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You were made to go out and get her

She will be loved

Somehow the plan is always rearranged
I was born this way
Sweet dreams are made of this
Legs are required for jumping
You will be rewarded
Well I will be blessed
There is nothing you can know that is not know
Nothing you can see that is not shown
They organized a boycott
The boycott was organized
When was that boycott organized?
I will pick you up
You will be picked up by me
I will be picked up by you
I have saved you
You have been saved by me
Someone has hacked my computer
My computer has been hacked
Alicia Florrick has asked me to testify in the Sorrentino gun case
I have been asked (by Alicia Florrick) to testify in the Sorrentino gun
Someone has said that I have a game
It has been that I have a game
No one can help these people
These people can't be helped
You mother didn't ask me to be her partner
I was not asked to be her partner
It all starts with a company, called ''Carpet Store'' which is the largest marketing company in
the world. There are entrepreneurs of all kinds. Harold works in administration and he makes
a lot of use of his computer. One day Harold came to the company and said:

 Oh no, my computer has been hacked.

He was trying to fix the computer and when he saw this Maria (a new worker in the
company) came up to him and said:

 I will help you, I know about this

Instantly, Maria fixed the computer and told her the following:

 There, it's fixed, all this was caused by a strange application

To which Harold responds:

 Oh yes, It has been that I have a game by which the hacking could be originated

Mary says to him:

 Well, you have been saved by me.

Harold is surprised and asks him:

 How do you know how to fix this?

And Maria answers him:

 I don't know, maybe it's a great virtue but I was born this way

The manager of the administration department, upon noticing this situation, analyzed that
Maria and Harold have a lot of connection and thought about making them work colleagues.
He called Harold and told him the following:

 Good morning, I'll tell you quickly, he requested that you and Maria be co-workers
from now on.

Harold, disagreeing, commented:

 Why, I was not asked to be her partner.

And the manager says:

 It is only for the company, if you do it, you will be rewarded

Then Harold says:

 Well, I'll be blessed

The first month of the partnership work was effective so the manager called an important
meeting. At the meeting, the manager says:

 Thanks to the effective and efficient work they have demonstrated this last month, the
company's bosses are surprised, and they organized a boycott (which is to avoid
commercialization) and with it helps people to obtain a unique and integral service.

The managers will be Maria and Harold.

Maria says the following:

 No one can help these people, much less this project

The manager responds:

 That's why you should look for strategies to achieve the final objective.

Harold and Maria took over the project.

They began to make the plan, but to perfect it, they had to continue planning outside the
company. So Harold made a proposal to Maria:

 We can go to my house to continue with the plan, I'll pick you up.

Maria, okay, he asks her:

 What time I will pick up by you?

Harold tells her:

 At 7 p.m.

Maria agreed.

At Harold's house, they were planning the project but Maria told Harold:

 One of my dreams is to get promoted, but I guess if we don't get it, I'll have to keep

Harold, she answers:

 The project is in our hands and the sweet dreams are made of this, we will make it.
You know, legs are required to jumping and we have the ability to jump to success.

It was the day of the presentation of the project, but before that Harold and Maria had a
meeting with the manager. Maria and Harold changed the plan at the last minute and were
sure it would work so they told the manager:
 We change the plan and consider it the best option to make it happen.

The manager, disgusted, tells them:

 How can you do that, plans are not changed overnight.

Harold answers him:

 Somehow the plan is always rearranged.

The manager tells them:

 There's no time, but if your new plan works out, you'll be promoted

The plan was presented and approved, and Harold and Maria were promoted.

They were so happy that Harold wanted to tell Maria how he felt about her, but she went
home. Harold, determined, went to her house and immediately told her how he felt, luck was
on his side as Maria felt the same way about him. Maria's mother, upon learning this, told

 You were made to go out and get her, I know, it was probably her manager.

To which Harold replied:

 No, what I feel for Maria has nothing to do with business, she will be loved, don't

Maria's mother accepted her relationship. And they lived happily with their dream job and
their beautiful relationship.

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