provided to you by your
Line Manager.

Holiday Leave must normally be taken in the holiday year in which it is accrued. Where an employee
is unable to take leave due to business needs, subject to the protection of your rights under the
Working Time Regulations, you will be able to carry over any outstanding holiday leave.

The Company reserves the right to refuse a request for Holiday Leave due to the needs of the
business. In that case you would be entitled to take this leave at another mutually agreeable date.

If you have taken more holiday leave than your accrued entitlement at the date your employment
terminates, we shall be entitled to deduct the excess holiday pay from any payments due to you.
Following either party giving notice to terminate your employment, you may be required to take any
unused Holiday Leave during your notice period.

Further information regarding the process for booking and taking Holiday Leave is available from
your Line Manager.


You are eligible for other paid leave, including adoption leave, maternity leave, paternity leave,
parental leave, shared parental leave and non-contractual leave, in accordance with our current
policies and company guidelines as per clause 18.0, as amended from time to time, subject to your
complying with the relevant statutory and other conditions and requirements in order to be entitled
to the leave and pay. We reserve the right to vary any paid leave, including decreasing, replacing or
withdrawing it.

If you are absent from work as a result of sickness or injury, you must notify your Line Manager
within one hour of your normal starting time on the first day of your absence. Thereafter, at regular
intervals, as specified by your Line Manager, you must keep the Company informed of your condition
whilst your absence continues and the likely date of your return to work.

You must certify your absence in accordance with the Company sickness policy, please contact your
Line Manager for a copy of this policy.

The Company operates a discretionary sick pay scheme, each period of absence will be subject to a
qualifying period for which Company Sick Pay will be unpaid, these days are known as ‘waiting days’
however, normal Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) rules will apply.

Subject to your compliance with this agreement and the Company sickness policy (as amended from
time to time), you shall be entitled to Company Sick Pay inclusive of any SSP that may be due for the
same period, and is paid on the following basis:

Waiting Days Sick Pay details:

3 Up to 1 Years’ Service – 3 Weeks full and 3 Weeks half pay
1-5 Years’ Service - 6 Weeks full and 6 Weeks half pay
5-10 Years’ Service - 16 Weeks full and 16 Weeks half pay
More than 10 Years’ Service - 26 Weeks full and 26 Weeks half pay

The maximum amount of Sick Pay payable during any period of illness will be based on a 52 week
period minus any sick pay previously paid in the preceding 52 weeks prior to the new sickness
absence start date.

You agree to consent to a medical examination (at the Company’s expense) by a doctor nominated
by the Company should the Company so require.

If a period of absence due to incapacity is or appears to be occasioned by actionable negligence,

nuisance or breach of any statutory duty on the part of a third party in respect of which damages are
or may be recoverable, you shall immediately notify the Company of that fact and of any claim,
settlement or judgment made or awarded in connection with it and all relevant particulars that the
Company may reasonably require. You shall, if required by the Company, co-operate in any related
legal proceedings and refund to the Company that part of any damages or compensation recovered
by you relating to the loss of earnings for the period of absence as the Company may reasonably
determine less any costs borne by you in connection with the recovery of such damages or
compensation, provided that the amount to be refunded shall not exceed the total amount paid to
you by the Company in respect of the period of absence.

The Company may require you to undergo a full medical examination at any time, by a medical
adviser to be appointed or approved by the Company and you authorise the medical adviser to
disclose to the Company the results of the examination and discuss with the Company any matters
arising from the examination as might impair you from properly discharging your duties. Unless an
independent medical practitioner not involved in your clinical care is used, thereby avoiding the
provisions of the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988, express consent from you to the preparation
and provision of a medical report to the Company will be secured at the time.

You may be eligible for membership to the Company’s pension scheme, subject to satisfying certain
eligibility criteria and subject to the scheme rules as amended from time to time.

Notes: Membership of the scheme is subject to you joining within a specified timeframe and other
procedural requirements, which are detailed in the scheme documentation supplied with this
document. A copy of the rules can be obtained from the Pensions Department.

If you are already employed by DHL your current pension arrangements will remain in place.


There are no collective agreements that directly affect your terms and conditions of employment.


After successful completion of your probationary period, the following notice must be provided in
writing to terminate your employment:

From you to the Company From the Company to you

4 Weeks Statutory

Where your statutory notice exceeds your contractual notice the Company will provide you with your
statutory notice.

