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ICTCP: Incast Congestion Control for TCP

in Data Center Networks

Haitao Wu⋆ , Zhenqian Feng⋆† , Chuanxiong Guo⋆ , Yongguang Zhang⋆

{hwu, v-zhfe, chguo, ygz},

Microsoft Research Asia, China

School of computer, National University of Defense Technology, China

ABSTRACT As the de facto reliable transport layer protocol, TCP

TCP incast congestion happens in high-bandwidth and low- (Transport Control Protocol) has been widely used in
latency networks, when multiple synchronized servers send the Internet and works well. However, recent stud-
data to a same receiver in parallel [15]. For many important ies [13, 15] showed that TCP does not work well for
data center applications such as MapReduce[5] and Search, many-to-one traffic pattern on high-bandwidth, low-
this many-to-one traffic pattern is common. Hence TCP in- latency networks, where congestion happens when many
cast congestion may severely degrade their performances, synchronized servers under a same Gigabit Ethernet
e.g., by increasing response time. switch send data to one receiver in parallel. Those con-
In this paper, we study TCP incast in detail by focusing nections are called as barrier synchronized since the fi-
on the relationship among TCP throughput, round trip time nal performance is determined by the slowest TCP con-
(RTT) and receive window. Different from the previous ap- nection that suffers timeout due to packet losses. The
proach to mitigate the impact of incast congestion by a fine performance collapse of those many-to-one TCP con-
grained timeout value, our idea is to design an ICTCP (Incast nections is called TCP incast congestion.
congestion Control for TCP) scheme at the receiver side. In The traffic and network condition in data center net-
particular, our method adjusts TCP receive window proac- works create the three preconditions for incast conges-
tively before packet drops occur. The implementation and tion as summarized in [15]. First, data center networks
experiments in our testbed demonstrate that we achieve al- are well structured and layered to achieve high band-
most zero timeout and high goodput for TCP incast. width and low latency, and the buffer size of ToR (top-
of-rack) Ethernet switches is usually small. Second, re-
cent measurement study showed that barrier synchro-
Categories and Subject Descriptors nized many-to-one traffic pattern is common in data
C.2.1 [Network Architecture and Design]: Net- center networks [9], mainly caused by MapReduce [5]
work topology, Packet-switching networks alike applications in data center. Third, the trans-
mission data volume for such traffic pattern is usually
General Terms
Algorithms, Design The root cause of TCP incast collapse is that the
Keywords highly bursty traffic of multiple TCP connections over-
flow the Ethernet switch buffer in a short period of time,
TCP, Incast congestion, Data center networks causing intense packet losses and thus TCP retransmis-
1. INTRODUCTION sion and timeout. Previous solutions, focused on either
reducing the waiting time for packet loss recovery by
∗This work was performed when Zhenqian was an intern at faster retransmissions [15], or controlling switch buffer
Microsoft Research Asia. occupation to avoid overflow by using ECN and modi-
fied TCP at both sender and receiver sides[2].
This paper focuses on avoiding packet losses before
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for incast congestion, which is more appealing than recov-
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are ering after loss. Of course, recovery schemes can be
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to complementary to congestion avoidance. The smaller
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific change we make to the existing system, the better. To
permission and/or a fee. this end, a solution that modifies TCP receiver only
ACM CoNEXT 2010, November 30 – December 3 2010, Philadelphia,
USA. is preferred than solutions that require switches and
Copyright 2010 ACM 1-4503-0448-1/10/11 ...$5.00.
routers support (such as ECN) and modifications at 1U
both TCP sender and receiver sides. Internet 1U
Our idea is to perform incast congestion avoidance at Data center
receiver side by preventing incast congestion. Receiver
Agg. Router
side is a natural choice since it knows the throughput
of all TCP connections and the available bandwidth. Agg. Switch

The receiver side can adjust the receive window size of 1U

each TCP connection, so the aggregate burstiness of all switch 1U
the synchronized senders are under control. We call our
design ICTCP (Incast congestion Control for TCP). Figure 1: A data center network and a detailed
But well controlling the receive window is challenging: illustration of a ToR (Top of Rack) switch con-
The receive window should be small enough to avoid nected to multiple rack-mounted servers
incast congestion, but also large enough for good per-
formance and other non-incast cases. A well performed results. Section 7 discusses the extension of ICTCP.
throttling rate for one incast scenario may not fit well Section 8 presents related work. Finally, Section 9 con-
for other scenarios due to the dynamics of the number cludes the paper.
of connections, traffic volumes, network conditions, etc.
This paper addresses the above challenges by a sys- 2. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION
tematically designed ICTCP. We first perform conges-
tion avoidance at system level. We then use per-flow TCP incast has been identified and described by Na-
state to fine-grained tune the receive window of each gle et al. [12] in distributed storage clusters. In dis-
connection at the receiver side. The technical novelties tributed file systems, files are stored at multiple servers.
of this work are as follows: 1) To perform congestion TCP incast congestion occurs when multiple blocks of
control at receiver side, we use the available bandwidth a file are fetched from multiple servers. Several applica-
on the network interface as a quota to coordinate the tion specific solutions have been proposed in the context
receive window increase of all incoming connections. 2) of parallel file system. With recent progresses on data
Our per flow congestion control is performed indepen- center networking, TCP incast problem in data cen-
dently in slotted time of RTT (Round Trip Time) on ter networks has become a practical issue. Since there
each connection, which is also the control latency in are various data center applications, a transport layer
its feedback loop. 3) Our receive window adjustment solution can free application from building their own
is based on the ratio of difference of measured and ex- solutions and is therefore preferred.
pected throughput over expected one. This is to esti- In this Section, we first briefly introduce the TCP
mate the throughput requirement from sender side and incast problem, we then illustrate our observations for
adapt receiver window correspondingly. Besides, we TCP characteristics on high-bandwidth, low-latency net-
find live RTT is necessary for throughput estimation work, and also the root cause of packet loss of incast
as we observe that TCP RTT in high-bandwidth low- congestion. After observing TCP receive window is a
latency network does increase with throughput, even if right controller to avoid congestion, we seek for a gen-
link capacity is not reached. eral TCP receive window adjustment algorithm.
We have developed and implemented ICTCP as a 2.1 TCP incast congestion
Windows NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification)
filter driver. Our implementation naturally support vir- In Figure 1, we show a typical data center network
tual machines which are now widely used in data center. structure. There are three layers of switches/routers:
In our implementation, ICTCP as a driver locates at hy- ToR (Top of Rack) switch, Aggregate switch and Ag-
pervisors below virtual machines. This choice removes gregate router. We also show a detailed case for a ToR
the difficulty on obtaining the real available bandwidth connected to dozens of servers. In a typical setup, the
after virtual interfaces’ multiplexing. It also provides number of servers under the same ToR is from 44 to 48,
a common waist for various TCP stacks in virtual ma- and the ToR switch is a 48-port Gigabit switch with
chines. We have built a testbed with 47 Dell servers and one or multiple 10 Gigabit uplinks.
a 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch. Experiments in our Incast congestion happens when multiple sending servers
testbed demonstrated the effectiveness of our scheme. under the same ToR switch send data to one receiver
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec- server simultaneously. The amount of data transmitted
tion 2 discusses research background. Section3 describes by each connection is relatively small, e.g, 64kbytes. In
the design rationale of ICTCP. Section 4 presents ICTCP Figure 2, we show the goodput achieved on those mul-
algorithms. Section 5 shows the implementation of ICTCP tiple connections versus the number sending servers.
as a Windows driver. Sections 6 presents experimental Note that we use term goodput as it is obtained and
observed at application layer. The results are mea-
Throughput(Mbps) of a TCP connection
1000 1000 500
data per sender=64kbytes Goodput
900 data per sender=128kbytes RTT
800 data per sender=256kbytes 800 400
TCP goodput (Mbps)


