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REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.

NO: ____________________






TIME: …2.00 HOURS DATE: ……………….

1. Read all the instructions carefully
2. This paper consists of five (5) sections namely A, B, C, D and E
3. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet used
4. Answer all questions
5. Cell phones and other unauthorized materials are NOT allowed in the
examination room


A 10
B 10
C 10

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 1
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________


 Write the letter of the most correct answer in the ANSWER BOX provided.
 1 Mark will be awarded for each correct response

1. Which of the following is a blood clotting disorder:

A. Polycythemia
B. Leukopenia
C. Hemophilia
D. Leukocytosis
E. Anemia
2. An insufficiency of circulating platelets is called:
A. Aplastic anemia
B. Hemolytic anemia
C. Hemophilia
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Leukocytosis
3. Antidiuretic hormone prevents excessive water loss by promoting water reabsorption
in the:
A. distal convoluted tubule
B. Afferent duct
C. Glomerulus
D. proximal convoluted tubule
E. bladder
4. Extracellular fluid is found everywhere in the body EXCEPT:
A. blood plasma
B. humors of the eye and lymph
C. cerebrospinal fluid
D. within living cells
E. interstitial fluid
5. ABO blood groups are based on the presence of:
A. A antigens
B. B antigens
C. O antigens
D. A, B, and O antigens
E. A and B antigens
6. Which of these blood types carries no antigens:
A. blood types A, B, and AB
B. blood type A
C. blood type O
D. blood type B
E. blood type AB
7. Hereditary bleeding disorders that result from lack of clotting factors are referred to
A. Thrombosis
B. Anemia
C. Hemophilia
D. Leukemia
E. Embolism

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 2
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

8. Ascites:
A. It is an accumulation of fluid in the brain cavity
B. It is an accumulation of fluid in the meninges
C. It is an accumulation of fluid in the thorax
D. It is an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
E. It is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs
9. Parkinson’s disease:
A. This is a disorder of the joints and muscles
B. This is a disorder of the lung tissues
C. This is a disorder of the basal ganglia
D. This is a disorder of the blood cells
E. This is a disorder of the respiratory system
10. The common cold (coryza) is usually caused by the:
A. Retroviruses
B. Rhinoviruses
C. Papilloma virus
D. Herpes virus
E. Epstein bar virus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


 This section contains 4 questions with 2.5marks each
 Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is wrong.
 Each correct answer will carry 0.5 mark
 Small letters will have a half a mark penalty
 T and F will not be marked

1. Concerning major fluid compartments found in human body:

A. T _____________ Intracellular fluid is the fluid inside the cell
B. F _____________Intracellular fluid is about 20% of the body weight.
C. F _____________Extracellular fluid is about 40% of the body weight
D. F _____________Interstitial Fluid comprises about 3/4 of the Intracellular
E. T _____________Cerebrospinal Fluids is an example of Extracellular fluid
2. Hydrocephalus:
A. T _____________Can develop in infancy
B. F _____________Can develop in adulthood
C. T _____________Is the accumulation of CSF in a ventricular system
D. F _____________Is the accumulation of CSF in the brain
E. T _____________Is an obstacle to the flow of CSF
3. Upper respiratory system disorders
A. T _____________Pharyngitis
B. T _____________Epiglottitis

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 3
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

C. F _____________Bronchiolitis
D. F _____________Tuberculosis
E. T _____________Diphtheria

4. Causes of inflammation include:

A. T _____________Radiations
B. F _____________Light
C. T _____________Heat
D. F _____________Food
E. T _____________Cold


 Match the items in COLUMN A with those in COLUMN B by writing its
corresponding letter in the space provided
 This section has two parts with five items to match with five marks each.

1. Match the electrolyte in column A with its corresponding composition in the blood
1 Na+ A. 24 mmol/L
2 K+ B. 104 mmol/L
3 Ca2+ C. 0.75-1.5 mmol/L
4 Mg2+ D. 142mmol/L
5 Cl- E. 14 mmol/L
F. 1-2 mmol/L
G. 4 mmol/L

1 2 3 4 5

2. Match the electrolyte in column A with its corresponding composition inside the cell
(intracellular fluid)
1 Na+ A. 54 mmol/L
2 K+ B. 12 mmol/L
3 Ca2+ C. 150 mmol/L
4 Mg2+ D. 12 mmol/L
5 Cl- E. 34 mmol/L
F. 4 mmol/L
G.  10-6 mol/L

