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Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223

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Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management: the case of Hyundai
Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry
Ki-Hoon Lee*
Griffith Business School, Gold Coast Campus, G01_2.13, Griffith University, Queensland 4222, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this paper is to improve our understanding of carbon footprint within the context of
Received 25 May 2010 automobile supply chain management. The case study approach is employed as a research method.
Received in revised form Primary data were collected through site visits and extensive interviews with HMC’s corporate and plant
28 February 2011
management. First, identification and measurement of direct and indirect carbon footprint is critical for
Accepted 22 March 2011
mitigating supply chain risks. Second, setting the system boundary of measurement is another important
Available online 30 March 2011
issue to integrate the issue of carbon footprint into supply chain management. Third, developing a map of
product carbon footprint facilitates identification and measurement of carbon emissions across the
Carbon footprint
supply chain. Companies today operate in a carbon-constrained world. In particular, the automobile
Carbon management industry is under pressure to take a close look at its product carbon footprint. Managing the downstream
Supply chain management consequences of the use of its products and inputs from upstream suppliers is critical for developing
Automobile industry carbon risk-mitigated supply chain management. This paper is of benefit to academics and managers by
providing a new way to integrate carbon emissions in supply chain management. Since climate change
and carbon footprint present challenges to many industries, increasing our understanding of how to
integrate carbon footprint in supply chain management is necessary, but has seen little research in the
automobile industry.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction have focused on producer and/or manufacturer-related aspects,

while supplier aspects are rarely explored (Princen, 1999; Lenzen
During the past decade, society at large has awakened to the et al., 2007).
issue of climate change. Climate change and global warming are The term carbon footprint has come into wide use among
higher on the minds of consumers around the world than ever academics and practitioners in the last few years. A systematic
before. According to a McKinsey global survey (2008), top definition of carbon footprint is offered by Wiedmann and Minx
management in a broad range of sectors has recognized that (2008), who write “carbon footprint is a measure of the total
climate change and carbon management are clearly a business amount of CO2 emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an
reality now (McKinsey, 2008). Within the context of a carbon- activity or is accumulated over the life stages of a product (p.5)”.
constrained business future, there is great uncertainty over how They asserted the importance of all direct (on-site, internal) and
a shift to a low-carbon business market will play out. Also, given the indirect (off-site, external, upstream, downstream) emissions for
global trend in today’s business economy, ‘that competition is measuring carbon footprint in business operations.
becoming less “firm vs. firm” and more “supply chain vs. supply Although companies increasingly adopt a life cycle perspective of
chain”’ (Hult et al., 2007, p.1047), a number of companies in their carbon impacts in their products and services, manufacturers
different industry sectors are beginning to recognize the carbon should identify and consider the indirect carbon emissions if they
issue as one of the critical factors in supply chain management. For wish to manage carbon footprint and performance in operations.
example, car manufacturers rely heavily on suppliers of steel, glass, Rather than focusing on what takes place within the factory, a life
rubber, and plastics, all of whom are likely to be seriously affected cycle perspective traces impacts through the entire production and
by emission requirements and regulations. However, most studies supply chain of a business. The common focus of carbon footprint
analyses is to shift reporting direct impacts from on-site processes to
reporting indirect impacts embodied in the supply chain of
* Tel.: þ61 (0)7 5552 9181; fax: þ61 (0)7 5552 9206. a company (upstream) or caused by the use and disposal of its
E-mail address: products (downstream). These indirect impacts are also increasingly

0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.-H. Lee / Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223 1217

Fig. 1. Direct vs. indirect effects of carbon footprint in the supply chain.

