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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93


Study of racial profile of the native Guajolote (Meleagris gallopavo

gallopavo) in two regions of Mexico: morphometric characterization
Rodrigo Portillo‑Salgado1 · Jose G. Herrera‑Haro1 · Jaime Bautista‑Ortega2 · Alfredo Sánchez‑Villarreal2 ·
Francisco A. Cigarroa‑Vázquez3 · Alfonso J. Chay‑Canul4 · Abdulmojeed Yakubu5

Received: 8 July 2021 / Accepted: 1 February 2022 / Published online: 9 February 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022

The present study aimed at the morphometric characterization of the native Guajolote reared in two regions of Mexico using
multivariate analysis techniques. Data from a total of 362 unrelated native Guajolotes (257 males and 105 females) were used:
of these, 160 were from the Central region and 202 were from the Southeast region. The birds were also grouped according
to age, as youngs (≤ 8 months; n = 150) and adults (≥ 9 months; n = 212). The body weight (BW) and nine morphometric
measurements—chest circumference (CC), body length (BL), body height (BH), neck length (NL), peak length (PL), shank
length (SL), shank diameter (SD), wing length (WL) and wing width (WW)—were measured. There were significant differ-
ences (p < 0.05) due to the effect of region, sex and age for most of the morphometric measurements evaluated. There was
a high percentage of positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001; p < 0.01) between the variables. In each region, three
principal components were extracted that represented more than 75% of the accumulated variation among the variables. The
most discriminating morphometric measurements between populations were WW, PL and NL. The Mahalanobis distance
between the males and females of the two populations was 37.457 and 29.310 (p < 0.001), respectively. This differentiation
can contribute to the definition of the phenotypic standard of this poultry genetic resource for its official recognition as a
breed, as well as in the orientation of its genetic improvement programs in the future.

Keywords  Animal genetic resource · Native Guajolote · Factor analysis · Morphometric measurements · Mexico


Currently, it is known that breeds and varieties of her-

itage and commercial turkeys raised around the world
* Rodrigo Portillo‑Salgado are descended from the domestic Mexican subspecies Meleagris gallopavo gallopavo (Speller et al. 2010; Mon-
teagudo et al. 2013; Canales et al. 2019), known locally
Programa de Ganadería, Colegio de Postgraduados, as Guajolote. Its name derives from the Castilianization
Campus Montecillo, Carretera México‑Texcoco Km. 36.5,
56230 Montecillo, Texcoco CP, Mexico from the term ‘Huacholotl’, used in the indigenous Mexi-
2 can language Nahuatl, whose meaning is ‘great monster’,
Departamento de Ciencias Agrícolas, Colegio
de Postgraduados, Campus Campeche, referring to the large body size of the male and his colour-
CP. 24450 Champotón, Campeche, Mexico ful and exuberant plumage, which contributes to leaving
Escuela de Estudios Agropecuarios Mezcalapa, clear its true origin—Mexico (SIAP 2016). The domesti-
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, México, Carretera cation of the Guajolote was carried out by pre-Hispanic
Chicoasén, Malpaso, Km. 24, 3, San Miguel El Cocal, indigenous groups of the South-Central region of Mexico
C.P. 29625 Copainalá, Chiapas, Mexico between the years 200 B.C. and 700 D.C. (Crawford 1992;
Division Académica de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Speller et al. 2010). Later, the Guajolote was exported
Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Carr. Villhermosa-Teapa, km from Mexico to Europe during the Spanish conquest
25, CP 86280 Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico
approximately 500 years ago, and from there, to differ-
Department of Animal Science, Nasarawa State University, ent parts of the world (Crawford 1992). Therefore, the
Keffi, Shabu‑Lafia Campus, P.M.B. 135, Lafia, Nigeria


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93 Page 2 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93