1 2 3 4 5

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 4
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________


 This section consists of EIGHT (8) questions
 Write your answer on the Space provided
 Write a readable handwriting; DIRTY WORK IS DISCOURAGED

1. Concerning inflammation:
a) Mention five causes of inflammation: 2.5 MARKS
i. Physical agents like:
1. Heat
2. Cold
3. Radiation
4. mechanical trauma
ii. Chemical agents like:
1. Organic, inorganic poisons
iii. Infective agents like:
1. bacteria virus
2. Bacterial toxins
iv. Immunological agents like:
1. cell mediated reactions
2. antigen antibody reactions
b) list the five cardinal features (signs) of inflammation: 2.5 MARKS
i. Pain and tenderness (dolor)
ii. Swelling (tumour/oedema)
iii. Redness (rubor)
iv. Heat (calor)
v. Loss of function or reduced efficiency (funtiolaesa)

2. Concerning disorders of Nervous system:

a) List at least four (4) symptoms that will make you realize a person has
Psychosis: 2 MARKS
i. Hallucinations
ii. Delusions
iii. Emotional withdraw
iv. Lack of attention to personal hygiene
b) List at least four (4) symptoms that will make you realize a person has
Depression: 2 MARKS
i. Feeling empty
ii. Inability to enjoy anything
iii. Hopelessness
iv. Loss of sexual desire
v. Loss of warm feelings for family or friends
vi. Feelings of self-blame or guilt
vii. Loss of self esteem

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 5
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

c) List at least four (4) symptoms that will make you realize a person has
Schizophrenia: 2 MARKS
i. Hallucinations
ii. Delusions
iii. Disorganized speech
iv. Disorganized or catatonic behaviour
v. Negative symptoms

3. Concerning Electrolyte and fluid balance in human body:

a) In maintenance of normal blood pH, mention the buffers that combine with
hydrogen ion in the renal tubule filtrate: 1.5 MARKS
i. Bicarbonate forming carbonic acid
ii. Ammonia forming ammonium ions
iii. Hydrogen phosphate forming dihydrogen phosphate
b) Briefly (short explanation), explain the meaning of Acidosis and Alkalosis. 2
 Acidosis results from accumulation of acids or loss of bases, both of
which cause abnormal increases in the hydrogen ion concentrations
of body fluids.
 Alkalosis results from a loss of acids or an accumulation of bases
accompanied by a decrease in hydrogen ion concentrations
c) Mention five (5) common electrolyte disorders: 2.5 MARKS
i. Hypernatremia
ii. Hyponatremia
iii. Hyperkalaemia
iv. Hypokalaemia
v. Hypercalcemia
vi. Hypocalcaemia
vii. Hypermagnesemia
viii. Hypomagnesemia
ix. Hyperchloremia
x. Hypochloremia
xi. Hyperphosphatemia

4. Concerning Electrolyte and fluid balance in human body:

a) Mention five main causes of disturbances of water and sodium balance: 2.5
i. Loss from gastrointestinal tract due to excessive vomiting and
ii. Excessive sweating
iii. Excessive urination
iv. Conditions like diabetes mellitus, thiazide diuretic administration,
Addison’s disease
v. Extensive haemorrhage and severe burn
b) Water enters the body via the digestive tract. Mention the main ways in which
water leaves the body: 2 MARKS
i. As urine through the kidney
ii. As water in expired air through the lungs

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 6
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

iii. As sweat through the skin

iv. As faeces from the intestine
c) Give a short explanation on the mechanism that the body uses to maintain
homeostasis of body fluid: 2 MARKS
 Regulation of fluid intake; When dehydration begins to develop,
salivary secretion decreases, producing the sensation of thirst;
individual increased fluid intake to offset increased output tends to
restore fluid balance
 Regulation of urine volume; two factors determine urine volume
 Glomerular filtration rate, except under abnormal conditions
remain fairly constant
 Rate of tubular reabsorption of water fluctuates considerably;
normally adjusts urine volume to fluid intake influenced by
hormonal mechanisms

