Python 3

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Which action should be avoided so that you do not mistakenly overwrite names that you
have already defined?

 use the wildcard import

 Using aliases when importing
 import selectively with aliases
 import selective objects
Q.Which statement accurately defines the bool class?

 Boolean Not returns False if the operand is True

 Zero values are considered True some times.
 Zero values are considered True always
 Bool class is subclass of array class
 Boolean first returns False then the True value
Q.What is the output of the following code? for x in (1,10,100) print (x)

 110100
 error
 1 10 100
 110100
Q.Which statements will result in slice of tuple?

 a_tuple[0] =[5] a_tuple[::2]

 a_tuple[::-1] a_tuple[0] =[5]
 a_tuple[::2] a_tuple[:]
 a_tuple[:] a_tuple[::-1]
Q.Which of these packages in python helps with scientific applications of Python ?

 ResearPy & AnalPy

 SciPy & NumPy
 Pygame & Pysci
 MathPy & LabPy
Q.What will be output of below text. info1 = 'Infinity' info1.find('a')

 nan
 -1
 1
 0
 infinity
Q.Which of these are salient features of Python, except?

 Broad Standard library

 Open Source
 Simple to learn & understand
 limited platform support
Q.Which of these is Desktop applications is created using Python ?

 Sametime
 Blender
 Webscripting
 Drop box
Q.Bitwise operators cannot be used on the float type

 True
 False
Q.Python supports automatic garbage collection.

 True
 False
Q.Which of the following attributes shows the characteristics of Python? Python is
everywhere (Webscripting, 3D Modelling , Games , and Desktop applications ).
 Ubiquity
 Broad Standard Library
 Powerful interpreter
 Object Oriented
Q.Which of these could be used in tuple object

 Sorted, Lens , Max

 Append
 Reverse , Max

Q.Python supports automatic garbage collection.

 True
 False
Q.Consider b is frozen set, what happen to b.add(3)?

 3 will be added as constant

 3 will not be available for other general operations
 Error as frozen sets cannot be modified
Q.What is the output of min('Infinity')?

 0
 I
 y
 f
.Which is the fastest implementation of Python?

 Iron Python
 Cpython
 Jython
 Pypy

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