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Research Paper

A step towards the live identification of pipe

obstructions with the use of passive acoustic
emission and supervised machine learning

Daniel Ingo Hefft, Federico Alberini*

School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, Edgbaston, UK

article info
A single passive acoustic emission sensor was used to collect signals coming from an
Article history: obstructed pipe in a water recirculation system. Four geometrically different obstructions
Received 13 July 2019 were investigated. The flow field of water around each obstruction was visualised with the
Received in revised form use of 2D particle image velocimetry (PIV) to identify the different flow features. In parallel,
13 December 2019 the acoustic emission signals were acquired by locating a piezoelectric sensor on the outer
Accepted 28 December 2019 wall of the pipe at the tip of the obstruction. The acoustic emission signals were then pre-
Published online 20 January 2020 processed and the frequency domain was extracted for 100 recordings in each case. Signals
were processed further by using principle component analysis and a matrix is created for
Keywords: supervised machine learning algorithms. This methodology was applied over a range of
Obstruction four flow rates, all in fully developed turbulent flow. Results showed that different ob-
Hydrology structions generated different acoustic signals and flow fields, which reflected the different
Pipe Blockage flow fields observed with PIV. The average velocity and amplitude of the acoustic signals
Machine Learning increased in magnitude with increasing flow rate. The machine-learning algorithm with
Particle Image Velocimetry highest prediction values was quadratic support-vector machine with predictions in the
Acoustics area of 95% accuracy or above. This makes the combination of machine learning and a
single passive acoustic sensor a viable option to predict pipe obstructions and the type of
obstruction. This may lead to a useful application for urban water supply or sewage sys-
tems as well as agricultural practice for field irrigation or the detection of nozzle blockages.
© 2020 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

water consumption, by using up 60%e90% of the total water

1. Introduction available from human use (Thenkabail, Hanjra, Dheeravath, &
Gumma, 2017). Also projected population increase and
Water is the most precious resource on the planet and has climate change will make this resource even more scarce.
even been the subject of several local conflicts across the globe That makes it necessary to create effective engineering
(Gleick, 2014; Lohmar, Wang, Rozelle, Huang, & Dawe, 2003, p. solutions to limit losses and detect faulty water supply sys-
27; Treszkai, 2018). Agriculture is by far the largest sector in tems. Blocked water pipes have a negative impact on field

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Alberini).
1537-5110/© 2020 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9 49