Guajolote is considered ‘A food that Mexico offers to the In this sense, various authors demonstrated that a precise
world’ (SIAP 2016). way to assess morphometric variability within and between
The Guajolote is raised mainly in rural and sub-urban AnGR populations is through the use of multivariate analy-
regions of Mexico, under backyard conditions or extensive sis techniques such as principal components and discrimi-
systems based on grazing and limited use of inputs, stay- nant analysis (Okpeku et al. 2011; Ajayi et al. 2012a; Nafti
ing together with other domestic birds, such as chickens, et al. 2014; Arandas et al. 2016; Hilal et al. 2016; Yakubu
hens and ducks Creoles, mainly (Estrada-Mora et al. 2013; and Ari 2018; Villarreal-Arellano et al. 2020; Zegeye et al.
Portillo-Salgado et al. 2018). From the raising of the Gua- 2021). These statistical tools make it possible to determine
jolote, safe food of good nutritional quality is obtained, in detail the degree of importance of the morphometric
such as meat and eggs, which are used by peasant families measures evaluated, as well as their interrelationships, in
for self-consumption and to obtain extra economic income order to define more accurately the racial profile of AnGR
(Cigarroa-Vázquez et al. 2013). Additionally, this bird is (de Medeiros et al. 2020; Villarreal-Arellano et al. 2020).
considered an element of socio-cultural distinction, because Also, they have a higher discriminant precision; that is, they
it is used as a unique gift of great value in family festivities, eliminate those morphometric measures that are not signifi-
a tradition that has lasted over the years (Camacho-Escobar cant to explain the total variation of the data set (Arandas
et al. 2008; Estrada-Mora et al. 2013). On the other hand, et al. 2016).
the Guajolote constitutes a genetic reservoir with unique Studies on the morphometric characterization of the
characteristics of economic importance and adaptability native Guajolote are still limited. The works available in the
(Camacho-Escobar et al. 2008). This is due to the fact that literature are only based on descriptive statistics and cor-
it has greater genetic variability, compared to the breeds relation analysis (Canul et al. 2011; Rios et al. 2016). To
and varieties of heritage and commercial turkeys, as a con- our knowledge, only one study preliminary used principal
sequence of the long period of adaptation to the adverse component analysis (PCA) to characterize the Guajolote
environmental conditions that characterize Mexico (Canales native to a small region of Mexico (Cigarroa-Vázquez et al.
et al. 2019; Strillacci et al. 2020). In addition, the conserva- 2013). Therefore, the present study aimed at the morpho-
tive management practices used in rural regions do not allow metric characterization of the native Guajolote reared in two
reproductive crosses between the Guajolote and commercial regions of Mexico (Central and Southeast), using multivari-
hybrid turkeys, keeping it under clear genetic isolation over ate analysis techniques. The study was planned considering
the years (Canales et al. 2019). what was reported by Strillacci et al. (2020), who found
However, despite the important historical, economic, that the populations of Guajolote native to these geographi-
genetic and socio-cultural value of the Guajolote, until now, cal areas as genetically distinct groups, as a consequence
it has not been reported or officially registered as a native of the different environments in which they grow up. The
breed of Mexico, even less has it been included in selection results of the present study will determine if the populations
and genetic improvement programs. This is due to the fact of native Guajolote studied are morphometrically different,
that many of its characteristics, including its racial profile, and what are the morphometric measures that contribute
have not been described. This is alarming, since according to this variation. In addition, a specific racial profile of the
to Sponenberg et al. (2019), for the specific case of those native Guajolote will be identified based on morphometric
native or local animal genetic resources (AnGR) that lack characteristics, as a prerequisite for its official recognition
formal recognition as a breed, they are even more difficult as a breed. Overall, this information will be useful for future
to conserve. In fact, according to data from the Agrifood breeding and conservation programs for this important
and Fisheries Information System (Sistema de Información genetic resource.
Agroalimentaria y Pesquera; SIAP), in 2006, Mexico had
an inventory of approximately 4.5 million Guajolotes, but
by 2015, this number had reduced to 3.8 million, which is Materials and methods
equivalent to a decrease of 16% of the national flock (Nava-
Reyes et al. 2018). Study area, sampling and animals
The characterization of AnGRs based on morphomet-
ric measurements allows preliminary determination of the The study was carried out in two different regions of
variability and degree of genetic erosion of their populations Mexico (Fig. 1). In the Central region, three municipali-
(Kandoussi et al. 2021). These types of studies are the basis ties in the northern highlands of the State of Puebla were
for the description and/or differentiation of AnGR popula- included: Tetela de Ocampo, Aquixtla and Tepetzintla.
tions or races, which constitutes useful information in the This geographical area is characterized by a temperate
design of efficient plans and programs for the improvement, subhumid climate with rains in summer C (w), and pre-
conservation and sustainable use (Arandas et  al. 2016). sents a temperature that ranges from 5 to 26 °C, an annual


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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93 Page 3 of 12 93

