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Is Dwayne Johnson On Steroids?

| Natty
or Not
Dwayne Johnson is an American actor, businessman and former professional wrestler. He is
widely regarded as one of the most iconic celebrities in the world.

Dwayne Johnson originally pursued a sports career in the National Football League. He played
college football for the University of Miami in Miami, Florida and even won a national
championship. Unfortunately Dwayne Johnson went undrafted so he decided to use his athletic
physique to pursue a career in professional wrestling. 

Dwayne found success as a wrestler for the WWF where he played the fan-favorite character
“The Rock.” In 2001 Dwayne Johnson transitioned into acting with his breakthrough role in the
box office film “The Scorpion King.” With his athletic physique and larger-than-life personality
Dwayne was an instant fan-favorite at the box office. The rest, as they say, is history. 

Today Dwayne Johnson is the highest paid movie star in the world with an estimated net worth
of over 300 million dollars. 

Dwayne Johnson Stats

 Age: 49 Years Old
 Height: 6 Feet 5 Inches
 Weight: 270 Pounds
 Body Fat: 10 Percent
 Nickname: “The Rock”

What Are Steroids?

Steroids are man-made versions of chemicals that naturally occur in the human body. The
steroids that help build muscle mass are called anabolic steroids or AAS for short. 

Anabolic steroids are technically illegal in the United States and many other countries but they
are still used by a percentage of the global population. A recent meta-analysis found that as
many as 6.4% of all men in the world have used anabolic steroids at least once in their lifetime

Steroids work because they increase the signaling effect of testosterone and other muscle-
building hormones in the body. These hormones bind to your muscles and other tissues and
trigger an increase in different muscle-building pathways [2]. 

Bodybuilders and other athletes are sometimes attracted to steroids because of their muscle-
building and performance-enhancing benefits. A 2018 meta analysis performed by Andrews et
al found that anabolic steroids improve total muscle mass, muscle strength, power and
cardiovascular endurance [3]. 
Steroids may have benefits in terms of muscle mass but they also have serious side effects and
can be extremely dangerous. A meta-analysis performed in 2021 found that steroids can cause
adverse effects to your brain, cardiovascular system, muscular system, liver, urinary system and
reproductive system [4]. 

The bottom line is steroids are man-made compounds that act like hormones in the human
body. They can be used to help build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. However,
they also have severe side effects and are banned in most professional sports. Anabolic
steroids are also illegal in many countries.

Signs Of Steroid Use

How do you know if someone is on steroids without asking them? The truth is steroids have
many side effects. Here are some of the most common signs of long-term steroid use:

 Large Head / Skull Growth

 Flushed, Red Skin
 Bloated Stomach
 Insanely Muscular
 “Square” Shaped Physique

There are many other signs of long-term steroid use. Some of them are mild like increased skin
acne while others can be life-threatening. However, these are five of the biggest signs that can
be used to determine whether or not someone is using steroids.

Is Dwayne Johnson On Steroids?

Dwayne Johnson is one of the most muscular men in Hollywood with a physique that would
have rivaled Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. Many people take one look at him and think
“he must be on steroids.” 

Dwayne Johnson says that he first started taking steroids in college in order to help him build
muscle mass. He was playing College football for the University of Miami and thought that
steroids would help him be a more competitive athlete. Dwayne Johnson says that
experimenting with steroids was a mistake so he stopped taking them after he graduated

“I tried steroids. Me and my buddies tried it back in the day when I was 18 or 19. We didn't know
what we were doing."

Dwayne Johnson says that he regrets taking steroids and has not touched them since his
college days. Is “The Rock” telling the truth? Did he stop using steroids for good after he
graduated college? 

We think there is plenty of evidence that shows Dwayne Johnson is probably still taking
Dwayne Johnson Signs Of Steroid Use
Dwayne Johnson has many signs of long-term steroid use. One of the biggest signs is his red,
flushed skin.

Dwayne Johnson’s father is Black Nova Scotian and his mother is Samoan. He naturally has a
dark, tanned skin tone. However, during his acting career his skin tone has completely changed:
it now has a red, flushed appearance.

It is well known that anabolic steroids cause your body to produce more red blood cells and
increase your body temperature. Long-term steroid use would explain why Dwayne Johnson’s
skin color changed over time.

Another huge sign of steroid use is an extremely large head or skull. Studies have shown that
long-term growth hormone use can increase the size of an adult’s skull and give it a larger,
rounder appearance [5].

Many people have pointed out that Dwayne Johnson’s skull is much larger today than it was in
the 1990s during his professional wrestling career. This is another strong sign that Dwayne
Johnson may have used steroids.

One of the biggest signs of long-term steroid use is an extremely large, muscular physique.
Dwayne is 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs anywhere from 260-280 pounds depending on what
movie role he is getting ready for.

Is it possible for someone to build this much muscle mass without steroids? According to Dr.
Casey Butt, the answer is “no”.

Dr. Casey Butt created an algorithm to determine how much muscle mass someone can build
without steroids. This is sometimes called someone’s “natural genetic potential” for building
muscle mass.