important to identify and quantitatively measure carbon emissions emissions information to the world’s largest companies, and in
of a company. The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol (WRI and 2008 over 1550 companies responded. The CDP identified the
WBCSD, 2004) and the indirect GHG emissions associated with scopes of carbon emissions shown in Table 1, and it follows the
products (Carbon Trust, 2006) also internationally promote stan- aforementioned protocol in requiring participants to report Scope 1
dardization of the procedures related to indirect carbon emissions in and 2, and optional to report Scope 3. Although this protocol covers
business practice. operational boundaries with certain levels of popularity, the
As Fig. 1 shows, the scope and boundary of carbon emissions is proposed boundary/category has been the subject of serious
critical to identify and measure the direct and indirect carbon critiques. Schmidt (2009) particularly expresses doubts over scope
emissions across the supply chain. Without clear identification, 2, stating that the national average generating conditions for the
accurate carbon emissions and footprint measurement and energy mix portfolio of coal, gas, nuclear power, and hydro-power
reporting cannot be made. WBCSD and WRI (2009) report that at cannot be clearly assessed. He also notes that it is not clear where
least 80% of carbon emissions are produced in scope 3 covering purchased electricity specifically is obtained. Are there any special
most indirect emissions in the total supply chain. In order to providers or renewable source providers? These issues are still not
balance supply and demand of carbon emission allowance, the answered explicitly in the protocol and related documents. Simi-
European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has been larly, Matthews et al. (2008) studied the scopes of carbon footprint
introduced and was launched in 2005 within the European Union. and emissions in US industries, and found that only 26% are
The EU ETS is the world’s largest CO2 trading system, and this captured in Scopes 1 and 2. That is, nearly two-thirds of carbon
market-based system is primarily aimed at achieving cost-minimal emissions and footprint from industrial sectors providing goods
compliance with a given greenhouse gas (GHG) emission target. and services are not captured under Scope 1 and 2. Without
With recent popular climate footprint calculators and efforts to considering Scope 3 and the supply chain, it is not realistic to
measure GHG emissions, there are some notable voluntary carbon identify and calculate carbon emission and carbon footprint at the
reporting schemes that are applicable to the carbon footprint corporate and industrial levels. Even the CDP and the Protocol
boundary within supply chains. These include the general GHG (WBCSD and WRI) have begun to focus on the importance of the
Protocol (2004) by the World Business Council for Sustainable supply chain. In October 2007, the CDP and its institution supply
Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), chain leadership collaboration (SCLC) conducted studies on
and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). These voluntary private improving supply chain reporting of carbon emissions2. The
carbon emissions reporting schemes include three scopes of carbon Protocol (WBCSD and WRI) has, similarly, also been applied and
emissions (see Table 1). tested to develop new international standards for calculating
According to the protocol, there are three scopes of carbon carbon emissions in corporate and product supply chains.
emissions: direct GHG emissions (scope 1), electricity indirect GHG In practice, companies are beginning to use the results of carbon
emissions (scope 2), and other indirect GHG emissions (scope 3). In footprint to reduce costs associated with manufacturing, energy
this category, scope 1 and scope 2 are the main emissions cate- use, and packaging and to inform design using a life cycle approach.
gories to measure, and scope 3 is optional. Another voluntary In addition, companies are publishing the results of carbon foot-
carbon emission reporting scheme, the Carbon Disclosure Project prints externally to manage risks associated with climate change,
(CDP),1 requests disclosure of carbon emissions from corporate and to increase market share and secure preferential product
entities. Since 2003, the CDP has made inquiries regarding carbon

In the period between October 2007 and February 2008, twelve companies
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a nongovernmental organization participated in a pilot collaboration study of the SCLC with the aim of creating
headquartered in the UK with global investors and sponsors. In August 2009, the a standardized process for supply chain reporting of carbon emissions, risks,
CDP has 475 signatory investors. For more details, opportunities, and strategies.
1218 K.-H. Lee / Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223

Table 1
Carbon emissions reporting boundary.

