Genetic Consequences of Interspecific Hybridization, Its Role in Speciation and Phenotypic Diversity of Plants

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ISSN 1022-7954, Russian Journal of Genetics, 2019, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 278–294. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2019.

Russian Text © A.V. Rodionov, A.V. Amosova, E.A. Belyakov, P.M. Zhurbenko, Yu.V. Mikhailova, E.O. Punina, V.S. Shneyer, I.G. Loskutov, O.V. Muravenko, 2019, published
in Genetika, 2019, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 255–272.


Genetic Consequences of Interspecific Hybridization,

Its Role in Speciation and Phenotypic Diversity of Plants
A. V. Rodionova, b, *, A. V. Amosovac, E. A. Belyakovd, P. M. Zhurbenkoa, Yu. V. Mikhailovaa, b,
E. O. Puninaa, V. S. Shneyera, I. G. Loskutovb, e, and O. V. Muravenkoc
Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia
Department of Cytology and Histology, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl oblast, 152742 Russia
Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, St. Petersburg, 190000 Russia
Received April 16, 2018; revised September 3, 2018; accepted September 17, 2018

Abstract⎯The review focuses on the genetic consequences of interspecific hybridization and discusses its role
in speciation and increasing the genetic diversity of plants, including the diversity of species and varieties of cul-
tivated crops and garden plants. The combination of two or more genomes of different origin in the first-gener-
ation hybrids is usually accompanied by a phenomenon referred to as genomic shock, which results in different
genetic and epigenetic changes. As a result, a material appears which is unique in providing multiple variants for
natural selection of organisms, in different degrees adapted to new environmental conditions. In isolated plant
populations with various destabilized genomes of hybrid origin under the influence of natural selection and due
to genetic drift, gene and chromosomal differences will accumulate, triggering new reproductive isolating mech-
anisms that increase genetic isolation of a new race or species. Progressive establishment of genome stabilization
at the eupolyploid stage and subsequent repeated genome and karyotype diploidization facilitate the retention
of selected new genomic and epigenomic combinations. It seems likely that the evolutionary history of all agri-
cultural crops and garden plant varieties, as well as of many invasive alien species and the components of adven-
tive flora, was marked by interspecific crossings purposefully carried out by breeders during the creation of mod-
ern varieties and crossings between previously geographically isolated plants that were unintentionally united in
apothecary and botanical gardens, in fields and backyards, and on disturbed lands around settlements. At the
same time, phenotypic and genetic diversity of cultivars not only results from the combination of different alleles
that already existed in the genomes of the parental species but also is a consequence of the appearance in the
first-generation hybrids of new genomic and epigenomic variants that are direct or distant effects of post-hybrid-
ization genomic shock, the creative role of which we would like to emphasize.

Keywords: evolution, interspecific hybridization, cryptic aneuploidy, genome and karyotype evolution, trans-
posons, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome
DOI: 10.1134/S1022795419030141

INTRODUCTION tion only by insects, etc., and the most surprising among
For the first time, the possibility of the appearance them, perhaps even more unexpected, is the complete
of new morphological forms of plants as a result of transformation of one natural plant species into another,
interspecific hybridization, moreover, plants that not which I rightfully dare to ascribe to myself (italics is
only combine the traits of parental species but also ours). And if the academic world creates pleasure or
possess “several other good properties that distinguish benefit for the people over time, this should be
it from all other species,” was demonstrated almost attributed to the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the
250 years ago. Interspecific tobacco hybrids were pur-
posefully obtained and investigated by Joseph Kölreu- service of which I had the honor to do this study”
ter, associate professor of the Botanical Garden of the (quoted from the translation of Kölreuter’s article into
Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. He the modern language, published in 19401 [1]).
wrote: “Each century has its own new discoveries, and
1 For the first time (in translation from German into Russian lan-
there is no country in the world that, having science
and art in a flourishing state and a genius, not guage of the 18th century), the article was published under the
oppressed by coercion and shortcomings, could not title “Notification of Mister Professor Kölreuter on Breeding of
New Tobacco with Red Flowers and the Description of the
manifest them. The discoveries of the modern century Aforesaid”—Works of the Free Economic Society for the Pro-
are bastard plants, the establishment of the genuine motion of Agriculture and House Building in Russia, 1772. Part
structure of pollen, …, the existence of plant pollina- XX. In St. Petersburg at the Gentry Sea Cadet Corps. Pages 1–23.


