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Aptis Speaking Part 4

Useful language

Part 4 – one photo, 3 questions, preparation time:

-It seems to me
-I’m convinced that ………………………
-The way I see it ………………………….
--The last time I felt ……………………….
-To be honest……………….
- What I would probably say about X is that …………………..
-I would say that ………………………..
-I’m not really sure but it seems ……………………..
-I suppose I …………………..
-I’d like to point out that …………….
-The main problem is …………………
-Another example of ………………… is ……………….
-If I really think about it, I’d say that ………………………
-What I said doesn’t mean that ……………………..
- It’s true that ………………………, but I feel that ………………….
-A good way to ……………………… is to ……………………
-The best way to ……………………….
-It’s (not) a good idea to ……………………
-From my point of view ……………………..
Do you think people care about the environment?
Well, I believe that in recent times there has been an increase in the interest
and concern of a number of people who did not pay too much attention on
those matters.
Many people have become aware that what we do as large population is
affecting the Earth’s different environments more and more drastically. Social
movements are becoming the milestone of the fight against the companies
which cause most of the damages and the governments who permit them to do
Nevertheless, the number of people who do not show any interest on
environmental issues is still too high.
How do you feel about it?
I feel, on the one hand, confident to know that a lot of people, young people
are moving and demonstrating their concern about the issue. It makes me feel
hopeful for our future.
However, a number of people who do not want to change their habits into
more sustainable ones are causing a direct and overt harm in our daily life.
The problem of traffic fumes, the pollution in cities, the plastic recipients and
bags or climate change are present- day dangers caused by our living habits.
On the other hand, I feel really outrageous for the attitude of large companies
and the governments of those highly industrailized nations, which are
responsible for the largest part of pollution on Earth and are causing
irreparable damages to our planet.
How would you encourage people to be more concerned about
the environment?
Rising awarenes on the problems which are affecting our planet is a good way
to increase this concern on environment. Thus, people should be aware that
we are risking the future of our planet, our health and our children’s.
It would be a good idea to show them the consequences of using plastic bags,
the deaths caused by exhaust fumes in cities or the terrifying results of climate
change in a few years.
All these problems are directly caused by our way of living, so people should
be promoted to change their habits, to reduce, recycle and to some extent to
create a sustainable society.
To achieve this, they should be encouraged to reduce their wastes, to use
public transports in cities, not to use plastic bags, and so on.

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