Category Boundary Specific Examples

Scope 1 Direct carbon emissions from sources owned  Direct emissions from stationary combustion
or controlled by a company  Direct emission from mobile combustion
 Direct emissions from process sources
 Direct emissions from fugitive sources
Scope 2 Indirect carbon emissions associated with the purchase  Indirect emissions from purchased/acquired electricity
of electricity and steam consumed by the company  Indirect emissions from purchased/acquired steam
 Indirect emissions from purchased/acquired heating
 Indirect emissions from purchased/acquired cooling
Scope 3 All other indirect emissions (not included in Scope (1) Indirect emissions from purchased products (upstream)
2) including the total supply chain up to the production  Purchased goods & services
gate; also known as cradle-to-gate emissions  Energy-related emissions (not included in scope 2)
 Transportation & distribution
 Waste generated in operations
(2) Indirect emissions from sold products (downstream)
 Franchises (not included in scope 1 or 2)
 Leased assets (not included in scope 1 or 2)
 Distribution of sold products
 Use of sold products
 Disposal of sold products at the end of life

Source: WBCSD and WRI (2004), WBCSD and WRI (2009).

placement. However, it is often observed that statistics on envi- supply chain performance measurement, and a number of tools are
ronmental impacts such as energy and emissions are always pre- presented including an environmental balanced scorecard. More
sented as attributes of ‘on-site’ or ‘direct’ allocation rather than as recently, Zhu and Sarkis (2006) investigate the pressures, practices
attributes of ‘the supply chains of products’ (Green et al., 1998; and performance of green supply chains in the Chinese automotive
Matthews et al., 2008). industry. They applied a comprehensive list of performance
This study aims to explore current business practices in carbon measurement including economic and environmental indicators.
footprint and supply chain management with the case of the With the Volkswagen case, Koplin et al. (2007) studied sustain-
automobile industry. A case study approach is employed for ability criteria in supply chain management to demonstrate how
Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in this paper. As mentioned sustainability policy can be flooded into strategic and operational
earlier, we generally accept that companies and industries cause measurements. Further development of green supply chain
direct and indirect impacts on climate change. One fundamental management has led to its recognition as a key area for companies
question is how to identify and measure both direct and indirect wanting to be competitive in the global economy. While green
impacts of companies on climate change. In particular, indirect supply chain management has become popular, fewer studies have
identification and measurement through supply chains have rarely been published on carbon footprint in supply chain management.
been carried out in academic spheres and business practice. This Seuring and Müller (2008) also showed that few consider energy
study highlights indirect impacts of suppliers in supply chain and emissions impact of supply chains.
management within the automobile industry for better position in The carbon emissions and consumption of a firm depend on the
competitive markets. industry it operates in, its position in the value chain, and firm-
specific factors, such as product portfolio and technological
advancements. For example, automobile has some unique charac-
2. Green supply chain management, carbon footprint and teristics of supply chain management: a module and platform-based
supply chain management assembly production; very high level of better understanding and
identification of a firm’s carbon emissions and consumption, a life
Integrating environmental criteria into supply management has cycle perspective is important, and the distinction between direct
become an important strategic issue for many companies. While and indirect carbon emissions is also critical. In particular, when the
some scholars use different terms within different contexts such as issue of carbon management is considered as a key strategic issue in
green supply (Bowen et al., 2001), green supply chain (Sarkis, 2003), supply chain management, it is important to understand the scope
green supply chain management (Zhu and Sarkis, 2006), environ- and boundary of carbon emissions in the entire supply chain. When
mental supply chain management (Zsidisin and Siferd, 2001; a car manufacturer wishes to inform consumers about the carbon
Handfield et al., 2005), and green supply chain practices (Vachon footprint of a certain car type or model, a firm should take both direct
and Klassen, 2006) regarding ‘how and why’ green issues should be and indirect emissions into account. That is, the firm should identify
integrated into supply management, the core meaning of the terms and analyze the concrete product carbon reference. This indicates
above can be understood as a focal company (a buying firm) exer- that the firm should analyze the indirect emissions in the supply
cising supply management practices that integrate green issues into chain that contribute to the specific product.
supply chain management in order to improve their business part-
ners’ environmental performance, thereby enhancing corporate
sustainability competitiveness (Handfield et al., 2005; Lee, 2009; Lee 3. Integrating carbon footprint in the automobile supply
and Kim, 2009). chain
In automobile industry, there are previous studies concerning
green supply chain issues. Rothenberg et al. (2005) provide four Over the past ten years, there has been pressure on automobile
categories of environmental benchmarking approaches including manufacturers to take action to improve engine efficiency and to
regulatory compliance, gross emissions, efficiency and life cycle reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, in Japan, new
analysis. Hervani et al. (2005) discuss the challenges of green legislation requires a 23% improvement in the fuel economy of cars
K.-H. Lee / Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223 1219