Later, the problem of interspecific hybridization 10 bivalents were formed. In hybrids, chromosome
and its role in morphogenesis/speciation and progres- pairing in meiosis was disturbed, and hybrids were
sive evolution in plants was repeatedly discussed. This almost sterile. Federley observed a similar phenome-
discussion went through several key steps: non in moth species of the genus Pygaera. The hybrids
between P. anachoreta, P. curtula, and P. pigra were
(1) Investigation of interspecific and interlineage
sterile, and their chromosome conjugation in meiosis
hybridization phenomenon in plants by G. Mendel,
was disturbed. On the basis of these observations,
G. de Vries, K.E. Correns, and W. Bateson showed
Winge [7] hypothesized that chromosome pairing in
that hybridization was the path to reveal the hereditar-
meiosis I was the most important stage in the life of
ily determined plant diversity, which, in fact, led to the
sexually reproducing organisms. He suggested that,
emergence of genetics. At the Third International
during the somatic life, chromosomes accumulated
Conference on Hybridization and Plant Breeding,
mutations, and some of the genetic material was lost.
London, July 1906, W. Bateson, president of the con-
However, during pairwise chromosome conjugation,
ference, in his address to the participants, entitled
due to the interaction of homologs, mutations were
“The Progress of Genetic Research,” declared that
repaired according to a normal copy. This speculation,
research on plant hybridization had already led to the
on one hand, explained the fertility dysfunctions in the
emergence of a new research area, the subject of which
case of inbreeding (the repair is impossible owing to
was the study of the heredity and variability; a new sci-
the fact that homologs carry the same defects) and dis-
ence had appeared, which had no short and clear
tant crossings (the chromosomes are different and
name. Batson suggested calling it “Genetics” (from
cannot conjugate, and therefore, reparation does not
the adjective genetic, “referring to the basics of being”
occur). From this, it was possible to conclude that, if
[2], which in turn is from Genesis, the title of the First
chromosomal doubling (polyploidization) occurs in a
Book of Moses). Bateson’s report was so vivid and
distant hybrid, the conjugation of homologs in meiosis I
convincing that W. Wilks, preparing the proceedings
will be restored, and the possibility for mutation repair
of the conference for publication, gave it the title
will appear; therefore, the distant hybrid will become
“Report of the Third International Conference 1906
fertile, leading to the emergence of a new species.
on Genetics: Hybridization (the Cross-Breeding of
Winge’s hypothesis that polyploidization was the way
Genera or Species), the Cross-Breeding of Varieties,
to overcome distant hybrid sterility was brilliantly con-
and General Plant-Breeding.” It should be noted that
firmed in the studies of G.D. Karpechenko, who
the true name of the conference was the Third Confer-
obtained fertile intergeneric polyploid Raphanobras-
ence on Hybridization and Plant Breeding.
sica hybrid [10].
(2) Lotsy’s formulation of the principle that evolu- (4) A new stage in understanding the meaning and
tion was possible only by means hybridization; only in place of interspecific hybridization in the progressive
this way could a new combination of traits arise [3]. evolution of plants is associated with the development
Evolution by means of hybridization is an impressive of whole-genome sequencing and molecular cytoge-
and catchy formulation, but it is important to consider netics methods. It became clear that representatives of
that this is not about distant hybridization. Lotsy, in all extant phylogenetic branches of flowering plants
the spirit of the time, understands species in a narrow passed through the stages of interspecific hybridiza-
sense, like a jordanon; as we would say now, a pure tion and whole-genome duplication. The phenomena
line, a group of morphologically similar plants which of saltational speciation in terms of the G. de Vries
do not demonstrate the segregation of traits upon mutation theory [11, 12] and many unusual phenom-
crossing. The main idea of Lotsy about the role of ena caused by mutational and epigenetic modification
hybridogenesis in the evolution of plants was of genomes [12] are associated with these stages.
expanded and developed by M.G. Popov [4, 5] and
E. Anderson [6], who thought that hybridogenesis
played the main role in the genesis of the Eurasian HOW OFTEN ARE HYBRIDOGENIC TAXA
flora and in the appearance of angiosperms. FOUND IN NATURE?
(3) Winge’s hypothesis [7] on the possibility of the The origin of a new species via distant hybridiza-
emergence of new species as a result of distant hybrid- tion can be determined using the time-consuming but
ization provided that polyploidization of the hybrid effective method of genome analysis proposed by
karyotype occurs. Winge’s speculations were based on Kihara [13] or using the methods of karyogenomics
observations by Rosenberg [8] and Federley [9]. (GISH and FISH) [14, 15], or by next-generation
Rosenberg studied the behavior of chromosomes in sequencing techniques [16]. Within each of these
meiosis in two sundew species, Drosera longifolia and labor-intensive studies, it is possible to validate the
D. rotundifolia, and in their hybrid. The diploid karyo- hybrid origin of only one, two, or several species.
type of D. longifolia had 40 chromosomes, while the Therefore, when answering the question, we will try to
karyotype of D. rotundifolia consisted of 20 chromo- rely on the opinion of experienced florists who estab-
somes. In the first meiotic division, 20 bivalents were lish the hybrid origin of a particular species according
formed in the first species, and in the second species, to its morphological characters. A summary of this


280 RODIONOV et al.

kind of data was made in [17]. In particular, among tributed in a band extending from northwest to south-
37000 species from the flora of Europe, North Amer- east from Murmansk oblast to Perm oblast and Bash-
ica, and part of Australia belonging to 3212 genera kiria [21, 22]. Hybrid races are called Finnish spruce
from 282 families of vascular plants, species of hybrid (P. fennica), which is considered a young, not fully
origin were observed in 40% of families and 16% of formed hybridogenic species [22]. The true distribu-
genera with an average frequency of 9 hybridogenic tion of P. abies × P. obovata hybrids is probably even
species per 100 non-hybrid species. Most of the pre- wider than that revealed by morphological analysis,
sumptive hybrids are interspecific hybrids within the since mitochondrial DNA haplotypes characteristic of
same genus; intergeneric hybrids are also not uncom- Northern European populations are distributed among
mon, constituting 3.5%. Most often, botanists phenotypically typical Siberian spruce to the left bank
observed hybrids in the families Poaceae, Asteraceae, of the Ob River [21].
and Orchidaceae.
Speaking of hybrids, the homoploid hybrids, i.e.,
hybrids that retain the ploidy level characteristic of HOW OFTEN ARE POLYPLOIDS
parental species, and allopolyploid hybrids (amphidip- FOUND IN NATURE?
loids) should be distinguished. In the case where According to Winge and Karpechenko, promising
parental karyotypes of viable homoploid hybrid were interspecific hybridization events should be accompa-
considerably different, in meiosis, such hybrids can nied by polyploidization of the genome. Polyploids
have problems with conjugation and segregation of can result, for example, from fusion of unreduced
homologous chromosomes. These hybrids will pro- gametes. Doubling of the number of chromosomes in
duce gametes with unbalanced chromosome sets, but the gametes may be associated with the processes tak-
they can also give rise to a long-existing clone, differ- ing place at both premeotic and meiotic stages of the
ing from the parents in morphology, having its own formation of germ cells [23–25]. The frequency of the
range, and reproducing vegetatively or apomictically. gametes produced with doubled chromosome number
If the parental karyotypes of are almost the same, then is under genetic control and can be changed by natural
homoploid hybrids can be fertile and retain the ability selection [24, 25]. The first mutation affecting the fre-
to backcross with parental species. An example can be quency of unreduced gametes, named dy (dyad), was
the peony endemic to Georgia, Paeonia × chamaeleon, discovered by S. Horowitz in 1931 (see [26]) and was
which is a species of hybrid origin producing germi- studied in detail by Satina and Blakeslee [26]. Among
nating seeds both in self-pollination and in crossings the accessions obtained from the irradiated pollen of
with the parental species P. caucasica and P. mlokose- the Datura starmonium jimsonweed (2n = 24), there
witschii [18]. This type of hybridization is called intro- were those in which normal chromosome segregation
gressive hybridization [6] because, as a rule, it is in megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis took
accompanied by the inclusion of some of the genes of place only in the first meiotic division, the second
one parental species in the genome of another, which division was absent, and the chromatids did not segre-
leads to the increase in genetic diversity and the gate. The mutant megagametophyte had 8 nuclei,
appearance of new features in parental species. In the each with 24 chromosomes. In microsporogenesis,
case where parental karyotypes are considerably dif- interkinesis, apparently, was replaced by true inter-
ferent, F1 hybrids will be almost completely sterile, as phase, since after one of the products of the first divi-
is observed, for example, in Elymus glaucus × E. mul- sion was eliminated, the second underwent three suc-
tisetus hybrids. However, single gametes with balanced cessive mitotic divisions, and each microspore con-
chromosome sets, occasionally produced by such tained 12 chromosome pairs [26].
hybrids, can participate in backcrosses. As a result, Further studies have shown that the frequency of
more or less fertile introgressive hybrids with restored unreduced gametes was first of all determined by the
fertility arise [19]. Those of them that will have a special genes and gene combinations whose products were
range and appearance (set of characters), different from associated with the synthesis and activity of cyclin-
those of the parents, can be recognized by taxonomists as dependent kinases (CDKs) and cyclins (CYCs), as
a new species, subspecies, or form [20]. This type of spe- well as by the genes responsible for the synthesis of
ciation is called recombinational speciation [19]. meiosis-specific cohesins, such as the afd1 (“absence
Sometimes, introgressive hybridization zones of first division1”) and rec8 genes [27], especially in
cover vast areas. For instance, in Eastern Europe and the combination of mutations for these genes with
Western Siberia, after the retreat of the glacier, the gene mutations that blocked the appearance of double-
ranges of the European spruce (Picea abies) and the stranded breaks (e.g., spo 11-1, “sporulation 11-1”) and
Siberian spruce (P. obovata), which were previously led to the replacement of the second meiotic division
separated by the glacier, approached each other and by the mitotic division (the osd1 gene, omission of sec-
partially overlapped. According to morphological and ond division 1) [28, 29]. It seems likely that the emer-
nuclear DNA (allozymes, microsatellites) data, natu- gence of germ cells with nonreduced chromosome
ral hybrids between these two species bias either number can be induced by some alleles of the ameiot-
toward one or toward the other ancestor and are dis- ic1 (am1) gene, mutations of which disrupt the transi-