5. Concerning disorders of blood cells:

a) Define thrombosis and embolism:1 MARK
 Thrombosis: It is the formation of a clot in the blood that either
blocks, or partially blocks a blood vessel.
 An embolism is an obstruction in a blood vessel due to a blood clot
or other foreign matter that gets stuck while travelling through the
b) Mention four risk factors for thrombosis: 2 MARKS
i. Age (as the age increases so the risk)
ii. Obesity
iii. Varicose veins
iv. Immobility
v. Pregnancy
vi. High estrogenic levels
vii. Previous history of Deep Vein Thrombosis
viii. Surgery and trauma of the pelvis, lower limbs
ix. Heart failure
x. Recent myocardial infarction
xi. Lower limb paralysis
xii. Cigarette smoking
c) List four common disorders of the blood cells: 2 MARKS
i. Anaemia
ii. Iron-deficiency anaemia
iii. Sickle-cell disease (anaemia)
iv. Aplastic anaemia
v. Haemolytic anaemia
vi. Haemophilia
vii. Leukaemia
viii. Vitamin K deficiency

6. Concerning blood groups:

a. Define blood group (type): 1 MARK
 Is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of
inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 7
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

b. Fill in the blanks below: 4 MARKS

1. Blood group A can receive blood from which blood groups?
Blood group A, Blood group O
2. Blood group B can receive blood from which blood groups?
Blood group B, Blood group O
3. Blood group blood group AB can receive blood from which
blood groups?
Blood group A, B, AB, O
4. Blood group O can donate blood to which blood group?
Blood group A, B, AB, O

7. Give out the meaning of the following common types of connective tissue disorders: 2
a. Acute pyrogenic arthritis:
 This is the infection of the joints by pus-producing bacteria. It is
caused by any pyrogenic bacteria like staphylococci.
b. Gout:
 This is arthritis due to congenital abnormality of uric acid
metabolism, leading to abnormal high uric acid in the blood.
c. Osteoarthritis:
 This is due to a degeneration of the articular cartilage of joints. It is
common to older people.
d. Osteomalacia:
 This is a different form of weakening of bones due to vitamin D

8. Concerning disorders of cell:

a) List the common examples (types) of cancers: 1 MARKS
I. Melanomas
II. Sarcoma
III. Leukaemia
IV. Lymphoma

b) List the differences between benign and malignant tumours based on the
factors mentioned below: 2.5 MARKS
1. Metastasis None Frequent
2. Local growth Expansible Infiltrative
3. Vascular invasion None Frequent
4. Mitoses Few Many
5. Growth rate Slow Rapid

c. Oncogenic Viruses are viruses that cause cancer. Mention at least four
examples of cancers caused by virus: 1 MARKS
i. T-cell leukaemia
ii. cervical cancer
iii. Burkitt lymphomas
iv. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
v. Hepatitis B and C

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 8
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________


1. This section consists of two (2) questions which are supposed to be answered in a
narrative way.
2. Write your answer on the blank spaces in your question paper; each question
should start on a new page.
3. Each question carries 15 marks.

1. Explain the Common Disorders of the Female Reproductive System: 6 points each 2.5
 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS):
 It is a cyclical disorder of severe physical and emotional
 It may be presented by oedema, weight gain, breast swelling
and tenderness, abdominal distension, backache, joint pain,
constipation, skin eruptions, fatigue and lethargy, greater need
for sleep, depression or anxiety
 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD):
 It is a more severe syndrome in which PMS-like signs and
symptoms do not resolve after the onset of menstruation.
 Endometriosis:
 Is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside the
 It can cause inflammation, pain, scarring, and infertility.
 Symptoms include premenstrual pain or unusually severe
menstrual pain
 Breast cancer:
 Generally is not painful until it becomes quite advanced
 Any lump, no matter how small, should be reported to a
physician at once
 Ovarian cancer:
 Risk factors associated with ovarian cancer include age (over
age 50), race (whites are at highest risk), family history of
ovarian cancer, more than 40 years of active ovulation, null
parity, a high-fat and low-fibre
 Cervical cancer:
 Starts with cervical dysplasia; a change in the shape, growth,
and number of cervical cells.
 The cells may either return to normal or progress to cancer.
 Increased risk is associated with having a large number of
sexual partners, having first intercourse at a young age and
smoking cigarettes.
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID):
 This infection may be specific or non-specific.