by 2010 as compared to 1995 levels. The automobile industry has operations and supply chains. As strategic steps to take for auto-
responded by taking action to improve the efficiency of and emis- mobile manufacturers, the first is to identify and track their carbon
sions from the vehicles it produces while also proposing voluntary footprint from its own production and from suppliers. Since the
measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, in the company can manage what it measures, companies should be
EU, the automobile industry association ACEA3 signed a voluntary aware of and understand the sources and levels of their own carbon
agreement with the government in 1998 to have manufacturers emissions. In practical terms, tracking carbon emissions in a quan-
reduce CO2 emissions on new passenger cars by 25% by 2008, with tifiable manner can lead to heightened consciousness of carbon
a possible further 10% reduction by 2012. This agreement sought to emissions and carbon footprint within a company and the entire
achieve an average of 140 g km1 of CO2 by 2008 and a 25% supply chain. For quantifying corporate carbon footprint, a carbon
reduction from the 1995 level of 186 g km1. In anticipation of the inventory is necessary to measure direct and indirect emissions. By
tougher standards of post Kyoto protocol and regulatory carbon practicing this, the company can identify and prioritize carbon
requirements globally for the automobile industry, companies emission reduction opportunities and mitigate carbon risks within
should evaluate the carbon impacts of their suppliers. This could the company and the supply chain.
lead to higher component and energy costs as suppliers pass along
increasing carbon-related costs to their customers. The automobile 4. Research methods
industry in particular is a case that heavily relies on suppliers in the
value chain, and they are likely to be enormously impacted by A review of literature reveals that there is little empirical
emissions regulations. knowledge on why and how companies integrate carbon footprint
Manufacturers and suppliers are facing increasing regulatory into supply chain management. The business environment is
pressures to embrace sustainable operations and achieve better undergoing rapid change in terms of environmental expectations
environmental and economic performance. More importantly, from multiple stakeholders. A case study approach is employed in
integrating sustainable operations requires companies to engage in this study to achieve the research aims of gaining deeper insights
supply chain management practices, wherein focal companies on corporate practices in carbon footprint and supply chain
evaluate risks and performances of suppliers based upon environ- management through interviews, internal reports, company
mental criteria (Seuring and Müller, 2008; Sarkis, 2003). In records, and published data sources (Eisenhardt and Graebner,
particular, competitive advantages of car manufacturers are very 2007; Yin, 2003). A case study method allows for multiple sour-
much dependent upon successful supply chain management. If ces of evidence, and the depth and richness of case studies offer
a focal company wants to improve the level of carbon emissions, new insights on ‘little known’ or ‘new research topics’. In particular,
the company should pay attention to not only on-site production an inductive case study approach is employed to cover contextual
facilities but also the suppliers’ production processes. Although it is dimensions of carbon management in supply chain in this study.
quite valid to assess the current environmental performance of The automobile industry also has a diversity of supply chain char-
production, it does not encapsulate the environmental perfor- acteristics, as plants draw from a wide range of equipment and
mance of a car manufacturer in a sustainable way based on the materials suppliers. Legislative requirements and customers’
practices they are adopting and their intentions toward a green and concerns were actively pushing a number of plants to investigate
sustainable supply chain. and implement a range of new environmental solutions.
In current business practices of car manufacturers, most actions Primary data were collected through site visits and extensive
in response to regulatory and market pressures have targeted interviews with corporate and plant management. Company names
reducing costs by reaching greater economies of scale in car were anonymized to encourage openness of response. 10 partici-
production and sales. Platform consolidation, modular assembly, pating companies are from the Hyundai Motor’s 1st-tier supplier
and supply chain management constitute the most widely pursued groups in Korean automobile industry and are small to medium size
management initiatives in this direction. However, little attention industrial manufacturing companies. All participating suppliers
has been paid to managing CO2 emissions in the supply chain from have less than 250 employees, and SMEs constitute over 99 percent
a strategic actions perspective thus far. Integrating carbon footprint of industries in Korea (Lee, 2009). Table 2 shows the general
into supply chain management can help companies identify the information on participating suppliers including number of
sources of serious carbon impacts in supply chains. Awareness of employees and main products. Multiple on-site interviews were
carbon footprint in the supply chain becomes a driver to create conducted with executives and senior managers in 10 companies,
carbon-mitigated sustainable operations. and the interviews ranged in length from one to one and a half
In a recent study, Wittneben and Liyar (2009) list some impor- hours, and clarifications are sought through e-mails and telephone
tant aspects that can be specified in carbon footprint and auto- calls. Taped interviews were transcribed and non-taped interviews
mobile supply chain management: were typed up immediately and reviewed with interviewees to
ensure accuracy. Further, the richness of data was enhanced with an
(1) Quantify direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from
(2) Report GHG emissions Table 2
(3) Assess GHG emissions from the value chain, including Participating companies’ size and main products.

