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Analysis Report

Experiment information:
Assay: bajakah 24 pa
Date: 18/11/2022 03:41
Channels: 620 nm
Software version:


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Given Mean Calculated Coefficient of
Cell Type Sample Name A/M Group OD 620 nm Result 1 Result 2 Mean (OD) Deviation
Concentration Concentration Concentration Variation (OD)
A1 S0 Std S0 0.7137 OK 0.125 *0.324 *0.324 0.6472 0.0475 7.342%
A2 S1 Std S1 0.6491 Error 0.25 *0.043 *0.294 0.6786 0.0277 4.078%
A3 S2 Std S2 0.6237 Error 0.5 0.356 1.004 0.6453 0.0153 2.372%
A4 S3 Std S3 0.6105 Error 1 *1.059 *1.895 0.6226 0.0100 1.612%
A6 P1 0.0587 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.0625 0.0058 9.251%
control P1
A8 N1 0.5019 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.5236 0.0156 2.981%
control N1
A10 N2 0.2455 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.2788 0.0278 9.977%
control N2
A12 N3 0.3099 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.3501 0.0340 9.704%
control N3
B1 S0 Std S0 0.6227 OK 0.125 0.324 1.054 0.6472 0.0475 7.342%
B2 S1 Std S1 0.6710 Error 0.25 *0.043 *0.079 0.6786 0.0277 4.078%
B3 S2 Std S2 0.6572 Error 0.5 *0.356 *0.189 0.6453 0.0153 2.372%
B4 S3 Std S3 0.6221 Error 1 *1.059 *1.084 0.6226 0.0100 1.612%
B6 P1 0.0707 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.0625 0.0058 9.251%
control P1
B8 N1 0.5379 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.5236 0.0156 2.981%
control N1
B10 N2 0.3135 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.2788 0.0278 9.977%
control N2
B12 N3 0.3930 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.3501 0.0340 9.704%
control N3
C1 S0 Std S0 0.6053 OK 0.125 *0.324 *2.473 0.6472 0.0475 7.342%
C2 S1 Std S1 0.7156 Error 0.25 *0.043 *0.324 0.6786 0.0277 4.078%
C3 S2 Std S2 0.6549 Error 0.5 *0.356 *0.215 0.6453 0.0153 2.372%
C4 S3 Std S3 0.6351 Error 1 1.059 0.586 0.6226 0.0100 1.612%
C6 P1 0.0581 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.0625 0.0058 9.251%
control P1

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Given Mean Calculated Coefficient of
Cell Type Sample Name A/M Group OD 620 nm Result 1 Result 2 Mean (OD) Deviation
Concentration Concentration Concentration Variation (OD)
C8 N1 0.5311 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.5236 0.0156 2.981%
control N1
C10 N2 0.2773 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.2788 0.0278 9.977%
control N2
C12 N3 0.3474 Error *1.059 *1.059 0.3501 0.0340 9.704%
control N3

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Assay Info

Variables and formulas

Variable Description Formula
[P1_0] K (Positive control) Average[P1_0]
[N1_0] K (Negative control) Average[N1_0]
[N2_0] K (Negative control) Average[N2_0]
[N3_0] K (Negative control) Average[N3_0]
[T_0] OD Sample Average[T_0]
[S0] Standard Average[S0]
[S1] Standard Average[S1]
[S2] Standard Average[S2]
[S3] Standard Average[S3]
[B] Background Average[B]
[O] Calc. concentration Auto
[C] Critical OD [N1]+0.1
[F] Coefficient of positivity [T_0]/[C]

Result interpretation
Result 1 Result 1 Result 2 Result 2
For variable Conditional
True False True False
[S0] [S0]<[S1] OK Error
[S1] [S1]<[S2] OK Error
[S2] [S2]<[S3] OK Error
[S3] [S2]<[S3] OK Error
[T] ([SMin]<[T])&&([T]<[SMax]) Intrapolated Extrapolated
[P1] [P1]>1 OK Error
[N1] [N1]<0.2 OK Error
[N2] [N2]<0.2 OK Error
[N3] [N3]<0.2 OK Error

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Variable Calculations


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Curve Fitting

Given Calculated
Standards OD 620 nm Residuals %Recovery Sample Name Cell
Concentration Concentration
S0 0.125 *0.324 0.7137 0.199 258.913% Std S0 A1
S1 0.25 *0.294 0.6491 0.044 117.529% Std S1 A2
S2 0.5 1.004 0.6237 0.504 200.749% Std S2 A3
S3 1 *1.895 0.6105 0.895 189.505% Std S3 A4
S0 0.125 1.054 0.6227 0.929 843.333% Std S0 B1
S1 0.25 *0.079 0.6710 -0.171 31.547% Std S1 B2
S2 0.5 *0.189 0.6572 -0.311 37.837% Std S2 B3
S3 1 *1.084 0.6221 0.084 108.356% Std S3 B4
S0 0.125 *2.473 0.6053 2.348 1978.252% Std S0 C1
S1 0.25 *0.324 0.7156 0.074 129.456% Std S1 C2
S2 0.5 *0.215 0.6549 -0.285 43.009% Std S2 C3
S3 1 0.586 0.6351 -0.414 58.606% Std S3 C4

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