tion from mitotic to meiotic cell division, affecting theory of evolution, reproductive isolation is critical to
such key stages of meiosis as the attachment of telo- the divergence of genomes, and polyploids are often
meres to the nuclear envelope, the formation of char- reproductively isolated from parents [41]. In poly-
acteristic chromosome arrangement in the meiotic ploids of hybrid origin (allopolyploids), the allelic
prophase (“bouquet”), homologous synapsis, and diversity should theoretically be higher than that of
assembly of meiosis-specific cohesin complexes on each of the parental forms, and therefore, there is
bivalents [24, 25, 30]. For instance, homozygous loss more material for natural selection [42]. Allopolyploid
of the tam genes (synthesis of CYCA1 and CYCA2 hybrids are characterized by heterosis [43]. Finally, the
proteins) leads to the appearance of 30% of unreduced presence of several alleles of a single gene in the allo-
gametes; the loss of the osd1 genes results in that the polyploid genome forms the conditions for the gene
number of gametes with an unreduced chromosome divergence and acquisition of new functions, which is
number reaches 85–100% [24, 29]. In the AtPS1 essential in terms of progressive evolution [12, 44].
mutants of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana PARAL- On the other hand, the large number of polyploids
LEL SPINDLES), improper spindle orientation in in nature does not mean that they play a prominent
meiosis II is observed, which results in the formation role in the evolution of plants. It is possible that there
of dyads with diploid chromosome sets instead of tet- are many of them because they easily arise during
rads [31]. interspecific hybridization, but do not give anything
Calculations show that, in diploids, the frequency fundamentally new, being terminal branches, so-
of unreduced gametes is relatively high, constituting called evolutionary dead ends, on a phylogenetic tree
about 0.6% [32]. In wild Brassicaceae, 96% of plants [45]. This opinion is supported by the characteristics
belonging to different species produced unreduced of synthetic allo- and autopolyploids obtained in the
gametes. Usually, their frequency is less than 1%; experiment. In most cases, these polyploids are not
however, in approximately 7% of individuals, the pro- fundamentally different from their diploid ancestors
portion of unreduced gametes was higher than 5% and do not have advantages over them [12]. The pres-
[33]. For interspecific hybrids, this proportion ence of several gene copies in one genome should lead
increases, on average, to 27.5% [32]. to the fact that mutations in the genomes of polyploids
Let us try to evaluate, how often are polyploids will be “buffered” and not checked by selection.
found in nature? Cariologists Müntzing [34] and Dar- Therefore, polyploids should have limited evolution-
lington [35] thought that about half of flowering plants ary potential. Autopolyploids seem to be especially
were polyploids. Grant [36] considered all plants with unpromising in terms of evolutionary success, since
2n = 28 or more in the karyotype to be polyploids. they have serious problems with the correct chromo-
This calculation gave 47% of polyploids. Later, Gold- some segregation in meiosis I owing to the high num-
blatt [37] proposed to consider all plants in the karyo- ber of multivalents [46].
types of which there were more than 18 chromosomes
as polyploids (about 70%). Obviously, these estimates WHOLE-GENOME DUPLICATIONS (WGD)
of the frequency of polyploids among plants were IN PLANT EVOLUTION ACCORDING
based on assumptions that are difficult to validate. TO THE RESULTS
Wood et al. proposed a rational criterion [38]. They OF WHOLE-GENOME SEQUENCING
calculated the proportion of polyploid species only in
those genera where polyploid rows were observed and The results of genome sequencing of representa-
the species with the smallest chromosome number tives of all main branches of flowering plants provide
could be considered a diploid. This calculation an answer to the question on the role of whole-genome
showed that 15% of flowering plant species were poly- duplications in the progressive evolution of flowering
ploids. In ferns, the proportion of polyploids is higher plants. All flowering plants were found to pass through
and reaches 31%. In angiosperm genera with low base one or several rounds of the genome polyploidization
chromosome number (x = 2–7), the proportion of (whole-genome duplication) [47, 48]. The time of
polyploid species increased to 50%. occurrence of many recorded WGD events in different
phylogenetic branches of plants roughly corresponds
to the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleo-
SPECULATIONS ON THE ROLE gene and the boundaries of other geological eras. It is
OF POLYPLOIDS IN PROGRESSIVE tempting to think that these were WGDs that gave the
EVOLUTION OF PLANTS plants more chances to survive in the changed envi-
The widespread occurrence of polyploids, espe- ronment [48].
cially among plants living in extreme conditions and at Schranz et al. [49] drew attention to an important
the periphery of ranges, may mean that progressive fact. They showed (and further calculations [50–52]
evolution of plants and the development of new eco- supported their conclusion) that the time of WGD
logical niches are associated with polyploids [37–40]. occurring in phylogenetic branches, as a rule, was sev-
This opinion is popular due to a number of circum- eral tens of millions of years away from the stage of sal-
stances. First of all, in accordance with the synthetic tational speciation (diversification).