suppliers and usage of products Category No. of Employees Main Products

Supplier 1 120 Power steering handle
They also point out that identification and measurement of CO2 Supplier 2 230 Junction box
emissions should be given the priority to examine site-operations. Supplier 3 160 Front bumper
Supplier 4 145 Throttle body
To reduce business impacts on climate change, companies should
Supplier 5 187 Engine cylinder head
integrate carbon footprint and mitigation considerations into Supplier 6 201 Cross car beam
Supplier 7 135 Side door latch
Supplier 8 110 Door trim
3 Supplier 9 185 Muffler
ACEA (Association des Constructeurs Européens d’Automobiles) includes BMW,
Supplier 10 220 Head lamp
Daimler, Fiat, Ford, GM, Porsche, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, and VW Group.
1220 K.-H. Lee / Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223

extensive review of secondary source material including internal manuals, suppliers conducted Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emission
documents, environmental performance, and internal recorded measurement and reporting. For carbon measurement, a direct
documents of meeting with suppliers. measurement methodology is employed. Fully developed energy
For identification and measurement of carbon emissions, there and carbon inventory is addressed to provide data for HMC’s
are two notable methodologies internationally. These are the requirement. Table 3 shows the outcomes of identification and
greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol (WBCSD and WRI, 2004) and the EU measurement under Scope 1 and Scope 2 of the carbon footprint
ETS. The GHG protocol categorized three scopes of GHG emissions boundary. Each supplier has different products and components
(scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3), which have become widely accepted range for HMC’s car models.
and utilized in a number of regulations and standards including the The scope of the guidelines prepared by HMC includes raw
EU ETS. In particular, EU ETS provides monitoring and disclosure material suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. In this process,
standards under the proposed international standard. In terms of a simplified supply chain has been set up (raw materials from
CO2 measurement methodology, the EU ETS allows a calculation- suppliers, in-house manufacturing, and distribution to customers)
based methodology and a direct measurement-based methodology. for analysis purposes. The main reason for covering these three
A calculation-based methodology is “determining emissions from stages of the supply chain is that it allows HMC to work together
source streams based on activity data obtained by means of with their suppliers to improve the environmental performance of
measurement systems and additional parameters from laboratory the products and the manufacturing processes of suppliers.
analyses or standard factors” (EC 2008, Section 4.2 of Annex 1). This
methodology has some scopes for error because of inherent uncer- 5.1.2. Step 2: development of a carbon process map
tainty in quantifying emissions factors. A direct measurement-based At this stage, simplified supply chain stages (raw materi-
methodology is “determining emissions from an emission source by aldmanufacturingddistribution) are set to develop a carbon
means of continuous measurement of the concentration of the process map. The carbon process map is designed to identify each
relevant greenhouse gas in the flue gas and of the flue gas flow” (EC component and part at each stage of the supply chain. As a result,
2008, Section 4.2 of Annex 1). This methodology mostly provides the supplier and HMC can calculate each carbon footprint for each
a greater level of accuracy of actual GHG emissions than calculation component and part. Based upon this information, the supplier and
methodologies. In this case study, we adopted this direct measure- HMC can calculate product carbon footprints and costs. By estab-
ment-based methodology to identify and measure actual GHG lishing a carbon process map, the supplier and HMC can identify
emissions in HMC’s Avante passenger car model manufacturing with and measure product carbon footprints as well as carbon risks
10 participating 1st-tier suppliers in Korea. This study was carried across the supply chain. More importantly, the supplier can identify
out between October 2009 and March 2010. high carbon burdens of components and parts from this carbon
process map. Once suppliers identify and measure the carbon
5. A case study: Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) burdens, they report the results of carbon process map application
to HMC and work together to reduce energy consumption as well as
5.1. Background costs.

