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Name: Zabeeh ullah

Last name: miakhail

Date of birth:22/06/1998

Place of birth: Kunar Afghanistan

Current location:Abbottabad kpk Pakistan

Whatsapp number:00923368722005

Partner information
Name: Abdullah

Last name: Jamal

Date of birth:02/03/1999

Place of birth:Parwan Afghanistan

Current location: Abbottabad kpk Pakistan

Whatsapp number:00923130998105

Questions and answer

Question 1: What is your status in the country you are living in now (i.e. temporary resident, refugee,

Answer: temporary resident

Question 2: Tell us about your current living situation - if you are currently homeless, please include this
information in your response. If you are in a semi-permanent or stable living situation, please provide
details about the specifics of that situation – i.e. living with a partner, parents, etc.

Answer: living with a partner

Question 3: What is your current employment status? Have you experienced any employment
discrimination related to your LGBTQI+ identity? If so, please provide any available supporting evidence
or documentation.
Answer: we both are UN employment and homeless
Question 4: Do you have any valid or expired visas to enter other countries? If so, please give details of
these visas

Answer: we both have valid visa and passport and all valid documents for travel
Blew are our documents pictures
Send us written/typed, signed letters from friends, and past/current partners who
are aware of your sexual orientation.


Question 4: Send us screenshots of conversations on Whatsapp with you and current or past partners.


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