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Stolen Lands Cheat Sheet

Getting Lost: If visibility lessens or forced off a known path, Survival Check or lost
 Forest, DC 16
 Swamps/Hills, DC 10
 Mountains, DC 12
 Urban/Dungeon, DC 8
 +4 if navigation tools, -4 if poor visibility
If lost, wander in random direction. Each hour, Survival Check DC 20, -1 per hour of travel, to
realize lost. To figure correct course, DC 15, +2 per hour of random travel, or keep wandering.

Weather: Randomly roll on occasion.

D% Weather Effect
01-70 Normal Normal for season (0-40 daytime winter, 40-60 spring/fall, 60-85
in summer, take 10-20 off during night)
71-80 Abnormal Heat wave or cold snap, 50% to raise/lower by 10 degrees
81-90 Inclement Precipitation for season*
91-99 Storm Thunderstorm, Snowstorm*
100 Powerful storm Windstorm, blizzard, tornado*
 Precipitation: 30% fog, 60% rain/snow, 10% sleet/hail. Lasts 2d4 hours, hail lasts 1d20
minutes but accompanies 1d4 hours of rain.
o Rain: reduces visibility by half, -4 perception, -4 ranged attacks)
o Snow: Like rain, doubles movement costs
o Hail: -4 sound Perception, 5% harmful (1 lethal), double movement
o Fog: obscures sight beyond 5’
 Regular Storm: Winds 30-50mph (-4 to ranged attacks, small check size, tiny blow
away, -4 fly). Visibility cut by 75%, lasts 2d4-1 hours.
 Powerful storm: Winds speeds 50+. Blizzards get 1d3 feet of snow, Windstorms last 1d6
hours, blizzards last 1d3 days. Tornadoes last 1d6x10 minutes.
 Windstorm: ranged attacks impossible, Medium must make DC 10 Str check (20 Fly) or
be unable to move. Small make DC 15 check or get knocked prone and rolled 1d4x10
feet, taking 1d4 nonlethal every 10 feet; small fliers blown 2d6x10 feet and take 2d6
nonlethal unless DC 25 Fly. -8 to Fly checks.
 Tornado: ranged impossible, Huge check size, large blown away, -16 fly.

Cold Dangers: If below 40 degrees, every hour exposed DC 15 +1/prior check Fort save or 1d6
nonlethal. If below 0, every 10 minutes (unless outfitted, then 1/hour). If take damage, frostbit.
Treat as Fatigued until damage gone. Below -20 is 1d6 lethal per minute and Fort save DC 15
(+1 per check) or 1d4 nonlethal.

Starvation: Water, survive 1 day +1 hour/Con point. Then Con Check DC 10 (+1 per check) or
take 1d6 nonlethal. Once down, damage becomes lethal.
Food, 3 days, then Con check DC 10 (+1 per check) each day or 1d6 nonlethal as above.
If take damage from either, treat as fatigued until get food or water.
Fey Pranks

1. PC awakens with clothes elsewhere and flowers woven in hair

2. Local squirrels bombard party with acorns
3. Frost rays to put out a campfire
4. Put PC to sleep and draw mustache with soot or decorate with lip paint
5. Paint a “kik me” on back of someone’s armor, “stab here” pointing to butt, or “weak spot”
pointing to head
6. Tie laces together
7. PCs awaken holding hands, or thumb in mouth
8. Using mage hand to make wizard’s book close while studying or throw food
9. Ventriloquism for fart noises as someone walks
10. If someone is making a map, redraw the lines
11. Water skin filled with sour milk
12. Hair colored differently for day, or a mount
13. Animal turds in a pack, begins to smell later in day
14. Ghost Sound to spook a mount so it runs and has to be retrieved
15. Pyrotechnics to make campfire give off lots of smoke
16. Using ranged “open” to unbuckle any saddles or straps
17. Entangle sleeping PCs so they (harmlessly) awaken under vegetation
18. Encouraging skunks to wander into the camp
19. Slugs in waterskin
20. Swap spellbook with illusory book of dirty pictures, spellbook safely nearby
21. Ventriloquism to have animal companions/mounts “talk” to the party
22. Illusory sign: “Hooman hunting season open” and raccoon enters with a knife
The Charter

"You may kiss the bride."