Established in 1967, Hyundai Motors Co. is a multinational car 5.1.3. Step 3: calculation of product carbon footprint
manufacturing company headquartered in the Republic of Korea. In Based on the data from stage 2, the supplier and HMC calculate
2008, it produced 4.18 million cars and ranked 6th globally in terms and examine the product carbon footprint in a simplified supply
of production volume, after Toyota, GM, VW, Renault-Nissan, and chain. Selected measurement indicators include stack air emis-
Ford. sions, on-site and off-site energy recovery, total energy use, total
In addressing carbon issues and supply chain management, one electricity use, total fuel use, source reduction activities, and raw
of the most difficult challenges HMC has faced is determining the material modification. Table 4 shows an example of the calculation
boundary within which carbon emissions can be identified, output of the front bumper product carbon footprint. The front
measured, and finally managed by the corporation. bumper product is selected for the example because it can be easily
Thus, HMC adopted the GHG protocol, developed by WBCSD and adopted by many other automobile manufacturers for considering
WRI (2004), as a guideline for carbon emissions scopes and product carbon footprint measurement and related reductions in
boundaries. Direct (in-house) and limited indirect carbon emissions the supply chain.
boundaries are set for a pilot test while downstream stages of The total CO2 emission of the front bumper carbon footprint is
distribution, consumers, disposal, and recycling are excluded. calculated by adding each scope of the carbon measurement (i.e.
Carbon footprint and emissions vary depending upon how they are raw materials, manufacturing, and distribution).
calculated and the degree of responsibility the company is willing to
take. There is an inherent conflict between inclusiveness (total
carbon emissions in a system) and participation (the level of busi-
nesses or consumers taking part in the system). Although consumers Table 3
can influence the carbon footprints of goods and services through Selected Suppliers’ Carbon Footprint in Scope 1 and Scope 2.

their purchasing practices, selected stages downstream in the Category Scope 1 Scope 2 Total (Unit: ton CO2)e
supply chain are not included in this pilot study due to the limited Supplier 1 3238 4619 7857
extent to which final consumers can affect carbon emissions Supplier 2 472 530 1002
occurring in the supply chain. HMC and 10 key 1st-tier suppliers took Supplier 3 8795 9834 18,629
Supplier 4 2937 24,638 27,575
three steps to identify and measure carbon emissions in each
Supplier 5 1212 6438 7695
production site. The details are summarized as follows. Supplier 6 205 5987 6192
Supplier 7 101 720 821
5.1.1. Step 1: identification of selected key suppliers’ carbon Supplier 8 135 8486 8621
footprint Supplier 9 4093 14,926 19,019
Supplier 10 425 4469 4894
At this stage, HMC sets up guidelines and provides measure- Total 21,613 80,692 102,305
ment manuals to key suppliers. Based on the guidelines and
K.-H. Lee / Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223 1221

Table 4
An example of calculation of carbon footprint (front bumper).

