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1. Man : Do you fell like coming to my sister’s wedding party next weekend?
Woman : Oh.. I would love to. But I’m afraid I can’t. My motorcicle is borowed by my
uncle at that time. So i feel confused now
Man : Do you need a hand? I have 2 friends near your house. I can call one of
them for you
Woman : That’s very kind of you. Thanks
What does the underline utterance mean?
A. He offers help
B. He asks for permission
C. He expresses sympathy
D. He refuses the invitation
E. He accepts the invitation

2. Man : Do you fell like coming to my sister’s wedding party next weekend?
Woman : Oh.. I would love to. But I’m afraid I can’t. My motorcicle is borowed by my uncle
at that time. So i feel confused now
Man : Do you need a hand? I have 2 friends near your house. I can call one of them for
Woman : That’s very kind of you. Thanks
From the dialoge above, you can conclude that ...

A. The man offers help

B. The woman offers help
C. The woman refuses help
D. The woman accepts help
E. He woman asks for permission

3. Shop assistant : Good morning, Miss, Can l help you?

Chacha : Yes. I want to buy a pound of apples, please.
Shop assistant : Do you want to buy anything more, orange, melons or grapes?
Chacha : No, that’s all, thank you
What is the dialog talking about?
A. Chacha offers help
B. Chacha giving offers
C. Shop assistant offers help
D. Shop assistant giving help
E. Chacha giving attention

4. Daughter : Would you like me to cook the rice, mom?

Mother : it’s Ok my sweety.
What kind of expression the underlined statement above?
A. Giving offer
B. Accepting offer
C. Refusing offer
D. Giving sugestion
E. Asking sugestion

5. Desy : Mom, Do you need some help? You look so busy this morning?
Mother : Sure. Why not? Dear. I need cutter and screwdriver for fixing our
washing machine.
Desy : With my pleasure. Wait..... you are.
What kind of expression the underlined statement above?

A. Giving offer
B. Refusing offer

C. Accepting offer
D. Giving sugestion
E. Asking sugestion

6. Agung : Do you know, Some of our friend will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like
me to pick you up?
Bella : ...... I need to refresh my mind this time.
The suitable expressing to complete the dialogue is ....
A. Well, i’m not sure
B. You are really a good looking
C. Ok, but tomorrow I have another activity
D. I’d love to but i don’t think l can come
E. I can’t say no for this event, lets enjoy it

7. Sinta : The box you bought looks very heavy. ...........................

Dewi : Of course. It’s very kind of you. Thanks
The suitable expression to complete dialogue is ...
A. Can you help me?
B. Would you like to help me?
C. Would you like to help her?
D. Would you like me to help you?
E. Would you like to bring it for me?

Text for question 8 and 9

A customer : Good morning Sir? Do you have science book about animal Anatomy?
Shopkeeper : Sure, dear. We have the book that you want. (8). ......... to show the self?
A customer : Thanks, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other book to find too.
Shopkeeper : (9). ........ take your time.
A customer : Thank you,sir?

8. To complete the dialogue, what is the suitable expression?

A. May I
B. Can you
C. Don’t go
D. I would like
E. Would you like me

9. What should the shopkeeper say?

A. Sorry
B. I’m Busy
C. Thank you
D. Will you go?
E. That’s okay

10. Sandy : Hi Jaky where are you now?

Jaky : I’m in the house. What the matter?
Sandy : oh ..........
Jaky : I’d like to help you. For what?
Sandy : Please check my notebok. It doesn’t run well
Complete the dialogue above with the suitable expression.
A. Let me help you?
B. Sorry I can’t help you
C. Would you like some help

D. No, you don’t need to help.

E. Could I possible ask you to help me?

Dona Amelia
Jl. Setia Budi No. 22 H

Personnel Manager
Jl. Gatot Subroto No.70

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest for the position of Recruitment Assistant in your

Having recently obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration major in Human
Resources Development Management (BSBA-HRDM), I wish to bring my knowledge, skills, and
commitment to excellence to your company’s innovative environment.
As a Business Administration student majoring in HR management, I’ve become equipped
with necessary knowledge that come with the position including manpower recruitment, workforce
organization, personnel training, and compensation as well as legal provisions and other labor
My internship at Triando Corporation also afforded me with the crucial skills to work with
some of the best professionals in the recruitment and human resources industry. Being a trainee
has developed in my enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources and has subsequently
convinced me that human resource management is my true calling.
For additional details regarding my qualification and expertise, please review my attached
resume. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing
from you.