282 RODIONOV et al.

GENOMIC SHOCK STATE IN HYBRIDS per chromosome [69]. One of the ways to maintain the
AND NEOPOLYPLOIDS: correct gene dosage is the phenomenon of compensa-
GENOMIC AND EPIGENETIC VARIATIONS tion or cryptic aneuploidy, i.e., the replacement of a
lost chromosome/pair of chromosomes from a subge-
Let us run through the genetic processes that nome of one of the parents with an additional chro-
accompany cases of interspecific hybridization and mosome/additional pair of homeologous chromo-
whole-genome duplication (polyploidization) of plant somes from another subgenome [24, 70, 71]. The
genomes and the processes that precede and/or facili- mechanism of this phenomenon is unknown. We
tate speciation in plants. First of all, it should be noted think that the “two minus = plus” model should work
that, in the interphase nuclei of hybrid plants, parental here (Fig. 1). The main point of the hypothesis is that
genomes occupy different positions. This was demon- the incorrect segregation of one of the homologous
strated for the experimentally obtained hybrid crops chromosome pairs in meiosis I or sister chromatid
Hordeum chilense × Secale africanum, Hordeum vul- nondisjunction of one of the chromosomes in meiosis II
gare × Secale africanum, and Hordeum vulgare × can be compensated by an incorrect segregation of
H. bulbosum [53, 54]; for the allopolyploid genome of homeologous chromosomes or chromatids in the
Zingeria pisidica [55, 56]; and for the hybrids Brassica same meiosis. Then, probably stabilizing selection
carinata × Orychophragmus violaceus and Brassica comes into play at the stage of micro- or macrospores;
rapa × Isatis indigotica [57, 58]. When one of the i.e., gametes with unbalanced chromosome sets may
alloploid subgenomes is heterochromatized, its chro- be less successful in fertilization than cryptic aneu-
mosomes are mostly associated with lamina [59], but ploid gametes.
in the interphase of Z. pisidica cereal, each of its 2-chro-
mosomal subgenomes occupies half of the nucleus, its In our opinion, this model is supported by a well-
hemisphere, and no traces of heterochromatization of known but hardly trivial fact. Meiosis in plants often
one of the subgenomes are visible [55, 56]. Cellular occurs with various kinds of aberrations. The low chi-
mechanisms of such division of subgenomic territories asma frequency and premature segregation or, on the
are unknown. contrary, sister chromatid nondisjunction in meiosis II
leads to disruption of regular segregation, to polyso-
The emergence of a hybrid karyotype is often
mies and aneuploidies, and to the fact that some chro-
accompanied by problems with chromosome segrega-
mosomes or chromatids get into the micronuclei and
tion in mitosis and meiosis, as well as gradual elimina-
are eliminated. This irregular chromosome behavior
tion of the chromosomes of one of the parents, to the
during meiosis is also observed in inbred lines and,
extent that the offspring would receive only the hap-
most often, in hybrids and allopolyploids (for a review
loid chromosome set [59, 60]. This phenomenon was
of many similar cases, see [72]). For example, the Poa
described first by Clausen and Mann [61], who stud-
juncifolia (=P. ampla) bluegrass, common from Yukon
ied the karyotypes of the Nicotiana tabacum × N. syl-
to California, reproduces apomictically in 90–95% of
vestris hybrid, and later by Kasha and Kao [62], who
cases and under apomictic reproduction has a rela-
studied the Hordeum vulgare × H. bulbosum hybrids.
tively stable karyotype with 2n = 63. However, 5–9%
The loss of the chromosomes of one of the parents was
of accessions of this species, sexual generation that
especially frequently observed in intergeneric hybrids,
passed through meiosis, receive diverse and not very
such as Triticum × Agropyron [58–60], Triticum ×
balanced karyotypes with 2n = 56, 60–63, 66, 70, 82–
Secale [63, 64], and Brassica × Orychophragmus [65].
84, 90–93, 98–102, 126, 147 and are noticeably infe-
More frequently, paternal chromosomes are lost.
rior to apomictic generation in viability [73].
Since the loss of chromosomes occurs gradually and a
specific chromosome can be lost in different somatic A natural consequence of the unstable chromo-
cell divisions, in a hybrid plant, different cell clones some segregation is that, even in diploid plants, for
may have different sets of chromosomes; sometimes example, in good Clematis species with 2n = 16, only
the loss of chromosomes is tissue-specific. For 28–80% of the set seeds are fully developed in inter-
instance, in the Hordeum marinum × H. vulgare cv. specific hybrids in different combinations, this pro-
Tuleen 346 F1 hybrids, chromosomes of H. vulgare are portion is even lower, constituting 1–13% [74].
eliminated in the endosperm, while chromosomes of In hybrids, problems with chromosome segregation
H. marinum are gradually lost in embryonic tissues [66]. in mitosis and meiosis are associated with the fact that
Aneuploids, even in highly polyploid plants, are during species divergence in plants, both the centro-
often inferior in viability to polyploids with balanced meric DNA sequences and domains of the centro-
karyotypes. The most important selection factor here meric CENH3 and CENP-C proteins, interacting
is the necessity to retain the correct gene dosage [67, with this DNA, change very quickly [60, 75, 76]. It is
68], and an unbalanced loss of only one of the suggested that rapid evolution of the centromeric
homeologous chromosomes should lead to the dosage DNA and that of centromeric protein domains inter-
alteration at many hundreds and thousands of genes acting with the DNA are associated events. It seems
simultaneously. For example, in Triticum aestivum likely that the complementary combination of species-
wheat (2n = 42), there is on average about 4500 genes specific centromeric DNA and species-specific cen-