600 600 300
400 400 200
200 200 100
0 0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Number of senders in parallel Receiver Window Size (rwnd) counted by MSS

Figure 2: The total goodput of multiple barrier Figure 3: The goodput and RTT of one TCP
synchronized TCP connections versus the num- connection over Gigabit Ethernet versus the re-
ber of senders, where the data traffic volume per ceive window size
sender is a fixed amount
sured on a testbed with 47 Dell servers connected to one congestion avoidance to adjust congestion window at
Quanta LB4G 48-port Gigabit switch. Those multiple sender side. Directly applying such technique to TCP
connections are barrier synchronized. We observe sim- receive window adjustment certainly won’t help as it
ilar goodput trends for three different traffic amounts still requires either losses or ECN marks to trigger win-
per server, but with slightly different transition points. dow decrease, otherwise the window keeps increasing.
Note that in our setup each connection has a same traf- Different from TCP’s congestion avoidance, TCP Ve-
fic amount with the number of senders increasing, which gas adjusts its window according to changes of RTT.
is used in [13]. [15] uses another setup that the total TCP Vegas makes the assumption that TCP RTT is
traffic amount of all senders is a fixed one. Here we just stable before it reaches network available bandwidth.
illustrate the problem and will show the results for both That is to say, the increase of RTT is only caused by
setups in Section 6. packet queueing at bottleneck buffer. TCP Vegas then
TCP throughput is severely degraded on incast con- adjusts window to keep TCP throughput close to the
gestion, since one ore more TCP connections experience available bandwidth, by keeping the RTT in a reason-
timeout caused by packet drops. TCP incast scenario able range. Unfortunately, we find that the increase
is common for data center applications. For example, of TCP RTT in high-bandwidth, low-latency network
for search indexing we need to count the frequency of does not follow such assumption.
a specific word in multiple documents. This job is dis- In Figure 3, we show the throughput and RTT of one
tributed to multiple servers and each server is respon- TCP connection between two servers under the same
sible for some documents on its local disk. Only after ToR Gigabit switch. The connection lasts for 10 sec-
all servers return their counters to the receiving server, onds. We define the base RTT for a connection as the
the final result can be generated. observed RTT when there is no other traffic and TCP
receive window is one MSS (Maximum Segment Size).
2.2 TCP goodput, receive window and RTT In our testbed, the base RTT is around 100 microsec-
TCP receive window is introduced for TCP flow con- onds, which is much smaller than RTT observed in In-
trol, i.e., preventing faster sender from overflowing slow ternet. From Figure 3, we observe that RTT increases
receiver’s buffer. The receive window size determines as the TCP receive window increases, when throughput
the maximal number of bytes that the sender can trans- is smaller than the available bandwidth (link capacity
mit without receiving receiver’s ACK. Previous study in this case). Therefore, in data center network, even
[10] mentioned that a small static TCP receive buffer if there is no cross traffic, an increase on RTT can’t be
may throttle TCP throughput and thus prevent TCP regarded as a signal for TCP throughput reaching avail-
incast congestion collapse. However, a static buffer able bandwidth. For example, the base RTT is around
can’t work for changed number of connections and can’t 100us, and the RTT increases to 460us with maximal
handle the dynamics on applications’ requirements. throughput at 906Mbps.
As TCP receive window has the ability to control Given that the base RTT is near 100us and a full
TCP throughput and thus prevent TCP incast collapse, bandwidth of Gigabit Ethernet, the base BDP (Band-
we consider how to dynamically adjust it to the proper width Delay Product) without queue is around 12.5k
value. We start from window based congestion control bytes (100us*1Gbps). For an incast scenario, multiple
used in TCP. As we know, TCP uses slow start and TCP connections share this small pipe, i.e., the base
BDP and queue are shared by those connections. The incast congestion.
small base BDP but high bandwidth for multiple TCP As the base RTT is at hundreds of microseconds in
connections is the reason that the switch buffer easily data center [2], our algorithm is restricted to adjust re-
goes to overflow. Meanwhile, we also observe that the ceive window only for TCP flows with RTT less than
receive window size should be controlled since the to- 2ms. This constraint is designed to focus on low-latency
tal receive window size of all connections should be no flows. In particular, if a server in a data center commu-
greater than base BDP plus the queue size. Otherwise nicates with servers within this data center and servers
packets may get dropped. in the Internet simultaneously, our RTT constraint leaves
those long RTT (and low throughput) TCP flows un-
3. DESIGN RATIONALE touched. It also implies that some incoming flows may
not follow our congestion control. We will show the ro-
Our goal is to improve TCP performance for incast bustness of our algorithm with background (even UDP)
congestion, instead of introducing a new transport layer traffic in Section 6.
protocol. Although we focus on TCP in data center We summarize the following three observations which
network, we still require no new TCP option or modifi- form the base for ICTCP.
cation to TCP header. This is to keep backward com- First, the available bandwidth at receiver side is the
patibility, and to make our scheme general enough to signal for receiver to do congestion control. As incast
handle the incast congestion in future high-bandwidth, congestion happens at the last-hop, the incast receiver
low-latency network. should detect such receiving throughput burstiness and
Previous work focused on how to reduce the impact control the throughput to avoid potential incast con-
of timeout, which is caused by large number of packet gestion. If the TCP receiver needs to increase the TCP
losses on incast congestion. We’ve shown that the basic receive window, it should also predict whether there
RTT in data center network is hundreds of microsec- is enough available bandwidth to support the increase.
onds, and the bandwidth is Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Furthermore, the receive window increase of all connec-
in near future. Given such high-bandwidth and low- tions should be jointly considered.
latency, we focus on how to perform congestion avoid- Second, the frequency of receive window based con-
ance to prevent switch buffer overflow. Avoiding unnec- gestion control should be made according to the per-
essary buffer overflow significantly reduces TCP time- flow feedback-loop delay independently. In principle,
outs and saves unnecessary retransmissions. the congestion control dynamics of one TCP connection
We focus on the classical incast scenario where dozens can be regarded as a control system, where the feedback
of servers connected by a Gigabit Ethernet switch. In delay is the RTT of that TCP connection. When the re-
this scenario, the congestion point happens right before ceive window is adjusted, it takes at least one RTT time
the receiver. This is to say, the switch port in congestion before the data packets following the newly adjusted re-
is actually the last-hop of all TCP connections at the ceive window arrive. Thus, the control interval should
incast receiver. Recent measurement study[9] showed be larger than one RTT time, which changes dynami-
that this scenario exists in data center networks, and cally according to the queueing delay and also system
the traffic between servers under the same ToR switch overhead.
is actually one of the most significant traffic pattern Third, a receive window based scheme should ad-
in data center, as locality has been considered in job just the window according to both link congestion sta-
distribution. Whether incast exists in more advanced tus and also application requirement. The receive win-
data center topology like recent proposals DCell[7], Fat- dow should not restrict TCP throughput when there is
tree[1] and BCube[6] is not the focus of this paper. available bandwidth, and should throttle TCP through-
From Figure 3, we observe that TCP receive window put before incast congestion happens. Consider a sce-
can be used to throttle the TCP throughput, which can nario where a TCP receive window is increased to a
be leveraged to handle incast congestion although the large value but is not decreased after application re-
receive window is originally designed for flow control. quirement is gone, then if the application resumes, con-
In short, our incast quenching scheme is to design a gestion may happen with traffic surge on such a large
window based congestion control algorithm at TCP re- receive window. Therefore, the receiver should differ-
ceiver side, given the incast scenario we have described, entiate whether a TCP receive window over-satisfies
and the requirements we made. The benefit of an in- the achieved throughput on a TCP connection, and de-
cast congestion control scheme at receiver is that the crease its receive window if so.
receiver knows how much throughput it has achieved With these three observations, our receive window
and how much available bandwidth left. While the dif- based incast congestion control intends to set a proper
ficulty and also the challenge at receiver side is that receive window to all TCP connections sharing the same
an overly controlled window may constrain TCP per- last-hop. Considering that there are many TCP con-
formance while less controlled window may not prevent
BWA estimated
nections sharing the bottlenecked last-hop before in- Window increase in second subslot
cast congestion, we adjust TCP receive window to make
those connections share the bandwidth fairly. This is Time
First Second T First Second
because in data center, those parallel TCP connections subslot subslot
subslot subslot
may belong to the same job and the last finished one Two or more RTTi
determines the final performance. Note that the fair-
ness controller between TCP flows is independent of Connection i
receive window adjustment for incast congestion avoid- RTTi
ance, so that any other fairness category can be de-
ployed if needed. Connection j
Potential window increase time
4. ICTCP ALGORITHM per connection independantly