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 9
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

 It usually begins as vulvovaginitis, including the vulvar glands,

then it may spread to the cervix, uterus, uterine tubes and
 Upward spread is most common when microbes are present in
the vagina before a surgical procedure, childbirth or abortion,
especially if some of the products of conception are retained.
 Vulvovaginal Candidiasis:
 Candida albicans commonly grows on mucous membranes of
the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts.
 It is the most common form of vaginitis inflammation of the
 Candidiasis is characterized by severe itching, a thick, yellow
and cheesy discharge, a yeasty odour and pain.
 Chlamydia
 Is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium
Chlamydia trachomatis
 In males, urethritis is the principal result, causing a clear
discharge, burning on urination, frequent urination, and painful
 In 70% of females with chlamydia, symptoms are absent, but
chlamydia is the leading cause of pelvic inflammatory disease.
 Gonorrhoe
 Gonorrhoea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
 Males usually experience urethritis with profuse pus drainage
and painful urination
 In females, infection typically occurs in the vagina, often with a
discharge of pus
 Up to 50% of infected females may harbour the disease without
any symptoms
 Syphilis
 Syphilis, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, is
transmitted through sexual contact or exchange of blood, or
through the placenta to a foetus.
 In primary stage, there may be a painless sores called chancre
and a signs and symptoms such as a skin rash, fever, and aches
in the joints and muscles usher in the secondary stage
 Genital Herpes:
 Genital herpes is an incurable STD.
 Type II herpes simplex virus causes genital infections,
producing painful blisters on the prepuce, glans penis, and
penile shaft in males and on the vulva or sometimes high up in
the vagina in females.
 The blisters disappear and reappear in most patients, but the
virus itself remains in the body
 Genital Warts:
 Warts are an infectious disease caused by viruses.
 Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes genital warts, which is
commonly transmitted sexually.

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 10
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

 Patients with a history of genital warts may be at increased risk

for cancers of the cervix, vagina, anus, vulva, and penis.
 There is no cure for genital warts.

2. Explain the four mechanisms of extracellular fluid regulation: 3.5 marks each point: 1
mark for introduction
a. Neural mechanism
 Neural mechanism changes the frequency of action potentials
carried by sympathetic neurons to the afferent arterioles of the
kidney in response to change in blood pressure
 When baroreceptors detect an increase in arterial and venous
pressure, the frequency of action potential carried by
sympathetic neuron to the afferent arteriole decreases.
 Consequently the afferent arteriole dilates
 This increases glomerular capillary pressure, resulting in an
increase in the glomerular filtration rate, an increase in filtrate
volume and an increase in urine volume
b. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism
 The Renin angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism responds to
small changes in the blood volume
 Increased blood pressure results from increased blood volume
 Juxtaglomerular cells detect increase in blood pressure in the
afferent arteriole and decrease the rate of renin secretion
 The decrease in renin secretion results in a decreased
conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin II
 Reduced angiotensin II causes a decrease in the rate of
aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex
 Decreased aldosterone level reduces the rate of sodium (Na+)
reabsorption from the distal renal tubules and collecting ducts
 Consequently more Na+ remains in the filtrate and fewer are
 The effect is to increase the osmolality of the filtrate, which
reduces the ability of the kidney to reabsorb water
 The water remains with the excess Na+ in the filtrate
 Thus the volume of urine produced increases and extracellular
fluid volume decreases
 The opposite occur in case of decreased in blood volume
c. Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) mechanism
 The ANH mechanism is most important in responding to
increases in extracellular fluid volume
 An increase in pressure in the atria of the heart, which usually
results from an increase in blood volume, stimulates the
secretion of ANH, which decreases Na+ reabsorption in the
distal and collecting ducts
 This increase the rate of Na+ and water loss in the urine
 Thus increased ANH secretion decreases extracellular fluid

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 11
REG.NO:_____________________________________ EXAM.NO: ____________________

 ANH does not appear to respond strongly to decreases in blood

volume however a decrease in pressure in the atria of the heart
inhibit the secretion of ANH
d. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) mechanism
 The ADH mechanism plays an important role in regulating
extracellular fluid volume in response to large changes in the
blood pressure
 An increase in blood pressure results in a decrease in ADH
 As a result, the reabsorption of water from the lumen of the
distal tubule and collecting ducts decreases, resulting in a large
volume of dilute urine
 This response helps to decrease extracellular fluid volume and
blood pressure
 A decrease in blood pressure results in an increase in ADH
secretion and the opposite occurs.

Human anatomy and physiology: Test 3 12

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