particle image velocimetry (PIV) and pressure drop is

Nomenclature measured for each obstacle.
For the measurements of acoustic emissions, two sensor
Roman systems are available. Such sensors can either be active,
Acircle Area of the pipe meaning they are based on an emitter-receiver system, or
b Scalar in the hyperplane equation passive. Where active acoustic emission sensors measure the
D Diameter change of introduced acoustic waves (sometimes referred as
dpipe Internal diameter of the pipe slot waves) over the distance from the emitter to the receiver,
H Height passive acoustic emission sensors only detect the acoustic
L Length emission that the process emits itself (Boyd & Varley, 2001).
Lp Length of the interrogation area Hence, active acoustic emission is based on an active energy
vmax Maximum velocity in the pipe input whereas passive acoustic emission simply measures the
vsuperficial Superficial velocity in the pipe energy release.
V_ Volumetric flow rate Although active acoustic emission sensors are more prev-
W Normal vector to the hyperplane (W, b) alent in research and in industry they face several challenges,
X Position vector which include loss of signals due to obstructions, bubbles,
Y Peak Intensity distance or simply not reaching the necessary penetration
depth (Borenstein & Koren, 1988; Hauptmann, Hoppe, &
Püttmer, 2002). Overall, active acoustic emission sensors
Dt Time difference between laser pulses
prove to give good predictions for factors such as flow rate,
hfluid Dynamic viscosity
degree of gassing or solid content. This technology works well
r Density
for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids (Kotze , Ricci,
Acronyms Birkhofer, & Wiklund, 2016; Rahman, Håkansson, &
AI Artificial intelligence Wiklund, 2015).
AVG% Arithmetic mean percentages There have been several attempts to make use of acoustic
CCD Charge-coupled device emission data to gain a greater understanding of pipe flow
CLA Classification learner application (Butterfield, Collins, Krynkin, & Beck, 2017; Hou, Hunt, &
FI Flow Indicator Williams, 1999; Li, Song, & Zhou, 2018). However, work has
FFT Fast Fourier transform mainly been focussed on active acoustic emission (Borodina,
H Height Zaitsev, & Teplykh, 2018; Das, Das, & Mazumdar, 2013),
ID Internal diameter multiphase flow (Hou et al., 1999; O’Keefe, Maron, Felix, van
k-NN k-nearest neighbour, a machine learning der Spek, & Rothman, 2010) or water (Khulief & Khalifa,
classifier 2012; Li et al., 2018; Martini, Troncossi, & Rivola, 2016).
IoT Internet of things Passive acoustic emission sensors are used for leak detec-
Nd:Yag Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet tion in water pipes by employing in-pipe hydrophones
ML Machine learning (Chatzigeorgiou, Youcef-Toumi, & Ben-Mansour, 2015; Khulief
PIV Particle image velocimetry & Khalifa, 2012) or by aiming to recognise acoustic patterns
Re Reynolds number based on the signals of a series of sensors (Li et al., 2018). Other
SVM Support-vector machine work on passive acoustic emission sensing has mainly
focused on multiphase systems (Finfer et al., 2015; Hou et al.,
1999; O'Keefe et al., 2010). However, no solutions have been
created so far for enclosed, fully flooded and single-phased
irrigation and livestock. Also, recent trends towards intelli- pipe systems.
gent precision farming makes it necessary to develop online In addition, all known passive acoustic emission technol-
tools to check farming systems, improve farming practice and ogies are based on clamp on solutions using at least two
increase sustainability. The so-called internet of things (IoT) sensors (Butterfield, Krynkin, Collins, & Beck, 2017). The so-
or algorithm driven systems (machine learning, artificial in- lution proposed here is based on the application of a single
telligence (AI)) support this trend (The Economist Newspaper passive acoustic emission device that is capable of predicting
Limited, 2016). blockages upstream. The technology looks at changes to the
This paper explores the combination of passive acoustic acoustic information in the fluid, by using a T shaped pin
emission sensing and supervised machine learning to create rather than standard approaches using structural changes to
prediction algorithms for different pipe obstructions and flow the pipe. To overcome issues around attenuation (Martini,
rates. This is a first approach to combine a mechanical design, Rivola, & Troncossi, 2018; Pavic , 1992) the T shaped pin used
a single passive acoustic emission sensor and supervised here was made from metal, however, it can easily be incor-
machine learning to detect changes of the fluid (not the porated in other materials. Other technologies to overcome
structure i.e. the pipe wall) to detect blockages in a un- attenuation problems can be overcome by computational so-
branched pipe system. The flow field is visualised by using 2D lutions and pattern recognition technologies, however, they
50 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9