tion of a bidirectional spindle and the correct chromatid

segregation in the second division of meiosis and is pro-
vided by a special protein, shugoshin [25, 79].
The issue is that, in polyploid genomes in meiosis,
not only homologs but also homeologs can form a syn-
apse, resulting in the formation of multivalents. Sev-
eral crossingovers that occurred in a multivalent, in
Interkinesis (telophase I + prophase II) which exchanges took place between homologs and
homeologs, differing in inversions, can lead to the
appearance of acentric and polycentric chromosomes,
incapable of correct segregation. Consequently, mei-
otic products with unbalanced chromosome sets
appear. It was demonstrated that, in resynthesized
neopoliploids, the frequency of multivalents and
abnormal chromosome segregation, as well as the fre-
quency of aborted pollen, was noticeably higher than
Telophase II that in stabilized eupolyploids [80–83]. One of the
ways of polyploid karyotype stabilization is to suppress
homeologous pairing. This activity is regulated by
Fig. 1. Improper chromosome and chromatid segregation many genes (pairing control genes, PCGs), of which
at anaphase I and anaphase II in allopolyploid can lead to
cryptic aneuploidy, as well as karyotype polyploidization the dominant Ph1 (Pairing homoeologous 1) locus
and haploidization. Top, tetraploid, 2n = 4, x = 1 at diak- from wheat is best studied [84]. This locus is a cluster
inesis. Homologs are paired with chiasmata. Center, inter- of genes encoding cyclin-dependent kinases homolo-
kinesis, to the left, after proper segregation of the homo- gous to the mammalian Cdk2 cluster, which affects
logs; to the right, one pair of homologs segregated improp-
erly. Bottom, chromosomal composition of cells at
chromosome condensation, homologous conjugation,
telophase II. To the left, the two upper cells, cryptic aneu- and recombination [25, 85, 86]. In wheat, the Ph1
ploidy; the two bottom ones, proper chromosome set. deletion leads to synapsis and recombination of
Right from top to bottom: cryptic aneuploidy in the homeologous chromosomes. On the contrary, the
nucleus with doubled chromosome set; below, norm; introduction of additional copies of this locus into the
below, two cells with haploid chromosome sets.
genome reduces the frequency of homeologous pair-
ing, but sometimes, redundant copies can have the
tromeric proteins facilitates rapid chromosome segre- opposite effect [86]. The high frequency of multiva-
gation in meiosis, with the result that the best quality lents and exchanges of regions between homeologous
centromeres more likely enter the macrospore cells chromosomes in meiosis I in allohexaploid Avena
and are transmitted to the offspring [75]. On the other sativa is explained by the loss of the Ph1 locus by the
hand, kinetochores, in which centromeric DNA and Avena genome [87].
centromeric proteins are not very suitable for each Ph1 is not the only locus affecting the homeolo-
other, will not function well enough or kinetochores gous pairing frequency in wheat; the Ph2 locus and
will not be formed at all [60], as is the case with inter- other loci mapped to chromosomes 5AL, 5DL, 5AS,
specific Hordeum vulgare × H. bulbosum hybrids [76] 3DS, 3AS, 3AL, 3BL, and 3DL were identified, but
or in hybrids derived from crossing of cereals that they are less well studied and their absence does not
diverged 50–60 million years ago, such as Triticum × compensate for the loss of the Ph1 locus [86, 88].
Pennisetum [59] or Avena × Pennisetum [77]. The frequency of gametes with unbalanced chro-
Correct segregation of homologous chromosomes mosome sets can be reduced by increasing the inter-
in meiosis I requires pairing of homologous chromo- ference. In this case, in one multivalent one crossin-
somes in prophase; this pairwise arrangement will be gover will occur [83]. A decrease in the recombination
retained up to anaphase I. In the majority of cases, frequency in polyploids in comparison with their dip-
homologs are attached to each other at chiasmata, loid ancestors is often observed [83, 85].
which in turn are retained until anaphase due to the Not only karyotypes but also neopolyploid
fact that sister chromatids of each homolog remain genomes are extremely unstable. Neopolyploids and
connected to each other due to cohesins. When homo- “old” allopolyploids gradually lose part of the dupli-
logs in anaphase I begin to segregate, the segregation cated genes. For example, the banana (Musa acumi-
is possible only if the cohesion between sister chroma- nate) genome (2n = 22) 75–100 million years ago
tids terminally from chiasmata is removed, which is passed through three rounds of allopolyploidization
realized with the participation of separase. However, at and now consists of 36542 protein-coding genes. Most
the centromeric region of each chromosome, the cohe- of these genes (65.4%) occur as one single copy in the
sion between chromatids should be maintained until genome, and only 10% of the genes retain all four cop-
anaphase II [78]. The latter is necessary for the forma- ies of ancestral genomes [68]. The allopolyploid