Category Raw material Manufacturing (in plant) Distribution

Carbon emission per unit 0.453 kg CO2e/unit 1.763 kg CO2e/unit 0.316 kg CO2e/unit
Total 2.532 kg CO2e/unit

5.2. Summary the situation because of carbon footprint measurement and the CO2
flow mapping process”.
In this pilot study, HMC initiated carbon footprint identification
and measurement in the supply chain. In particular, Scopes 1, 2, and 5.3.2. A focal company (HMC) perspective
3 of the carbon footprint boundary are applied at selected key HMC has extensive supply chain networks and realizes the
suppliers and HMC. In this study, only ten 1st-tier suppliers urgent importance of product-level carbon footprint measurement
participated in HMC’s pilot study of integrated carbon footprint in within the entire supply chain due to global regulatory and market
supply chain management. Following Steps 1e3 enabled partici- pressures.
pating suppliers to identify and measure carbon footprint for both With the slogan “No measurement, no improvement or innova-
direct (in-house) and indirect (simplified supply chain) carbon tion”, HMC took a rigorous approach to identify and measure its carbon
emissions. With the in-depth case study of the front bumper footprint over the supply chain. In this process, HMC developed
product, the raw material stage accounts for 18% of carbon foot- a carbon footprint manual and measurement tools. From green and
prints, the in-house manufacturing stage 70% of carbon footprints, sustainable supply chain management practice, HMC carried out
and the distribution stage about 12% of carbon footprints within the a carbon footprint project to develop carbon auditing at product levels,
simplified supply chain. Based on the pilot study outcomes, HMC at company levels, and supply chain levels. The Carbon Trust (2006)
can draw a bigger picture of the carbon process map in the auto- also reported the current carbon management and supply chain busi-
mobile supply chain management. As a result, HMC also can ness practices by stating “if they are willing to broaden their horizons to
calculate a final car model’s total carbon footprint as well as the work collaboratively with other companies in their supply chain, then
total supply chain footprint. In this process, HMC passes on prac- there are additional opportunities to build influence, create knowledge,
tices and technologies to the participating suppliers, influencing reduce carbon emissions and generate financial returns (p.3)”.
carbon footprint along the supply chains. The main outcomes from the case study include:

5.3. Lessons learned - A systematic carbon footprint management system for supply
chain management
5.3.1. The supplier perspective - Product carbon footprint measurement tools and methodolo-
With the manual, the participating suppliers adopted the 3 steps gies with manuals
of carbon measurement processes (i.e. step 1estep 3). For analysis - A carbon footprint calculator at products, parts, and compo-
purposes, it is revealed that the simplified measurement scopes of nent levels
the supply chain are technically very useful to identify, measure, - Monetary calculation of carbon footprint for car models (in this
and report. In particular, SMEs having less than 250 employees have project, a passenger model Avante)
limited resources (finance, technology, human resources). With - Carbon auditing tools for supply chain carbon management.
complicated or overly broad scopes, it would not be realistic for
SMEs to adopt carbon footprint measurement practices. With the One of the senior managers from HMC confirmed that the
HMC case, raw materials and in-house manufacturing phases company has established a 2012 year plan to complete carbon
account for more than 80% of carbon emissions. Initially, the footprint measurement within the entire supply chain. According
suppliers had little knowledge or measurement tools of carbon to the manager, the 2nd phase of the EU ETS will be completed by
footprint. The outcomes of this 2-year pilot project will include the 2012, and the company anticipates that stringent monitoring
following: standards and requirements for automobile companies, including
HMC, will be implemented. At the same time, another senior
- General utility efficiency outputs manger stated that “we had some difficulties in terms of scopes and
- Energy and CO2 flow map for products, parts, and components measurement of carbon footprint. In our case, scope 1 and 2 carbon
- Cost savings by delivering more energy efficient operations footprint measurements are completed with over 95% confidence.
management. But scope 3 CO2 measurement is still limited with regard to the
supply chain network. We should explore further feasible methods
One of the senior managers stated that “we didn’t realize how and practices to track CO2 emissions from the supply chain”.
much electricity we wasted during the production stage and the
importance of efficient energy management from raw materials to 6. Discussion and conclusions
distribution. We learned that carbon footprint identification and
measurement practice brought cost savings, and we also began to In response to increased climate change challenges, managers
reexamine our products design to minimize carbon footprint in our should consider the impact of their decisions on the environment,
products and their supply chain”. in the name of green supply chain management (GSCM). This label
In addition, the developed manual guides the suppliers to adopt of GSCM broadly describes a variety of approaches through which
carbon management practice relatively easily. In particular, companies work with their suppliers to improve the environmental
a carbon footprint flow map of products and a carbon footprint total performance of the products or manufacturing processes of
management map of production processes are provided, serving as suppliers and customers. It requires successful coordination, inte-
very useful tools for suppliers. One of the mangers from the case gration, and management across members in the supply chain,
study noted that “now we know where the energy hole is in the including raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and
manufacturing process, and we can fix it or at least we can improve users (Geoffrey et al., 2002).
1222 K.-H. Lee / Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (2011) 1216e1223

