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Name: Santiago Oyarzabal Reyes

Grade: 1 Bach
Group: B

Topic: Luis Echeverria Alvares.


The purpose of this investigation is to collect data on the government of Luis Echeverria
Alvarez as well as to interview citizens on this topic, to learn more about this six-year term,
controversies, mysteries, about their leaders. We believe that this research can collect the
most important data with only interviews.

To give some context, Luis Echeverría Álvarez was a Mexican lawyer, diplomat, and
politician who served as President of the United Mexican States from December 1, 1970 to
November 30, 1976. His long life spanned from 1922 to the year 2022. Taking into account
the ideas of various people from the research sector, Luis Echeverria Alvarez is considered
the main person responsible for the repression against students known as the massacre of
Corpus Thursday.


You know who was Luis Echeverria Alvares?

¿Usted sabe quién fue Luis Echeverria Alvares?

Do you agree with Luis Echeverria Alvares ideas?

Usted está de acuerdo con las ideas que tuvo Luis Echeverria Alvares?

Do you know something about his government? Yes?, What?

¿Sabe algo de su sexenio? ¿Si? ¿Qué?

¿Sabe qué partido apoyaba a Luis Echeverría?

Do you know which party supported Luis Echeverría?

¿Sabe algún escándalo del gobierno del Señor Echeverría?

Do you know of any scandal in the government of Mr. Echeverría?

¿Qué contribuciones tuvo su gobierno?

What contributions did the government have from him?

¿Quisiera cambiar algo de su gobierno? Si, que y porque?

Would you like to change something about his government? Yes, what and why?

¿Vivió la época del sexenio del presidente?

Did you live the period of the president's six-year term?

¿Conoce algún familiar que haya vivido el periodo de la gubernatura?

Do you know any family member who has lived through the gubernatorial period?

Topic Title Link Author Conclusion

1 Personal Biografías y https://www. Fernández, (Mexico City, 1922) Mexican

Information Vidas biografiasyvi Tomás y politician, president of the republic Tamaro, between 1970 and 1976. He studied
grafia/e/ech Elena. law at the National Autonomous
everria_alva University of Mexico. He began his
rez.htm political career at the age of 22 as
the private secretary of General
Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada, who
presided over the Party of the
Mexican Revolution. He held
different official positions, including
Secretary of the Interior in the
cabinet of President Gustavo Díaz

2 The Los rumores www.scielo. Alicia This strategy was chosen by

destabilizing desestabiliza Sandoval right-wing groups such as
rumors dores contra o.php?script Rocha businessmen (from the Monterrey
against the el gobierno =sci_arttext group), the National Action Party
government de Luis &pid=S2448 (PAN), the National Union of Family
of Luis Echeverría -837220190 Parents (UNPF), among others, with
Echeverria Álvarez, 00200195 the aim of causing fear and
Alvarez. 1972-1976 confusion among the population. in
order to undermine the credibility of
the government. They acted when
they saw their interests and
privileges threatened by the new
president, due to his leftist
speeches, his actions aimed at
favoring the workers and the
careless management of the

3 Polemics https://www. Redacción The most controversial moment in Terra México Luis Echeverría's career as
3 x/nacionales
MOMENTO /2022/7/10/ president of Mexico was, without a
S polémicos momentos-p doubt, that judicial movement known
de Luis olemicos-de as 'El Halconazo' claimed the lives
Echeverría -luis-echeve of hundreds of students in the Plaza
como rria-como-pr
PRESIDENT esidente-de- de las 3 Culturas in CDMX.It is said
E de México mexico-ante that the reason for the Halconazo
antes de s-de-morir-l was the establishment of an organic
MORIR a los os-100-anos
100 años -29510.html law that proposed a partisan
democracy for the university
administration. The Federal
Government, not agreeing with the
student and teacher resolutions,
reduced the UNAM budget, which
led to a confrontation.The event of
1971 known as El Halconazo was
authorized by Luis Echeverría
because, there are records that
indicate that the former president
gave the order for this movement to
be carried out, which at some time
was investigated by Human Rights
as genocide.

4 Good Luis https://es.wi Secretaria During his tenure, the Mexican

contribution Echeverria de economy grew at a level of 6.1%, he
s to the Alvaarez wiki/Luis_Ec Gobernacion
country heverría_Álv promoted the development of
arez seaports such as Puerto Madero
and Lázaro Cárdenas,4 the Institute
of the National Housing Fund for
Workers, the Mexican Institute of
Foreign Trade and his foreign policy
was active.

5 Bad Lo bueno y https://expa Luz Elena In addition to the repression and

contribution lo malo del Marcos violation of human rights, the
s to the sexenio de onomia/202 Mendez.
country luis 2/07/10/luis- six-year term of Luis Echeverría
Echeverría echeverria-i Álvarez was characterized by high
Álvarez nflacion-deu inflation, distancing from the
da-empresa business sector, and the rise in debt
to historic levels. Although there
were also nuances of correct
decisions for the population.

Purpose: How Luis Echeverria change the national identity of the country.

Methodology: Qualitative.

Fernández, Tomás y Tamaro, Elena. «Biografia de Luis Echeverría Álvarez». En

Biografías y Vidas. La enciclopedia biográfica en línea [Internet]. Barcelona,
España, 2004. Disponible en
[fecha de acceso: 6 de diciembre de 2022].
Sandoval, A. (2019)Los rumores desestabilizadores contra el gobierno de Luis
Echeverría Álvarez, 1972-1976. Av. de los Maestros y Mariano Bárcena, Colonia
La Normal, Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX,, GDL: SCIELO.

Redacción Terra México (2018)3 MOMENTOS polémicos de Luis Echeverría como

PRESIDENTE de México antes de, Puebla, Puebla, Mx:

Secretaria de Gobernación (2016)Luis Echeverria Alvarez y carrera política. Wikipediaía_Álvarez

Luz Elena Marcos Mendez.(2020)Luis Echeverría: entre la inflación, la deuda y el

rompimiento con empresarios, 2023 DERECHOS RESERVADOS EXPANSIÓN, S.A. DE C.V.
Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mx: Expansion.

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