Torreta Development and Evaluation of A Competency Based Learning Module in Autocad 2d Instructions

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Graduate School



A Research Study

Presented to Dr. Rowena C. Mande

Marikina Polytechnic College

Marikina City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the requirements for the Degree

Master of Technician Education

Major in Drafting Technology



July 30, 2022

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


The researcher would like to express the sincerest appreciation to the

following people for their guidance and professional and moral supervision in the

completion of this study:

Dr. Rowena C. Mande, professor in Methods of Research, for imparting

her knowledge and great values in doing the research, and for helping, for the

betterment of the study is greatly appreciated;

Dr. Edgar Canda, professor in Statistics in Education, for her friendly

approach in giving some lecture and tips

Dr. Jun A. Ewick, president of New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.,

for his guidance and all out support in this research proposal;

Bimbina C. Ewick, administrator of New Life Evangelical Training School

Inc., for her assistance in giving the researcher the necessary information

needed in the study;

To respondents, faculty members and students, for their cooperation in

answering the survey that really helped in the accomplishment and interpretation

of the study.

The researcher also thank her families, for their constant encouragement,

support and love throughout the completion of this study. Their unflinching courage
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Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

and conviction will always inspire her, and the researcher hope to continue, in her

own small ways, the noble mission to which they offer their lives. And most of all

she is grateful for their financial support and understanding.

Above all, to the God Almighty for giving enough knowledge, intelligence

and wisdom to finish this study. The researcher believe, that without Him, this

Research Study would not be possible.

The Researcher
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to my beloved parents, who have

been my source of inspiration and gave me strength when I thought of giving up,

who continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

To my brothers, sisters, relatives, mentors, co-teachers, friends,

classmates, and special someone who shared their words of advice and

encouragement to finish this study.

To our professors, for the knowledge and experiences they shared to us to

finish this study.

And lastly, I dedicated this study to the Almighty God, thank you for the

guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving me a

healthy life. All these I offer to you.

Christela A. Torreta
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii



Background of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Statement of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Significance of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Scope and delimitation of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Review of Related literature and Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Conceptual model of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Research hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

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Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Definition of Terms Used in the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Method of Research used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Sources of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Data Gathering Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Data Gathering Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Statistical treatment of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

CURRICULUM VITAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
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Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School



1 Conceptual Model for the Development of a Competency-based

learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 Conceptual Model for the Evaluation of the Competency-based

learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23



1 Distribution of the Grade 7 student and teacher-respondents on the

developed competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D

instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2 Scale, Range, and Verbal Interpretation of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

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Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School



This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the

problem, the significance of the study and the scope and delimitation of the


Background of the Study

The Department of Education (DepEd) maintained that all self-learning

modules distributed to millions of students underwent quality assurance

inspection despite few errors on the educational materials. In a virtual forum,

Education Undersecretary Toni Umali assured the public the 667 million self-

learning modules that the agency had so far printed were vetted, and if there

were more errors, they vowed to shape up.

Competency-based learning begins by identifying specific competencies

or skills, and enables learners to develop mastery of each competency or skill at

their own pace, usually working with a mentor.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the

components of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). It offers a lot of skills

appropriate for the jobs offered by the different companies nowadays. The

primary purpose of Technical Drafting is to provide you the basic and primary

knowledge and skills that will lead you in basic technical drafting skills, drawing
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Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

conventions and necessary tools used in technical drafting specifically in

Architecture and Design.

Many students have problems to imagine or see the structure of the object

from different viewpoints. In mental visualization topic such as Orthographic

Drawing, students learn to mentally rotate an image to reflect the actual form of

the main view of Orthographic which are top view, front view and side view.

Students need to apply all the understanding and knowledge they have acquired

to a drawing or geometry form in Architecture and Design subject. The

researcher further stressed that students can solve their problems in the subject,

with the support of visualization techniques. This is in line with other researchers

that said most students find it difficult to apply the concepts and theories to solve

problems in Architecture and Design subject due to weaknesses in visualization

skills. The ability of visualization is an important cognitive skill in planning and

designing, especially in the planning because it requires the ability of an

individual's mind to see an object or symbol and think in two or three dimensions.

Auto CAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer-

aided design (CAD) and drafting – available since 1982 as a desktop application

and since 2010 as a mobile web – and cloud-based app marketed as Auto CAD

360. Auto CAD is used across a wide range of industries, by architects, project

managers, engineers, designers, and other professionals. It is supported by 750

training centers worldwide as of 1994. (Funding Universe, 2012)

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Marikina City – 1800
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Like other software, Auto CAD releases qualified works and plans,

drawings and presentations. It ends with accurate precisions for a drawing as

what the worker have made. Somehow, it serves as the partner of architects,

engineers, draftsmen, and other professionals.

According to Muraina and Nyorere (2014), teachers oversee the

classroom-learning situations. Teachers usually control the learning experience

that go on in the classroom and evaluate the learners’ achievement of objectives.