Notice within your probationary period will be as per statutory guidelines, however your
employment may be terminated at any time immediately and without notice or payment in lieu of
notice in the event of a serious breach of your obligations as an employee or if you cease to be
entitled to work in the United Kingdom.

12.0 PILON
The Company may at its discretion terminate your employment without notice and make a payment
of salary in lieu of notice. This payment in lieu of salary will be equal to your basic salary (as at the
date of termination) which you would have been entitled to receive under this contract during the
notice period (or if notice has already been given, during the remainder of your notice period) less
income tax and National Insurance contributions. For the avoidance of doubt, the payment in lieu
shall not include any element which relate to any benefit to which you would have been entitled to
receive during the period for which the payment in lieu is made.


Owing to the sensitive nature of certain roles, applicants who are offered employment will be subject
to the relevant Security Checks, this offer of employment is therefore subject to you successfully
passing such vetting to the Company’s satisfaction.
The Level of Security Check required for this role: Not Required

If any delay is incurred in the Company processing or receiving a satisfactory check and should you
have commenced employment whilst the Company is waiting for a reply, it is understood that your
employment remains conditional and terminable where the above checks fall short of the Company’s
requirements. Similarly, should any delay be as a result of your own acts or omissions the offer of
employment may be withdrawn or employment terminated. Failure to disclose unspent convictions
during this process will warrant immediate termination of this contract (without notice).

You also agree to comply with any reasonable management request to conduct further Security
Checks in the future.


To ensure that the Company is operating in line with its legal obligations as detailed in its operators
licences (‘O’ Licence) throughout the United Kingdom. It is a condition of employment for all
commercial drivers to give the Company written authorisation to periodically access records held by
the Driver & Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA). The purpose of accessing this information is to ensure
that commercial vehicle drivers charged with operating Company vehicles are licenced to operate
such vehicles and to ensure that the licence has not been endorsed with penalty points or other
penalties imposed by the DVLA (e.g. licence withdrawal), that would prevent commercial drivers
from operating such vehicles on behalf of the Company. This written authorisation takes the form of
a ‘DVLA Licence Checking Mandate’, which all commercial drivers will be required to re-sign every
three years, in line with DVLA requirements. If you are not currently employed as a commercial driver
but during your employment your role changes to a commercial driver role at that point the above
condition of employment would apply.


On commencement of employment, you will benefit from Personal Accident and Life Assurance
cover. Both schemes are subject to the rules governing such cover and on such terms as the
Company may from time to time decide.

The Company offers in-house and external training, subject to certain eligibility requirements and
other conditions, for further information please refer to the Learning & Development Policy. All new
starters will have a planned induction programme which may include off-the-job training covering a
range of employment, health and safety and operational issues which will be compulsory to attend,
your line manager will provide full details to you when joining the company.

During your employment you may also be required to undertake specific training for your site,
further details of which will also be provided to you by your line manager when the training is


You shall not use or disclose to any person either during or at any time after your employment with
the Company any confidential information. For the purposes of this clause, confidential information
means any information or matter about the business or affairs of the Company [or any of its business
contacts] or about any other matters which may come to your knowledge in the course of your
employment, and which is not in the public domain or which is in the public domain as a result of
your breach of this agreement.
The restriction in this clause does not apply to:

(a) Prevent you from making a protected disclosure within the meaning of section 43A of the
Employment Rights Act 1996; or

(b) Use or disclosure that has been authorised by the Company, is required by law or by your


At all times you will be subject to the Company’s policies, schemes and procedures as may be
amended by the Company from time to time. Failure to comply with these provisions may lead to
disciplinary action. A guide to where these policies, procedures, guides and forms can be found in
your offer pack and summary leaflet, please ensure you take time to access these documents and
read these through carefully.


Your attention is drawn to the disciplinary and grievance policy. A guide to where these policies can
be found is in your offer pack.

The Company reserves the right to suspend you with pay for no longer than is necessary to
investigate any allegation of misconduct against you or so long as is otherwise reasonable while any
disciplinary procedure against you is outstanding.

If you wish to raise a grievance you may apply in writing in accordance with our grievance policy.


The Company reserves the right to make reasonable changes to any of your terms of employment.
You will be notified in writing of any change as soon as possible and in any event within one month of
the change.


The Company requires you to take reasonable care when carrying out your work duties and obliges
you to promote your own Health and Safety and that of other people who may be affected by your
acts or omissions.


The Company will collect and process information relating to you in accordance with Company's
Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy a copy of which is available to you on People Place. You are
required to read these documents.