do require additional computational power (Sause, Gribov, classification between data classes, each class will be plotted
Unwin, & Horn, 2012). Another advantage of the technology in another dimensional space, the so-called feature space
proposed here, compared to hydrophones, is that the sensor is (Guan et al., 2019; Masud et al., 2010). Figure 2 1 illustrates the
placed on the outer wall of the pipe. Hydrophones are in-pipe presentation of machine learning data.
solutions, which makes it difficult to maintain or replace such
equipment. As hydrophone is microphones they also have
been waterproofed which makes them suitable to be 2. Materials and method
immersed in fluids. By positioning a hydrophone close to a
suspected leak or by applying those inside a pipe system the 2.1. Water recirculation system and pipe obstructions
distinctive sound of water escaping can be detected. Hydro-
phones can also be used to listen for leaks in pressurised pipe A water recirculation system was fed by a 40 l water tank and
systems that run close to the wall (Khalifa, Chatzigeorgiou, powered by a centrifugal pump (Alfa Laval, Lund, Skåne,
Youcef-Toumi, Khulief, & Ben-Mansour, 2010) and work well Sweden) of the type I KA-5 132SSS1. The internal diameter ID
for plastic piping (Hunaidi & Chu, 1999). of the pipework is 25.4 mm with a 120 mm in length pipe
A key challenge making use of such data is the sheer vol- segment from stainless steel, which is used for the AE data
ume of incoming data points. To make use of such complex acquisition of passive acoustic signals. A schematic drawing
and high-volume data machine learning can be used. The of the test rig is shown in Fig. 2.
term machine learning (ML) applies to artificial systems that All four in-pipe obstructions were designed in AutoCad
can generate knowledge based on experience. Such systems 2018 (Autodesk Inc., San Rafael, CA USA), and extruded by a
learn on given, and to the problem representative, examples. FlashForge Dreamer 3D printer (Zhejiang Flashforge 3D
It is the system's task to create logical paths or identify logical Technology Co., Ltd., Jinhua, Zhejiang, China). Each obstruc-
patterns to the given problem. In general, ML can either solve tion was slotted into the pipe and had a length of 1.5 times the
classification or regression problems. In the first case ML aims inner diameter (1.5  25.4 mm ¼ 38.1 mm). The four geometric
to classify data into classes, such as fault classification. obstructions were wall-leaning cone, cross (four wedges
Regression problems are those where the system will be asked meeting in the central focal point), three triangular aligned
to provide future predictions of a continuous variable (e.g. holes and a semicircle. An IMO iDrive AC Inverter Drive con-
temperature trends) (Kubat, 2015; Moraru, Pesko, Porcius, trol unit (IMO Precision Controls Ltd, Hatfield, Hertfordshire,
Fortuna, & Mladenic, 2010). UK) was used to set the four flow rates of 1300, 3000, 4530 and
In the end of this process, the system will create a general 6350 l h1. The pressure drop was measured by using a TPI
algorithm/system that is capable to solve problems to previ- 665L Digital Manometer (Test Products International Europe
ously unseen datasets. The system/algorithm can also eval- Ltd., Crawley, West Sussex, UK). All four in-pipe obstructions
uate unknown datasets (i.e. learning transfer) or fail to learn used in the investigation are shown in Fig. 3.
unknown data (i.e. overfitting) (Koza, Bennett, Andre, & The free area of each obstruction was Cone: 1.287  104 m,
Keane, 1996; Reitmaier, 2015). Three holes: 2.83  105 m, Semicircle: 2.53  104 m, Cross:
Based on the methodology ML approaches a problem and 2.53  104 m. The geometries chosen represent either po-
makes use of datasets three types of ML learning algorithms tential deposit types (Cone for slight build-up, Semicircle for
can be distinguished; namely supervised, unsupervised and half blocked pipe and Three holes for a full blockage with the
reinforced learning (Fischer, 1999). The majority of ML perforations delivering partial flow) and the potential design
employed in industry (between 80 to 90%) are of supervised of spray nozzle (Cross).
and unsupervised nature with a dominance towards super-
vised ML (Ge, Song, Ding, & Huang, 2017) (see Fig. 1). 2.2. 2D Particle image velocimetry
The way a system learns is by giving it labelled examples,
thus the answer to the question posed is already known. The PIV is an established technology in fluid dynamics to visualise
system will try to build a logical path with the help of algo- flow fields by a combining laser technology, a camera and the
rithms (quadratic support-vector machine, decision trees fluid seeded with particles. PIV is a non-intrusive technology
etc.). This is done with only a selected proportion of dataset, that delivers time-resolved velocity information and flow
whereas the remaining parts are used to optimise the algo- maps on a nearly instantaneous basis, however, is still mainly
rithm and finally test it to an unknown dataset, with a com- exclusively used within academia (Adrian, 2005). A pulsed
mon split being 60% for training, 20% for optimisation and 20% laser beam is configured into a light slab that is fired into a
for testing (Chong, Abraham, & Paprzycki, 2004; Wuest, translucent chamber. The fluid within the chamber contains
Weimer, Irgens, & Thoben, 2016). Results are projected as seeding particles that are assumed to behave as the fluid
observations, which are dependent on the number of features. within the chamber. The laser pulse time delay or interval is
An observation is a specific number set that characterises a referred to as Dt. By the help of cross-correlation algorithms,
class (Kotsiantis, Zaharakis, & Pintelas, 2007). Hence, data can the particle displacement (X, Y direction) and velocity can be
be seen as points in an n-dimensional space. The number of determined.
attributes n is directly related to the class observed from The time delay Dt between each frame depends on the
experience or the experiments. In order to achieve a better maximum distance a particle could travel within the
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9 51

Fig. 1 e Schematic projections of machine learning data, adopted from (Liu & Wang, 2017).

