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Text for questions 16 to 17

Dear Big Meal’s representative

I’m writing to inform you that I had a negative experience at your location in Columbus, New York
on August 4. My receipt number is 512, and the person who handled my order was Alex.
First of all, I recognize that you, as the reader of this letter, are not responsible for my bad
experience, but I’m still upset about the situation.
I went to the drive through and ordered seven meals with no pickles. When I received my order, I
checked that all of the sandwiches and fries were in the bag paid and drove away. When I got home, I
realized my number seven had pickled on it. I’m allergic to pickles, and I didn’t want to waste the
sandwich, so I drove back to the drive through to explain the situation and get it fixed.
I feel very disappointed with this interaction, as I usually enjoy my experience at your restaurant.
To fix this situation, I would like a coupon for a free meal of my choice.
I think an apology from Alex is also appropriate.
Please contact me at 585.566.5225 or email back at I would like this situation
to be resolved so I can continue to be a loyal Bug Meal’s patron.
Jim Korkell

16. What is the letter about?

A. Applying for a job.
B. Complaining bad service.
C. Ordering a certain item.
D. Inquiring Mr. Jim Korkell.
E. Reserve for a meal.
17. Who is in charge to take the order of “the drive through service”?
A. The cashier.
B. Alex.
C. Jim Korkell.
D. The manager.
E. The customer.

Text for number 18 to 19

PT PLN (Persero) invites eligible bidders for purchasing Carbon Credit from PLN's Projects Using CDM scheme.
Bidding is open to local or International organization having business line in CDM project development and/or has successful
experiences in purchasing Carbon Credit.
Bidder may obtain and collect further information on the Term and Transaction Document (DTS) at the following address:

Date : 22 October - 29 October 2011

Time : 10.00 am - 10.00 pm

Place : Secretariat of VP LKL
PT PLN (Persero)
Main building 13'h floor, JI. Trunojoyo Blok M1/135
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160
Phone: 62217251234, ext 1397
Fax :622172786245
Detailed explanation and information, bid submission, etc will be applied in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the
DTS. DTS can be obtained free of charge. This notification does not cause any financial liability to PT PLN (Persero).

Jakarta, October 24, 2011


18. One condition to be a candidate to join the bid is ...

A. it should be an international organization
B. it should have experiences in purchasing Carbon Credit
C. it should have much information about the bid
D. it should have financial liability
E. the transaction document should be complete
19. "This notification does not cause any financial liability to PT PLN."
The underlined word has closest meaning with ….
A. assumption
B. procedure
C. improvement
D. development
E. inflation

Text for number 20 – 23

Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was born on 27 th June 1880 in
Tuscumbia, Alabama. In 1882, she fell ill and became blind, deaf and mute. Helen Keller was the first of two daughters born
to Arthur H. Keller and Katherine Adams Keller. She also had two older stepbrothers. Keller's father had served as an officer
in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. The family was not particularly wealthy and earned an income from their
cotton plantation.
Helen Keller was helped by Anne Sullivan, her teacher, to make tremendous progress with her ability to
communicate. In 1890, Keller began speech classes at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf in Boston. From 1894 to 1896,
she attended the Wright-Humason. School for the Deaf in New York City. There, she worked on improving her
communication skills and studied regular academic subjects. In 1896, she attended the Cambridge School for Young Ladies,
a preparatory school for women.
As her story became known to the general public, Keller began to meet famous and influential people with the help of
Henry H. Rogers, a Standard Oil executive who was impressed with Keller's talent, drive and determination, Keller attended
Radcliff College and graduated, cum laude, in 1994.
After college, Keller set out to learn more about the world and how she could help improve the lives of others. During
her remarkable life, Keller stood as a powerful example of how determination, hard work and imagination can allow an
individual to triumph over adversity. She overcame difficult conditions with a great deal of persistence and thus she grew
into a respected and world-renowned activist who labored for the betterment of others.
Adapted from :
(18th October 2015)

