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Clinical Neurophysiology 141 (2022) S141–S185

CHUV - Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland Deep tendon reflexes were normoactive in both upper and lower
Universitats Kinderspital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland extremities. Sensory examination was normal. Measurement made
EOC - Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Bellinzona, Switzerland 20 cm distal from the shoulder showed that the right arm circumfer-
ence was 31 cm and the left arm circumference was 33 cm.
Introduction: Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures (EMAtS), for- Measurement made 14 cm distal from the elbow showed that the
merly known as Doose syndrome, is defined as a generalized epi- right arm circumference was 25 cm and the left arm circumference
lepsy syndrome characterized by the onset of different seizure was 25.5 cm. In EMG, there were findings consistent with chronic
types between 6 months and 6 years, in previously healthy children. partial degeneration and regeneration of the branch of the musculo-
The outcome for children affected by EMAtS is variable, from com- cutaneous nerve to the brachialis muscle on the right. There was no
plete remission and normal development to therapy resistant epi- pathology to explain in the cervical MRI. We believe that this finding
lepsy and intellectual disability. Currently, it is not possible to may be an indicator of nucleus damage of the musculocutaneous
predict early in the course if a child diagnosed with EMAtS will nerve branch to the brachialis muscle.
evolve positively or negatively. This retrospective study aims to Conclusion: In the literature, there are cases reported after heavy
assess the prognostic value of different EEG patterns on traces regis- lifting or trauma. Karl et al. reported isolated brachial muscle atro-
tered in the first year after seizure onset in these children. phy after heavy lifting. We could not detect any risk factors in our
Methods: A retrospective multicentric study was conducted in case.
Switzerland, including the neuropediatric units of Geneva, Basel,
Bellinzona, Lausanne, and Zurich. Subjects were recruited among doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2022.07.444
patients who received a diagnosis of EMAtS and for whom EEG
recordings during the first year after seizure onset were available.
A total of 47 patients were included. Two groups were created
TH-259. Atypical chronic inflammatory demyelinating
according to cognitive outcome (group A with favorable outcome
polyneuropathy cases, focal CIDP
defined as normal schooling; group B with poor outcome, defined
as special schooling).
Clinical parameters included patient demographic data, family his- Hilmi Uysal a,*, Gürsel Leblebicioğlu b, Levent Albayrak c, Esra
tory of seizures, age of onset and type of seizures, treatments used Asßıkdoğan a, Abir Alaamel a, Sultan Didem Aydeniz a, Mehmet
and their sequence of introduction, duration of the epilepsy, seizure Yörebulut d, Kamil Karaali e
freedom, EEG features and school course. EEG interpretation was a
Akdeniz University Neurology Department, Antalya, Turkey
based on the analysis of all EEGs recorded during the first year after Hacettepe University Ortopedics and Traumatology Department Ortopedics and Trau-
seizure onset. Each EEG was read by two experienced clinicians. matology Department Ortopedics and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkey
Bayırdır Söğütözü Hospital Pathology Department, Ankara, Turkey
Results: No significant differences were identified among EEG data d _