Teachers are the most at close contact with learners. They know the learners’

characteristics. Furthermore, teachers know the scope of materials that can be

covered within a specified periods or time. Feedbacks coming from teachers who

have used a particular instructional material will be essential for meaningful

renewal or discard of it. Therefore, the success or failure of curriculum is in the

hands of classroom teachers who are implementers of curriculum and sole

evaluators of curriculum.

Base on the journal of Dr. Ophelia P. Veniegas (2014), quality is a

characteristic defined by the user. In the case of a learning material, it is defined

by the learner who uses the material to learn new facts, new skills, new attitudes

or new behaviors. She also quoted, “A learner at the basic level has a different

set of requirements from the neo-literate learner, just as a learner from one age

group or locality may have another set of requirements.”

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In addition, Dr. Viniegas said “the intention is to get as much valuable

comments and suggestions for improvement as possible, not only on the text but

also on the illustrations. Your peers should go page by page and make notations;

editorial comments on style and wording; suggestions for alternative activities or

exercises; suggestions for improving instructions, visuals, questions and test

items, etc.”

Upon completion of this module, students are expected to: exhibit

understanding on Auto CAD Interface; draw lines; and apply the concepts / skills

relative to Auto CAD Drawing Commands. In this module, topics will be

introduced progressively in every lesson for gradual understanding. Students will

learn all the basics of Auto CAD 2D instructions and how they work. After

carefully reading all the lessons, answering all the questions, and masterfully

performing all the activities, you are expected to perform the basic drawing and


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop and evaluate a competency-based learning

module in Auto CAD 2D instructions for Grade 7 students of New Life Evangelical

Training School Inc.

More specifically, this study aims to answer the following problems.

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1. What is the evaluation of teachers and students in the Development and

Evaluation of a competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions

for Grade 7 students of New Life Evangelical Training School Inc. with regards to

the following variables?

1.1 content

1.2 completeness

1.3 organizations

1.4 usefulness; and

1.5 layout and design?

2. Are there significant differences in the evaluation of the two groups of

respondents in the Development and Evaluation of a competency-based learning

module in Auto CAD 2D instructions for Grade 7 students with regards to the

above-mentioned variables?

3. What are the comments, suggestions, and recommendations could

offer to further improve the developed module?

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Marikina City – 1800
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Significance of the Study

This study is significant because of the benefits that could offer to the

following sectors:

Students. It will develop their academic and scholastic performance

especially in drafting through the use of different techniques and commands in a

developed module.

Teachers. The developed module will help them enhance their

performance in the application of the teaching-learning process. This will also be

used in the development of the knowledge, technique and skills of the students in

performing their tutorials in Auto CAD 2D.

Educational Planner. This will give them idea on how to revise and what

to include in order to improve their work. This might also give them the interest to

produce and promote the learning strategies used in the developed module as an

alternative approach to learning.

Administrators. The result of the study can be of great help to the school

administrator, supervisor for the enhancement of their module as well as the

approaches, methods, strategies to achieve the mission, vision, goal of the

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Researcher. The results will serve as the basis in developing module to

other topics rather than Auto CAD 2D and 3D in their field of instruction.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study was conducted to develop and to evaluate a competency-based

learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions used by Grade 7 students of New

Life Evangelical Training School Inc. during the first quarter and second quarter

of school year 2022-2023. The developed module was evaluated in terms of

content, completeness, organizations, usefulness and layout and design by 20

Grade 7 students and 11 teachers of New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
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Marikina City – 1800
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This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, the

conceptual model of the study, the research hypothesis and the definition of

terms used in the study.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Sufficient journals, articles, websites and studies which have some

relevance to this study were reviewed to get insights on how to conduct this

research study and they are hereunder presented.

Related Literature

The teaching learning process considers the learner an active partner than

an object of pedagogy. The learner takes on the role of constructor of meaning,

while the teacher serves as facilitator, enabler and manager of learning.

Learning is assessed using a variety of measures. The purpose is to

gather the learner’s progress in holistic terms. The teacher diagnoses the

learner’s strengths and development areas. The focus is on the student’s growth

in learning over time, emphasizing performance and application, rather than

knowledge. Authentic assessment is to engage students in the application of

knowledge and skills learned in the same way they used in the real world.
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According to Chandra (2021), “AutoCAD allows creation not just for

normal drawing. Logically connected fragments can be placed on the allocated

layers or grouped in compound objects. And we consider them as a whole entity.

AutoCAD "remembers" position, size, color of the constructed objects and writes

down this data in an internal database for their subsequent search, analysis, and

processing. AutoCAD can function with a wide range of personal computers

and graphic workstations under control of various operating systems.”

“AutoCAD is a powerful tool for automating graphical work based on personal

computers. It gives the user possibilities which earlier could be realized only on

big and expensive computing systems: any drawing that was drawn manually

can be constructed with AutoCAD now. AutoCAD is capable to perform almost

any kinds of graphic works.

According to Baumback (2021), The AutoCAD 2D Self-paced book was

written as a tool to guide and teach you to master AutoCAD. No two students

learn at the same pace, therefore the book was written with competency-based

modules. The competency-based modules are bite-size pieces that allow you to

work at your own pace. They can be used to learn by distance education,

correspondence, online, instructor-lead classes, or by individuals teaching

themselves to use AutoCAD in their own home or office.

