Lifeboats Rules v.4 (2 Pages)

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Object of the Game

▪ get the most sailors to the islands without drowning.

▪ the game ends when the last lifeboat either safely reaches the islands or sinks.
▪ Scoring: each player's score is based on the # of crew (1 point) and officers (2 points) that
safely reached the islands.
▪ in case of ties, the player whose life boat reached the islands safely first wins. If all the tied
players had their life boats sink then they all win.

Set - Up
▪ place the Black boat and the blue leaks next to the board.
▪ each player gets one lifeboat, 2 matching officers, 4/5 matching crewmen, and one deck of
cards. If 5/6 people are playing, players only receive 4 crew (but still get 2 officers).
▪ remove any color voting cards from the deck for ships that are not being used.
▪ randomly choose a Start Player (player #1) and give him the "start stick."
▪ starting with player #1, players put their boats in any open space on first row. Then, the starting
player puts down the Black boat.
▪ starting with player #1, players place one sailor (officer or crewman) into one boat of any color;
continue around until all sailors are in boats.

About Negotiations
▪ Ties: in the case of ties the Start Player breaks the tie (even if not in the vote itself!)
▪ "Captain's Hat rule": if anyone used one of their Captain's Hat cards, they get to over-rule the
vote. But, if multiple people played Captain's Hat cards they cancel out and the remaining
cards are tallied. In case of ties the Start Player breaks the tie.
* players receive only 3 Captain's Hat cards, and each card can only be used once.
▪ "Stick rule": the Start Player may at any time during the negotiations bang the start stick,
immediately ending all negotiations.
Phase 1: A Lifeboat Springs a Leak
▪ only one boat will receive one leak each round, but boats can have multiple leaks.
▪ after negotiations, each player places a card face down for the boat they want to get the leak.
▪ once everyone has chosen, the cards are revealed and one blue leak is added to that boat.
▪ once a spot is filled with a leak, no sailor may be placed there.
▪ if the boat is full one sailor must be thrown overboard to make room for the leak! Players with
sailors in the boat vote to determine who is thrown overboard. Crew get one vote, and
Officers get two votes. The "loser" must lose crew first, and officers last.
▪ End of phase check: if a boat contains more leaks then sailors, it sinks and all are lost!

Phase 2: One Lifeboat Moves Forward

▪ after negotiations each player places a card face down for the boat they want to have move
forward one space. Boats cannot move sideways.
▪ once revealed, the winning boat moves one space closer to the islands.
▪ if a boat reaches the last space, all sailors aboard are placed on the island and the boat is put
next to the board. Keep the boats in order for scoring purposes later.
▪ if only one boat remains, it automatically moves forward one space.

Phase 3: Swim to a Better Boat (Chinese Firedrill)

▪ starting with player #1, remove one sailor from a boat and place it behind the boat in the water.
▪ only one sailor total may leave from each boat; some players may not need to remove anyone.
▪ in reverse order, players put their sailors into a different boat then where they originated;
multiple players may jump into the same boat if there is room. If there is no room in an
eligible boat, the sailor drowns!
▪ if only one boat remains, this phase is skipped.
▪ End of phase check: if a boat contains more leaks then sailors, it sinks and all are lost!

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