Acıbadem Hospital Radiology Department, Istanbul, Turkey
of the two groups regarding background activity, structure of sleep, e
Akdeniz University Radiology Department, Antalya, Turkey
presence of focal anomalies, slow delta or theta activity. Seizure
types during the first year do not seem to be a marker of outcome, Introduction: CIDP is a rare neuropathy with typical, atypical forms.
either, although isolated atonic seizures were more frequent in In 2021, EAN’s guidelines distal, multifocal, focal, motor, sensory
group B. Global prognosis proved to be most favorable among forms are defined. Focal CIDP is described motor and sensorimotor
patients who showed a higher IQ/DQ during the early stages of the neuropathy confined to one limb. This abstract includes cases which
disease. presented focal CIDP’s radiological, pathological, electrophysiological
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that no specific EEG feature can findings:
be considered as reliable predictor for outcome in patients with
EMAtS. Major strengths of this study are the blinding of the EEG  22-year-old woman, complaint left arm weakness, atrophy. In
readers to outcome and the long patient follow up. Our study has examination proximal muscle power 3/5 was detected, biceps,
several limitations, which include its small sample size and retro- triceps were absent. In laboratory, immune electrophoresis,
spective design. Further studies with a larger sample size and a hba1c, vasculitis, infections, thyroid test (out of TRAb) were
prospective design are required to unveil the underlying mecha- detected normal. High TRAb was not found significant by
nisms associated to outcome. endocrinology. SSEP, MEP were normal. In EMG, neurogenic
MUAP were seen muscles which were stimulated upper, middle
doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2022.07.443 truncus. In MRI, C4-T1 roots were detected thicker than normal,
contrasty. Malignancy was not detected in biopsy.
Corticosteroid was practiced. Because of MRI continuation, IVIG
TH-258. Isolated nuclear damage of the musculocutaneous nerve was practiced, patient use IVIG once in a month.
 20-year-old man, complaint left arm weakness. In examination,
Khalida Mammadova *, Abir Alaamel, Hilmi Uysal distal weakness, interossei muscle atrophy were detected. In lab-
oratory, immune electrophoresis, vasculitis (out of LAC), infec-
Akdeniz University Department of Neurology, Antalya, Turkey tions, hba1c, IGG4, angiotensin converting enzyme, lumbar
punction and NF 155, thyroid tests (out of TSH, TRab, Anti-
Introduction: Isolated brachial muscle atrophy is a rare pathology. HTG), were detected normal. LAC and thyroid test were not found
There are limited number of cases in the literature. We present a significant. SSEP, MEP normal. In EMG neurogenic MUAP were
case who presented with a brachial muscle atrophy without any eti- seen distal muscles. In MRI, left plexus supraclavicular division
ological risk factor. was detected thicker than normal, contrasty. Corticosteroid was
Methods and Results: A 55-year-old male patient applied to the practiced. Because of MRI continuation, IVIG treatment was prac-
neurology outpatient clinic with the complaint of weakness in the ticed, patient use IVIG once in a month.
right arm. He had a complaint for 3 months. His weakness increased  20-year-old man, complaint left arm weakness. In examination,
especially when he was tired. On neurological examination, he is distal weakness, hypotenar, tenar atrophy were detected, upper
conscious and oriented. Muscle strength examination was normal. extremity reflexes were absent. In laboratory, immune