Fig. 3 e 3D animation of extruded obstacles to be slotted as

obstructions into the pipe. ID ¼ 25.4 mm, H ¼ 38.1 mm,
drawings are not to scale. Obstruction types are “Cone”,
“Three holes”, “Semicircle” and “Cross” (top left to right,
bottom left to right).
Fig. 2 e Schematic diagram of experimental setup
(FI ¼ flow indicator, Dp ¼ differential pressure
measurement device).

The Reynolds number Re in the pipe was calculated by


interrogation window. The formula Dt for is given below and v  dpipe rfluid
Re ¼ (3)
follows Adrian (1986): hfluid

S  Lp with dpipe being the internal pipe diameter and hfluid being the
Dt < 0:25 (1) dynamic viscosity of water.
For the flow field visualisation a TSI 2D PIV system (TSI Inc.,
with S being the magnification factor, Lp is the length of the Missoula, MT, USA) was used. A dual head green 532 nm
interrogation area in pixels vs for the superficial velocity in the Nd:Yag laser (Litron Nano PIV, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK)
pipe. pulsing at 7 Hz has been formed to light sheet. The laser was
The superficial velocity vs , a hypothetical flow velocity mounted and levelled 500 mm above the acrylic chamber,
calculated which does not take local differences into account, with the light sheet following the length of the chamber. The
within the pipe was calculated by dividing the volumetric flow system was synchronised to a single TSI Power View 4 meg-
rate V_ by the area Acircle of the pipe: apixels (2048  2048 pixels) 12-bit CCD camera that could be
controlled in its X-Y-Z direction by a remotely controllable
vs ¼ (2) frame construction. The CCD camera is connected to another
52 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9

synchroniser (TSI 610035) which was attached to a desktop PC relative variance the mean and the variance for each column
(DELL Inc., Round Rock, Texas, USA). The 2D PIV system is (frequency) has to be found by using the following formulae:
controlled by TSI Insight 4G software. Since fully developed
1 XN  2
turbulent flow is apparent, 2  500 images are taken. The area Vj ¼ Aij  mj  (4)
N  1 i¼1
is set to 32  32 pixels under the application of a recursive
Nyquist grid. The resolution was adjusted for each experiment
1 XN
as changeover between obstructions made readjustments mj ¼ Aij (5)
N i¼1
necessary. Captured images were combined, Fourier trans-
formed, averaged and debugged in order to determine the PN  2