The entire chapel erupts in a fury of cheers for Syra and Gregan Orlovsky, now happily wedded. The
doors open to one of the brightest, warmest summer days of the year. You could not ask for better
weather. While you make your way out of the chapel, ushers are directing everyone to the stage
erected next to the chapel. Peitros Aldori, standing proud on stage in his expensive garb, gathers
everyone's attention.

"Greetings, friends! I am so proud of my daughter on her day and may the Gods bless
everyone for such beautiful weather! It is a pleasure to see so many faces, both fresh and
familiar, joining us on this fine day. I particularly want to thank the Lord Mayor, Ioseph
Sellemius, for his city’s hospitality. I also wish a special announcement, and a gift to
announce the Swordlords, with our support, have commissioned expeditions into the River
Kingdoms to reclaim the stolen lands! We recognize the Iron Wraiths (a grey-eyed man and
woman with matching decorative scars on their cheeks nod), who will be tasked with facing the
Tiger Lord barbarians and securing our borders with Pitax. We recognize swordlord Maegar
Varn and his Varnlings as they make peace with the Nomen Centaurs. (an attractive man with
just a touch of grey at his temples raises a tankard, it seems he brought his daughter Mara and you
vaguely recall he was recently a widower). We wish well the Copper Claws of the Fanged
Legion, who have already departed, for their escort mission into the Slough to ensure the
safety of trade routes in that area and lastly to __________! Everyone, welcome and I
truly hope that you enjoy your stay here at my estate and expense! And to any of you that I
see more regularly, thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to enjoy all of the
attractions today's festival will have to offer. I think I even see that Larz Rovanky has
managed to tear himself away from his work at the tannery to join us. And to think that I
often joked that I wondered what old Larz would be doing if he hadn't been spending all his
time getting his hide tanned." Laughter erupts among the crowd and many eyes turn toward a
serious looking man with a sour expression.
"I will not keep you all from the planned reception and feast so without further ado, let me
introduce someone who readily will. Lord Mayor, everybody!"

After a round of applause, a rather dour looking man wearing an armored coat takes center stage and
clears his throat after shaking hands with the father of the bride.

"Thank you, Peitros. Citizens! Even in the heat of celebration we would do well to remember
that which brought this day of merriment to us. Syra and Gregan, we wish you all the best
in this world today and forever." After a round of applause, he continues."I am of the
understanding that there is a bonfire planned for this evening and I urge all of you,
especially those with young children, to observe caution during this event. Please enjoy
yourselves responsibly and know that my watch will never be more than a moment away.
He pauses to briefly scan the crowd. "Now I would like to welcome the Father to the stage.
Thank you."
He gives a nod as the following applause is somewhat more muted than what Peitros had received
and, unfazed, returns to his seat at the back of the stage, passing an older, stern looking gentlemen
with a well-groomed goatee. As he reaches the podium he loosens his collar and winks to the crowd.

"Thank you, Lord Mayor. Thank you, Peitros." He nods to each in turn. "For those who do
not know me, I am Father Zanthus and priest of Desna. Thank you, everyone, for taking me
into your hearts and homes and letting me have the pleasure of presiding over the wedding
ceremony. I'll not bore you anymore with another long speech, since you all appear to be
eager to get to the celebrations. So, I officially declare the festivities underway! Enjoy!" He
is drowned out by cheers before he even finishes the thought.

Within several minutes the crowd disperses in all directions. Criers call out advertising activities of all
sorts. All around you are carnival games waiting to be played, veritable mountains of free food and
sweets begging to be eaten, and drinking contests starting despite the early hour, and more.

Connections: Muko, the old gnomish man who tutored Vadim, was an inventor for Peitros, a mid-level
aspiring man who owns several Aldori fighting schools and is securing rights of nobility by entering
into alliance with the Orlvosky House. While Muko has since left, fading from this land, he sent a
letter of introduction after directing Vadim to compete for the charter.

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