284 RODIONOV et al.

genome of wheat (T. aestivum) lost 10000–16000 based on noncoding RNAs such as miRNA, siRNA,
genes that were previously present in the genomes of or piRNA, a system aimed at marking and excision of
its diploid ancestors [69]. Comparison of allopoly- inactive copies of protein-coding genes and, in some
ploid genomes of monocots, Rosidae, and Asteridae cases, at excision of transposons. A low transcription
showed that, in all phylogenetic branches of plants, level of one of the paralogs and its complete or partial
the routes to local genome diploidization were the heterochromatinization would be signs that served as
same. In other words, genes involved in the regulation signals for the paralog excision by the CRISP-like sys-
processes (“response to stimulus”) tend to persist in a tem. It was earlier demonstrated that the allopolyploid
large number of copies, and genes whose products genome most often lost the genes of the subgenome
participate in metabolic and catalytic processes that was less actively transcribed [94, 101, 102].
quickly lose paralogs and are diploidized [68, 69, 89, In addition to excision, during step-by-step poly-
90]. Genes coding proteins which act as homodimers ploid genome diploidization, genes can initially be lost
(homopolymers) are diploidized first. Genes whose in the functional sense, first terminating transcription
products act as part of heteropolymers are more often owing to epigenetic changes or mutations [97] and
retained as paralogs [89, 90]. only then being excised and removed.
As allopolyploid persists, the genes transcribed by In some cases, in the genomes of first-generation
RNA polymerase I and III, including 18S–5.8S–26S hybrids, transposon expansion is observed, which in
rRNA and 5S rRNA genes [15, 16, 55, 70, 71, 91–94] Nicotiana and Helianthus hybrids seems to be accom-
and probably snoRNA genes, are also diploidized [91]. panied by mutations in protein-coding genes and
Zingeria pisidica, an allopolyploid resulting from the transpositions [103, 104]. However, this is not always
hybridization of Z. biebersteiniana and Colpodium sp., the case. For instance, in the resynthesized T. aestivum
lost the 35S rRNA genes of Z. biebersteiniana, and [105] and Brassica napus [106] and in the neopoly-
only small number of 5S rRNA genes of this species ploid Spartina anglica [107], transposon expansion
remained [55]. For all polyploid Avena species, both was absent. In other cases, only some transposons
hexaploids and tetraploids with the genomic constitu- were activated in the hybrid, for example, the gypsy
tion ABC and AC, only 1.4–2% of the C subgenome transposon in Aegilops, while transposons of other
genes were retained, all of which carry multiple muta- families remain immobilized [108].
tions, both substitutions and deletions, and appar-
ently, they no longer are active in the allopolyploid In stabilized genomes, there are defense mecha-
genome [92, 93]. In the genome of the allotetraploid nisms against transposon expansion. In somatic cells,
species Iris versicolor, all 18–26S rRNA genes origi- inactivation of their own “domesticated” transposons
nated from I. virginica; the loci of the second ancestor, takes place by methylation of transposon DNA and
I. setosa, were not detected. At the same time, the allo- suppression of its transcription with the participation
polyploid retained both 5S rRNA loci of I. virginica, of ARGONAUTE4 protein and RNA polymerase V,
but only one of the two 5S rRNA loci of I. setosa [94]. as well as 24-nucleotide siRNA molecules transcribed
from transposons, a process called RNA-directed
Note that the rapid loss of rRNA genes of one of DNA methylation (RdDM) [109, 110]. siRNA from
the allopolyploid genome ancestors does not always the somatic cells of mother plant then enters the
occur. It is absent or it goes slowly, for example, in embryo and the endosperm, ensuring their normal
allopolyploid peonies [95, 96]. development [111]. The mechanism of H3K27
The mechanisms of gene loss by polyploids are trimethylation by means of POLYCOMB REPRES-
clear only in very general terms [97]. It can be sug- SIVE COMPLEX 2 (PRC2) [112] is also involved in
gested that gene losses occur owing to meiotic recom- the transposon inactivation. The paternal plant is also
bination at the direct repeats in the gene flanking involved in the transposon inactivation. In this case,
regions. It is possible that gene excision takes place transcription of “domesticated” transposons is first
with active participation of DNA transposons that activated in the pollen vegetative cell nucleus, and
possess the necessary tools for such activity [98]. then their transcripts degrade to form 21-nucleotide
Unequal crossingover can be considered as the gene siRNA, which enters the sperm cell and then the
loss mechanism only in combination with the hypoth- embryo and endosperm, inactivating transposons
esis that the product of an unequal crossingover, a there and ensuring normal development [110, 113,
chromosome that has lost a gene, has better chances to 114]. Apparently, the transposon expansion in hybrids
participate in fertilization than its homolog, which is associated with the problems of alien transposon
increased in size after an unequal exchange. identification as a material that must be inactivated
The proposal that the polyploid genome “deparal- and destroyed. In other words, before the RNA copy
ogization” occurs due to the mechanisms similar to of alien transposon is cleaved, it must be recognized
those in the nematode genome, where the somatic cell and targeted with special miRNAs, which is not always
differentiation is accompanied by regular excision of possible.
1000 to 2000 protein-coding genes [99], seems more The combination of two heterologous genomes in
attractive. It could be a CRISP-like system [100], one nucleus, as a rule, but not always, leads to nonad-



ditive change in the transcription of the parental instance, the genome of cotton (Gossypium hyrsutum)
genomes [115]. A classic example of suppressing the consists of the A and D subgenomes, but they are
gene transcription of one of the parents and retaining expressed with different efficiency. In the allopoly-
the gene transcription of another ancestor is the phe- ploid proteome, proteins of the D subgenome domi-
nomenon of nucleolar dominance in hybrids discov- nate, while proteins of the A subgenome are repre-
ered by M.S. Navashin [116]. This phenomenon, as we sented to a lesser extent [125]. In some cases, the allo-
now know, is only sometimes associated with the polyploid produces proteins that are absent from the
rRNA inactivation [117], while more often the loss of proteomes of its diploid ancestors [126, 127]. The
rRNA of one of the parents occurs [55, 93, 118]. mechanisms of this phenomenon are probably associ-
In allopolyploid hybrids of Arabidopsis, about 5% ated with new variants of post-transcriptional protein
of the genes (about 1300 genes) change the expression modifications in hybrids [127]. Combining in a single
level, and in most cases, this change is associated with cell of homeologous nonadditively transcribed
the repression of the genes of one of the parents. The genomes or nonadditively translated transcriptomes
genes obtained by a hybrid from A. thaliana, a species can create new regulatory networks on the basis of
the morphological characters of which are suppressed hybridogenic proteomes that are adequate to the new
in a hybrid, are repressed more frequently [119]. The state of the organism and its environment [125, 128].
reasons for nonadditive subgenome transcription in
allopolyploids are unclear. Most likely, it is a matter of Comparison of the proteomes of allopolyploids and
different affinity of subgenomes with cis- and trans- autopolyploids gives the expected result; i.e., the pro-
factors that regulate transcription, activators, and teomes of autopolyploids are always less different from
transcription silencers [120]. It is supposed that one of the proteomes of their diploid ancestors [127, 128].
the factors determining which genes will be tran- It is clear from general considerations that the
scribed in the hybrid, and which will not, may be the changes in the proteome and different representation
saturation of the subgenome by transposons. Trans- of subgenomes in the proteome of allopolyploids can
posons are usually methylated, their transcription affect the metabolome of the hybridogenous species.
and, to some extent, the transcription of neighboring
Research in this direction is important primarily
genes are suppressed. Perhaps, this is the reason for
unequal and nonadditive transcription of subgenomes because the metabolome profiles of polyploids and of
in polyploids [120, 121]. their diploid ancestors can serve as indicators of the
resistance of natural races and cultivated plants to
The transcriptome diversity in neopolyploid biotic and abiotic stresses [129, 130], as well as a tool
increases in comparison with the parents due to alter- in searching for producers of biologically active sub-
native splicing [122, 123]. For instance, in the resyn- stances [131]. Indeed, it was demonstrated that, for
thesized Brassica napus, in comparison with the example, the allotetraploid plants of Artemisia annua
parental genes, splicing of 26–30% of genes changed produced more terpenoids and saponins per unit
after hybridization and polyploidization [123]. weight than the diploid representatives of the genus
Indeed, because of alternative splicing, two initially [132]. Centaurinum pannonicum, the allopolyploid
identical genes can produce mature translatable RNA hybrid of the two tetraploid species, C. erythraea and
with different exon combinations. At the extreme, C. littorale, has obvious nonadditive quantitative
these can be two completely different mRNA mole- changes in the metabolome profile in comparison
cules, with a mutually exclusive set of exons. New pos- with the parental species [133]. Comparative analysis
sibilities for the emergence of genes with new func- of the metabolome profiles in the species complex of
tions are created by the retention of some previously Brachypodium distachyon, B. stacei, and B. hybridum,
untranslated introns in one of the transcript variants. where the first two species are diploid ancestors of the
Finally, different functions may simply be associated third species, revealed a species-specific pattern of
with different polyadenylation sites. Fixing two differ-
metabolome profiles; in particular, the content of
ent splicing patterns in duplicated gene copies in two
polyploid homeologs is a way to separate the functions citrulline, which plays an important role in nitrogen
of these genes in the near future. transport and is an important biochemical indicator of
plant resistance to salinity and drought, was signifi-
In interspecific hybrids, the transcriptome changes cantly higher in the allopolyploid [134].
do not necessarily correlate with proteome changes.
The study of the allopolyploid proteomes of Arabidop- Autoploidy to a lesser extent can also affect the
sis, Triticum, Gossypium, and Tragopogon showed that metabolite profile of polyploid. For instance, tetara-
proteomes were generally more stable than transcrip- ploid autopolyploid Catharanthus roseus produces
tomes; their characteristics mainly reflected the pro- more vinblastine than its diploid ancestors [135].
teomes of the parental species (review [124]). How- Mishra et al. [136] reported that autopolyploid plants
ever, some interesting and, perhaps, important differ- of opium poppy Papaver somniferum were character-
ences in the representation of individual proteins in ized by considerably higher morphine content com-
the hybrid proteomes were demonstrated. For pared to diploid plants.