The Company may change its Privacy Notice or Data Protection Policy at any time. You shall comply
with the Data Protection Policy when handling personal data in the course of employment including
(but not limited to) personal data relating to any employee, customer, client, supplier or agent of
Deutsche Post Group.
You shall not during the term of your employment, except as a representative of the Company or
with the prior written consent of the Company (which consent may be refused at the Company’s sole
discretion) be directly or indirectly engaged or concerned or interested in any trade, business or
occupation whatsoever other than the business of the Company whether or not competing in any
material way with the Company or Deutsche Post Group. You shall not during the term of your
employment act contrary to the interests of the Company or Deutsche Post Group. In the event of an
actual or potential conflict of interest you must advise your Line Manager before any decision is
made or action taken.


You agree that you shall promptly, whenever requested by the Company and, in any event, upon the
termination of your employment (for whatever reason) or commencement of Garden Leave, return
to the Company without you or anyone on your behalf keeping copies of reproducible items all
property belonging to the Company and Deutsche Post Group which is in your possession or under
your control including but not limited to all customer records, mailing lists, price lists, lists of
customers, correspondence, computer disks, documents, accounts, and any other property or
information relating in any way to the affairs of the Company and Deutsche Post Group whether or
not created by you personally, or whether or not originally supplied to you by the Company and/or
Deutsche Post Group. You may be asked to give written confirmation that you have complied in full
with the requirements of this clause. All Company and Deutsche Post Group property, including but
not limited to computers, laptop PCs, passwords, computer discs, memory sticks, computer
encryption keys, company car, keys, swipe/identity card, and mobile telephone, shall be returned
upon the termination of this contract.


Your employment is subject to you being able to prove to the Company’s satisfaction that you are
eligible to work in the UK, pursuant to the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. If you have
any limit or restrictions on the time you are entitled to work in the UK it will remain your
responsibility to notify the Company of any change in your Right to Work status throughout your
employment, provide suitable eligibility documentation where current documentation is due to
expire, and inform the HR department of any change in contact details (address, telephone number
and mobile number). You should also be advised that the Company is legally obliged to inform the
Home Office of any changes in your employment status including your non-attendance or absence
from the workplace.


Dependant on the nature of your role, your employment is conditional on receipt by the Company of
an acceptable medical report (subject to the provisions of the Equality Act 2010).


Your employment is conditional on receipt by the Company of satisfactory references and the
Company’s decision is final in that respect. References will be taken up when you confirm your
acceptance of this offer position unless you permit the Company to take them up beforehand. If any
delay is incurred in the taking up of references, or your references are unacceptable or not
forthcoming within a reasonable timeframe you understand and agree that your employment is
terminable forthwith (without notice). Every effort will be made to obtain references as quickly as
The Range Contract Addendum

Extension to Probation

Probation shall automatically be extended at the end of the standard probation period for a further 13
weeks based on levels of absence, attendance, conduct and performance levels.

The Company reserves the right to pay in lieu of notice although it is not normal practice to do so. The
Company also reserves the right to summarily dismiss, i.e., without notice or payment in lieu of notice.

Following the successful completion of your probation you will be required to give notice, as per your
Contract of Employment, if you wish to leave the service of the Company. Notice may be given at any
time and must be in writing, properly dated and signed and will run from the time that the notice is
given unless expressly stated otherwise.

Notice will be given in the case of a temporary suspension or lay-off necessitated by shortage of work,
whether conditions or matters beyond control of the Company, details of which can be obtained from
your line manager.

Holidays are to be taken evenly across the year with 50% in the first six months and 50% in the second
six months. There will also be Holiday embargo across key seasonal weeks each year, these will be
confirmed in advance by your line manager.

I have read and understood this Addendum to my main terms and conditions of my employment with
the Company and confirm that I accept these terms and agree to work in accordance with these terms
and the Company’s prevailing Policies and Procedures.

Please note that all queries in relation to this offer must be raised with your Line Manager within 14
days from the date of issue of this contract of employment.

Please indicate your acceptance of this offer of employment as soon as possible by signing, this letter
and retaining a copy for your own records, before submitting to People Services.

Best wishes for your continued success.

Yours Sincerely,

James Narey,

Quality Manager
I undertake to read the Company Policies and I understand that by signing this letter I am agreeing to
abide by these Policies and Procedures.

I confirm that I accept these Terms & Conditions of employment.



Adrian Ionut Radoi

On Behalf of the Company:

Hayley Sutton

People Services

20 October 2021

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