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Joree Darle A.

BA-Communication 4
I. Access and read the article linked below:

With the article as your basis, supply the information needed on

the table below:
Event/Tragedy/ Civic Action Initiated by
Crisis (organization/individ
Disasters -Help meet the needs of -Marino party list
affected families, organize - PLDT and Smart
donation campaigns. communication
-Organizations established employees
community kitchen -Aboitiz Group.
operations to feed
displaced families,
psychological debriefing for
traumatized victims, and
even voluntary efforts to
help stranded animals.
Pandemic -Donate food, relief -Restaurants, bakeries,
supplies, and health and even retail stores
supplies to frontline -Bayanihan Musikahan
workers and affected -Biking groups
families. -Veggies4Good
-Through Mask4AllPH
project, communities were
also empowered to build
and run their own face
mask production centers in
order to give sustainable
livelihood opportunities.
-Bicycling organizations
encouraged the
government to add a
designated bicycle lane on
important routes, which
would make bicycling more
-Fresh vegetables were
distributed to Filipinos who
were unable to leave their
houses because of the
Joree Darle A. Capapas
BA-Communication 4
community quarantine.
Aiding Students -Donate extra smartphones -Office of the Vice
and tablets, laptops, President
desktop PCs, printers, and -Old Laptop Guys
other devices. -Streets to Schools
-Provide students in need -One Gadget One Child
with devices and loads -iUplift
-Project WiFi
-Project Walang
Iwanan/Jason Cureg

1. What is the advocacy of each organization? (minimum

of 50 words for each organization)

Akbayan Youth is a democratic socialist youth and student

organization in the Philippines that seeks to promote revolutionary
politics and decent governance. Akbayan Youth is more than just
the youth wing of our mother party; it is a leftist, democratic
socialist, and feminist youth organization in the Philippines that
fights for liberty, equality, and unity throughout the world.

The Philippine Anti-Discrimination Alliance of Youth

Leaders (PANTAY) is at the forefront of the LGBTQIA+
movement in the nation, fighting for gender-inclusive and
responsive legislation at the local and national levels. PANTAY is a
youth network that is urging Congress to pass the SOGIE Equality

Amarela is a campaign in the Philippines that promotes access to

healthcare for sexual and reproductive needs. They also oppose
sexual assault and work for gender equality and women's
empowerment. It was established on June 19, 2019, with the goal
of promoting greater conversation and action in the Philippines on
sex, contraception, and reproductive health.

A non-stock, non-profit organization for women and youth called

United Youth of the Philippines-Women, Inc. was officially
registered with the SEC in 2004.The main objective of UnYPhil-
Joree Darle A. Capapas
BA-Communication 4
Women is to help women who experience violence, sexual and
physical abuse, trafficking, and other types of prejudice.

Youth Uprising believes that young individuals possess the

capacity and potential to provide innovative answers to today's
most pressing problems. Their goal is to assist young people in
bringing about good change for inclusive, fair, and sustainable

2. What does the organization seek to change in society?

(minimum of 100 words for each organization)

Akbayan Youth seeks to contribute in promoting social change

through a dynamic, critical, watchful, and solution-focused form of
activism.The socialist principles of democracy, humanism, equity,
internationalism, socialist feminism, and ecological socialism are
advocated by Akbayan Youth.DEMOCRACY that respects every
young Filipino's right to actively participate in political processes.
EQUITY that upholds every Filipino's right to an accessible,
relevant, high-quality education, a decent job, and access to
appropriate health care. HUMANISM (commonly known as the
campaign against damaging mining, youth group work to build
bridges of understanding, peace campaigning in Mindanao, and
anti-discrimination.SOCIALIST FEMINISM, which recognises the
systemic disadvantages of women and sexual minorities in
environments of institutionalized patriarchy. INTERNATIONALISM,
which diligently seeks to stop violent disputes among nation-states
around the world.As per ECOLOGICAL SOCIALISM, the causes of
environmental deterioration are capitalism, patriarchy, and
extractive capitalism.

The Philippine Anti-Discrimination Alliance of Youth

Leaders (PANTAY) is a nationwide organization of young
Filipinos promoting gender equality and anti-discrimination in the
country as well as the adoption of the SOGIE Equality Bill in
Congress. Additionally, they are pushing for anti-discrimination
laws via their membership in a number of places, including Iloilo,
Caloocan, and Baguio (with the Amianan Pride Council).Through
lobbying efforts and progressive initiatives, it assisted in passing
local ordinances due to its extensive network of activists and
supporters throughout the Philippines.PANTAY advocates for the
Joree Darle A. Capapas
BA-Communication 4
adoption of the four gender-transformative policies known as
EQUALITY 4 ALL, which help progress equality. Because we can
only face and fight traditional gender norms and eliminate
systematic gender-based inequity by recognizing and reclaiming
their rights. No one will be left behind for them. PANTAY would
want to see their intended ambitions come true for all Filipinos
from all socioeconomic classes, understanding the value of our
human rights. There won't be any stopping them as long as
everyone is treated equally; they are waging the good battle.

The name amarela is derived from the Cebuano word "amarilyo,"

which means yellow and is the color of femininity and hope. They
interpret this to mean that their group stands as a beacon of hope
for the advancement of women in the Philippines. This pertains to
women's rights and empowerment generally, not simply their
sexual and reproductive health. Amarela's goal is to make sex
education and healthcare more accessible to the general public in
order to help people think appropriately when it comes to sexual
topics and matters. Their mission is to handle programs that will
help improve the sexual and reproductive healthcare system and
the sexual education program in the Philippines.

UnYPhil-Women will serve as a tool to facilitate the issues and

concerns of both women and children for a healthy, abuse and
discrimination-free society, with equal opportunities on education
in a peaceful community. This is done in light of the women's role
as guardians of wisdom and humanity and in the pursuit to
preserve and protect the rights of women and children.UnYPhil-
Women envisions a community where Bangsamoro women, guided
by values upheld by the community, actively plan and make
decisions in the creation of peace toward a just and humane
society; a society that fosters goodwill among various ethnic
groups, thereby establishing unity based on respect for various
cultures, religions, and traditions.

Youth Uprising asserted that young people will become change -

makers and contributors to a healthy, thriving community if they
are given access to pertinent services and programs, meaningful
engagement with caring adults, and opportunities to practice
leadership. This change procedure contends that active, healthy
people can influence policy and ultimately produce healthier, safer,
Joree Darle A. Capapas
BA-Communication 4
and economically reliable communities. In order to accomplish the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world must utilize the
full potential of all generations. It acknowledges that youth are
resilient by nature and that risk may be decreased with the correct
set of supports, services, and opportunities. They believe that
collaboration across generations is essential for sustainable
development. In order to ensure that "no one is left behind," we
must work together to promote effective and equitable
intergenerational relationships and partnerships.

3. If you were to pick one organization for membership thereof,

which would it be and why? (minimum of 150 words)

Amarela would be the organization I would choose if I had to

choose which one to join. Teenage pregnancies are quite common
in this generation, as we have all observed. Early pregnancy
statistics are on the rise, and one issue, in my opinion, is caused
by teens' ignorance, desire, and curiosity about sex. Sex education
is essential. I want to assist in educating young people about all
facets of sexual education and show them how to take care of
their bodies. Additionally, I would like to encourage women in
getting access to better and safer birth control, menstruation
products, STD testing, medications, and other items.Amarela and I
both want to see every Filipino attain these goals, therefore we
must communicate to the government how important they are. To
make these things better and more widely available, we need to
advocate for various laws and measures.

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