i¼1 Aij  mj
final averaged flow field. The generated flow field was VRelative; j ¼ N1 1
N i¼1 Aij
visualised with Tecplot 360 software (Constellation Software,
Toronto, ON, Canada). The seeding particles used are silver with Aij being the magnitude of the FFT transform of the fre-
coated, hollow glass spheres (D ¼ 10 mm, r ¼ 1400 kg m3) quency j for the ith row which corresponds to the ith buffer.
(Dantec Dynamics, Skovlunde, Ballerup, Denmark). The relative variance VRelative was chosen instead of the vari-
ance as this way absolute values can be weighted by the
2.3. Passive acoustic emission arithmetic mean values. Thus small values with a relative
small absolute changes but large relative changes can be
The acoustic emissions were detected with a piezoelectric considered.
VS375-M sensor (Vallen Systeme GmbH, Icking, Bavaria,
Germany). The sensor is linked to an AEP5H preamplifier
2.4. Supervised machine learning
(Vallen Systeme GmbH, Germany) along with a DCPL2
decoupling unit (Vallen Systeme GmbH, Icking, Bavaria,
Support-vector machines (SVM) are a classifier within ML. The
Germany), a PicoScope 5000 Series oscilloscope (Pico Tech-
basic concept of SVM is the establishment of hyperplanes,
nology Ltd, UK) and a personal computer using PicoScope
seeking to create separation between classes. A hyperplane
version 6.13.15 software (Pico Technology Ltd, UK). One
(for problems higher than 2-dimensional or binary classifica-
hundred recordings, so-called buffers, each of a length of
tion) is the n-dimensional space that creates the boundary of
500 ms, a resolution of 16-bit and an amplitude of maximum
data points for different clusters that belong to different
±1 V were taken. The sampling number was set to 600 kS to
ensure that the sampling frequency of 1.2 MHz is at least
The general equation for a hyperplane for the case of linear
twice the number of the resonance frequency to meet
separability is given in Eq. (7):
Shannon's theorem (Shannon, 1948). The choice of 500 ms
was justified as a 10 s buffer and was divided as long as the WT  X þ b ¼ 0 (7)
lowest recording time was reached where fast Fourier T
transform (FFT) spectra were still visually similar. The sensor where W ¼ ½w1 w2 $$$ wm  and b is a scalar. W represents
was placed on the outer side of the pipe wall and it sat on top the normal vector to the hyperplane (W, b) and X being the
of a circular shaped pinhead, located on the tip of the position vector of the points lying on the plane. The classes
obstruction. This meant that sensor and fluid were never in are separated by their value being either positive (þ) or
direct contact, which brings hygienic as well as maintenance negative () measured based upon their distance from the
benefits (see patent application GB1909291.5). hyperplane (Dagher, 2008).
This idea of the hyperplane dates back to the mid-1930s
2.3.1. Data processing (Fisher, 1936), however, a first appearance within the back-
Recorded acoustic emission was converted to make them ground of artificial networks was not done until 1958
available for MATLAB R2018a (MathWorks Inc, Natick, MA, (Rosenblatt, 1958). These initial concepts were further devel-
USA). All data are processed on a computing system with 8-GB oped by Vapnik and Chervonenkis (1974) and this lead to
memory. As a first step, each buffer was assigned with a SVMs. Noble and Street (2006) stated four key concepts behind
corresponding label, describing the experimental condition every SVM. Those are.
(e.g. flow rate 1, obstacle “cross”). Once assigned the data was
abstracted from environmental noise. This was regarded to be  The separation of the hyperplane,
frequencies <4 kHz. Literature reports environmental noise to  The maximum margin hyperplane,
be in the range 2e6 kHz or below (Chang et al., 2011; Forrest,  The soft margin, and
1994).  The kernel function.
Discrete Fourier transformation was applied to transform
the time-bound signals into the frequency domain (FFT To make the data available for the MATLAB R2018a Clas-
spectrum). When converted into MATLAB, positive and sification Learner Application (CLA) (MathWorks Inc, Natick,
negative infinitive values appeared, representing over range MA, USA) feature scaling and mean normalisation were
values. These values were filtered and replaced by the applied to the reduced FFT spectrum. The necessity of this
value ± 1 or for those values that are below the detection limit operation was to have features with comparable ranges of
of the sensor the value zero was inserted. values.
The last reduction step was the selection of only the 5,000 Principal component analysis (PCA) (15 components) was
FFT values with the largest relative variance. To get the enabled for the CLA. The goal of the PCA was to project the
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9 53

Fig. 4 e Transformation schematic from the raw data acquisition to a prediction.

data points of the matrix into an n-dimensional subspace in

such a way that as little information as possible was lost and 3. Results and discussion
existing redundancy was summarised in the form of correla-
tion in the data points. This enhanced supervised ML perfor- 3.1. 2D Particle image velocimetry
mance, contributed to a better support-vector delimitation.
The dataset for the ML was further split into in a training 2D PIV was used to visualise the flow around four geometri-
(60%), optimisation (20%) and a test dataset (20%). The test cally different in-pipe obstructions using fixed flow rates
dataset was given to the supervised classifiers (e.g. k-NN, (1,300, 3,000, 4530 and 6,350 l h1). Examples of the images
Decision Tree, SVM) whilst the second dataset was not fed into acquired are shown in Figs. 5 and 6: All images represented
the CLA to evaluate the accuracy of the algorithms. fully developed turbulent flow, with flow running from right to
Figure 4 shows a summary of the steps from the raw data left (abscissa). Selected images represent the time-averaged
acquisition to a supervised ML prediction: data over the 500 image pairs.

