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NounoyoyooCah Count
yo ConVOC a/an in liont of.
CoUntablc noun 3.
Nouns hat bG UCGplo1al tom.
Noun3 y0 Cont CounfF
Nounshatupolmaly don'h hGvca
Plua fom.

Wc Ccn mcb un counfabfc ouls

Coun labcoupIcÓS quonY19w.
Cidd an; o 9uunhily. uC Gd
t) Color nd giuc thc numc of Gnilo} Guanity with OF
COch piChur thCn humbc
FhCm hvomhC OnC you liKC CNG CuoLChecolaa
thc most a lco Onc

bLobKulAfhc uodo dcloc! thcm

C U5C G on b 6omc Gnd witd into thci9hi Cakcgoty
o f CoUn toblc 0 U fot
OnCoonGblc. wot brcadIcmons Chocolalc
dOmCmoncy Chccsc Cooffc C90,
OomGPondS 9Napcy bo of Chocololo
Cop of ca ChiCKC buttc log
SomebUGal Of bicad pcach a Cup
AK_bat Ofchocoldic oftea l honcy
OMCIiCC Urcounlable
offcc. Lcmons
COKG Ovongcsa4 Brcud
Somc996. 6996- Chocoa t
Sonc_bunch Of grcpco Aba C Cboxolota tca
Smc_COiti5 i lof of bicco MIK
Oapplc PeGchL Chccbc
GCwpCftcc CofÉcc


How Much o
OHow Manuy.

How much 1ODcoontG6/¢_noUn Howmony Countoblc naun

AM HDw mony oshcio and
E.g How mych bu E9:
d Hsk qvs lion d6ing hou imochkal how mony
(cogs) Ho manu Cgs
mcQtaoue Hoamudh 2Cat
CJom How much om
peaplo 0w n y Poplc
Plou How much Lbu
UDkcs) How mony vofts

dChoosChc cotrccwordcxpIcsoiop onld compcte thci saknccs

hou mochhou Mony-
How Mong Sandwichcoihauc youlgol
Hou mUCh m ithcic in thC (tid oc
mochfimc do onctd
Houl nony YOsHcangous¢cOn thc Fabic.
How manýluEicndsi hauc, you Go
How mNGN*I iotatdàrt hcrC MCACO.
Ho nUCA| oocdo.dy oul gTUc toy our mom
Hou mcny qubcanafois arC hrcnMcx:co:
HO many büainGo OyocCa dGy

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