286 RODIONOV et al.

Genome polyploidization events in the family Brassicaceae (330 genera, 3700 species)
70–65 20 13–17 5–9 3–4 <0.1

Brassica oleracea
Time scale (MYR) B. napus
D Brassica rapa
B. juncea
E Brassica nigra
Arabidopsis thaliana
Cleome polyploidization
in the ancestor
Carica papaya of modern
Vitis vinifera

Fig. 2. Genome polyploidization events in Brassicaceae (according to Jenczewski et al. [162], modified).

STABILIZED EUPOLYPLOID Gradual diploidization of the eupolyploid genome

GENOME AND GRADUAL through translocations converts it into a karyotype,
KARYOTYPE DIPLOIDIZATION which from the karyological (cytological) point of
view is indistinguishable from a diploid one, with
The first step to the polyploid genome diploidiza- some relatively low basic chromosome number char-
tion is realized through the pairing control genes. acteristic of the genus. Paying attention to such karyo-
Generation after generation, suppression of homeolo- type, for example, to the karyotype of Avena longiglu-
gous pairing in meiosis along with gradual loss of part mis, typical of cereals, with 2n = 14, x = 7 [87] or to
of the genes and part of the chromosomes of one of the karyotypes of Zingeria biebersteiniana and Colpodium
neopolyploid subgenomes stabilizes the hybrid versicolor with 2n = 4, x = 2 [55, 56, 141], it is difficult
genome. At this stage, the allopolyploid karyotype to believe that the genomes of all these species passed
looks like the karyotype of a typical polyploid, in through 4–5 whole-genome duplication events. The
which homologous and homeologous chromosomes
can be more or less reliably identified. We call such
karyotypes eupolyploids [40, 137, 138]. Black mustard
Brassica nigra
Eupolyploids have different fates. Some of them
may participate in the following distant crosses,
accompanied by whole-genome duplication of the 2n = 16
second and following orders, as happened, for exam- BB
ple, during the formation of the T. aestivum genome Abyssinian
(2n = 42, x = 7) or occurred and occurs with the cabbage Brown mustard
genomes of the Brassica genus (Figs. 2, 3). Brassica carinata Brassica juncea

However, in eupolyploids, another fate is possible.

Over time, some eupolyploid chromosomes become 2n = 16 + 18 2n = 20 + 16
involved in chromosomal rearrangements. Gradually, BBCC AABB
or saltationally, due to translocations, deletions, or
inversions, the karyotype is rearranged, and the num-
ber of chromosomes is reduced. Moreover, in the
genome, hot spots of chromosomal rearrangements in
centromeric and subtelomeric regions, as well as the
regions where linkage groups (genomic blocks) are rel- 2n = 18 2n = 20 + 18 2n = 20
atively constant, can be distinguished. Translocations CC AACC AA
are not necessarily reciprocal. For instance, in poly-
ploid Avena species, the C-subgenome fragments are Brassica oleracea Brassica napus Brassica rapa
translocated to chromosomes of the A and D subge- Cabbage Rape Turnip
nomes, but not vice versa [87]. Often, the whole chro-
mosome arm is translocated, and whole chromosomes Fig. 3. Interspecific hybridization accompanied by poly-
are inserted into centromeric regions of other chromo- ploidization and the appearance of new species in the
somes [139, 140]. genus Brassica.