According to the algorithm Dwayne Johnson’s “natural genetic potential” is 224 pounds at 10%
body fat. And that is the absolute maximum - Dr. Butt says that a more realistic number is 212
pounds at 10% body fat for someone Dwayne’s height.

Dwayne Johnson has about 50 pounds more muscle mass than someone can build while being
“natural.” This tells us that the odds are very high that Dwayne Johnson has used steroids
during his acting career.

Dwayne Johnson Before And After Steroids

When Dwayne Johnson was about 40 years old he weighed about 220 pounds. This is right at
the upper limit of what someone his height could weigh without steroids.

He starred in several family-friendly films like Get Smart, Race To Witch Mountain and The
Tooth Fairy so it wasn’t necessary to carry a lot of extra muscle mass.

In his 40’s Dwayne needed to bulk up for different movies including Hercules, Baywatch and the
Fast And Furious films. This is when Dwayne bulked up his physique to anywhere from 260-280
pounds. It is almost unheard of for someone to build an extra 50 pounds of muscle mass in their

Dwayne Johnson clearly put in a lot of hard work to build muscle in his 40’s and we have a lot of
respect for what he accomplished. However, this rapid weight gain is another sign of long-term
steroid use.

Legal Steroid Alternatives?

Steroids are not a good choice for most people. They have serious side effects and can damage
your health if you are not careful. Fortunately, there are legal steroid alternatives that you can
use to reach your fitness goals.

These are natural, legal substances that help you build muscle mass and strength - without
raising your hormones to unnatural levels. One of the best legal steroid alternatives available
today is called ecdysterone.

Many people are reporting huge gains in muscle mass, strength and even fat loss from this
natural substance. The best place to purchase this product is at Huge Supplements.

Testosterone Therapy Vs Steroids

Testosterone replacement therapy is a medical treatment that Doctors prescribe to patients
suffering from low testosterone levels.

Testosterone replacement therapy is designed to raise your total testosterone back to a normal,
healthy level. This is completely different from something like anabolic steroids which are used
to raise your total testosterone beyond what a normal, healthy male can produce [6]. 

Testosterone levels in men around the world have been slowly decreasing since the 1950s. In
fact many men suffer from low testosterone levels without even realizing it. A 2020 meta-
analysis found that rising obesity rates, rising type 2 diabetes rates, increasing illicit drug use,
environmental toxins and many other factors contribute to lower testosterone levels in men [7]. 

Some of these factors including environmental toxins are an unavoidable factor in modern-day
life. This is a problem because healthy testosterone levels are absolutely critical for men’s
overall health and well-being. 

A  recent meta-analysis shows that some of the side effects of low testosterone levels include
“libido, erectile dysfunction, diminished cognitive function, depression, lethargy, osteoporosis,
loss of muscle mass and strength.” The authors also point out that hypogonadism, or low
testosterone levels, increases your risk for strokes, coronary artery disease and even all-cause
mortality [8]. 

The bottom line is testosterone replacement therapy is a viable treatment option for older and
even younger men who have clinically low testosterone levels.
TRT can be used to safely raise your testosterone to the higher end of normal levels to
maximize your overall health and well-being. Some of the benefits of TRT include improved
muscle mass, energy levels, sexual performance and cognitive functioning [9]. 

Is Testosterone Therapy Right For You?

There is a large and growing body of research showing that testosterone replacement therapy is
safe and effective for older men suffering from low testosterone levels.

Many older and younger men suffering from hypogonadism find that replacing the testosterone
they used to produce naturally has made a dramatic difference on their overall quality of life

Two systematic reviews performed in 2021 confirmed that testosterone replacement therapy
has benefits for overall body composition, sexual performance, cognitive performance, energy
and quality of life measures [10-11]. TRT may even have benefits for improving men’s overall
cardiovascular health [12-13].

Many new treatment options are now available including testosterone creams and gels. Many
doctors are also using telehealth medicine to administer TRT to their patients [14]. 

Dwayne Johnson and Steroids | Verdict

What’s the verdict - does Dwayne Johnson use steroids? We believe the odds are very high that
Dwayne Johnson uses steroids to maintain his impressive physique. The most obvious signs of
long-term steroid use include Dwayne’s bodyweight and his rapid increase in muscle mass in
his 40’s. 

Dwayne Johnson maintains a 260-280 pound physique in his late 40’s. Research by Dr. Casey
Butt shows that a ripped 224 pounds is the most someone like Dwayne Johnson can weigh
without using steroids. 

Dwayne Johnson also radically changed his physique in his 40’s. In his late 30’s Dwayne
Johnson was sporting a lean 220 pound physique.

Just a few years later Dwayne added an additional 40-60 pounds of muscle mass to his already
large frame. This kind of weight jump is almost unheard of for an advanced weight lifter and is
another clear sign of long-term steroid use.

 It is extremely possible that Dwayne Johnson uses testosterone replacement therapy or other
doctor-supervised protocols to maintain his athletic physique. However, the odds are very high
that steroids were used during his transformation into the 260 - 280 pound movie star that he is

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