In order to identify and analyze impacts of companies on climate value of the carbon footprint for each car unit. By utilizing this
change, the author undertook an inductive case approach to inves- activity, a final car manufacturer like HMC can measure the total
tigate emerging and new topics of carbon footprint within supply burden of CO2 emissions, and set up a strategic target to improve
chain management. Every organization will be affected by climate carbon footprint performance with successfully “proved” and
change in different ways, thus it is critical to assess the particular “certified” carbon management participating key suppliers.
situation a company finds itself in (Porter and Reinhardt, 2007). Some research limitations also should be addressed. First, an
Businesses pass on practices and technologies to their suppliers and inductive case study can be useful approach to explore “new topic”
customers, influencing carbon emissions along their supply chains. A or allow greater specificity in describing the steps of carbon emis-
number of carbon-related issues such as carbon emission trading sions identification and measurement, but potentially limits
exert pressure on companies to track and report their emissions over generalizability. Future research is likely to benefit from a meth-
their supply chains. In response, carbon identification and measure- odology that is based more theoretically-driven multiple studies,
ment provides a mechanism for managing and assessing climate- possibly using a quantitative research methodology. Second, the
related business risks and opportunities (Lash and Wellington, 2007). design of this study used only HMC and ten key suppliers, which
Identifying and measuring carbon footprint can be a useful might potentially have created grounds for bias. Any potential bias
source of carbon competitiveness. In particular, developing indi- introduced by limited number of cases cannot be explicitly ruled
cators for identification and measurement of carbon footprint can out. Further studies are also likely to benefit from studies that are
be critical for integrating carbon footprint into supply chain conducted in different countries and industries to gain research
management. For example, the Japanese car manufacturer, Toyota validity. Third, this study relies heavily on self-reported measure-
used emissions volume per sales unit as an indicator to measure ments (e.g. quantity of CO2 emissions in each stage of supply chain,
direct CO2 emissions. In other words, Toyota introduced monetary total value of CO2 emissions) provided by firm managers, further
measurement metrics for direct CO2 emissions in their supply studies could offer additional evidence that can be placed on the
chain. In the post Kyoto Protocol, flexibility and cost effectiveness results reported here by employing a multi-case study approach for
are very important with respect to carbon mitigation efforts. research reliability and validity.
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Wiedmann, T., Minx, J., 2008. A definition of carbon footprint. In: Pertsova, C. (Ed.),
Ecological Economics Research Trends. Nova Science, Hauppauge, NY, pp. 1e11. Ki-Hoon Lee is currently based at Griffith Business School, Griffith University, in
Wittneben, B., Liyar, D., 2009. Climate change basics for managers. Management Australia and he has interests in all areas of Corporate Sustainability Management, but
Decision 47, 1122e1132. particularly in, sustainable supply chain management, strategic sustainable manage-
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World ment, corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management, climate change
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Accounting and Reporting Standard. revised version. Switzerland, Geneva. education. His works have been appeared in international journals including
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Resources Institute (WRI), 2009. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative: Scope Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Public Relations Review, and
3 Accounting and Reporting Standard. review draft. Switzerland, Geneva. Greener Management International among others.

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