Clinical Neurophysiology 141 (2022) S141–S185

electrophoresis, vasculitis, infections, hba1c, angiotensin convert- myelin involvement. On the other hand, NCS did not meet the sen-
ing enzyme, thyroid test, lumbar punction were detected normal. sory nerve conduction criteria of CIDP. For early initiation of
In EMG neurogenic MUAP were seen muscles which were stimu- immunotherapy, it would be helpful to develop more sensitive diag-
lated all truncus of plexus. In MRI, left brachial plexus all fibers nostic criteria and practical classification of chronic immune sensory
were detected thicker than normal, contrasty. Malignancy was polyneuropathy.
not detected in biopsy. Patient use corticosteroid.

Discussion: Focal CIDP is one of the atypical forms of CIDP. In 1996,
Thomas and friends published case serial about focal CIDP. Serial
included patients who had only motor, sensorial or sensorimotor
demyelinating neuropathy in one of the upper extremities. When TH-261. A case of GBS-like polyneuropathy with unusual pro-
patients are evaluated for focal CIDP; diabetic polyneuropathy, mul- gression (Case Report)
tifocal motor neuropathy, hereditary pressure sensitive neuropathy,
neuralgic amyotrophy, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, vasculitis ⇑
Hnin Hay Mar a, , Maria Borghi a, Wint Nandar Hein a, Santiago
neuropathies are excluded. At least of two nerve in one extremity Catania a, Michael Lunn b
possess motor and sensorial conduction criteria in electrophysiolog-
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neuro-
ical assessment. In brachial, lumbosacral plexus MRI, signal increas-
surgery, London, United Kingdom
ing root hypertrophy, contrasty nerve can be observed. b
Centre for Neuromuscular Disease, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery,
Conclusion: In this abstract, three patients are presented with their London, United Kingdom
clinic, radiological, electrophysiological, laboratory parameters.
Vasculitis, infection, infiltration, connective tissue disease are Nodal and paranodal antibody-associated neuropathies have been
excluded in these patients. When findings are evaluated together, recently classified as auto-immune nodopathies. Their clinical pre-
these patients are considered compatible with focal CIDP. sentation can be easily mistaken for acute or chronic idiopathic
demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP/CIDP). We present a case of
doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2022.07.445 pan-neurofascin antibody associated paranodal neuropathy with
serial electrodiagnostic findings.
A 61-year-old man presented with acute onset generalized weak-
TH-260. Clinical and electrophysiological features of idiopathic ness and tiredness one day after the Covid-19 booster vaccination.
chronic immune sensory polyneuropathy He had progressive sensory disturbance and weakness in his upper
limbs spreading to the lower limbs. He was treated with IVIg for
Yeon Hak Chung *, Hyunjin Ju, Byoung Joon Kim Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and discharged with some improve-
ment. Five days later, he developed rapidly progressive predomi-
Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of nantly motor symptoms becoming quadriplegic and bedbound
Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
within 9 days with no cranial or respiratory involvement. He was
found to have paranodal antibodies (neurofascin-155), consistent
Chronic sensory polyneuropathy has various causes that are difficult with a pan-neurofascin antibody positive neuropathy. Although
to differentiate in clinical practice. It may be classified as chronic the patient responded poorly to conventional immunomodulatory
immune sensory polyradiculopathy (CISP) or pure sensory chronic therapies, he showed a rapid remarkable recovery with rituximab.
inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) when He was able to walk independently again within 3 weeks after
there are no specific causes such as systemic diseases and responds the second dose of rituximab. Electrodiagnostic studies showed
to immunotherapy. European Academy of Neurology/Peripheral only subtle proximal demyelinating features with the initial pre-
Nerve Society (EAN/PNS) guidelines recommended sensory nerve sentation. The repeat study after his relapse showed a significant
conduction criteria for the diagnosis of possible sensory CIDP, but deterioration with features of a generalized, non-length-dependent,
there are still gray areas in the classification of idiopathic chronic primarily demyelinating, sensorimotor polyneuropathy with con-
immune sensory polyneuropathies. duction block, but the sural nerve biopsy showed axonal neuropa-
We retrospectively analyzed medical data from 10 patients with thy. Electrodiagnostic findings nearly normalized two months after
chronic progressive pure sensory polyneuropathy who responded rituximab treatment with the resolution of the all the demyelinat-
to immunomodulatory treatment. All patients had normal motor ing features.
nerve conduction parameters and no possible causes associated with This case presentation highlights the importance of considering
peripheral neuropathies such as paraneoplastic syndrome, multiple nodal/paranodal neuropathy as a differential for AIDP/CIDP in an
myeloma, anti-MAG antibody or systemic vasculitis. Clinical mani- early stage of the disease, especially in patients with atypical presen-
festations, responses to treatment, nerve conduction studies (NCS), tation. In addition, it supports the currently available evidence that
and sural nerve pathology were analyzed. more targeted treatment such as rituximab can have an excellent
Age of onset of the patients were 47.0±16.2 years old and seven men outcome.
and three women were included. The median disease duration to the
time of NCS was 17.5 months. Prominent and disabling clinical fea-
tures were sensory ataxia (90%) and pain (80%). Other clinical and doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2022.07.447
laboratory findings were generalized areflexia (80%), elevation of
CSF protein (50%), response to treatment (100%, responses by defini-
tion were evaluated by changes of modified Rankin scale or numer-
TH-262. Risk and characteristics of Bell’s palsy as an adverse
ical rating scale after treatment such as steroid pulse,
event following COVID-19 vaccination
immunoglobulin, or immunosuppressant), and demyelinating or
mixed feature in 7/8 nerve biopsies (86%). None of the patients
Sohyeon Kim *, Hung Youl Seok
met the sensory nerve conduction criteria of EAN/PNS guideline.
Clinical manifestations in our patients were similar to CISP but NCS Department of Neurology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of
and sural nerve pathology indicated postganglionic sensory axon/ Medicine, Daegu, Republic of Korea


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