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Hi, my name is Filip and today I will be talking about Artificial intelligence: from the present to the

future. Firstly I will introduce you to my theme and tell you something general about artificial
intelligence, then I will talk about the present of AI, by that I mean new technologies and current
researches in the field of AI, after that I will mention possible future happenings and limits of AI, also its
good and bad sides, at the end I will conclude. So let’s begin.

So what exactly is artificial intelligence? To answer that question we have to travel back in time,
different thinking and intelligent machines and artificial beings appear in ancient Greek myths, the most
famous ones are Talos of Crete, bronze robot of Hephaestus and Pygmalion’s Galatea. That tells us that
people have believed for many years that different objects can think for themselves, that there is an
intelligence exhibited by machines, and we never stopped believing that.

In the last 50 years ability of AI increased dramatically, nowadays there are different types of AI, for
example in robots, computers, mobile phones or in video games, for example in 1997 a computer beat
Garry Kasparov in the game of chess, today AI is even more advanced a great example of that is a
computer program called Siri that works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator, it
is a part of Apple Inc.’s operational system, Siri can listen to your voice and answer and ask questions.

Today people try to use AI everywhere they can, best example is putting a computer in your house that
controls everything, it is voice activated and it listens to your commands, however AI is probably most
used in robots because people want to create a humanoid robot that can do everything humans can and
that would even look like humans. Probably the most popular and most known humanoid is called
ASIMO, he was created as a multi-functional mobile assistant to help people with lack of mobility, he has
the ability to recognize moving objects, gestures, its surrounding environment, postures, sounds and
faces, which makes it to interact with humans, he can also respond to a handshake and when you call his
name, run and kick a ball.

What will happen in the future? Technology is constantly evolving, 10 years ago we didn’t even dream of
what computers can do now, they are getting faster and more powerful in the future they could even
get more powerful than us, they solve complex tasks that humans can’t, create virtual reality and even
read our emotions. New idea which has become a trend and a future perspective is the development of
nano computing hardware that can boost artificial intelligence applications. Merge between artificial
intelligence and nanotechnology can shape the path to new technological developments, creating new
computer architectures and data representations, also it may be the start of creating a humanlike robot
that can change its form in the future.

Now a very important question is, where does it actually end? There should be a border that we
shouldn’t not pass, maybe we shouldn’t be playing God and create something that isn’t ours to create,
not to be pessimistic but at the end our biggest creation could be our biggest mistake and destroy us.
There is a lot of good sides that AI brings us, it makes us everything a lot easier and more accessible, for
example the thought of talking to a robot and owning a robot means that we never have to work again
and that we will never be alone, on the other hand we lose the point of life, becoming more lazy,
changing to worse maybe even not appreciating talents that we got.
To conclude, I think that AI is good for us, helping us evolve through the years, but we should also be
careful and also concerned that we don’t push it to the limit, many famous scientists and inventors such
as Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Stephan Hawking warn us about the danger that comes with AI.

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