Dona Amelia


11. Why does Dona feel confident to apply for the position?
A. She has a great job and internship experiences.
B. She used to work for human resource management division.
C. She has enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources.
D. She just obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.
E. She has necessary knowledge and experience that meet the requirements.

12. What are Dona’s strength characters that can be her key to obtain the position?
A. She has enthusiasms and true passion.
B. She is a fresh graduate and independent.
C. She is a business administration student.
D. She graduated from reputable university.
E. She has internship experience at a company.

13. “Being a trainee has developed in enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources…”
(Paragraph 4 )
The underlined word has a similar meaning to…
A. Integrity
B. eagerness
C. happiness
D. seriousness
E. perseverance

To :
Subject : Pharmacist

Dear Sir/ Madam

I am writing in response to an announcement recently posted on Dian Sehat Hospital’s website

about employment opportunities for new pharmacy graduates. As you can see on my resume, I
graduated from STIKES Sanus majoring in Pharmacy in January 2021.

During my internship, I had the opportunities to work in several setting, including decoding
doctor’s prescriptions and dispense the medicines for customers. My experiences enable me to
develop strong skills that prepare me well for the challenges. In addition to my pharmacist skills, I
have developed my leadership skills through campus involvement. As the president of the National
Student Pharmacists’ Association, I held several community service activities, including a forum
discussion about medicines. Our organization also created the program that provides first aid
training to people in the area.

I am very interested in commencing my pharmacist career at Dian Sehat Hospital and believe that
my skills and experience prepare me very well. I can be reached by phone and e-mail.

Thank you for your consideration

Yours faithfully,
Intan Permata

Intan Permata
Perum Angin Sejuk Blok G No.2

14. Why did Intan write the letter?

A. To apply for a job.
B. To propose for internship.
C. To inform of a job vacancy at a hospital.
D. To share her knowledge about pharmacy.
E. To invite an institution to attend a charity program.

15. How did Intan know about the job vacancy?

A. from her friend
B. from her college
C. from the internet
D. from the website
E. from the news paper

16. How did Intan gain her pharmacy experience at hospital?

A. by following discussion forum.
B. by working for Dian Sehat Hospital.
C. by attending internship at the hospital.
D. by holding community service activities.
E. by joining the National Student Pharmacists’ Association.

17. What does Intan hope for?

A. She will get appropriate job in 2021.
B. She can send her application letter.
C. She can work for Dian Sehat Hospital.
D. The employer accepts her as an internship student.
E. The employer opens a new job vacancy for pharmacy graduates.

November 14th, 2022

Human Resources Director

PT Ray Propertindo
1000 Industrial Road
Central Jakarta, GB 10110

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for Head of Marketing Communication in PT Ray Propertindo which has been
advertised in on November 11th, 2022
The position is really appealing to me, and I believe that my working experience for 2 years at
marketing communication make me conversant with it. With my bachelor degree in
Communication and Public Relation’s Profession Certificate make me a highly competitive
candidate for the position.

To further support your best requirements, I would bring an enthusiastic and energetic approach to
this position. I am capable in working independently and I also have ability to work collaboratively.
By having good communication skills in three foreign languages, I believed that I can inspire others
in service.

My resume is enclosed for your consideration. I know that I would be an asset to your company and
I would really appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my education, experience, and creativity
could contribute to PT Ray Propertindo. I can be reached anytime via email at or by cell phone, 0882-7401-8147.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


18. One of the applicant’s capabilities due her language skills and the position offered is....
A. working independently unsupervised.
B. working collaboratively in group project.
C. having Public Relation’s Profession Certificate.
D. mastering foreign languages fluently.
E. inspiring others in giving service.

19. Which description is inappropriate with the second paragraph’s purpose...

A. The applicant is interested in the job position and it matches her capability.
B. The applicant is engaging in marketing communication position offered.
C. The applicant is really need a job after graduating from university.
D. The applicant is fascinating in the position offered and she is suitable with it.
E. The applicant is believed that her experience matches with the position offered.

20. From the application letter we can conclude that the applicant is....
A. humble and introvert.
B. individual and serious.
C. dependent and humble.
D. easy going and dependent
E. dinamic and communicative.