Fig. 1  Sampling regions for each group of native Guajolote used in the study

rainfall of between 400 and 1200 mm and an altitude that therefore, the value of n used in the present study is within
varies between 1685 and 2202 masl (INEGI 2017a). On the estimated range (n = 362 > n = 55).
the other hand, in the Southeast region, three municipali- In the studied regions, flocks of native Guajolote are
ties of the State of Campeche were considered: Campe- reared at the backyard level or under an extensive small-
che, Champotón and Escárcega. This geographical area is scale production system, with maize (Zea mays) being the
located in the Yucatan Peninsula, and is characterized by basis of their diet. Commonly, this diet is supplemented with
a warm subhumid climate with rains in summer A (w); it kitchen waste, such as omelette, bread, fruits and vegetables.
has a temperature that ranges from 24 to 28 °C, an annual In addition, birds consume seeds, grasses, fruits, plants and
rainfall of between 665 and 1965 mm and an altitude that insects during their grazing throughout the day in growing
varies from 6 to 84 masl (INEGI 2017b). areas near the farmer’s home or within the backyard. Health
In the present study, the data of a total of 362 unrelated care practices are occasional and poor. Only deworming pro-
native Guajolotes (257 males and 105 females) were used. grams are carried out, but not vaccination.
Of these, 160 were from the Central region and 202 were
from the Southeast region. Additionally, the birds were Data collection
divided into two groups according to age (it was determined
based on the information provided by the bird owners), thus For the morphometric characterization, the body weight
obtaining 150 young Guajolotes (≤ 8 months; age at which (BW) and some morphometric measurements suggested
they reached sexual maturity) and 212 adult Guajolotes by FAO (2012) for the racial characterization of poultry
(≥ 9 months). The sample size (n) was determined based on genetic resources were considered. These are chest circum-
the criteria proposed by Hair et al. (2009), in which it was ference (CC), body length (BL), body height (BH), neck
suggested to use at least five times more observations than length (NL), peak length (PL), shank length (SL), shank
the number of variables to analyse (p). The mathematical diameter (SD), wing length (WL) and wing width (WW).
formula is the following: [5 * p = 5 * 11 = 55 observations]; The methodology used for measuring the morphometric


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93 Page 4 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93

measurements was those described by Cigarroa-Vázquez procedure was applied using the PROC STEPDISC proce-
et al. (2013). The BW was recorded using a digital balance dure. The discrimination value of the variables was evalu-
(Torrey®), with a capacity of 10 kg and accuracy of 0.2 g. ated using the level of significance p < 0.05 and partial
Morphometric measurements were measured using a flexible R-square values ≥ 0.01. Subsequently, the PROC CAN-
centimetre-graduated tape measure and a millimetre digi- DISC procedure was used for the univariate analysis of the
tal vernier (Truper®). Both the BW and the morphometric selected variables and the canonical functions (linear com-
measurements evaluated were taken by the same person binations of the continuous variables that summarize the
during the first hours of the day (7:00–7:30 h), before the variation between individuals). The Mahalanobis distances
farmers fed and/or released the birds to grazing. This was (Mahalanobis 1936) and the capacity of the linear discri-
done in order to avoid undesirable measurement errors and minant functions determined as the percentage of correct
not to overestimate the real values (Kandoussi et al. 2021). assignment of the individuals with respect to the region of
origin were evaluated using the PROC DISCRIM procedure.
Data analysis In the initial discriminant function model to separate the
groups of birds (males and females) from the two regions,
The BW and morphometric measurements data were sub- the morphometric variables were included, as shown below:
jected to a descriptive and Pearson correlation analysis using
Z𝔦 = ⌉1BW + ⌉2CC + ⌉3BL
the PROC CORR procedure. The fixed effects of the region,
sex and age, and their interactions, were tested using the + ⌉4BH + ⌉5NL + ⌉6PL + ⌉7SL

general linear model (GLM) procedure using the SAS statis- + ⌉8SD + ⌉9W + ⌉10WW
tical package (SAS 2016, ver.9.4). The means were separated
where Z𝔦 is the discriminant score for the ith individual and
using the Tukey test with a 95% confidence interval. The
⌉𝔦 is the contribution (magnitude) of the ith variable in the
model used is the following:
discriminant function (Birteeb et al. 2013).
Yijk = 𝜇 + Ai + Sj + Rk + (AS)ij + (SR)jk + (AR)ik + (ASR)ijk + Eijk

