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Taylor Williams

HHP 2802

17 January 2023

Using the rules found in Chapter 2, form 5 words not seen in the chapter from the

components you find. The idea of this activity is to understand the rules for

combining words. Once you have formulated your words, define each of them,

and then look those words up in your medical dictionary to see if you have in fact

formed a real word.

Type these and submit them as a WORD file to the Dropbox "Chapter 2


1. Arthr/o (joint) + logy (study of) = Athrology (study of joints), not found in Taber’s

cyclopedic medical dictionary)

2. Arthr/o (joint) + dynia (pain) = Arthrodynia (joint pain), not found in Taber’s

cyclopedic medical dictionary)

3. Encephal/o (brain) + itis (inflammation) = Encephalitis (brain inflammation), found in

Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary pg.794

4. Oste/o (bone) + lysis (separation, destruction, loosening) = osteolysis (bone seperation),

found in Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary pg.35

5. Hemat (blood) + emesis (vomiting) = Hematemsis (blood vomiting), not found in

Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary)

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