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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Dumaguete City
Piapi, Dumaguete City


SY: 2022-2023

I. Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the CORRECT answer.

1. Which of the following refers to body of scientific knowledge that provide diverse set of lenses that help us understand
and explain the different facets of human society?
A. Social Science B. Applied Social Science C. World Religion D. Social Studies
2. What do you call the branch of study that applies the different concepts, theoretical models, and theories of the social
science disciplines?
A. Social Science B. Applied Social Science C. World Religion D. Social Studies
3. Which of the following doesn’t belong to the group?
A. Counseling B. Social Work C. Communication Studies D. Political Science
4. Which of the following refers to the studies of how human mind works in consonance with the body to produce
thoughts that lead to individual actions?
A. Economics B. Geography C. Psychology D. Anthropology
5. In what branch of social science does the subfields of Environment, Business and Monetary belongs to?
A. Economics B. Geography C. Psychology D. Anthropology
6. What branch of social science discipline refers to the scientific study of humans and their cultures in the past and
present time?
A. Economics B. Geography C. Psychology D. Anthropology
7. What branch of social science discipline refers to the study of interaction between people and their environments?
A. Economics B. Geography C. Psychology D. Anthropology
8. In what subfields of Political Science focuses on the study of political relationship and interaction between and among
A. Public Law B. International Relations C. Comparative Politics D. Domestic Politics
9. Where does public opinion, elections, national and local governments belong to?
A. Public Law B. International Relations C. Comparative Politics D. Domestic Politics
10. What branch of social science discipline refers to the systematic study of human past events?
A. Counselling B. Social Work C. History D. Sociology
11. Which of the following refers to the application of social science discipline that provides guidance, help, and support
to individuals who are distraught by a diverse set of problems in their lives?
A. Counselling B. Social Work C. History D. Sociology
12. which of the following term talks about kin with formal helping in some ways such as presence of good listening
skills, empathy, and caring capacity?
A. Guidance and Counselling B. Informal Helping
C. Individual Counselling D. Group or Peer Counselling?
13. Dr. Catubay, a psychiatrist in Dumaguete City helps client in recognizing his capabilities, telling him to what he is
thinking and feeling it totally fine. What goals of counselling did Dr. Catubay used?
A. Preventive B. Remedial C. Exploratory D. Reinforcement
14. What goals of counseling helps client avoid some undesired outcome?
A. Preventive B. Remedial C. Exploratory D. Reinforcement
15. Dr. Valdez of American Counselling Association tries new and different activities in examining his client. What goal
of counselling did Dr. Valdez used?
A. Preventive B. Remedial C. Exploratory D. Reinforcement
16. Which of the following shoes unethical behavior of a counselor?
A. Divulge Confidential Data B. Keep Test Result to Himself
C. Keep Confidential Data D. Must hold responsibility for privacy
17. Which of the following MUST a counsellor manifest in terms of research?
A. Copy research of others B. Give General and common information
C. Establish survey questionnaires that are irrelevant D. Understand research and its importance

18. Counsellor must “grow professionally”. Which of the following must a counsellor do to grow professionally?
A. Do Research B. Join various Seminars C. Study D. All the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Dumaguete City
Piapi, Dumaguete City


SY: 2022-2023

19. Which of the following Clientele should a counsellor extend his/her service to?
A. Ericka who is broken hearted yesterday B. Ronel who got minor injury while doing
C. Anna who just went out in the hospital because of accident C. Franz who forgot his motor keys
20. Philip has a trait involving a long-term tendency to be in a negative or anxious emotional state. Which of the
following term describes Philip?
A. Insomia B. Neuroticism C. Personality Disorder D. Psychotic

II.Direction: If you think the statement is correct, write A for AGREE, otherwise, write B for DISAGREE. If you
1. Counselors are hard to find.
2. School counselors are concerned on prevention, education, and intervention.
3. Counselors are NOT mental health providers.
4. Rehabilitation agencies and correctional settings hire counselors.
5. Counselors can decide to do full-time work as private practitioners or engage in part-time private practice while
employed by community agencies.
6. Counselors can change the lives of people.
7. Counselors are also present in various agencies of government or institutions supported by the government that is into
social welfare, health, and education.
8. Counselors can be found everywhere but they are only few.
9. Counselors' expertise and specialization should be relevant to an adequate client population in the geographic area.
10. Counselors can be trusted because of the nature of their work

III. Identification: Read the statements carefully. Choose from the words inside the box. Write the letters only.

A. RA 9262 B. RA 9258 C. Accountability D. Career Assistance

E. Clientele F. Ethics G. Individual Assessment H. Individual Counselling

I. Informal Help J. Learning K. Neuroticism L. Non-Malificence

M. Permissiveness N. Pyschotic O. Referral P. Research

____________1. It is the process of helping a client through a third party or helping system improve its service to its
____________2. It is the practice of helping the clients find needed expert assistance that the referring counselor cannot
____________3. Counselors are called on to provide career planning and adjustment assistance to clients.
____________4. Seeks to identify the characteristics and potential of every client; promotes the client’s self-
understanding and assisting counselors to understand the client better.
____________5. It is a client–centered process that demand confidentiality.
____________6 It is necessary to advance the profession of counseling; it can provide empirically based data relevant to
the goal of implementing effective counseling.

____________7. is a personality trait involving a long-term tendency to be in a negative or anxious emotional state.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Dumaguete City
Piapi, Dumaguete City


SY: 2022-2023

____________8. This is a disorder for more severe mental disorder that caused abnormal thinking and perceptions.
____________9. It refers to a person who is receiving services from a therapist or mental health doctors, often used
interchangeably with the word patients.
____________10. The idea of a moral code extends beyond the individual to include what is determined to be right, and
wrong, for a community or society at large.
____________11. an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.
____________12. It a Law in the Philippines that protects Women and Children from any form of Violence.
____________13. One of the principle of counselling that refers to the presence of the learning elements in the entire
process are accepted and recognized.
____________14. Developing optimism through professional relationship allows freedom of choice and behavior.
____________15. The principle holds that there is an obligation not to inflict harm on others. 

In a Counselling Session or Therapy, Who is the Accountable Person?

Write A if the Accountable Person is the Counselor; B if the accountable person is the Client. Write C if both are
accountable. Write the letters only.
A- Counsellor B- Client C- Both
______ 1. Managing the Session
______ 2. Observing Confidentiality of Information
______ 3. Familiarity of Guidelines in his/her Treatment
______ 4. Orientation of Guidelines
_____ 5. Doing of Assignment, Tasks and Agreement
______ 6. Give and receive respect
______ 7. Maintaining Professional Relationship
______ 8. Accuracy of Information
______ 9. Referral of Clients
______ 10. Maintain Professional Code of Ethics
______ 11. Payment of Professional Fees
______ 12. Increase Knowledge and Skills in Counselling
______ 13. Attend Sessions Regularly and be punctual
______ 14. Act in the Best interest of clients
______ 15. Success of Counselling Process

“CHEATING is Easy, try something more challenging

Like being FAITHFUL”
Goodluck and God Bless!

Prepared By: Lyra Cimafranca- Naya

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