where Yijk is the individual observation; 𝜇 is the overall Results

mean; Ai is the fixed effect of ith age ( i  = youngs vs adults);
Sj is the fixed effect of jth sex ( j = males, females); Rk is the Morphometric description
fixed effect of kth region ( k = Central, Southeast); (AS)ij is the
interaction effect of ith age and jth sex; (SR)jk is the interac- The descriptive statistics and the analysis of variance of the
tion effect of jth sex and kth region; (AR)ik is the interaction BW and the morphometric measurements of native Gua-
effect of ith age and kth region; (ASR)ijk is the interaction jolotes are presented in Tables 1 and 2. With the exception
effect of age, sex and region; and Eijk is the random error; of SD, the rest of the morphometric measurements were
𝜀ijk ∼ N(0, 𝜎 2 ). significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by the region, with higher
All the variables evaluated were subjected to a facto- mean values for birds from the Central region, compared
rial analysis based on the principal components method to their counterparts from the Southeast region. The effect
(PC) using the statistical program SPSS (IBM, ver.22), in of sex was significant (p < 0.05) for all the variables evalu-
order to summarize the set of original variables in uncor- ated, with males being those with higher body dimensions
related variables called ‘components or factors’. The suit- than females. The adult Guajolotes had higher mean values
ability of the factor analysis was determined using the (p < 0.05) in the BW, CC, BL and BH, compared to the val-
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s sphericity tests ues recorded in the young Guajolotes. The effects of the
at the 1% level of significance; the latter assesses the null region × sex × age interaction were significant (p < 0.05) only
hypothesis that the original correlation matrix is an identity for WW. Regarding the region × sex interaction, significant
matrix (Bartlett 1950). The analysis is considered adequate differences (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) were observed in the BW,
when the KMO value ≥ 0.60 (Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). BL and WL. In the same way, the sex × age interaction had
The cumulative proportion of variance criterion was used a significant effect (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) on BW, CC and WW
to determine the number of factors to extract (Birteeb et al. (Table 2).
2013; Yakubu and Ari 2018). Subsequently, the varimax The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between the BW
orthogonal rotation criterion was used to maximize the sum and the morphometric measurements of the native Gua-
of variances of the loads in order to simplify the interpreta- jolotes grouped by region are shown in Table 3. Most of the
tion of the factor analysis (Yakubu and Ari 2018). correlations between the evaluated variables were positive
To determine the most discriminatory variables between and significant (p < 0.001; p < 0.01), and of low magnitude
the populations of the two regions, the stepwise discriminant (> 0.20) to moderate (> 0.50), ranging from r = 0.23 to 0.78


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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93 Page 5 of 12 93

Table 1  Means ± standard errors (S.E.) for body weight (kg) and morphometric measurements (cm) of native Guajolote as affected by region,
sex and age
Traits Region Sex Age

Central (n = 160) Southeast (n = 202) Males (n = 257) Females (n = 105) Youngs (n = 150) Adults (n = 212)
BW 5.54 ± 0.13a 4.72 ± 0.11b 5.82 ± 0.09a 3.28 ± 0.06b 4.69 ± 0.12b 5.37 ± 0.12a
CC 45.51 ± 0.50a 43.78 ± 0.50b 47.43 ± 0.35a 37.48 ± 0.32b 43.14 ± 0.51b 45.54 ± 0.48a
BL 44.15 ± 0.41a 38.02 ± 0.33b 42.90 ± 0.31a 35.43 ± 0.40b 39.84 ± 0.49b 41.36 ± 0.38a
BH 46.72 ± 0.36a 40.47 ± 0.31b 45.68 ± 0.25a 37.23 ± 0.37b 42.31 ± 0.44b 43.88 ± 0.37a
NL 28.19 ± 0.16a 22.94 ± 0.18b 26.33 ± 0.19a 22.63 ± 0.32b 24.88 ± 0.29a 25.53 ± 0.23a
PL 4.46 ± 0.02a 5.63 ± 0.03b 5.17 ± 0.04a 4.97 ± 0.05b 5.19 ± 0.05a 5.06 ± 0.05a
SL 13.35 ± 0.14a 12.81 ± 0.12b 13.91 ± 0.07a 10.92 ± 0.09b 13.09 ± 0.14a 13.01 ± 0.12a
SD 1.15 ± 0.01a 1.10 ± 0.02a 1.21 ± 0.01a 0.90 ± 0.01b 1.14 ± 0.02a 1.11 ± 0.01a
WL 34.92 ± 0.31a 30.77 ± 0.24b 34.57 ± 0.20a 27.80 ± 0.19b 32.71 ± 0.34a 32.53 ± 0.29a
WW 15.30 ± 0.11a 11.55 ± 0.09b 14.08 ± 0.12a 11.06 ± 0.16b 12.96 ± 0.18a 13.38 ± 0.16a

Means within the same row having different lowercase letters differ significantly (p < 0.05) between regions, sexes and ages
BW body weight, CC chest circumference, BL body length, BH body height, NL neck length, PL peak length, SL shank length, SD shank diam-
eter, WL wing length, WW wing width; n number of observation

Table 2  Analysis of variance showing the interaction effect of region, sex and age of Guajolotes native on body weight and morphometric meas-
Source variation Mean squares and level of significance**