20. What does the second paragraph talk about?
A. Keller’s teacher
B. Keller's studies
C. Keller’s speaking progress
D. Keller's willingness to learn
E. Keller’s ability to communicate
21. According to the text, why did Helen Keller become a famous activist?
A. She was determined and persistent to overcome hardship.
B. She could complete her studies with cum laude result.
C. She was capable in studying regular academic subjects.
D. She could make progress in communication skills rapidly.
E. She could impress others with her prodigious talents.
22. Which statement is TRUE about Helen Keller?
A. Helen Keller once worked in cotton plantation.
B. Helen Keller had two sisters and two brothers
C. Helen Keller graduated from Radcliff College in 1994.
D. Helen Keller started to learn to speak in New York City.
E. Helen Keller was blinded when she was three years old.
23. Helen Keller could speech classes at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf in Boston after ....
A. She helped her teacher, Anne Sullivan.
B. Anne Sulivan helped her in communication
C. Anne Sullivan was helped by Helen keller
D. she attended the Wright-Humason and studied herslef
E. Graduating from Radcliff College in 1994

Text for number 24 to 26

The Island of gods – lost its innocence at around 23.15 hours on Saturday 12th October 2002, when terrorists
triggered a bomb placed in front of the US Embassy. Two subsequent blasts followed, in Legian, Kuta tearing through the
popular nightclubs of Paddy’s and Sari Club killing almost 200 international tourist and locals alike, with many more injured.
The effect of the blasts triggered a crisis and the like which had never been seen in Bali before and indeed shocked the

The tourism industry obviously was devastated. Hotel room occupancy rates, which for some properties were close to
100 percent prior to the attacks, plummeted to single-digit levels for many establishments as the mass exodus of
international visitors gained momentum. Inbound air capacity was slashed, businesses closed and many Balinese found
themselves unemployed.

24. We know that the text informs about ….

A. the island of gods was bombed by terrorists
B. the effect of the bomb was a tragedy on tourism industry in Bali
C. all Businesses in Bali were closed after the bomb tragedy
D. the tourism industry in Bali was totally devastated
E. the Paddy’s and Sari Club are popular in the world

25. The main idea of the first paragraph is …
A. paddy’s and Sari Club were very popular in Bali
B. Bali lost its innocence after the bomb blast
C. almost two hundred people were liked by Kuta bombing
D. the tourism industry in Bali decreased because of the tragedy
E. many people were injured when the terrorists triggered a bomb in Kuta
26. “The tourism industry in Bali was devastated.” ( paragraph 2 )
The underlined word means …
A. destroyed
B. developed
C. increased
D. fascinated
E. vanished

Text for number 27 to 29

Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues. People were affected severely with the
high fuel price hike last year. Obviously they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm
oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.
Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse because their expenses will increase while
their salaries will not. Many companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of managing
buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs.
Finally, government should not rise fuel price to overcome economic problem but the solution should be sought by
tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.

27. What problem has been discussed in the text?

A. The price of secondary commodities
B. The effect of increasing fuel price
C. Condition of low income family
D. The increasing of fuel price
E. The economic problem
28. Which is an argument to support the case?
A. Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues.
B. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.
C. The solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential.
D. People were affected severely with the high fuel price hike last year.
E. People had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil.
29. What is the writer suggestion?
A. The solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to
its maximum.
B. Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues.
C. The condition of low income family will become even worse
D. Many companies have to trim the number of employee.
E. Standard wages should be increased

Text for number 30 to 33

The Princess and the Pea
Once upon a time there was a prince. He wanted to get himself a princess, but she had to be a real princess. So he
travelled all over the world to find one, but in every case something was the matter There were lots of princesses, but he
could never quite make out whether they were real or not. So he came back home feeling very unhappy.
One evening a terrible storm came. Lightning flashed, thunder rolled and the rain poured down in torrents—it was simply
awful! Suddenly there was a knock at the city gate, and the old King went out to answer it.
There was a princess standing outside, but what a sight the rain and the bad weather had made of her! The water
streamed down her hair and her clothes, and yet she said she was a real princess.
“It won’t take a long time to find that out,” thought the old Queen. Without saying anything, she went into the bed
chamber, took off all the bedclothes, and placed one pea on the bottom boards of the bed. Then, she took twenty mattresses
and put them on top of the pea, and after that she put twenty feather-pillow on top of the mattresses.

