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Formal Teacher Observations: Student Teaching Video

Kevin Chang

Master of Education in Leadership, Grand Canyon University

EAD 530: Improving Teacher Performance and Self-Efficacy

Dr. John Utne

January 18, 2023


Format of Evaluation Tool

My school’s teacher evaluation form is composed of five sections: 1) Teaching

Techniques, 2) Effective planning, 3) Student/Teacher Relationships, 4) Classroom

Environments, and 5) Additional Comments. The form also includes spaces for other information

such as the teacher's name, subject, number of students, the length and date of the visit, and the

observer’s signature. Each section is rated according to the following scale. E for Excellent, G

for Good, I for Room for Improvement, U for Unsatisfactory, and NA for Not Applicable.

Explanation of Video and Why

I have chosen the video, “High Expectations” to evaluate as I personally cover this topic

in my classroom on a general basis. As a music teacher, there are many events where I take my

students to competitions and performances. This short video shows an elementary teacher with

solid classroom management that allows student engagement.

Score Explanation

1) Teaching Techniques: Good +. The teacher’s teaching techniques displayed many

positive aspects such as using hand gestures, rhythmic call and response, and student-teaching-

students. The teacher can show improvement in this area by using a more exciting speaking tone

and facial expression.

2) Effective planning: N/A. The video did not include the teacher’s lesson plan.

3) Student/Teacher Relationships: Excellent. Students' interactions with the teacher were

respectful and attentive. They followed and trusted their teacher for guidance and showed joy in

their learning. Vice versa, the teacher showed respect and professionalism by treating his

students respectfully.

4) Classroom Environments: Excellent. The classroom was clean, organized, and student-

centered. There were learning posters on the wall, students were seated in interactive ways, and

the overall atmosphere seemed safe.

5) Additional Comments: “Thank you for dressing up professionally, it shows that you

take this profession seriously. Please continue to share your passion with your students and

provide them with amazing learning experiences.”

Positive Feedback with Evidence

I appreciated that the teacher used a similar singing method to help students recite and

memorize the content materials. Students responded with specific pitches and rhythms which

helped them retain the information. He also had the student use hand gestures when answering to

tie in the information with specific motions. His methods focused on students participating

collectively and staying engaged, setting high expectations. He had students teach each other

their learned material to assess their understanding. While it was a short observation, he had

many highly respectful qualities of a teacher.

Constructive Feedback with Evidence

One area that I personally felt could have been better is the tone and the facial expression

he used while speaking to his students. While this may be his natural voice and look, they almost

seemed monotone and stern. As an elementary school teacher, I believe utilizing an animated

voice and gestures can help certain students to feel excited about learning and feel more

comfortable with the teacher. Nevertheless, the teacher displayed excellent qualities.

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