Region (R) 1 6.30* 6.66 ns 1223.69** 1241.17** 1453.39** 76.42** 0.06 ns 0.07 ns 386.54** 704.71**
Sex (S) 1 347.98** 5367.66** 2740.07** 3616.02** 479.01** 7.23** 528.80** 4.61** 2510.21** 314.03**
Age (A) 1 16.14* 279.07* 54.20 ns 73.1* 0.03 ns 0.19 ns 0.43 ns 0.03 ns 2.60 ns 3.66 ns
R × S 1 4.34* 3.83 ns 82.78* 65.20 ns 5.19 ns 0.55 ns 3.31 ns 0.23 ns 150.14** 0.0008 ns
R × A 1 0.74 ns 0.04 ns 1.86 ns 0.03 ns 3.36 ns 0.28 ns 2.16 ns 0.03 ns 9.25 ns 5.17 ns
S × A 1 12.61* 138.80* 6.65 ns 7.55 ns 1.12 ns 0.12 ns 0.06 ns 0.05 ns 0.03 ns 19.19**
R × S × A 1 0.02 ns 23.15 ns 9.07 ns 3.63 ns 2.95 ns 0.001 ns 3.31 ns 0.04 ns 0.002 ns 4.63*
Residual 354 1.41 23.9 15.25 8.41 3.91 0.14 1.30 0.04 5.38 0.69

Significant at p < 0.01 for all morphological traits except otherwise stated

 not significant
 p < 0.05 (significant at this level)
 p < 0.01 (significant at this level)

and r = 0.30 to 0.91 in the native Guajolotes of the Central method. Communality indices ranged from 0.573 to 0.877
region and the Southeast region, respectively. The highest and 0.530 to 0.969 in birds from the Central and Southeast
correlation was observed between BW and CC, both for regions, respectively. In both groups of birds, three PCs
birds from the Central region (r = 0.78) and from the South- were extracted that represented 77.03 and 77.32% of the
east region (r = 0.91). total accumulated variation between the variables evaluated
(Table 4). In the first group (Central region), PC1 contrib-
Factor analysis uted the highest percentage of the total accumulated variance
(57.18%), and was characterized by BH, SL, SD, WL and
The observed values of the KMO (0.885 and 0.917) and WW. The PC2 had its loads in BW, CC and BL, while the
Bartlett’s sphericity tests (Chi-square = 1102.291; P < 0.001 PL had a unique influence on PC3; these contributed 11.13
and Chi-square = 1600.360; P < 0.001) in birds from the and 8.71% of the total variance, respectively. On the other
Central region and the Southeast region, respectively, hand, in the second group (Southeast region), the variables
were high enough to support the validity and reliability of that explained PC1 were BW, CC, BL, BH and WW, which
the factor analysis using the principal components (PC) contributed 62.55% of the total accumulated variance. Both


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Table 3  Pearson’s correlations between the body weight and morphometric measurements of native Guajolote according to region

Table 4  Components, eigenvalues, percentage of variance and factors loading after varimax rotation and communality of body weight and mor-
phometric measurements of native Guajolote according to region
Traits Central Southeast
PC1 PC2 PC3 Communality PC1 PC2 PC3 Communality

BW 0.494 0.796  − 0.011 0.877 0.884 0.166 0.160 0.834

CC 0.314 0.825 0.228 0.832 0.897 0.200 0.156 0.870
BL 0.302 0.763 0.397 0.831 0.724 0.143 0.329 0.653
BH 0.679 0.548 0.029 0.762 0.761 0.376 0.126 0.737
NL 0.544  − 0.049 0.673 0.751 0.567 0.408 0.205 0.530
PL  − 0.048 0.279 0.829 0.768 0.154 0.883 0.084 0.811
SL 0.768 0.267 0.236 0.716 0.611 0.555 0.316 0.782
SD 0.669 0.351  − 0.042 0.573 0.251 0.169 0.937 0.969
WL 0.787 0.310 0.290 0.800 0.568 0.556 0.239 0.688
WW 0.817 0.352 0.058 0.795 0.760 0.473 0.239 0.859
Eigenvalue 5.719 1.114 0.871 - 6.255 0.772 0.705 -
Simple variation (%) 57.18 11.13 8.71 - 62.55 7.72 7.04 -
Accumulated variation (%) 57.18 68.32 77.03 - 62.55 70.27 77.32 -

BW body weight, CC chest circumference, BL body length, BH body height, NL neck length, PL peak length, SL shank length, SD shank diam-
eter, WL wing length, WW wing width

PC2 and PC3 contributed a similar percentage to the total respectively. The plots of the three components in rotated
variance (7%), and were highly influenced by PL and SD, space for each group are shown in Fig. 2.