According to Neelakandan (2020), Competency-based learning approach

has numerous benefits, only a few instructors and designers can properly
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implement the concept into their online training. Because of that, we've come up

with this article to show you the key concepts of competency-based learning

(CBL). In this article, we'll be looking at what competency-based learning is all

about, its key concepts, and how implementing it can benefit your online training.

Competence is a person's ability to practice the knowledge acquired over time.

Competency is measurable as you can compare the skills and knowledge of two

or more individuals based on their performance at a specific job. Being

competent means you don't only have the knowledge to perform a task, but

likewise possess the skills to provide solutions that matter to real-life problems.

Competency-based learning is a learning approach where learners move

from one learning level to a higher one based on their demonstration of

knowledge rather than based on time spent on a specific course. This learning

approach ensures that learners learn at their own pace and focus more on

mastery of knowledge and valuable skills. It's not about dumping and forcing

knowledge onto learners. Rather, it ensures that learners retain knowledge and

attain a specific degree of mastery of a particular subject before moving onto the

next level of learning.

According to Russano (2020), Computer-aided design (CAD) is also

known as computer-aided drafting (CDD). It's a type of computer software that is

used to create 2D and 3D models and designs. This kind of software is used in
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various professions to create building plans, technical drawings, architectural

designs, etc.

CAD makes it easier to complete work at a lower cost and in less time.

Once software, such as Autodesk, is purchased, then there's no need to buy any

other physical equipment again. CAD design drawings give valid and accurate

details of designs. They:

 provide accurate dimensions

 show the inner details of the design

 include all necessary drafts with technical details of design

According to Saputro, B & Supratno, S. (2020), technology helps a drafter

speed up work completion, including CAD (Computer Aided Design) applications.

Auto CAD which is an application (CAD software) is used to draw, design

drawings, even analyse a design to realize a commercially viable product. This

program has advantages and convenience to make images visually, accurately

and precisely. The lecture strategy with the help of a computer is a lecture

method via computer where, the user (User) can more easily & quickly

understand & apply what information is learned through an attractive image


The type of research in this paper is development research focused on

education. Development research is an attempt to develop an effective product

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for school use and not to test theory. From this opinion it can be concluded that

research development is a process used to develop and validate products used

in education.

According to Abuga (2019), his study entitled, Competency-Based

Learning Material (CBLM): An Alternative Delivery Mode for G12 TVL Track

Students. aimed to evaluate the used of Competency-Based Learning Material

(CBLM) Module as An Alternative Delivery Mode for G12 TVL Track Students in

Paranaque National High School – Main Senior High School. Competency-Based

Learning Material (CBLM) is a student-centered learning approach that provides

the students with learning tools they need to learn at their own pace and make

choices about the sequence of their learning. Results of the study revealed that

most of the students in the TVL strands were male and were within the ages of

17 to 19. Based on the statistical findings, Competency-Based Learning

Materials (CBLM) Module is an effective alternative delivery mode for students

engaged in the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Training of DepED. It is

recommended to intensify the use of CBLM as an alternative delivery mode in

the case of conflicting schedule of the training due to the unforeseen release of

the JDVP fund of the Department of Education of TVL students and any other

instances in the absence of a physical classroom.

According to Omura (2018), rather than just showing how each command

works, the book of Auto CAD 2018 shows the content of a meaningful activity.
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This books will help students to learn how to use commands while working on an

actual project and progressing toward a goal. It also provides a foundation on

which you can build your own methods for using Auto CAD and become an Auto

CAD expert. For this reason, this books has not covered every single command

or every permutation of a command response. We should think of this book as a

way to get a detailed look at Auto CAD as it’s used on a real project. As we follow

the exercises. He also encourages us to explore Auto CAD on our own, applying

the techniques that you learn to your own work.

According to Gill (2017), Computer aided drafting and design (CAD) has

been around since 1964. However it was not widely used until 1982, when CAD

systems, such as AutoCAD became available for use on microcomputers. Since

then the use of CAD has been growing steadily. The computer has now become

the principal tool at the drafter’s workstation and is fast replacing manual drafting

tools. Based upon the capabilities of the computer system used, Auto CAD

offers the following advantages that make it superior to the conventional manual

drafting techniques: accuracy, zooming and panning, creation and editing of

working drawings, speed, ease of use. Visualization, legibility and efficiency.

According to Irawan (2017), there were issues on employ-ability and

negative comments from industry. They mentioned graduates not competence

and can't produce 2D engineering drawing especially use AutoCAD. Not only

industry, currently new generation did not perform well in 2d engineering drawing
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(not only Auto CAD but others CAD software) in their own design project. But in

the AutoCAD class, the result good. But result for technical drawing in design

project doesn't well, because design project modules more to independent.

