Invitación para Que Los Jovenes Se Interesen en La Cultura

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Daniel Gutiérrez and Steven

Invitation for young more

interested in culture.
This invitation is so that today is teen are more interested in the culture.
Vallenato festival is bigger tan commune 13, commune 13 is more famous than
Vallenato festival, Vallenato festival is longer tan commune 13, Vallenato festival
has more things to do tan commune 13, In commune 13 there are more
commemoretions than Vallenato festival, In Vallenato festival there are more
atractions than commune 13, In Vallenati festival there are more music than
commune 13, Comuna 13 is younger than Vallenato festival, Comuna 13 is more
interesting than Valleanto festival.
It is importan for teens to know the culture because in the sightseeing so you can
learn about the cultures of other countries and how able to develop pver the years.
It is importan for teens to know the culture because in the education to learn more
about general culture and that they teach you something new so that you can talk
with your friends and family and that you can teach them something new and also
to know the history of your country or others.
It is importan for teens to know the culture because in the history to value what our
ancestors have done and to value history, to know where we came from and how
the history of our culture evolved.
We invite today's youth to learn and become more interested in culture and not
take it for granted because from that culture we know our traditions, where we
came from and how we came, what we have fought to achieve what we have, and
all the effort that our ancestors have had to make for us to be here with a good life
and with everything we have.
In conclusion, today's young people should be more interested in culture because
at the moment there are very few young people who are interested in culture and
how we have evolved from lives and how life was in the past and also so that
young people understand how they evolved and became what they are today and
how the country and its city modernized since ancient times.
We should learn and be more interested in the culture to know what the past was
like and how we managed to evolve to what we are today.
We should learn where our culture is from, what is done in the festivities of our
culture and of other cultures and how are the festivities in other cultures and in the
cultures of other cities of Colombia or even the cultures of other countries.
We hope that this invitation to learn from our cultures and from other citizens and
countries will be fulfilled.

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