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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93 Page 7 of 12 93

Discriminant analysis size than their counterparts from the Southeast region.
This variability could be a reflection of the genetic differ-
The summary of the stepwise discriminant analysis is pre- ences found by Strillacci et al. (2020), due to the specific
sented in Table 5. It was observed that eight of the evaluated adaptation of each population to the prevailing environ-
variables were significant (p < 0.01; p < 0.0001) to discrim- mental conditions in each geographic area. In addition,
inate both males and females of the two regions studied. the wide geographic separation between populations inter-
These were WW, PL, NL, BL, CC, SL, BH and BW. How- rupts the flow of genes, so they tend to differ considerably.
ever, the first three variables had more discriminating power, However, this can be an element to promote variability if
since they showed higher R2 and F values, compared to other there is an adequate management plan within flocks (de
variables. When these three variables (WW, PL and NL) Medeiros et al. 2020). According to Montes et al. (2019),
were selected, the Wilk’s lambda value decreased to 0.095 variability facilitates the creation of rustic and adapted
and 0.129, with a significant difference (F = 51.79; P < 0.001 tropical production genotypes that contribute to the con-
and F = 11.52; P < 0.01) between the groups of males and servation of traditional and socially sustainable produc-
females, respectively. The selected discriminatory variables tion systems for the rural population. On the other hand,
were included in the discriminant function model ( Z  ) as phenotypic divergence between races/populations could
shown below: also be due to non-genetic factors, such as management
practices, food quality and quantity, biophysical resources
Z = 0.813(wing width) − 1.663(peak length)
and agroclimatic conditions, including geographic loca-
+ 0.231(neck length) for males.
tion (Ibnelbachyr et al. 2015; Hailemariam et al. 2018;

Z = 0.760(wing width) − 1.994(peak length)

+ 0.168(neck length) for females

The canonical discriminant analysis generated only

a single canonical variable (CAN) that was significant
(p < 0.0001) and can be used to differentiate between 1.0 BW
males and females in the studied regions (Table  6). BL

CANs were highly associated with WW, and accounted

Component 2

0.5 WW

for 100% of the total variation. The percentage of indi- 0.0 NL


viduals that were correctly classified in their region of

origin obtained from the discriminant analysis was 100%,
both in males and females (Table 7). The Mahalanobis -1.0
-1.0 -0.5
distance observed between males (37.457) was longer, -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0

Compone onen
compared to that observed between females (29.310) from nt 1 Comp
the two regions studied. Both distances were significant
(p < 0.001), which shows that the differences between
groups of birds are important.

Discussion 1.0 PL

Component 2

Information on the morphometric profile of populations of

0.5 BH
native or autochthonous animal genetic resources in their 0.0 CC

habitat is a prerequisite to define specific breeds (Nafti

et al. 2014), and in turn, establish breed improvement at
the level of farmers (Hailemariam et al. 2018). The mean -1.0
-1.0 -0.5 0.0
values of BW and morphometric measurements obtained Compone
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0
in the present study are consistent with those reported in nt 1 Comp

populations of native Guajolote raised in other regions of

Mexico (Canul et al. 2011; Cigarroa-Vázquez et al. 2013;
Rios et al. 2016). However, it was evidenced that birds
from the Central region are heavier and have a larger body Fig. 2  Component plot in rotated space for groups of native Gua-
jolotes from the Central (above) and Southeast (under) regions


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93 Page 8 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93

Table 5  Summary of stepwise selection of morphometric measurements to separate groups of native Guajolotes by region
Group Variables Partial R2 F value P > F Wilk’s lambda Pr˂ lambda Average squared P > ASCC
entered canonical correlation

Males WW 0.8154 1126.05 ˂.0001 0.1846 ˂.0001 0.8153 ˂.0001

PL 0.3742 151.89 ˂.0001 0.1155 ˂.0001 0.8844 ˂.0001
NL 0.1699 51.79 ˂.0001 0.0959 ˂.0001 0.9040 ˂.0001
BL 0.1029 28.78 ˂.0001 0.0804 ˂.0001 0.9195 ˂.0001
CC 0.0648 17.45 ˂.0001 0.0896 ˂.0001 0.9103 ˂.0001
SL 0.0440 11.52 0.0008 0.0769 ˂.0001 0.9230 ˂.0001
BH 0.0232 5.90 0.0158 0.0751 ˂.0001 0.9248 ˂.0001
BW 0.0125 3.14 0.0778 0.0742 ˂.0001 0.9257 ˂.0001
Females WW 0.7476 305.04 ˂.0001 0.2524 ˂.0001 0.7475 ˂.0001
PL 0.4292 76.70 ˂.0001 0.1440 ˂.0001 0.8559 ˂.0001
NL 0.1024 11.52 0.0010 0.1293 ˂.0001 0.8706 ˂.0001
SL 0.0485 5.09 0.0262 0.1230 ˂.0001 0.8769 ˂.0001
BH 0.0332 3.39 0.0684 0.1189 ˂.0001 0.8810 ˂.0001
BW 0.0296 2.99 0.0868 0.1154 ˂.0001 0.8845 ˂.0001
CC 0.0298 2.98 0.0873 0.1120 ˂.0001 0.8879 ˂.0001
BL 0.0216 2.12 0.1484 0.1095 ˂.0001 0.8904 ˂.0001