Therefore, he investigate it and found that students did not perform well because

lacking on spatial visualization skills, lack knowledge on STEM which no high

order thinking skills, lack knowledge the command or menu on AutoCAD

interactive, lastly attitude manners where no awareness on industry demand, and

etc. However, he already interviews, survey and the finding show there were no

issues on teaching staff for AutoCAD. However, they must have a plan to solve

this problem. AutoCAD still important CAD module to learn. AutoCAD train us to

think, plan and analyze drawing before proceed to the next step.

According to Ambiyar, (2017), this study aims to show the application

of assessment for learning can improve learning activities and student learning

outcomes. The type of research is action research. This means the application of

assessment for learning can improve learning activities and student learning

outcomes on engineering drawing using Computer Aid Design (CAD). Computer

can be used for all engineering drawing related courses; this will give them

confidences on the use of computer in teaching AutoCAD.

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Marikina City – 1800
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Related Studies

According to Gerada, E. P. (2021), the purpose of his study was to design,

develop and evaluate instructional modules for Senior High School Physics

teachers. ADDIE Model was used as the developmental design. This study

included 34 Senior High School physics teachers from the 20 schools (DepEd

Public Schools, Private Schools, Colleges and Universities and State Colleges

and Universities) in the City and Province of Iloilo. A duly validated and reliability-

tested researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to gather data needed for the

study. Assessments on the level of readiness revealed that Senior High School

physics teachers have low level of readiness in Electricity and Magnetism, and

Modern Physics. Findings also revealed that Senior High School physics

teachers have low extent of coverage of the learning competencies in Physics as

required by the Department of Education.

The modules were found to be excellent by both the Experts and Physics

teachers in terms of the objectives, content, format and language, presentation,

and usefulness. They showed high potential in terms of its usage and effective

instructional materials in improving the quality of instruction and in improving

students’ performances.

According to Mallillin, (2021), the global intensity of education

continuously nurtures despite of the current pandemic in the new normal

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modality of teaching which highlights the competency development of

education practice. It is imperative that competency based-learning is

established through the initiative of the various educational institutions

ability and capability. It needs to embrace the engrained opportunities in the

curriculum learning design in the new normal and trends that utilize the

innovative teaching and learning approaches to ensure competency based-

learning and context development. The study examines competency based-

learning and quality education that improves the modality of teaching in the new

normal and addresses the competency based-learning programs according to

the needs of students.

The research employs the mixed method with integration of quantitative

and qualitative research approach. It provides an opportunity evaluation of mixed

methods to contribute in the practice and learning on the implementation of

competency based-learning in the new normal modality of teaching. It provides

an outcome on achieving the effectiveness of the study.

According to the study of Khoroshko (2020), there are examples showing

that AutoCAD (computer-aided design (CAD)) was and still is a powerful tool for

technical graphics. Since Autodesk is a pioneer in the market of commercial

widely available CAD systems, in this company CAD principles (which can be

used by relatively unprepared users), nature and volume of teams, sequence and

features of their implementation were developed. Despite the fact that today
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AutoCAD is only one of many packages, and its use as a training program

guarantees not only high-quality training of specialists, but also the fact that the

employee can easily switch to another CAD system, intuitively understanding the

principles of function. In terms of technical performance, AutoCAD is a complete

tool covering the entire spectrum of functions in the field of "Engineering and

Computer Graphics" course.

AutoCAD is a powerful tool for automating graphical work based on

personal computers. It gives the user possibilities which earlier could be

realized only on big and expensive computing systems: any drawing that

was drawn manually can be constructed with AutoCAD now. AutoCAD is capable

to perform almost any kinds of graphic works.

According to Wijanartka, (2020), their study aims to develop

computer aided manufacturing (CAM) learning modules for students, find out the

feasibility of learning modules for students, and find out student assessments of

modules. The research method used is 4D (Define, Design, Develompent,

Dissemination). Data collection using a questionnaire. The results showed the

feasibility of teaching materials by material experts who get a percentage of

84.17% with a very decent category, from CNC learning practitioners get a

percentage of 85.83% with a very feasible outcome category, and assessment of

students in class XII machining at Vocational High School 1 Magelang obtained a

percentage of 85.28% which is included in the very feasible category. Based on

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the results of the assessment by material experts, CNC learning practitioners,

and student assessments, this module is included as a very feasible use as

teaching material for vocational students.

According to Capangpangan, (2019), with a thesis title, Development

and Evaluation of Handbook in Sketch up plugins tutorial. This study aimed to

develop and evaluate the Sketch up plugin tutorial as an aid for instruction and

advance studying in teaching 2nd year Drafting students major at Marikina

Polytechnic College. This study used a descriptive type of analysis employing a

developmental method of research. This is to determine and analyze the effects

of providing an innovative product to the learning of drafting students who are

studying Sketch up 2D and 3D applications.

According to Everett (2019), the purpose of his preliminary study was to

assess the effectiveness of the competency-based education systems in order to

aid teachers, administrators, and policy/law makers in their evaluation of

competency-based education systems. The results showed that, on average, the

students in the competency-based schools performed equally as well as the

students in the seat time based schools. The implication of these results was that

competency-based systems can be considered as rigorous as traditional seat

time based systems.