ICTCP provides a receive window based congestion Figure 4: slotted time on global (all connections
control algorithm for TCP at end-system. The receive on that interface) and two arbitrary TCP con-
window of all low-RTT TCP connections are jointly ad- nections i/j are independent
justed to control throughput on incast congestion. Our
ICTCP algorithm closely follow the design points made In Figure 4, the arrowed line marked as “Global” de-
in Section 3. In this Section, we describe how to set the notes the slot allocation for available bandwidth estima-
receive window of a TCP connection, and we discuss tion on a network interface. The first sub-slot is marked
how to implement our algorithm at next Section. in gray color. In the time of first sub-slot, all connec-
tions’ receive window can’t be increased (but can be
4.1 Control trigger: available bandwidth decreased if needed). The second sub-slot is marked in
Without loss of generality, we assume there is one white in Figure 4. In the second sub-slot, the receive
interface on a receiver server, and define symbols cor- window of any TCP connection can be increased, but
responding to that interface. Our algorithm can be ap- the total estimated increased throughput of all connec-
plied for the scenario that the receiver has multiple in- tions in the second sub-slot must be less than the avail-
terfaces, while the connections on each interface should able bandwidth observed in the first sub-slot. Note that
perform our algorithm independently. a decrease of any receive window does not increase the
Assume the link capacity of the interface on receiver quota, as the quota will only be reset by incoming traf-
server is C. Define the bandwidth of total incoming fic in the next first sub-slot. We discuss how to choose
traffic observed on that interface as BWT , which in- T and its relationship with per flow control interval in
cludes all types of packets, i.e., broadcast, multicast, the next subsection.
unicast of UDP or TCP, etc. Then we define the avail-
able bandwidth BWA on that interface as, 4.2 Per connection control interval: 2*RTT
In ICTCP, each connection only adjusts its receive
BWA = max(0, α ∗ C − BWT ) (1) window when there is an ACK sending out on that con-
where α ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter to absorb potential nection. No additional TCP ACK packets are gener-
oversubscribed bandwidth during window adjustment. ated only for window adjustment, so that no traffic is
In all our implementation and experiment, we have a wasted. For a TCP connection, after an ACK is sent
fixed setting with α = 0.9. out, the data packet corresponding to that ACK arrives
In ICTCP, we use available bandwidth BWA as the one RTT later. As a control system, the latency on the
quota of all incoming connections to increase receive feedback-loop is one RTT time of each TCP connection.
window for higher throughput. Each flow should esti- Meanwhile, to estimate the throughput of a TCP
mate the potential throughput increase before its re- connection for receive window adjustment, the shortest
ceive window should be increased. Only when there is time scale is an RTT for that connection. Therefore,
enough quota (BWA ), the receive window can be in- the control interval for a TCP connection is 2*RTT in
creased, and the corresponding quota is consumed to ICTCP, as we need one RTT latency for that adjusted
prevent bandwidth oversubscription. window to take effect, and one additional RTT to mea-
To estimate the available bandwidth on the interface sure the achieved throughput with that newly adjusted
and provide a quota for later receive window increase, window. Note that the window adjustment interval is
we divide time into slots. Each slot consists of two performed per connection. We use Connection i and
sub-slots with the same length T . For each network j to represent two arbitrary TCP connections in Fig-
interface, we measure all the traffic received in the first ure 4, to show that one connection’s receive windows
sub-slot, and use it to calculate the available bandwidth adjustment is independent with the other.
as quota for window increase on the second sub-slot. The relationship of sub-slot length T and any flow’s
control interval is as follows. Since the major purpose Note that the max procedure here is to make bm i up-
of available bandwidth estimation on the first sub-slot dated quickly if receive window is increased, especially
is to provide a quota for window adjustment on the when window is doubled. The expected throughput of
second sub-slot, the length T should be determined connection i is obtained as,
by the control intervals of all connections. We use a
bei = max(bm
i , rwndi /RT Ti ) (3)
weighted ∑ averaged RTT of all TCP connections as T ,
i.e., T = i wi RT Ti . The weight wi is the normalized where rwndi and RT Ti are the receive window and RTT
traffic volume of connection i over all traffic. for connection i respectively. We have the max proce-
i ≤ bi .
dure to ensure bm
In Figure 4, we illustrate the relationship of two arbi- e