Fig. 5 e Example contour plots of 2D PIV results for one obstruction (Semicircle) over four flow rates. The Reynolds numbers
for the highest point of restriction are (a) Re ≈ 36,251, (b) Re ≈ 83,701, (c) Re ≈ 126,195 and (d) Re ≈ 176,182. Blanked sections
show the in-pipe obstruction.
54 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9

Fig. 6 e Example contour plots of 2D PIV results for one flow rate (4,530 l h¡1) for all obstruction types. The Reynolds
numbers for the highest point of restriction are (a) Re ≈ 126,195, (b) Re ≈ 126,195, (c) Re ≈ 267,489 and (d) Re ≈ 252,390.

With increasing flow rates the increases in velocity of the Semicircle (Fig. 5 (a)e(d)) (reverse flow from the bottom
magnitude can be observed (Figs. 5 and 6 (a)e(d)). For the semi- to the open area above the obstruction). For the Cone
circular obstruction, a drag up effect is apparent along the tip obstruction (Fig. 6 (d)), preferential flow is shown following the

Fig. 7 e Pressure drop Dp of different obstacles against Reynold number (Re) for the unobstructed pipe.
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Fig. 8 e Cropped and environmental noise cleared FFT spectra for different obstructions (Cone (red) and Semicircle (black))
but with the same pressure drop Dp (1 kPa).

open space above the cone. When inserting the Cross type 3.4. Acoustic emission signals
obstruction (Fig. 6 (b)) a butterfly wing-like structure in the
flow appears, provoked by vortices immediately downstream The signal was collected from a piezoelectric passive acoustic
of the obstruction. In Fig. 6 (c) jetting occurs for the Three emission sensor. After the removal of environmental noise, a
holes obstruction. The jet increased in width with increasing discrete Fourier transformation was applied to convert the
flowrate. signal from the time-domain into the frequency-domain.
These acoustic “fingerprints” are presented in Figs. 9 and 10.
3.2. Pressure drop measurements Increases in flowrate came with increases in the peak in-
tensity Y. In addition, an increase in flowrate produced wider
The pressure drop was measured 5 mm upstream and 120 mm peaks and more defined shapes in the spectrum. A peak shift
downstream of the obstruction. Plotting the pressure drop Dp towards the lower frequencies is characteristic of increases in
against the Reynolds number for the unobstructed pipe as per flowrate (Fig. 9). At higher frequencies a periodic pattern of
Eq. (3) the following figure can be obtained (Fig. 7). spikes and valleys can be observed and this remains
The obstruction type with the three holes shows a very throughout flowrate increases.
different pressure drop to the other three obstructions. This Figure 10 shows that for each obstruction type at a fixed
will be explained with the high degree of restriction along flow rate of 4,530 l h1 unique acoustic “fingerprints” can be
each hole (D ¼ 2 mm). Overall, all curves are in a parallel retrieved. By building these into a database this sensing
arrangement. For Re z 18,125 the semicircle and the cone technique can be used not only be used to detect blockages in
share a value at 1 kPa. Also for Re z 88,406 the data points are pipe systems, but also determine the type or degree of
nearly congruent as they differ only by 0.7 kPa. This shows obstruction. This information could be used to determine
that it is challenging to distinguish between different runs service points or the cleaning of the system.
purely based on pressure drop measurements.
3.5. Supervised machine learning
3.3. Pressure drop measurements versus acoustics
A total of 22 different ML algorithms were investigated tried,
As per section 3.2, it is difficult to distinguish between different with quadratic SVM delivering best prediction accuracies.
experimental runs when looking at the pressure drop values. Quadratic SVM was also shown to be capable to give highly
However, when linking the pressure drop to acoustic response, accurate predictions with only a limited number of input data
distinguishable responses can be retrieved. Even for the case points. The figure below represents a selection of a few of the
where obstructions share the same pressure drop of 0.1 kPa, it algorithms tested and their performance against the number
is possible to get different obstructions (Fig. 8). of features (Fig. 11).
This indicates that the sensing technique is more sensitive Among all 22 algorithms, sub space KNN performed the
than conventional methods. In addition, the detection of poorest in terms of prediction accuracy and consistency of
these pressure drops can subsequently be used to predict prediction. The prediction accuracies for the ML on unseen
leakages in a very early stage. datasets are presented in Table 1:
56 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9