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According to Cervera, (2018), their study was conducted to develop

and validate a Technical Drafting Modules, the Architectural Drafting Layout and

Design and Architectural Drafting Computer-Aided Design Module for the Grade

11 students who are in the field of Technical drafting. The feedback of the two

group of respondents about the developed Modules of Architectural Drafting for

Grade 11 students to be used as a reference in order to pass the National

Certificate II (NC II) for Technical Drafting. Specifically on the part of the core

competency which is the architectural drafting layout and details. This research

study is for all those educators specially Drafting Instructors who handles Grade

11 students to help them to have an Instructional Materials and Modules in order

to facilitate a better learning instruction. The feedback of the two group of

respondents are in common about the developed Modules of Architectural

Drafting for Grade 11 students that this will be able to use as a reference in order

to pass the National Certificate II (NC II) for Technical Drafting. Specifically on

the part of the core competency which is the architectural drafting layout and


According to Dator (2017), her study entitled “Development and

Evaluation of Supplementary Instructional Learning Materials in Handicraft for

Grade 8 students. This study utilized the descriptive method of research with the

questionnaire as the data gathering instrument which was developed by the

researcher and checked by her adviser and her critic and validated by experts.
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
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The evaluators of the developed supplementary instructional learning materials

120 randomly selected grade 8 Junior High School students and 20 Technology

and Livelihood Education (T.L.E) teachers from Bagong Nayon II National High

School, Division of Antipolo City, Rizal.

In relation to this, the researcher also used the descriptive methods of

research because the product aimed to design, develop and evaluate the

competency-based learning module in Autod CAD 2D instructions.

According to Estacio (2017), with a study entitled, “Development and

Validation of a Learning Assessment Tool and Instructional Material in Physics 1

(Mechanics).” The purpose of this study is to evaluate the acceptability of the

proposed instructional material, the learning assessment tool in Physics 1

(Mechanics), and to investigate its effect in teaching the subject. The design of

this study is a combination of descriptive and experimental designs. A total of

thirty three (33) experts and instructors in Physics from selected local colleges

and universities in Metro Manila evaluated the proposed instructional material

and learning assessment tool. In order to determine the effect of the proposed

instructional material and learning assessment tool in Physics 1(Mechanics) a

one group pretest-posttest was employed and a total of 50 freshmen Industrial

Engineering students of the Quezon City Polytechnic University (QCPU) served

as the experimental group.

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

According to Indera and Affandi (2017), a Case Study Of Autocad 2d

Engineering Drawing Performance Among Furniture And Product Design (Bfpd)

Students, Automatic Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD 2D) engineering drawing

is an important component in BFPD courses. This software is commonly

practiced by students for product design process as part of the project

development. However, there is a lack of quality in 2D engineering drawing that

affects the students’ prototype making process and project progression. This

paper intends to identify the problems that weakened the students'

performances of the AutoCAD 2D engineering drawings. Data were collected

from the students’ examinations, assignments and independent projects. Semi

structured interviews were also conducted with the students. The sample

consisted of BFPD’s Year 2 and Year 3 students at the First City University

College. The findings indicated that the lacking of technical skills is the main

contribution of this study. Therefore, future research is needed to investigate the

identified problems further and recommendations are also made to improve the

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Conceptual Model of the Study

The conceptual models that guided the researcher in conducting the study

are presented in figure 1 and 2 identified topics.

Figure 1. Conceptual Model for the Development of a Competency-based

learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions


 Identified topics in  Development of a  Developed

Auto CAD 2D competency-based competency-based
instructions learning module in learning module in
Auto CAD 2D Auto CAD 2D
instructions instructions


Figure 1 presents the input, process and output for the development of a

competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions. The input is the

identified topics. The process is the development of module. The developed

module is the output.

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Figure 2. Conceptual Model for the Evaluation of the Competency-based

learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions


 Developed module  Administration and  Evaluated module

in Auto CAD 2D retrieval of the in Auto CAD 2D
Instructions survey instructions
questionnaire  Significant
 Survey  Evaluation of the Difference
Questionnaire Developed module between the
in Auto CAD 2D Evaluation of the
 20 students instructions two group of
 Statistical respondents if any
 11 Teachers Treatment of the  Comments,
Data Suggestions,
 Analysis and recommendations
Interpretation of of the two group of
the Data respondents


Figure 2 presents the input, process and output for the evaluation of a

competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions. The input is the

Developed module in Auto CAD 2D Instructions, Survey Questionnaire, and 20

students, 11 Teachers, who are the respondents. The process is the

Administration and retrieval of the survey questionnaire, Evaluation of the

Developed module in Auto CAD 2D instructions, Statistical Treatment of the

Data, and Analysis and Interpretation of the Data. The output is the Evaluated

module in Auto CAD 2D instructions, Significant Difference between the

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Evaluation of the two group of respondents if any and Comments, Suggestions,

and recommendations of the two group of respondents.

Research Hypothesis

The hypotheses being pursued in this study are the following:

1. There are no significant in the evaluation of the respondents with

regards to the content of the competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D

instructions for Grade 7 students.