Indonesian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Febrian Ruddyard, speaks out on his
country's decision to vote down an attempt to scrutinize China's human rights record at the 51st
session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland on Oct. 6 2022. (JP/Screen grab from
UN Web TV/-)

21. From the caption we can conclude that …

A. Indonesia rejects UN motion to scrutinize china’s human right record.

B. Febrian Ruddyard determines Indonesia’s decision to vote down an attempt to scrutinize
China’s human right record.
C. Indonesia is the only country that vote down an attempt to scrutinize China’s human right
D. The first session of the Human Rights Council was held on October.
E. The human rights council was created by China.

22. What does the chart tell you ?

A. The bar chart shows the number of main imports in 2005 and 2015. It also indicates future
projections for 2025.
B. The charts summarize the weight measurements of people in 2005, 2015 and 2025.
C. The bar chart illustrates the performance of primary exports in 2005 and 2015. It also indicates
future projections for 2025.

D. The bar charts above shows population figures since 2005 and predicts population growth up
until 2025.
E. The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people who hold a science qualification in 2005 and
2015. It also indicates future projections for 2025.

Indian Holiday Diwali. Diwali is Hindi for “row of lights. It is the most important holiday in India.
Although it began as a Hindu observance, almost everyone in the country celebrates the Festival of
Lights. There are dance performances, Bollywood singers, marketplaces for Indian food and goods,
and of course, a lighting ceremony in this celebration.

23. What does the caption tell you about?

A. Indian independence day.
B. Bollywood celebration
C. Diwali celebrations
D. Indian Holidays
E. Indian Festivals

24. What is the writer’s intention in writing this text?

A. He wants the readers to follow the wind blows.
B. He wants the readers to change God's will.
C. He wants the readers to change the wind blows.
D. He wants the readers to ask someone to reach their goal.
E. He wants the readers to work hard.

Decomposition Time
400 350



plastic steel alumunium syntetic leather

25. Inorganic waste decomposes longer than organic waste. Disposable diaper decomposition time
is longer than plastic, but less than synthetic leather. What is the possible decomposition time of
disposable diapers?

A. 100 years.
B. 250 years.
C. 375 years.
D. 475 years.
E. 575 years.

26. Carl Jung wants the reader to understand that …

A. We can learn to stop hating other people through others.

B. We can learn to understand what we are through other people.
C. We can learn to love ourselves by learning from others’ problems.
D. We can learn to understand other people by finding ourselves.
E. We can learn to understand what is irritating us by looking at other people

27. What is the message of the picture?

A. People should stop hunting bears.
B. Bears are endangered animals. People should save them.
C. Pollution is caused by people and animals.
D. Save our planet by using bears.
E. Don’t pollute the environment

Residents and football supporters offer prayers to remember the victims of the stampede
outside the Kanjuruhan stadium in Malang, East Java, on Oct. 3.

28. What may the readers feel after reading the caption above?
A. Amazement of the speedy construction.
B. Amusement of the quick recovery.
C. Regretful of the disastrous chaos.
D. Excitement towards reconstruction of Kanjuruhan stadium.
E. Happiness because Indonesia will still be able to host the U-20 World Cup.

29. From the chart above, we know that the male at the age of … are the highest Instagram users in

A. 15
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
E. 50

30. What can be concluded from the graph above?

A. Wheat is the least cereal export in between the countries.
B. Asia and Australia share the same number of exporting rice & grain.
C. Africa may still need great innovation and strategy in cultivating grain.
D. It’s not surprising that rice still grows in Europe without any human interfere.
E. There is not any single cereal in Australia which can still be increased to export.

Text for question 31 and 32

High-speed train to Bandung not aid from China: Jokowi
Jakarta - President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo
has said that the high-speed train connecting
Jakarta and Bandung in West Java was an
investment project and not foreign aid from
the Chinese government. "This is not aid
[project]. This is a collaboration between
Indonesia and China. There's an element of
investment here, so again, not aid,"
President Jokowi told reporters during an
inspection of a new railway station for the
high-speed train in Tegalluar, on the
outskirts of Bandung. Jokowi also added that
the Indonesian government was still in discussion with China over whether Chinese President Xi
Jinping could make a stopover for a site visit in Jakarta on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in
31. “… was an investment project and not foreign aid from the Chinese government. The word ‘aid’
is closest in meaning to…
A. worthless
B. assistance
C. hindrance
D. deterrent
E. impediment
32. When will the discourse of the two presidents likely to happen?
A. On November 20th.
B. Over the G20 meeting
C. On October 13th, 2022
D. During leisure activity of the Meeting
E. At the end of the year

Text for Questions 33-37.