trary TCP connections i/j with RT Ti/j and the system We define the ratio of throughput difference dbi as the
estimation sub-interval T . Each connection adjust its ratio of throughput difference of measured and expected
receive window based on its observed RTT. The time for throughput over the expected one for connection i.
a connection to increase its receive window is marked
with an up arrow in Figure 4. For any TCP connec- dbi = (bei − bm e
i )/bi (4)
tion, if now time is in the second global sub-slot and it By definition, we have bm
i ≤ bei ,
thus ∈ [0, 1].
observes that the past time is larger than 2*RTT since We have two thresholds γ1 and γ2 (γ2 > γ1 ) to dif-
its last receive window adjustment, it may increase its ferentiate three cases for receive window adjustment:
window based on newly observed TCP throughput and 1) dbi ≤ γ1 or dbi ≤ M SSi /rwndi 1 , increase receive
current available bandwidth. Note the RTT of each window if it’s now in global second sub-slot and there
TCP connection is drawn as a fixed interval in Figure is enough quota of available bandwidth on the network
4. This is just for illustration. We discuss how to obtain interface. Decrease the quota correspondingly if the
accurate and live RTT at receiver side in Section 5. receive window is increased.
2) dbi > γ2 , decrease receive window by one MSS2
4.3 Window adjustment on single connection if this condition holds for three continuous RTT. The
minimal receive window is 2*MSS.
For any ICTCP connection, the receive window is ad-
3) Otherwise, keep current receive window.
justed based on its incoming measured throughput (de-
In all of our experiments, we have γ1 = 0.1 and
noted as bm ) and its expected throughput (denoted as
γ2 = 0.5. Similar to TCP’s congestion window increase
be ). The measured throughput represents the achieved
at sender, the increase of the receive window on any
throughput on a TCP connection, also implies the cur-
ICTCP connection consists of two phases: slow start
rent requirement of the application over that TCP con-
and congestion avoidance. If there is enough quota, in
nection. The expected throughput represents our ex-
slow start phase, the receive window is doubled, while it
pectation of the throughput on that TCP connection if
is enlarged by at most one MSS in congestion avoidance
the throughput is only constrained by receive window.
phase. A newly established or long time idle connection
Our idea on receive window adjustment is to increase
is initiated in slow start phase, whenever the above sec-
window when the difference ratio of measured and ex-
ond and third case is met, or the first case is met but
pected throughput is small, while decrease window when
there is not enough quota on receiver side, the connec-
the difference ratio is large. Similar concept is intro-
tion goes into congestion avoidance phase.
duced in TCP Vegas [3] before but it uses throughput
difference instead of difference ratio, and it’s designed 4.4 Fairness controller for multiple connections
for congestion window at sender side to pursue avail-
able bandwidth. ICTCP window adjustment is to set When the receiver detects that the available band-
the receive window of a TCP connection to a value width BWA becomes smaller than a threshold, ICTCP
that represents its current application’s requirement. starts to decrease the receiver window of some selected
Oversized receive window is a hidden problem as the connections to prevent congestion. Considering that
throughput of that connection may reach the expected multiple active TCP connections at the same time typi-
one at any time, and the traffic surge may overflow the cally works for the same job in data center, we seek for a
switch buffer, which is hard to predict and avoid. method that can achieve fair sharing for all connections
The measured throughput bm without sacrificing throughput. Note that ICTCP does
i is obtained and up-
dated for every RTT on connection i. For every RTT on not adjust receive window for flows with RTT larger
connection i, we obtain a sample of current throughput, This means the throughput difference is less than one MSS
denoted as bsi , calculated as total number of received with current receive window. It’s designed to speed up in-
bytes divided by the time interval RT Ti . We smooth crease step when receive window is relatively small.
The decrease of only one MSS is to follow TCP’s design
measured throughput using exponential filter as, that the right-edge of sender’s buffer never left shifted when
receive window shrinks. Note we decrease receive window
i,new = max(bi , β ∗ bi,old + (1 − β) ∗ bi )
bm s m s
(2) by an outgoing ACK that acknowledges an MSS data.
than 2ms, so fairness is only considered among low- Applications Virtual Virtual
user Machine Machine
latency flows. kernel
In our experiment, we decrease window for fairness
when BWA < 0.2C. This condition is designed for ICTCP NDIS driver
Virtual Virtual
high bandwidth network, where link capacity is under- Packet header
Flow table Virtual
machine NIC NIC
utilized for most of time. If there is still enough avail- parser/modifier space