2. There are significant in the evaluation of the respondents with regards

to the completeness, organizations, usefulness and layout of the competency-

based learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions for Grade 7 students.

Definition of Terms used in the Study

The following terminologies used in the study were defined based on how

it was used in the study.

Auto CAD. Provides unique drafting tools that are used in drawings of

engineering components, designs, and infrastructure. It also minimizes human

errors and helps the users to bring their imagination to life with accuracy.

Competency-based learning module. It is a printed instructional aid that

supplement a teacher’s oral and visual instruction. It allow students to progress

at a rate that is comfortable to them (self-instruction).

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Completeness. Making sure that the text is usable and accurate, and that

important information can be quickly found and understood.

Content. The lessons, illustrations, and activities in module that is


Development. This refers to the process of designing sequentially the

content and activities in the developed competency-based learning module.

Evaluation. Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit,

worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards.

Organization. How ideas are presented. It refers to the larger parts of a

piece of writing, although it also refers to how paragraphs and sentences are


Usefulness. It is very useful in guiding the students to a new ideas and

learning to action the purpose.

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School



This chapter contains the methods of research used, the sources of data,

the data gathering instrument, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical

treatment of data.

Methods of Research Used

The method of research that the researcher used was the developmental

and descriptive methods of research because the product aimed to design,

develop and evaluate the competency-based learning module in Autod CAD 2D


According to Richey and Klien (2005), developmental research, as

opposed to simple instructional development, has been defined as the systematic

study of designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs,

processes, and products that must meet criteria of internal consistency and


On the other hand, descriptive research was defined by Glass & Hopkins

(1984), involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes,

tabulates, depicts and describes the data collection.

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Sources of Data

The data gathered in this research were from the Grade 7 students who

were officially enrolled at New Life Evangelical Training School Inc during the

school year 2022-2023. There were 20 Grade 7 students comprised the group of


In addition to the data stated above, the group of respective faculty

members were also the respondents with a total of eleven (11) teachers.

Table 1

Distribution of the Grade 7 student and teacher-respondents on the

developed competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions

Total number of
Respondents Percentage

Grade 7 students 20 64.52%

Teachers 11 35.48%

Total 31 100%

Table 1 presented the Grade 7 students who were officially enrolled and

faculty members during the school year 2022-2023. Using the Percentage

Frequency Distribution Formula, there were 20 total number of students or

64.52% and 11 teachers or 35.48% were involved as evaluators of the

Developed Competency-based learning module in Auto CAD 2D instructions.

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Data Gathering Instrument

The main instrument used in the research study is a questionnaire

checklist to be able to acquire data from a certain number of Grade 7 students

and Teachers at New Life Evangelical Training School Inc. After validation by the

selected professors and research experts as regards the survey questionnaire, it

was finalized and administered to the two groups of respondents – Grade 7

students and Teachers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher firstly asked permission from the Registrar’s office of New

Life Evangelical Training School Inc to supply the actual number of officially

enrolled Grade 7 students. After the Registrar’s office has provided the data,

using the Percentage Frequency Distribution formula, the researcher was able to

extract the sample size from the target respondents needed in the study from the

total population. All questionnaires were administered and retrieved personally by

the researcher.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For a vivid description of the study and analysis of the data collected, the

following statistical treatments were used in the study:

1. Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondents

who identified Percentage Frequency Distribution formula.

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

2. Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the students and teacher

respondents in regard to the Development and Evaluation of a Competency-

based learning Module in Auto CAD 2D instructions.

Table 2 presented the descriptive value of the scale to evaluate the

Developed Competency-based learning Module in Auto CAD 2D instructions as

perceived by the students and teacher-respondents as regards to the content,

completeness, organization, usefulness and layout and design.

Table 2
Scale, Range, and Verbal Interpretation of Data

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50 – 4.0 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.50 – 3.49 Agree (A)

2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree (D)

1 1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

3. T-test. This will be used to determine the significant differences of the

Development and Evaluation of a Competency-based learning Module in Auto

CAD 2D instructions as regards to the content, completeness, organization,

usefulness and layout and design. The hypothesis were tested at .05 ALPHA.
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


A. Literature

Abuga, Angelo P. (2019). Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM):

An Alternative Delivery Mode for G12 TVL Track Students. International

Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 45(1), 1–12.
Retrieved from

Ambiyar Ambiyar, Refdinal Refdinal, Waskito Waskito, Fahmi Rizal, Hendri

Nurdin. Application of Assessment for Learning to Improve Student

Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Using CaD. 5th UPI
International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (ICTVET 2018). Faculty of Engineering. State University of
Padang Padang, Indonesia

Baumback, W. (2021). Introduction to drafting and AutoCAD 2D (B.

McGarvie, Ed.). BCcampus.