FIFA, PSSI form taskforce after Kanjuruhan fatal stampede

Jakarta - The Indonesian Football Association

(PSSI) and world soccer governing body FIFA will
form a joint taskforce in a bid to improve crowd
control and safety measures after a deadly soccer
stampede earlier this month, officials said on
Thursday. Authorities in Indonesia are under
pressure to take swift steps to overhaul soccer
safety standards after more than 130 people died
during a crowd crush at a match at the
Kanjuruhan stadium in East Java on Oct 1, in one
of the world's worst stadium disasters. Security
experts have said the firing of tear gas by police inside the stadium, a measure prohibited by
FIFA, triggered the fatal stampede. "We agreed to form a taskforce, or soccer transformation
taskforce, consisting of the government, FIFA, and experts in soccer, security, and stadiums," PSSI
head, Muhammad Iriawan, told reporters after a meeting with FIFA officials. Under the
plans, Indonesian police would ensure their standard operating procedures were synchronised
with FIFA regulations, he said. The joint taskforce will also include members of the Asian Football
Confederation (AFC) as well as the police and the ministries of sport, home affairs, health and public
works. President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has said FIFA did not plan to sanction his country over the
incident, but the rare intervention by the sport's governing body comes as Indonesia is due to host
the FIFA under-20 World Cup next year. FIFA President Gianni Infantino is expected to visit Jakarta

on Tuesday to meet with Jokowi, after which a joint commitment is due to be announced. Infantino
will also make a statement during a summit of leaders of the Group of 20 major economies in Bali in
November about Indonesia's readiness to host an international event, said Iriawan. Six people
including police and match organisers are facing criminal charges after the stampede, with the
government highlighting lax safety measures, such as locked exit doors and an overcapacity
stadium, as contributing factors. Separately, Minister of Public Works said that the Kanjuruhan
stadium would be completely renovated after an audit of the site.

33. What is the intention of writer in writing the text?

A. to inform readers about newsworthy events of Kanjuruhan stampede
B. to present information about Kanjuruhan stadium
C. to retell events of stampede in the past
D. to persuade the reader that something should or should not be the case
E. to present the writer’s positive and negative view on a particular issue of Kanjuruhan

34. What is cause Kanjuruhan Stampede?

A. Misunderstanding between fans club
B. The firing of tear gas
C. Locked exit doors
D. An overcapacity stadium
E. Lack of security

35. How is the tragedy of Kanjuruhan ?

A. A deadly soccer stampede
B. The worst stadium
C. An Ordinary incident
D. A crowd crush
E. One of the world's worst stadium disasters

36. Who is Muhammad Iriawan?

A. Minister of Public Works
B. A reporter
C. A summit of leader
D. PSSI chief
E. A Security expert

37. The word their in “Under the plans, Indonesian police would ensure their standard” refers to
A. Asian Football Confederation
B. The ministries of sport
C. Indonesian police
D. FIFA officials
E. Experts in soccer

Text for Questions 38-40.

Digital TV transition not ready for prime time

Jakarta - The Communications and Information Ministry has once again postponed the analog
switch-off (ASO) program for Jakarta, leading experts to question whether digital television
broadcast in Indonesia will be feasible in time. The ministry initially decided on Sep. 23 that the
implementation of the Greater Jakarta ASO was to take place on Oct. 5 as it considered the region to
be the best prepared, having fulfilled three preparedness parameters. The preparedness
parameters consist of the existence of analog television that would be signed off, the readiness of
the region to migrate to digital television and whether the government-assisted provision of digital
set-top boxes (STBs) for low-income households in the region has been carried out.

38. Based on the text we can conclude that ….

A. Postponed the analog switch-off (ASO) program
B. The preparedness parameters consist of the existence of analog television
C. There are three preparedness parameters
D. The readiness of the region to migrate to digital television
E. Digital television broadcast in Indonesia will be feasible in time

39. When will the implementation of the Greater Jakarta?

A. On Sep. 23
B. On the beginning of Sep.
C. On November
D. On Oct. 05
E. On Oct. 06

40. What is the opposite meaning of migrate?

A. Remain
B. Wander
C. Immigrate
D. Arrive
E. Roam

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