Law of Evidence

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Model Question Paper

End Semester Examination-Dec. 2022

Program: LL.B.
Subject: Law of Evidence
Subject Code: 24D.204

Objectives of the Course:

(a) The fundamental principles of evidence law,
(b) The strict application of it in judicial proceedings,
(c) The role of evidence law in civil and criminal proceedings,
(d) The connection of the course with substantive and other procedural laws, and
(e) The relevance of the course in non-litigation practice
Section – I (5 Marks)
1. Write the meaning of Evidence. [CO1]
2. What is Procedural Law? [CO1]
3. Define the term Evidence according to Evidence Act,1872? [CO2]
4. What TIP (Test Identification Parade)? [CO2]
5. What is Admission under The Indian Evidence Law? [CO2]
6. Write about the meaning of Confession. [CO2]
7. What is Dying Declaration under Indian Evidence Act,1872? [CO3]
8. Write the Differentiate between Admission and Confession. [CO3]
9. What is Presumptions? [CO3]
10. What is the evidentiary value of Expert Opinion? [CO4]
11. Write about Oral Evidence? [CO4]
12. Explain the ESTOPPEL? [CO4]


13. Write the details about Evidence by Accompliance. [CO4]

14. Write the meaning and definition of Witness under Indian Evidence Act,1872. [CO5]
15. What do you understood by Examination in Chief? [CO5]
16. What Cross Examination? [CO5]
Section-II (10 Marks)
1. Write the Distinction between Substantive Law and Procedural Law. [CO1]
2. What is Fact in issue and relevant facts? [CO1]
3. Write the Doctrine of “Res Gestae”. [CO2]
4. In which circumstances Test Identification Parade can be conducted? [CO2]
5. Who can make an Admission under Indian Evidence Act,1872? [CO2]
6. Write the kinds of Confession. [CO2]
7. Describe the Judicial Confession and Extra Judicial Confession. [CO3]
8. Describe the circumstances in which dying declaration may be noted. [CO3]
9. Write the circumstances in which expert opinion may be required? [CO4]
10. What Primary Evidence? [CO4]
11. What Oral Evidence? [CO4]
12. What do you understood by Burdon of Proof under Indian Evidence Act, 1872? [CO5]


13. Write the reasons of protection of Witness? [CO4]

14. What are the importances of witness for any case? [CO4]
15. Write about refreshing of memory. [CO5]
16. What do you understand by Hostile Witness? [CO5]

Section-III (20 Marks)

1. Explain the doctrine “Res Gestae”? [CO1]
2. How TIP (Test Identification Parade) can be Cunducted? [CO2]

1. Write the importance of the provision of Admission? [CO3]
2. Write the circumstances in which Dying declaration may be noted? [CO3]
1. What are the importance of Evidence and write the differentiate between Oral and
Documentary Evidence? [CO4]

2. Discuss in details about Burdon of Proof. [CO4]


1. Write the Provision of Evidence by Accompliance. [CO5]

2. Enumerate details about Examination in Chief, Cross Examination and Re Examination under
Indian Evidence Act, 1872. [CO5]

Course Outcomes:
Students who has taken admission for this course will be able to
CO1: Analyse and define the concept and general nature of evidence.
CO2: Analyse the rule relating to relevance of evidence and admissibility of evidence before the
CO3 Critically assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the rules of evidence and procedure
CO4: Evaluate the rules relating to dying declaration and admissibility of dying declaration
CO5: Illustrate the different types of evidence and court procedures relating to evidence.

Prepared By- Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Pandey

Disclaimer: - This is a Model Paper. The Question in End term examination will differ from
the Model Paper. This Model paper is meant for practice only.

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