Chandra, Prem (2021). International Advanced Research Journal in Science,

Engineering and Technology Vol. 8, Issue 9

Gill, P.S (2017) Computer Aided Drafting Using AutoCAD. Leson 1.2 Advantages

of Computer Aided Drafting. pp.3-5

Irawan , Indera (2017) Developing competencies model in learning

AutoCAD 2D engineering drawing.
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Omura, George and Benton, Brian C. (2018) Mastering AutoCAD 2018 and

AutoCAD LT 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-38679-7,


Kennedy, Luke. “A Brief History of Auto CAD.”

Scan2CAD,Scan2CAD, 5 Apr. 2018,
brief-history/.[Accessed 7 Oct.2018].

Neelakandan, Naveen (2020). What Are The Key Concepts Of

Competency-Based Learning?


Saputro, B & Supratno, S. (2020). Implementation of the use of AutoCAD

applications in increasing basic competence in describing techniques in

vocational education. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Engineering. 830. 042022. 10.1088/1757-899X/830/4/042022.

Russano, Euan (2021) "Design Processes for CAD & Design Drawings.",

B. Studies

Ancheta, Licille Ann, Balmes, Cialmari, Cervera, Aleah, Cajipe, Shienjie, Orcullo,

Kimmy and Padilla, James Philip (2018) Development And Validation Of

Modules In Technical Drafting For Grade 11 Students. Bachelor’s Thesis.
Marikina Polytechnic College

Capangpangan, Daisy Mae, Pamintuan, Jim Chester B., (2019)

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Development and Evaluation of Handbook in Sketch up Plugins Tutorial. B

achelor’s Thesis. Marikina Polytechnic College.

Dator, Gemma S. (2017) Development and Evaluation of Supplementary

Instructional Learning Materials in Handicraft for Grade 8 students.

Master’s Thesis. Marikina Polytechnic College

Estacio, Randel De Leon (2017) Development and Validation of a Learning

Assessment Tool andInstructional Material in Physics 1 (Mechanics).

Master’s Thesis. Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Everett, Daniel P., (2019). "Competency-based education systems: are

they effective?". Theses and Dissertations. Pepperdine University 1121.

Gerada, Edgardo P. (2021). Development and evaluation of modules for senior

high school physics teachers (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Central

Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.

Indera Irawan M. R and Affandi H.M. (2017) A Case Study Of Autocad 2d

Engineering Drawing Performance Among Furniture And Product Design

(Bfpd) Students. Master’s Thesis, The National University of Malaysia

Khoroshko, Alexey. (2020). The Research of the Possibilities and Application of

the AutoCAD Software Package for Creating Electronic Versions of

Textbooks for "Engineering and Computer Graphics". Moscow Aviation

Mallillin, Leovigildo Lito & Mallillin, D & Laurel, Regilito & Mallillin, Jocelyn &
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Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

Carag, Eduardo & Guingab-Carag, Catalina. (2021). Competency Based-

Learning and Quality Education in the New Normal Modality of Teaching.

Wijanartka, B & Pramono, Z & Fikrie, A & Kassyaf, K. (2020). Development of

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high school students. Reseach Study. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


July 18, 2022


School President
New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Purok 3, Peñafrancia, Cupang, Antipolo City


The undersigned is currently enrolled in Methods of Research at Marikina

Polytechnic College in Marikina City. I have the honor to request permission to
distribute questionnaires to the students and faculty members of this institution
with my research proposal: Development and Evaluation of a Competency-based
Learning Module in Auto CAD 2D instructions for Grade 7 students. The study is
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Technician
Education major in Drafting Technology.

I hope that this request be given favorable action. Thank you very much. God

Very respectfully yours,

Graduate School Student
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


July 18, 2022


New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Purok 3, Peñafrancia, Cupang, Antipolo City


The undersigned is currently enrolled in Methods of Research at Marikina

Polytechnic College in Marikina City. My research proposal entitled:
Development and Evaluation of a Competency-based Learning Module in Auto
CAD 2D instructions for Grade 7 students. The study is in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Degree of Master of Technician Education major in Drafting
Technology. May I humbly ask your good office to provide me with a certified true
photocopy of the total number of officially enrolled Grade 7 students in this

I hope that this request be given favorable action. Thank you very much. God

Very respectfully yours,

Graduate School Student
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


July 25, 2022

Dear Respondents,

The undersigned is currently enrolled in Methods of Research at Marikina

Polytechnic College in Marikina City. My research proposal entitled:
Development and Evaluation of a Competency-based Learning Module in Auto
CAD 2D instructions for Grade 7 students. The study is in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Degree of Master of Technician Education major in Drafting

In this regard, the undersigned is earnestly requesting kind assistance by way of

accomplishing the attached evaluation form. Rest assured that your answers will
be held in strict confidentiality.

Anticipate your kind assistance and cooperation. Thank you very much. God

Very respectfully yours,

Graduate School Student
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School



Name (Optional): _______________________________________

Name of Institution: _____________________________
Grade and Section: ______________________________________________
Directions: Kindly rate the learning module according to the given criteria by
putting a check mark (√) on the appropriate space that corresponds to your rating
using the following scale.
The following are the descriptive value of the scale used:
4 - Strongly Agree (SA)
3 – Agree (A)
2 - Disagree (D)
1 - Strongly Disagree (SD)
To what extent do you agree with the following indicators as regards to the
developed ____?
The criteria are Content, Completeness, Organization, Usefulness, and Layout
and Design.

