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EC340_DEC150_ Assignment 1

Q1. Describe three (3) commercial GIS software and three (3) free GIS software

Q2. You are given the following data:

Coordinates of A = 432.4m E, 611.5mN
Length of AB = 217.2m
Bearing of AB = 311o36’00”
Sketch the relative positions of ‘A’ and ‘B’, and calculate the co-ordinates of B
Q3. An angle of elevation of 45o was observed to the top of a tower. Then after 42m nearer
to the tower a further angle of elevation of 60o was observed. What is the height of the
tower? At what distance is the observer from the foot of the tower?

Q4. What is meant by the term ‘levelling’?

Q5. What is meant by ‘line of collimation’?
Q6. What is the difference between a longitudinal and a cross-section?

Question 7
The table below shows the results of a levelling along the centreline of a section of a
roadway in Kitwe where settlement has taken place. The road was initially constructed at a
uniform gradient rising at 1 in 75 from A to B. Assuming no settlement has taken place at
station A:
a) Reduce the levels
b) Calculate the maximum settlement along the AB
Point BS IS FS Remarks Chainage (m)
1 3.540 BM1: 1278.675
2 0.410 3.665
3 0.525 2.245
4 2.840 Station A 0
5 2.440 30
6 2.045 60
7 2.475 1.655 90
8 2.090 120
9 1.700 150
10 1.315 180
11 0.900 210
12 2.465 0.485 240
13 2.055 270
14 1.645 Station B 300
15 2.04 BM2: 1278.000

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Question 8
The table below shows point data collected from a topographic survey. Sixteen points were
Table 1: Topographic data
Point Easting (m) Nothing (m) Elevation (m)
1 0 0 66.00
2 0 5 92.00
3 0 10 106.90
4 0 15 114.80
5 5 0 54.70
6 5 5 90.40
7 5 10 104.00
8 5 15 138.00
9 10 0 34.50
10 10 5 172.90
11 10 10 103.00
12 10 15 145.50
13 15 0 16.00
14 15 5 57.80
15 15 10 108.40
16 15 15 94.00
a) Create a grid and mark points 1 to 16 on the grid.
b) Using elevation data in table 1 above, construct a contour map of 20m interval on
the same grid.
c) What are the uses to which contour maps and plans may be put?

d) Describe characteristics of contour lines

e) Describe how to carry out a contour survey by a direct method
Question 9
To control floods in a flood-prone area a Civil Engineering Student proposed a flood Diversion
Tunnel as the best solution. To this effect a straight tunnel was to be constructed between two
points, A and B, the coordinates of which are listed below. It was then decided that a booster pump
be installed at D, the middle point of AB, but it was impossible to measure along AB directly.
Consequently D was to be fixed from C, the third known point.

Station E(m) N(m)

A 0 1500
B 3014 1756
C 1764 500
i. Sketch the plan view of the project area indicating the relative positions of A, B, C and D.
ii. Calculate the following:
a. The coordinates of D.
b. The length and bearing of CD.
c. The angle ACD to enable D to be set out.

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Question 10
After fieldwork, a project engineer tabulated the findings of a stream cross-section as
Point Reduced Level (m) Chainage from_A1 (cm)
A1 1229.7845 0
A2 1229.7205 50
A3 1229.3845 100
A4 1229.2425 150
A5 1228.9795 200
A6 1228.5905 350
A7 1228.5125 450
A8 1228.7865 550
A9 1229.1695 600
A10 1229.6845 650
A11 1229.8335 700
A12 1229.8395 750
a) Plot the cross-section of the stream
b) At a level of 1229.4000m, what is
i) the width of the stream?
ii) the maximum depth of the stream?

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