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Lesson 02:

Banking structure, services.

1. Definitions :

*Bank a commercial institution that takes deposits and extends loans. Banks are concerned mainly with
making and receiving payments on behalf of their customers, accepting deposits, and making short-term loans
to private individuals, companies, and other organizations.

*Banking the activities undertaken by banks; this includes personal banking (non-business customers),
commercial banking (small and medium-sized business customers), and corporate banking (large international
and multinational corporations).

Banking :‫الخدمات المصرفية‬

Loans :‫قروض‬

Costomers :‫الزبائن‬

Money transmission services : ‫خدمات تحويل األموال‬

2. The structure of the bank : ‫الهيكل التنظيمي للبنك‬:

Bank system model

3. A list of banking services translated into Arabic: ‫الخدمات المصرفية‬

1. Advancing of Loans=‫تقديم القروض‬

2. Overdraft.
3. Discounting of Bills of Exchange=‫خصم‬
4. Check/Cheque Payment=‫دفع بالشيك‬
5. Collection and Payment Of Credit Instrument= ‫تحصيل و دفع بطاقات االئتمان‬
6. Foreign Currency Exchange= ‫صرف العمالت األجنبية‬
7. Consultancy =‫االستشارات‬
8. Bank Guarantee=‫الضمان المصرفي‬
9. Remittance of Funds=‫تحويل األموال‬.
10. Credit cards.
11. Home banking.
12. Online banking.=‫=خدمات مصرفية عبر االنترنت‬
13. Mobile Banking.
14. Accepting Deposit=‫قبول اإليداع‬
15. Priority banking
16. Private banking =.‫خدمات مصرفية خاص‬

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