4– 3- 2– 1–
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (A) (D) Disagree
(SA) (SD)
1. The content of the learning module
is informative.
2. The content of the lesson are
presented in a simple language which
can be easily understood by the
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

3. The learning module contains
illustrations that are relevant to the
4. The content is relevant and
congruent to the objectives.
5. The learning module contains lesson
from simple to complex.
1. The learning module contains
relevant information about 3D design.
2. All lesson objectives in the learning
module are specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic and within the time
3. The learning module comes with a
written assessment for every topic.
4. The learning module has
performance assessment after every
5. The directions in all Self Checks,
Tasks and Job Sheets are presented
and stated clearly.
1. The components of the module are
arranged accordingly.
2. The parts of the learning module are
arranged accordingly.
3. The content is organized accordingly
based on the required curriculum
4. The contents are organized based
on the level of learners.
5. The concepts are logically arranged.
1. The learning module can be utilized
as a reference for National
Certification in Architecture and
2. The learning module includes topics
relevant to the students’
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

3. The learning module can be utilized
as a supplementary teaching/training
technique or methodology for
individualized instruction.
4. The learning module can be used
for Community-based learning.
5. Students can use the learning
materials to learn at their pace and
1. The visual layout is appealing and
appropriate to the subject.
2. The pictures used were arranged
3. The font size and letter style are
both readable.
4. The illustrations used in the
instructional material are easily
5. The overall design encourages
clear comprehension of the lectures
and exercises.

Please write below your comments, suggestions and recommendations that may
improve the developed module.

Thank you very much and God bless!

The Researcher
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School



Name (Optional): _______________________________________

Name of Institution: _____________________________
Position: ______________________________________________
Directions: Kindly rate the learning module according to the given criteria by
putting a check mark (√) on the appropriate space that corresponds to your rating
using the following scale.
The following are the descriptive value of the scale used:
4 - Strongly Agree (SA)
3 – Agree (A)
2 - Disagree (D)
1 - Strongly Disagree (SD)
To what extent do you agree with the following indicators as regards to the
developed ____?
The criteria are Content, Completeness, Organization, Usefulness, and Layout
and Design.

4– 3- 2– 1–
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (A) (D) Disagree
(SA) (SD)
1. The content of the learning module
is informative.
2. The content of the lesson are
presented in a simple language which
can be easily understood by the
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

3. The learning module contains
illustrations that are relevant to the
4. The content is relevant and
congruent to the objectives.
5. The learning module contains lesson
from simple to complex.
1. The learning module contains
relevant information about 3D design.
2. All lesson objectives in the learning
module are specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic and within the time
3. The learning module comes with a
written assessment for every topic.
4. The learning module has
performance assessment after every
5. The directions in all Self Checks,
Tasks and Job Sheets are presented
and stated clearly.
1. The components of the module are
arranged accordingly.
2. The parts of the learning module are
arranged accordingly.
3. The content is organized accordingly
based on the required curriculum
4. The contents are organized based
on the level of learners.
5. The concepts are logically arranged.
1. The learning module can be utilized
as a reference for National
Certification in Architecture and
2. The learning module includes topics
relevant to the students’
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School

3. The learning module can be utilized
as a supplementary teaching/training
technique or methodology for
individualized instruction.
4. The learning module can be used
for Community-based learning.
5. Students can use the learning
materials to learn at their pace and
1. The visual layout is appealing and
appropriate to the subject.
2. The pictures used were arranged
3. The font size and letter style are
both readable.
4. The illustrations used in the
instructional material are easily
5. The overall design encourages
clear comprehension of the lectures
and exercises.

Please write below your comments, suggestions and recommendations that may
improve the developed module.

Thank you very much and God bless!

The Researcher
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School



Unit 6, Sto. Niño, Pagrai, Mayamot, Antipolo City
Mobile #: 09122146593
E-mail address:

Age : 25
Birthday : March 16, 1997
Birthplace : Bien Unido,Bohol
Weight : 131 lbs
Height : 5’4
Religion : Bornagain Christian
Status : Single
Father : Ricardo A. Toreta Sr.
Occupation : Shoe repairer
Mother : Bonifacia A. Toreta (deceased)
Occupation : None


2020 - Present Graduate School

Master of Technician Education
Major in Drafting Technology
Marikina Polytechnic College
2014 - 2018 Tertiary Education
Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education
Major in Drafting Technology
Marikina Polytechnic College
2010 - 2014 Secondary Education
Antipolo National High School
Sta. Cruz, Antipolo City
2004 - 2010 Elementary Education
Peñafrancia Elementary School
Springvalley IV, Cupang, Antipolo City
Shoe Ave. cor. Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena,
Marikina City – 1800
Graduate School


2018 – Present Licensed Professional Teacher

New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Peñafrancia, Cupang, Antiplo City

April 2019 AutoCad Operator

Ravicon Builders
95 Josefina Subd., Mambugan, Antipolo City

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