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A true story
Chapter One
Gordon woke up in his bedroom with the sun streaming through his
bedroom window. The warmth created a reluctance to emerge from
under the duvet and face another day. It was safe in bed, a haven
from the day ahead.
Mum had wanted the best education that money could buy and Dad
was earning good money as a salesperson for leather accessories and
golf gear. So, he and his siblings had been enrolled into a religious
school, private of course and expensive. This would guarantee
opportunities to afford a great future for her sons. Daily tuition held
great terrors for their young minds. Constant threats of an
Armageddon calamity erupted in physical reactions like an allergy to
a toxic substance. Swelling and skin disorders followed and so a
decision was made, the local public school. Despite being populated
by the local lower classes with questionable behaviours, there was
little alternative.
Then came the bombshell divorce. Parents apart and divided and a
new family to join, new stepfather and siblings and a new
environment to deal with. This was a step up in the world. The new
dad was affluence personified. Large corporate owner. Inherited
wealth with the whole gamut of what that entailed. The cars, the
houses, the trappings of wealth and the family trusts to perpetuate
the wealth and privilege to those fortunate to land up in that family,
along with the arrogance. But there were the toys to play with, trail
bikes on land, fast water-sports gear, the clothes, the holidays, the
cars and the houses. It was living in the world of the affluent. There
was one caveat; entry was conditional. Just tow the line and even
then, don’t expect to be an equal in the family, you are here only as a
second-class family member. So do what you are told, and you will
be looked after. Don’t rock the boat or you are overboard. Fair
enough for now, don’t cross the line and one got to play with all the
toys and enjoy the high-level affluence. However, a simmering
resentment burned in Gordon’s mind. I am here on a leash. Good
doggy, do what you ought to do, and you will get fed with steak, bad
doggy and its to the pound with you. This would set the scene for
future conflict as if one deviated from what was perceived to be
unacceptable, no quarter would be given. For now, just lap it up and
enjoy the newfound affluence of this new situation.

Chapter two forthcoming.

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