able bandwidth, the requirement of better fairness is Algorithm

space ICTCP driver in Virtual machine host
not strong as potential impact on achieved throughput.
NIC driver NIC driver in Virtual machine host
We adjust receive window to achieve fairness for in-
coming TCP connections with low-latency on two folds: Figure 5: Modules in ICTCP driver and soft-
1) For window decrease, we cut the receive window by ware stack for virtual machine support
one MSS3 , for some selected TCP connections. We se-
lect those connections that have receive window larger header and modify receive window on TCP header. Flow
than the average window value of all connections. 2) table maintains the key data structure in the ICTCP
For window increase, this is automatically achieved by driver. A flow is identified by a 5-tuple: source /desti-
our window adjustment described in Section 4.3, as the nation IP address, source/destination port and proto-
receive window is only increased by one MSS on con- col. The flow table stores per flow information for all
gestion avoidance. the active flows. For a TCP flow, its entry is removed
from the table if a FIN/RST packet is observed, or no
5. IMPLEMENTATION packets parsed for 15 minutes. The algorithm part im-
plements all the algorithms described in Section 4.
5.1 Software stack The work flow of an ICTCP driver is as follows. 1)
Ideally, ICTCP should be integrated into existing When the intermediate driver captures packets through
TCP stack, as it is an approach for TCP receive window either NDIS sending or receiving entry, it will redirect
optimization to achieve better performance. the packet to header parser module; 2) Packet header
Although the implementation of ICTCP in TCP stack is parsed and corresponding information is updated on
is natural, this paper chooses a different approach – de- flow table; 3) ICTCP algorithm module is responsible
velop ICTCP as a NDIS driver on Windows OS. The for receive window calculation. 4) If a TCP ACK packet
software stack is shown in Figure 5. The NDIS ICTCP is sent out, the header modifier may change the receive
driver is implemented in Windows kernel, between TCP/ window field in TCP header if needed.
IP and NIC (Network Interface Card) driver, known as a Our ICTCP driver does not introduce extra CPU
Windows filter driver. Our NDIS driver intercepts TCP overhead for packet checksum when the receive window
packets and modifies the receive window size if needed. is modified, as the checksum calculation is loaded to
The final solution for ICTCP should be in TCP mod- NIC on hardware, which is a normal setup in data cen-
ule, while our implementation of ICTCP in driver is to ter. Besides, there is no packet reordered in our driver.
demonstrate its feasibility and performance. Although it’s not the focus of this paper, we measured
There are several benefits that can be achieved when the CPU overhead introduced by our filter driver on a
ICTCP is implemented in a driver: 1) It naturally sup- Dell server PowerEdge R200, Xeon (4CPU)@2.8GhHz,
ports the case for virtual machine, which is widely used 8G Memory, and compared with the case that our driver
in data center. We discuss this point in detail in next is not installed. The overhead is around 5-6% for 1Gbps
subsection. 2) ICTCP needs the incoming throughput throughput, and less than 1% for 100Mbps throughput.
in very short time scale (comparable to RTT at hun-
dreds of microseconds) to estimate available bandwidth, 5.2 Support for Virtual Machines
and at a driver these information can be easily obtained. Virtual machine is widely used in data centers. When
Note that the incoming traffic include all types of traf- virtual machine is used, the physical NIC capacity on
fic arrived on that interface, besides TCP. 3) It does the host server is shared by multiple virtual NICs in
not touch TCP/IP implementation in Windows kernel. the virtual machines. The link capacity of a virtual
As a quick and dirty solution, it supports all OS ver- NIC has to be configured, and usually as a static value
sions, instead of patching one by one to get deployed in practice. However, to achieve better performance
in a large data center network with various TCP imple- in multiplexing, the total capacity of virtual NICs is
mentations. typically configured higher than physical NIC capacity
As shown in Figure 5, ICTCP driver implementa- as most virtual machines won’t be busy at the same
tion contains 3 software modules: packet header parser/ time. Therefore, it brings a challenge to ICTCP in vir-
modifier, flow table and ICTCP algorithm. The parser/ tual machine, as the observed virtual link capacity and
modifer implements the functions both to check packet available bandwidth does not represent the real value.
One solution is to change the settings of virtual ma- nections for various services, but the background traffic
chine NICs, and make the total capacity of all vir- amount is very small compared to our generated traf-
tual NICs equal to that physical NIC. An alternative fic. The testbed is in an enterprise network with normal
solution is to deploy a ICTCP driver on virtual ma- background broadcast traffic.
chine host server. The reason for such deployment is to All comparisons are between a full implementation
achieve high performance on virtual machine multiplex- of ICTCP described in Section 5 and a state-of-the-art
ing. This is a special design for virtual machine case, TCP New Reno with SACK implementation on Win-