polyploid nature of such karyotypes can be revealed as places where living curiosities from all over Europe
only in comparative genomic studies. Such genomes were combined with those from the newly discovered
and such karyotypes are called paleopolyploid. lands of Southeast Asia, the New World, and Australia
Reaching the level of eupolyploid or paleopolyploid, [146], should be noted. This provided the background
kinship groups again enter into hybridization and the for the emergence of new forms of distant hybrids.
cycle repeats again: interspecific hybridization, fol- Spontaneous plant hybridization in botanical gardens
lowed by genomic shock, gradual genome and karyo- is a relatively frequent phenomenon, which is one of
type stabilization, secondary diploidization, and the urgent problems of the ex situ conservation of spe-
interspecific hybridization [12, 138]. cies diversity [147].
It seems likely that the burst of variability in the Interspecific and intraspecific crosses, both in pur-
period of genomic shock is the stage at which new poseful attempts to create new varieties and in sponta-
genome and karyotype states may arise. The rear- neous hybridization of invasive species, were accom-
rangements that have taken place determine whether panied by genomic shock, i.e., unpredictable changes
the carriers of these particular genomes in the evolving in the genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome,
environmental conditions will experience the fate of metabolome, and cultivar phenotype, and in compar-
the evolutionary-stasis phylogenetic branch, or their ison with wild ancestors, carriers of individual ele-
descendants will pass through active processes of ments of the complex of characters, which is com-
adaptive radiation and taxon formation. It can be sup- monly called the domestication syndrome [148], were
posed, at least in some cases, that cytological second- isolated. Among these characters, high fertility, mor-
ary diploidization of the genome and karyotype is the phological polymorphism, adaptive plasticity, and
trigger of speciation [142], which with some probabil- often, especially in garden crops, allometric growth in
ity is associated with the achievement of a fundamen- comparison with wild ancestors can be distinguished.
tally new state of the phenotype (a specific complex of
morphological and physiological traits characteristic, As is shown above, one of the signs of the genomic
for example, of families). In another case, chromo- shock syndrome characteristic of the first-generation
somal races, more or less high polyploids, will give rise hybrids is the expansion of transposons. Comparison
to new forms that deserve the status of new species, of cultivated plants and their wild relatives clearly
subspecies, or varieties , but for tens of millions of shows that the history of many cultivars included the
years retain phenotypes without obvious signs of evo- stage of transposon expansion [149, 150]. Insertions of
lution, called progressive, with obedience carrying not some of the transposons influenced the phenotype.
always the fair name of evolutionary dead ends [45]. Analysis of mutations that led to crop domestication
[151] showed that of 60 analyzed genes associated with
the domestication syndrome, 35 carried single nucle-
GENOME ALLOPOLYPLOIDIZATION otide substitutions in comparison with wild ancestors,
AND PHENOTYPIC 23 genes had indels, and in 9 genes the mutations were
AND GENETIC CULTIVAR DIVERSITY caused by transposon insertions. Since at least part of
the indels could also have been the consequence of
In fields and arable lands, in gardens, and on dis- transposon excision and insertion, in more than 15%
turbed lands around the settlements of agricultural of cases, the signs of domestication were the conse-
workers, as a result of their livelihood, plants of differ- quence of the transposon expansion. A striking exam-
ent species, previously geographically isolated from ple of such a case is the insertion of the Hopscotch
each other, grew, which formed the conditions for transposon into the regulatory region of the teosinte
spontaneous and, in other cases, purposeful hybrid- branched1 (tb1) gene, which occurred in the ancestors
ization. Due to the above-described phenomena of maize [152].
accompanying the genomic shock state, episodes of
intraspecific and interspecific, more or less distant A MITE transposon insertion into the 3'-end of the
hybridization provided extensive material for subse- CrabApple Fruit Size (CAFS) gene of the apple
quent targeted or unintentional selection [143, 144]. genome, the product of which is miRNA172p micro-
The fields of pioneers of agriculture that were infested RNA, inhibits translation of the APETALA2 (AP2)
with accompanying species formed the conditions for gene family, which results in the increase in the apple
the process of pre-domestication [144], the uninten- size. The transposon insertion into the genome was
tional selection in primary weeds for the traits and recorded in the Tien Shan Mountains, somewhere on
properties (such as the loss of spike fragility in field the border of modern Kazakhstan and China. An
weed rye), which made them economically valuable increase in the fruit size made the apple tree an attrac-
plants. Special attention to this issue was paid by tive agricultural crop that began to spread in Eurasia
N.I. Vavilov [145]. 4000–6000 years ago over the Great Silk Road [153].
The tendency to create botanical gardens, which In some cases, seedless cultivars have commercial
started in Europe in the 14th century and expanded in value. A dem1 LTR retrotransposon insertion into
the 16th century, first for practical purposes, like fourth intron of the MdPI gene (encodes the MADS
apothecary gardens, and then for collection purposes, box transcription factor) inactivates this gene, which is


288 RODIONOV et al.

observed in the Rae Ime seedless apple cultivar. The crossings should be accompanied by genomic shock,
insertion of the same transposon into sixth intron of i.e., unpredictable changes in the genome, epigenome,
the same gene was detected in the Spencer and Wel- transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, and pheno-
lington Bloomless seedless apple cultivars [154]. type of cultivars and adventive species in comparison
The Rider LTR transposon was inserted into the with their wild ancestors. From this complex of diverse
sun locus of the Solanum lycopersicum chromosome 7, features, which are commonly called the domestica-
which controls auxin transport, and brought with it tion syndrome, the carriers of individual attractive ele-
several genes of chromosome 10, which resulted in the ments were gradually selected.
appearance of the tomato line with elongated fruits
Thousands of grape cultivars are divided into two
groups: the grapes are red and white. The berry color We thank I.N. Golubovskaya for valuable com-
is determined by the presence or absence of anthocy- ments provided in reading the first version of the
anin in the berry skin. It was demonstrated that all paper. Some of the studies described in the paper were
studied white grape cultivars, but not red cultivars, carried out using the equipment of the Cellular and
have a Gret1 (gypsy) LTR retrotransposon insertion Molecular Technologies for Studying Plants and
upstream of the ATG start codon (position –181) of Fungi Center for Collective Use of the Komarov
the VvMYBA1 gene, which blocks the transcription of Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
this gene [156, 157]. In the Flame Muscat (colored St. Petersburg.
form of the Muscat of Alexandria cultivar) and Ruby This study was supported by the Russian Founda-
Oruyama (colored form of the Italia cultivar) cultivars, tion for Basic Research (grant nos. 17-00-00340
the unstable colored forms of the Muscat Brown and KOMFI (17-00-00336, 17-00-00337, 17-00-00340),
Black Frontignac, grown in Languedoc, again lost the 18-04-01040, 18-34-00257).
transposon, of which only one LTR remained, which
resulted in partial coloration reversion [157, 158].
A similar event, but with the opposite result, occurred COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL STANDARDS
in the genome of the Brassica oleracea var. botrytis The authors declare that they have no conflict of
cauliflower. In this case, a Harbinger DNA trans- interest. This article does not contain any studies
poson insertion into the regulatory region of the involving animals or human participants performed by
BoMyb2 gene results in the purple plant color [159]. any of the authors.
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