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Prayer & Praise

Pray that the Lord would heal Jim Baker of all his cancer and other illnesses, and restore the strength of his youth. Please pray that our churchs neighbours would be favourable to having the proposed Child Care operating in our facility Pray for Gods blessing on a unique opportunity for The Alliance in New York City. A 15-second video will be shown 18 times a day on the CBS Super Screen in Times Square, August 1 through September 30. It will feature the Be Light Missions Conference theme with a Web link for unbelievers explaining the gospel message and inviting Christians to shine in the dark places. The segment will be shown to more than 1.5 million people each day for 61 days. Please pray that God would lead people to follow the links, and challenge them with their messages. Are you new to this facility? We know that it can take a lot of energy to attend a new church, so please note that:

West Harbour Alliance Church 145 Moire Road, West Harbour, Waitakere 0618 (09) 416-8991 Pastoral team
Pastor Matthew Mordaunt and Sharilyn Phyllis Charlton 832 3922 833 3455


Jacob Lauaki - Joh Remiens - Barry Thomas

Tom McKean [Treasurer], Naren Nanjan, Pauline Thomas, Matthew Mordaunt, and a representative from the Elders. Church Office 416 8991 Pastor Matt s office hours are 9am - 11.30am Sun-Tue, Thurs & Fri. If you would like to drop by outside these hours, please ring the church before you come.


14th August 2011

ROSTERS for August/September

date preacher worship pianist media m/tea lawns leader

14 21 28



Aeran Pauline Judy




Sharilyn Sophie Raquel Matt

The toilets are located down the passage to the right as you exit the sanctuary. The Preschool ministry begins at the start of the service in the Creche, and 5-13 year olds are dismissed part way through the service for Sunday School. Information on who we are, as well as on all of our ministries are available online at Each week, we share a cuppa together after the service, and would love for you to stay for a chat





Keren Matt




Aeran Natalie Dianne Jacob

Communion: Aug 21 Sept 04

Matt Mordaunt Jacob Lauaki

If you would like to include any bits and pieces for the weekly Newsletter, please email Pastor Matt at:, or phone the church office.

Helping people move from brokenness to wholeness in Christ

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed Psalm 34:18

10.30 am - Morning Worship
Led by - Bethany Lauaki

tional A B Simpsondevo

Thanksgiving at WHAC
Mark August 21st on your calendars, and plan to spend that evening with the WHAC family from 5:30 as we celebrate Gods goodness and faithfulness to us, and your service to him at a Thanksgiving feast featuring food, fun, games, and great fellowship!

A.B Simpson is the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and close to 100 years ago, he wrote

Speaker - Matthew Mordaunt Series: The Essential 100 Topic: The 10 Commandments
Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee following the service

A Choir at WHAC?
The only thing more moving than listening to a powerful choir sing, is being part of that choir! Big or small, wed like to start an all-ages choir at WHAC in preparation for the Christmas season; if this is of interest to you, please drop a Communication Card in the offering today with your name and the word Choir in the space provided.

Ministries for Children at WHAC

Ages 0 - 1 If you need to take your infant out of the service, a play area has been set up in the foyer for your convenience. Ages 2 - 4 The Preschool ministry begins at the start of the service, and is located diagonally to the left as you exit the sanctuary. Ages 5 - 13 Kids club takes place in the hall during the sermon. A notice will appear on the screen when it is time to dismiss your children.

A Cultural Concert
Westgate Baptist is hosting a cultural celebration on August 21st at 2 pm. Any migrants who would like to share their cultural heritage are welcome to come along!

Service Opportunity
The weekly newsletter is a ministry to keep our church family informed with whats going on at WHAC, while also helping newcomers to settle into the life of our church. If anybody would like to continue this ministry, please see Pastor Matt.

Prayer at WHAC
Prayer Night: Join us in the church August 25th and September 8th.

Oh, how it helps and comforts us in the plodding of life to know that we have with us the Christ who spent the first thirty years of His life swinging a hammer in the carpenter shop at Nazareth, covered with sweat and grimy dust, physically weary as we often are, and able to understand all our experiences of drudgery and labour! Moreover, He still loves to share our common tasks and equip us for our difficult undertakings of hand and brain. Yes, housewife, He will help you at the kitchen range and sink as gladly as at the hour of prayer. Yes, busy labourer, He will go with you and help you to swing the hammer, or handle the saw, or hold the plow in the soil of life. You will be a better mechanic, a more skilled workman, a more successful man because you take His wisdom for the common affairs of life. There is no place or time where Jesus is not able and willing to walk by our side, to work through our hand and minds, and to unite Himself in loving and caring partnership with all our needs and tasks and trials. In this way He proves Himself our allsufficiency for all things.
(For more, go to under resources)

Meetings Coming Up.

McKeans: Please see Tom for details Mordaunts: Meets Aug 18th & Sept 1st. Thomas: Meets Aug 18th & Sept 1st. Elders BoardOctober 5th Executive Committee August 17th

Birthdays coming up...

Valasi Nanjan - 28 August

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