and won’t get conflict even if ICTCP has already been dows Server. The default timeout value of TCP on
integrated into TCP in virtual machines. The software Windows server is 300 milliseconds (ms). Note that
stack of ICTCP in virtual machine host is illustrated in all the TCP stacks are the same in our experiments, as
the right side of Figure 5, where all connections passing ICTCP is implemented in a filter driver at receiver side.
the physical NIC are jointly adjusted.
6.1 Fixed traffic volume per server with the
5.3 Obtain fine-grained RTT at receiver number of senders increasing
ICTCP is deployed at the TCP receiver side, and it The first incast scenario we consider is that a number
requires to obtain TCP RTT to adjust receive window. of senders generate the same amount of TCP traffic to
From the discussion in Section 2.2, we need a live RTT a specific receiver under the same switch. Same as the
as it changes with throughput. setup in [13] and [4], we fix the traffic amount generated
We define the reverse RTT as the RTT after a expo- per sending server.
nential filter at the TCP receiver side. By definition, The TCP connections are barrier synchronized per
the reverse RTT is close to the RTT exponentially fil- round, i.e., each round finishes only after all TCP con-
tered at the TCP sender side. The reverse RTT can be nections in it have finished. The goodput shown is the
obtained if there is data traffic on both directions. Con- averaged value of 100 experimental rounds. We ob-
sidering the data traffic on reverse direction may not be serve the incast congestion: with the number of send-
enough to keep obtaining live reverse RTT, we use TCP ing servers increasing, the goodput per round actually
timestamp to obtain the RTT on reverse direction. drops due to TCP timeout on some connections. The
Unfortunately, the RTT implementation in existing smallest number of sending servers to trigger incast con-
TCP module uses a clock on milliseconds granularity. gestion varies with the traffic amount generated per
To obtain an accurate RTT for ICTCP in data cen- server: larger data amount, smaller number of sending
ter network, the granularity should be at microseconds. servers to trigger incast congestion.
Therefore, we modify the timestamp counter into 100ns
granularity to obtain live and accurate RTT. Note that 6.1.1 ICTCP with minimal receive window at 2MSS
this does not introduce extra overhead as such granu-
Under the same setup, the performance of ICTCP is
larity time is available on Windows kernel. We believe
shown in Figure 6. We observe that ICTCP achieves
similar approach can be taken in other OS. Our change
smooth and increasing goodput with the number of
of time granularity on TCP timestamp follows the re-
sending servers increasing. Larger data amount per
quirements by RFC1323[8].
sending server results in slightly higher goodput achieved.
The averaged goodput of ICTCP shows that incast con-
6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS gestion is effectively throttled. And the goodput of
We deployed a testbed with 47 servers and one Quanta ICTCP with various number of sending servers and traf-
LB4G 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch. The topology fic amount per sending servers show that our algorithm
of our testbed is the same as the one shown in the right adapts well to different traffic requirements.
side of Figure 1, where 47 servers connects to the 48- We observe that the goodput of TCP before incast
port Gigabit Ethernet switch with a Gigabit Ethernet congestion is actually higher than that of ICTCP. For
interface respectively. The hardware profile of a server example, TCP achieves 879Mbps while ICTCP achieves
is with 2.2G Intel Xeon CPUs E5520 (two cores), 32G 607Mbps with 4 sending servers at 256kbytes per server.
RAM, 1T hard disk, and one Broadcom BCM5709C There are two reasons: 1) During connection initia-
NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet NIC (Network Interface tion phase (slow-start), ICTCP increases window slower
Card). The OS of each server is Windows Server 2008 than TCP. Actually, ICTCP increases receive window
R2 Enterprise 64-bit version. The CPU, Memory and to double for at least every two RTTs while TCP in-
hard disk were never a bottleneck in any of our exper- crease its sending window to double for every RTT.
iments. We use iperf to construct the incast scenario Besides, ICTCP increases receive window by one MSS
where multiple sending servers generate TCP traffic to when available bandwidth is low. 2) The traffic amount
a receiving server under the same switch. The servers per sending server is very small, and thus the time
in our testbed have their own background TCP con- taken in “slow-start” dominates the transmission time
Goodput (Mbps) with min rwnd=2MSS 1000 100
TCP data=64kbytes
900 90 TCP data=128kbytes

Ratio of TCP timeout(%)

800 80 TCP data=256kbytes
ICTCP data=64kbytes
700 70 ICTCP data=128kbytes
TCP data=64kbytes
600 TCP data=128kbytes 60 ICTCP data=256kbytes
500 TCP data=256kbytes
ICTCP data=64kbytes 50
400 ICTCP data=128kbytes 40
ICTCP data=256kbytes
300 30
200 20
100 10
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Number of senders in parallel Number of senders in parallel

Figure 6: The total goodput of multiple bar- Figure 7: The ratio of experimental rounds that
rier synchronized ICTCP/TCP connections ver- suffer at least one timeout

Goodput (Mbps) with min rwnd=1MSS

sus the number of senders, where the data traffic 1000 100

Ratio of rounds with timeout (%)

