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Tools for success

One of Spotcheck’s main benefits is acting as a
catalyst for continuous improvement. The Quality
Team has designed tools to help you succeed in
the new Quality Program. There are two main
tools to assist you.

1. Data Validation
On this page, reviewers will perform a quick
review of information about each contact

selected for review, to ensure all the
information looks correct

2. The Evaluation
On this page, reviewers will submit their
The SC Review Form is where Quality evaluation of the agents. This form is divided into
Design Quality and Delivery Quality. Delivery
Reviewers will assess agent Quality will address agent performance, and
performance. It is divided into two Design Quality will address submitting
Lorem ipsumData Validation
pages, actionable feedback to Uber Teams (when
and Evaluation.

The Regional Quality The Reviewer assesses Team across Uber

Team Reviewer agent performance and review feedback and
ensures all the submit actionable make improvements
information looks feedback. to the Quality
correct. Program.
SpotCheck Access the
Knowledge Knowledge
Base here.
Base. The SpotCheck Knowledge Base is composed of
several different Salesforce pages. The pages are
The SC KB serves as the single
divided into four main categories.
source of truth. It is a living
document that standardizes
SC across different regions,
LOBs, sites, etc.

Regional standards are located under the “Article Logic” sections at the
bottom of each KB article.

High level overview of the SC Program. Covers

the approach and mission, the sampling and
S p ot C h e c k Pag e 1 scoring and high level evaluation questions
& rationale.

Deep dive of all Design Quality questions,

S p ot C h e c k Pag e 2 including interpretations, guidance, and
example submissions.

Deep dive of the Resolution and Communication

S p ot C h e c k Pag e 3 sections of Delivery Quality form. Provides more
information about markdown weights,
interpretation guidance, examples and
regional clarifications.

S p ot C h e c k Pag e 4 Deep dive of the Action and Kudos sections

of Delivery Quality section.

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