Fig. 10 e Acoustic fingerprints for all obstruction types ((a)

Cross, (b) Cone, (c) Semicircle, (d) Holes and (e)
unobstructed) against a fixed flow rate (4530 l h¡1).
Fig. 9 e Acoustic fingerprints for the obstruction type
Semicircle across all flow rates, with Reynolds number (a)
obstruction type “Cross”. After training the algorithm ma-
Re ≈ 36,251, (b) Re ≈ 83,701, (c) Re ≈ 126,195 and (d)
chine and having applied PCA, the system will deliver a pre-
Re ≈ 176,182.
diction based on unknown data. In terms of output, ML
provides a confusion matrix where the systems prediction is
The results show that ML is a powerful tool to predict ob- plotted against its true class. This result describes the accu-
structions and flow in single-phased and fully flooded water racy prediction percentage. Each percentage is the output of a
channels. It can also deliver instant results. This possibility to test of 100 test sets. This equates to 100,000 individual test
use passive acoustic emission on such as system has not re- data points for 1 individual class (e.g. Q1 and Cross).
ported in the literature previously. It shows that results are Table 1 shows that when comparing different obstructions
consistent over several repetitive runs for the same settings. against a fixed flowrate can be confidently distinguished, as
All results are in average in the region of 95% or above. In well as each obstruction against its different flowrate. The same
general, a case describes the condition that ML has been applies when investigating the case of the unobstructed pipe.
tested on. For example, the first case “Cross vs Q” means that Machine learning also delivers very consistent predictions
ML has been given the labels for all flow rates on the fixed when looking into all cases investigated against each other. The
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 1 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 4 8 e5 9 57

Fig. 11 e Performance plot for quadratic SVM learner against the number of features (PCA 15 components enabled).

Table 1 e Presentation of Machine Learning predictions on previously unseen data sets.

Case Prediction Accuracy Prediction Accuracy Prediction Accuracy Prediction Accuracy Average
Run 1 Run 2 (Replicate 1) Run 3 (Replicate 2) Run 4 (Replicate 3) %
Cross vs all Q 95 98 97 97 96.75
Cone vs all Q 96 96 95 98 96.25
Semi vs all Q 94 95 96 96 95.25
Holes vs all Q 99 98 97 97 97.75
Empty vs all Q 95 95 95 96 95.25
Obstruction vs Obstruction 96 96 95 96 95.75

range of the poorest performing prediction and the best pre- the pressure drop is marginal. This makes it a highly sensitive
diction in its average deviation by only 2.5%. Within runs for the technology that might be applied in the future to the early
same cases (e.g. obstruction Cross against Run 1 to 4) the range stage detection of upstream blockages.
is in the 3%. Hence, data is repeatable which is of high impor- Highest prediction accuracy levels in supervised ML are
tance when aiming for an industrial solution to build, for attained when applying the quadratic SVM learner. For all
example a surveillance system for an irrigation system. cases under investigation accuracy levels were in the region of
95% or above with all experiments been repeated four times
and a hundred buffers used for each case.
The combination of the sensor, pipe device and ML can be
4. Conclusions used as an in situ measuring tool for pipe blockages and may
be implemented as a prediction tool for water supply system,
A single passive acoustic emission sensor has been placed on spray systems etc.
a water channel. This channel has been obstructed by Future research will focus on the refining of the algorithms
different geometries, aiming to represent blockages through and create a user interface. Further, scale-up must be
debris build up and a spray nozzle. The different geometries considered. Other work will focus on branched systems and
lead to different flow patterns as supported by 2D PIV. When the maximum detection distance of the sensor system. In-
analysing the acoustic signals, higher flowrates produced field applications for irrigation and spraying systems are to
higher peak values and different obstructions could be be investigated and application to other materials than water
distinguished through different FFT spectra. Even marginally must also be studied.
different or similar pressure drops still deliver distinguishably
different acoustic responses. This technology also makes it
possible for the first time (in reported literature) to measure
such features in a single phased, fully flooded channel. In Declaration of interest
addition this work shows that the proposed technology is also
capable to deliver very different “acoustic fingerprints” when None.
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