ICTCP goodput (64k)
volume per sender is a fixed amount 900 ICTCP goodput (128k) 90
800 ICTCP goodput (256k) 80
ICTCP timeout (64k)
if incast congestion does not happen. Note that low 700 ICTCP timeout (128k) 70
600 ICTCP timeout (256k) 60
throughput of ICTCP during initiation phase does not
500 50
affect its throughput during stable phase in larger time
400 40
scale, e.g., hundreds of milliseconds, which will be eval-
300 30
uated in Section 6.4. 200 20
To evaluate the effectiveness of ICTCP on avoiding 100 10
timeout, we use the ratio of the number of experimen- 0 0
tal rounds experiencing at least one timeout4 over the 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44

total number of rounds. The ratio of rounds with at Number of senders in parallel
least one timeout is shown in Figure 7. We observe
that TCP quickly suffer for at least one timeout when Figure 8: ICTCP goodput and ratio of experi-
incast congestion happens, while the highest ratio for mental rounds suffer at least one timeout with
ICTCP experience timeout is 6%. Note that the results minimal receive window as 1MSS
in Figure 7 shows that ICTCP is better than DCTCP[2],
as DCTCP quickly downgrades to the same as TCP may cause buffer overflow when the total BDP is not
when the number of sending servers is over 35 for static enough to support those connections.
buffer case. The reason for ICTCP to effectively reduce The performance of ICTCP with minimal receive win-
the possibility on timeout is that ICTCP does conges- dow at 1MSS is shown in Figure 8. We observe that
tion avoidance and it increases receive window only if timeout probability is 0, while the averaged throughput
there is enough available bandwidth on receiving server. is lower than those with 2MSS minimal receive window.
DCTCP relies on ECN to detect congestion, so larger For example, for 40 sending servers with 64kbytes per
(dynamic) buffer is required to avoid buffer overflow server, the goodput is 741Mbps for 2MSS as shown in
during control latency, i.e., the time before control takes Figure 6, while 564Mbps for 1MSS as shown in Figure
effect. 8. Therefore, the minimal receive window is a trade-
off between higher averaged incast goodput and lower
6.1.2 ICTCP with minimal receive window at 1MSS timeout possibility. Note that the goodput here is only
for very short time, 40*64k*8/564Mbps =36ms. For
ICTCP has some possibility (although very small) to
larger request data size and longer connection duration,
timeout, since we have a 2MSS minimal receive window.
ICTCP actually achieves goodput closely to link capac-
In principle, with the number of connections become
ity, which is shown in detail in Section 6.4.
larger, the receive window for each connection should
become smaller proportionately. This is because the 6.2 Fixed total traffic volume with the num-
total BDP including the buffer size is actually shared ber of senders increasing
by those connections, and the minimal receive window The second scenario we consider is with the one dis-
of those connections determines whether such sharing cussed in [15, 2], where the total data volume of all
Multiple senders experiencing timeout in the same barrier servers is fixed and the number of sending servers varies.
does not degrade performance proportionately, as the con- We show the goodput and timeout ratio for both TCP
nections are delivered in parallel. and ICTCP under a fixed total traffic amount in Figure
Goodput (Mbps) with a fixed total amount

Goodput (Mbps) with a background TCP

1000 900
900 800
800 700
600 TCP data=64kbytes
500 TCP total data=2M TCP data=128kbytes
TCP total data=8M 400 TCP data=256kbytes
400 ICTCP total data=2M ICTCP data=64kbytes
ICTCP total data=8M 300 ICTCP data=128kbytes
ICTCP data=256kbytes
200 200
100 100
0 0
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Number of senders in parallel Number of senders in parallel

Figure 9: Goodput of ICTCP (with minimal Figure 11: Goodput of ICTCP (with minimal re-
receive window at 2MSS) and TCP under the ceive window at 2MSS) and TCP under the case
case that the total data amount from all sending with a background long term TCP connection
servers is a fixed value

Ratio of rounds with TCP timeout(%)

Ratio of rounds with TCP timeout(%)

100 TCP data=64kbytes

90 TCP data=128kbytes
TCP total data=2M
90 TCP total data=8M 80 TCP data=256kbytes
ICTCP total data=2M ICTCP data=64kbytes
80 70 ICTCP data=128kbytes
ICTCP total data=8M
70 60 ICTCP data=256kbytes
60 50
50 40
40 30
30 20
20 10
10 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Number of senders in parallel
Number of senders in parallel