Table 6  Standardized coefficients for the canonical discriminant indigenous chickens raised in higher altitude regions of
function, the canonical correlation, the eigenvalue and the total vari- Ethiopia had significantly higher mean body weights than
ance percentage
chickens from lower altitude regions. Mushi et al. (2020)
Traits Males Females described that the extreme measurements seen with some
CAN 1 CAN 1 Tanzanian local chickens might be a result of random
mating in the extensive free-ranging system that leads to
Wing width 0.949 0.926
admixtures of genotypes and that might have produced the
Peak length  − 0.891  − 0.885
different traits observed in these individuals.
Neck length 0.819 0.823
The differences observed in all the variables evaluated
Canonical correlation 0.950 0.933
by effect of sex confirm a clear sexual dimorphism in favour
Approximate standard error 0.005 0.012
of males. Sexual dimorphism has been attributed to the
Eigenvalue 9.426 6.732
usual differential hormonal effects between the sexes, and
Variance accounted (%) 100.00 100.00
has a strong impact on poultry growth (Ajayi et al. 2012a;
Cumulative variance (%) 100.00 100.00
Toalombo et al. 2020). In poultry, the body superiority of
males over females could also be due to the dominance
they exert at the time of feeding and a better feed conver-
Ofori et al. 2021). For example, Guni et al. (2013) reported sion efficiency (Yakubu 2011). The differences observed
that local chickens from highland areas of Tanzania were between male and female Guajolotes have also been previ-
heavier and had a larger body size, than local chickens ously reported in local Nigerian turkeys (Ajayi et al. 2012b;
from lowland. Similarly, Bekele et al. (2021) found that Yakubu et al. 2012; Adeyemi and Oseni 2018; Adenaike

Table 7  Number and percentage Group Classification Region Region Total

of individuals classified by
group Central Southeast

Original count % Central 124 100.00 0 0.00 124 100.00
Original count % Southeast 0 0.00 133 100.00 133 100.00
Original count % Central 36 100.00 0 0.00 36 100.00
Original count % Southeast 1 1.45 68 98.55 69 100.00


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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93 Page 9 of 12 93