Figure 12: Ratio of timeout for ICTCP (with

Figure 10: Ratio of timeout for ICTCP (with minimal receive window at 2MSS) and TCP un-
minimal receive window at 2MSS) and TCP un- der the case with a background long term TCP
der the case that the total data amount from all connection
sending servers is a fixed value
serves is small. Comparing Figure 12 with Figure 7,
9 and 10. From Figure 9 we observe that the number the timeout ratio with ICTCP becomes slightly higher
of sending servers to trigger incast congestion is close when there is a high throughput background connec-
for 2M and 8M bytes total traffic respectively. ICTCP tion ongoing. This is because the available bandwidth
greatly improves the goodput and controls timeout well. becomes smaller and thus the initiation of new connec-
Note that we show the case for ICTCP with minimal tions is affected. We also obtain the experimental re-
receive window at 2MSS and skip the case with 1MSS, sults for a background UDP connection at 200Mbps,
as the timeout ratio is again 0% for 1MSS. and ICTCP also performs well. We skip the results un-
der background UDP for space limitation.
6.3 Incast with high throughput background
traffic 6.4 Fairness and long term performance of ICTCP
In previous experiments, we do not explicit generate To evaluate the fairness of ICTCP on multiple con-
long term background traffic for incast experiments. In nections, we generate 5 ICTCP flows to the same receiv-
the third scenario, we generate a long term TCP connec- ing server under the same switch. The flows are started
tion as background traffic to the same receiving server, sequentially with 20s interval and 100s duration. The
and it occupies 900Mbps before incast traffic starts. achieved goodput of those 5 ICTCP flows are shown in
The goodput and timeout ratio of TCP and ICTCP Figure 13. We observe that the fairness of ICTCP on
are shown in Figure 11 and 12. Compared Figure 11 multiple connections is very good, and the total good-
with Figure 2, the throughput achieved by TCP before put of multiple connections is close to link capacity at
incast congestion is slightly lower. ICTCP also achieves 1Gbps. Note that the goodput here is much larger than
slightly lower throughput when the number of sending that shown in Figure 6, since the traffic volume is much
Goodput (Mbps) with 5 ICTCP flows 1000 The third issue is whether ICTCP works for future
900 flow2 high-bandwidth low-latency network. We consider a
800 flow3 big challenge for ICTCP is that bandwidth may reach
700 flow5 100Gbps, but the RTT may not decrease much. In this
case, the BDP is enlarged and the receive window on in-
cast connections also become larger. While in ICTCP,
we constrain that only 1MSS reduction is used for win-
dow adjustment, which requires longer time to converge
100 if window is larger. To make ICTCP work for 100Gbps
0 or higher bandwidth network, we consider the following
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 solutions: 1) the switch buffer should be enlarged corre-
Time (seconds) spondingly. Or 2) the MSS should be enlarged so that
window size in number of MSS does not enlarge greatly.
Figure 13: Goodput of 5 ICTCP flows that start This is reasonable as 9kbytes MSS has been available
sequentially with 20 seconds interval and 100 for Gigabit Ethernet.
seconds duration, from 5 sending sever and to
the same receiving sever under the same switch 8. RELATED WORK
larger and thus slightly longer time cost on slow start TCP has been widely used in Internet and works
phase is not an issue. We also run the same experi- well for decades. With the advances of new network
ments for TCP. TCP achieves same performance before technologies and emergences of new scenarios, TCP has
5 servers and degrades with more connections. been improved continuously over the years. In this Sec-
tion, we first review TCP incast related work, then we
discuss previous work using TCP receive window.
7. DISCUSSIONS Nagle el al. [12] describe TCP incast in the scenar-
In this section, we discuss three issues related to fur- ios of distributed storage cluster. TCP incast occurs
ther extension of ICTCP. The first issue is about the when a client requests multiple pieces of data blocks
scalability of ICTCP, in particular, how to handle incast from multiple storage servers in parallel. In [10], sev-
congestion with extremely large number of connections. eral application-level approaches have been discussed.
Paper [2] shows that the number of concurrent connec- Among those approaches, they mentioned that a smaller
tions to a receiver on 50ms duration is less than 100 for TCP receiver buffer can be used to throttle data trans-
90th percentile in a real data center. ICTCP can eas- fer, which is also suggested in [12]. Unfortunately, this
ily handle the case for 100 concurrent connections with type of static setting on TCP receiver buffer size is at
1MSS as minimal receive window. In principle, if the application-level and faces the same challenge on how
number of concurrent connections becomes extremely to set the receiver buffer to an appropriate value for
large, then we require to have much smaller minimal general cases.
receive window to prevent buffer overflow. However, TCP incast congestion in data center networks has
directly using smaller receive window less than MSS become a practical issue [15]. Since a data center needs
may degrade performance greatly. We propose an alter- to support a large number of applications, a solution at
native solution: switching the receive window between transport layer is preferred. In [13], several approaches
several values to achieve effective smaller receive win- at TCP-level have been discussed, focusing on TCP
dow averaged for multiple RTTs time. For example, timeout which dominates the performance degradation.
1MSS window for one RTT and 0 window for another They show that several techniques including, alterna-
RTT could achieve 0.5MSS window in average for 2RTT tive TCP implementations like SACK, reduced dupli-
time. Note that it still needs coordination between mul- cate ACK threshold, and disabling TCP slow-start can’t
tiplexed flows at receiver side to prevent concurrent con- eliminate TCP incast congestion collapse. Paper [15]
nections overflow buffer. presents a practical and effective solution to reduce the
The second issue we consider is how to extend ICTCP impact caused by incast congestion. Their method is to
to handle congestion in general cases where sender and enable a microsecond-granularity TCP timeouts. Faster
receiver are not under the same switch, and the bot- retransmission is reasonable since the base TCP RTT
tleneck link is not the last-hop to receiver. We con- in data center network is only hundreds of microsec-
sider that ECN can be leveraged to obtain such conges- onds (Figure 3). Compared with existing widely used
tion information. While different from original ECN to milliseconds-granularity TCP timeouts, the interaction
only echo congestion signal at receiver side, ICTCP can of fine granularity timeout and other TCP schemes are
throttle receive window considering the aggregation of still under investigation [4]. The major difference of our
multiple connections. work with theirs is that our target is to avoid packet
loss, while they focus on how to mitigate the impact timer for faster retransmission, we focus on receiver
of packet loss, either less frequent timeouts or faster based congestion control algorithm to prevent packet
retransmission on timeouts. This makes our work com- loss. ICTCP adaptively adjusts TCP receive window
plementary to previous work. based on the ratio of difference of achieved and expected
Motivated by the interaction between short flows that per connection throughputs over expected ones, as well
require short-latency and long background throughput- as the last-hop available bandwidth to the receiver.
oriented flows, DCTCP [2] focuses on reducing the Eth- We have developed a light-weighted, high performance
ernet switch buffer occupation. In DCTCP, ECN with Window NDIS filter driver to implement ICTCP. Com-
thresholds modified is used for congestion notification, pared with directly implementing ICTCP as part of the
while both TCP sender and receiver are slightly mod- TCP stack, our driver implementation can directly sup-
ified for a novel fine grained congestion window ad- port virtual machines, which are becoming prevail in
justment. Reduced switch buffer occupation can ef- data centers. We have built a testbed with 47 servers
fectively mitigate potential overflow caused by incast. together with a 48-port Ethernet Gigabit switch. Our
Their experimental results show that DCTCP outper- experimental results demonstrate that ICTCP is effec-
forms TCP for TCP incast, but eventually converges to tive to avoid congestion by achieving almost zero time-
equivalent performance as incast degree increases, e.g., out for TCP incast, and it provides high performance
over 35 senders. The difference between ICTCP and and fairness among competing flows.
DCTCP is that ICTCP only touches TCP receiver, and
ICTCP uses the throughput increase estimation to pre- 10. REFERENCES
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