et al. 2020), as well as in other domestic birds, such as chick- PCs. Previously, Cigarroa-Vázquez et al. (2013) determined
ens (Ajayi et al. 2012a; Yakubu and Ari 2018) and ducks four PCs that explained 74% of the total variation between
(Yakubu 2011). Sexual dimorphism has great importance in morphometric measurements of native Guajolotes from a
animal characterization, mainly on the dynamics, behaviour region of southern Mexico. In this study, the first component
and evolution of populations (Kandoussi et al. 2021). was related to the height and body weight of the birds. In
In this study, it was observed that adult Guajolotes had their own report, Ajayi et al. (2012b) reduced the morpho-
higher mean values of BW, CC, BL and BH, compared to metric measurements of local Nigerian turkeys to three and
those observed in young Guajolotes. Yakubu (2011) indi- four components that represented 88.84 and 87.95% of the
cated that age is an important factor that influences the body total variation in males and females, respectively. In both
conformation of animals, because each morphological trait sexes, the most important variables to characterize the birds
developed at a different rate during the growth stages. Previ- were body weight, keel length, breast girth and thigh length.
ously, Onbaşılar et al. (2011) and Olutunmogun et al. (2016) Similar results have been identified in indigenous African
reported that age has a significant effect on body weight chicken populations (Ajayi et  al. 2012a; Negash 2021).
and some morphomeric measures in ducks and chickens, Communality reflects the degree of correlation between one
respectively. The significant interaction effects observed in variable and the others, 0.5 being the minimum acceptable
the present study indicate a classification between the groups value (de Medeiros et al. 2020). Hair et al. (2009) suggest
of birds, with respect to the two regions, sexes and the ages the elimination of variables with low values of communality.
evaluated. Therefore, the values of communalities found in the present
The large percentage of positive and significant correla- study confirm the suitability of the variables studied for the
tions between the BW and the morphometric measurements morphometric description of the native Guajolote. Similarly,
reflects a high degree of morphological harmony and bal- other authors have reported high values of communalities
anced physical development in the populations of native in morphometric measurements of local Nigerian turkeys
Guajolote studied. This assertion is based on the fact that a (Ogah 2011; Ajayi et al. 2012b).
change in one variable will lead to a corresponding change The most discriminating variables selected by stepwise
in other variables. It indicates the degree of adaptation of a discriminant analysis were WW, PL, NL, BL, CC, SL, BH
breed to a certain geographical area through the process of and BW; however, the first three showed a discriminant
natural selection (Villarreal-Arellano et al. 2020; Kandoussi power superior to the rest of the variables. These morpho-
et al. 2021). These findings are similar to those reported by metric measurements can be useful to differentiate both the
Ogah (2011) and Djebbi et al. (2014) in local turkeys from males and the females of the populations of native Guajolote
other regions of the world. In chickens, high percentages of studied; in turn, they could define the racial characterization
positive and significant correlations have also been observed of each population. Some of these discriminatory variables
between linear morphological measures (Ajayi et al. 2012a; identified in the present study have been useful to differ-
Negash 2021). entiate between sexes (Ajayi et al. 2012b) and genotypes
The selection of the most important morphometric vari- (Yakubu et al. 2012) of local Nigerian turkeys. In chickens
ables that explain most of the total phenotypic variability (Ajayi et al. 2012a), the most useful morphometric meas-
of a breed is an important requirement for selection and ures to discriminate between genotypes are breast girth,
genetic improvement programs (Nafti et  al. 2014; Ade- keel length, thigh length, shank length and wing length.
naike et al. 2020). The factor analysis allowed to determine Reducing the number of variables necessary to distinguish
three components that explained more than 75% of the between individuals saves time and energy, and could also
total variation of the morphometric measurements evalu- help in ecology, conservation, selection and reproduction
ated in two populations of native Guajolote. In the birds practices (Ajayi et al. 2012b). In this sense, a clear distinc-
of the Central region, the first PC showed that they are tall tion between populations and/or breeds is very necessary
and long animals in terms of some limbs such as the shank for farmers and consumers of livestock products, as well
and the wing. The second PC characterized birds that were as for researchers (Birteeb et al. 2013). The discriminant
heavy and with a longer body length, while the third PC function models obtained in the present study, including
described birds with long peaks. On the other hand, in the the three morphometric measurements (wing width, peak
birds of the Southeast region, it was observed that the first length and neck length), indicate that they are sufficient to
PC described heavy animals with larger body sizes, while differentiate between the native Guajolote populations. The
the second and third PC identified birds with long peaks canonical discriminant analysis generated only one canoni-
and thick shanks, respectively. Based on what was described cal variable (CAN), both in males and females. Both CANs
by McCoy et al. (2006), it is assumed that the populations were dominated by wing width. In the same way, Yakubu
of native Guajolotes studied present a different pattern of (2011) reported only a single standardized canonical discri-
morphological variation, since there was variation between minant function to discriminate between male and female


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93 Page 10 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54: 93

African Muscovy ducks, and it was loaded by wing length. important to carry out more DNA analysis using molecular
A good ability of the discriminant function was evidenced, markers to determine the degree of genetic variation within
since a successful classification of the different groups of and between populations to develop an effective program of
birds was observed. This information is useful in reproduc- conservation and sustainable use of the native Guajolote at
tive selection tasks and to avoid errors in the classification the national level.
of individuals that do not meet the phenotypic standards of
a certain breed (Yakubu and Ari 2018). Acknowledgements  The authors would like to thank all the farmers
who provided some data on flock management practices and allowed
The Mahalanobis distance observed between males and the measurements to be taken from the birds. A special thanks to Dr.
females of the two populations studied was very high (37.457 Alberto Santillán Fernández for his help in preparing the map used in
and 29.310, respectively), which confirms a clear variation this manuscript.
in the morphometric profile between them. As mentioned
above, these differences could be due to genetic factors such Author contribution  RPS and JGHH conceived and designed research.
RPS, JBO, ASV and FACV collected the data. RPS, AJCC and AY ana-
as the null flow of genes between the two populations, or lysed the data. RPS, FACV and AY wrote the manuscript. All authors
non-genetic factors, such as management practices, agrocli- read and approved the manuscript.
matic conditions and biophysical resources, among others
(Depison et al. 2020). In a related, Yakubu et al. (2012) Data availability  All the data used are included in the manuscript.
reported a large Mahalanobis distance between indigenous
Nigerian turkeys and exotic turkeys (36.68). In turn, the lat- Declarations 
ter showed an intermediate distance (29.14) with crossed
turkeys. The use of the Mahalanobis distance as a classifi- Ethics approval and consent to participate  The manuscript does not
contain clinical studies or patient data.
cation and differentiation tool between populations and/or
races of native or autochthonous animal genetic resources Consent to participate  Not applicable.
has been widely recommended (Birteeb et al. 2013; Nafti
et al. 2014; Arandas et al. 2016; Hilal et al. 2016; de Medei- Consent for publication  Not applicable.
ros et al. 2020; Zegeye et al. 2021).
Conflict of interest  The authors declare no competing interests.

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