That was where the Princess was to spend the night.
In the morning they asked her how she had slept.
“Oh, dreadfully!” said the Princess. “I hardly slept a wink all night. Whatever could have been in the bed?
I was lying on something so hard that I’m black and blue all over.”
So, of course, they could see that she was the real princess since she had felt the pea through the twenty mattresses
and the twenty feather-pillows. No one but a real princess could have such tender skin as that.
So the Prince took her for his wife, and they lived happily ever after

30. From the story we can conclude that the Princess ….

A. was smart
B. was kind-hearted
C. had delicate skin
D. had a cunning trick
E. was beautiful
31. Which paragraph describes the awful look of the Princess when the King and Queen saw her for the first time?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three
D. Four.
E. Five.
32. “I hardly slept a wink all night.” (Paragraph 6) The sentence shows that the Princess ….
A. slept on a hard mattress
B. fell asleep immediately
C. could sleep all night
D. could sleep soundly
E. did not get much sleep

Text for number 33 to 35

Bloating Children and Corruptors
It is a sad state of affairs when we learn from the point and electric media that many skinny children in many places in
Indonesia are lying helplessly with bloated bellies, in a severely malnourished condition. Ironically, we also have learned
from the same print and electronic media reports about massive graft involving huge amount of money, perpetrated by
smartly-dressed, smug officials.
It will not be an odd thing if there are some people who question whether or on these smartly dressed and smug
corruptors who had office I government and legislative agencies have ever learned of these cases of malnutrition, bloated
bellies and poverty, which are rampant in this country. It seems that these people have lost a fraction of their conscience to
take pity on their fellow creatures that have been beset by such a misfortune.
These people should have realized that their disgusting corruption has sent many of their fellow countrymen to the
abyss of poverty. Unfortunately, in reality, these smartly-dressed people love a luxurious life and often spending their time
and money to abroad. Meanwhile, many of their countrymen live in abject poverty. Don’t they feel embarrassed?
33. The text tells us about ….
A. effect of corruption
B. danger of corruptors
C. children and corruptors
D. cause of corruptor actions
E. phenomenon of bloating children and corruptors
34. What causes the countrymen to the abyss of poverty?
A. Legislatives
B. Government

C. Smartly-dressed people
D. Legislative and government
E. Corruptors and disgusting corruption
35. “Don’t they feel embarrassed?” (The last paragraph). The underlined word has closest meaning with ….
A. ashamed
B. happy
C. satisfied
D. proud
E. greedy

Text for number 36 to 38

Technology brings problems as well as benefits to human kind. Since Henry Ford began mass-producing them in
1908, automobiles have provided us with a cheap and convenient means of transportation. However, they have also brought
us traffic jam and air pollution. A technological development that is changing our lives as much as the automobiles is the
personal computer. Since 1980s, personal computers have become common in homes, school and business, and just as
automobiles have brought unexpected problems, so have personal computers.
To begin with communication by computer has caused some problems. Although we can easily send a message to
hundreds people in an instant, we can also receive hundreds of message, both wanted and unwanted, in just a few minutes,
it took several hours to read all of them. The lack of censorship in cyberspace is another problem that no one has solved yet.
Our expanded ability to communicate means that anyone with a computer literate child can receive pornographic photos and
listen to chat-room conversations about sex.
In addition to problems in communication, computer have also caused in business. They have created excellent
opportunities for computerized crime. Computer criminals use their skills to obtain secret business information and to steal
money. Moreover, the use of computers has depersonalized business. People are no longer customer, they are account
number. Face-to-face business transactions are no longer necessary. You can buy, almost anything you need by computer,
phone, or fax. Also, as telecommunicating becomes more common, workers in the same time company interact with each
other less and less. Someday it may be possible to have a company of people who have never meet face-to-face.
It is clear that personal computers, have made our lives easier, but they have done so at a cost. At with every new
invention, there have been foreign consequences. It is up to us to find the solutions to the problems as well as to enjoy the
conveniences on the new topic.

36. The topic of the text is discussing about....

A. computer criminals
B. problems in communication
C. problem caused by computers
D. the development of computers
E. the implementation of old and new technology
37. The following can be problems caused by personal computers, EXCEPT....
A. having unwanted message
B. sending a message instantly
C. committing computer crimes
D. depersonalizing business
E. having access to pornographic photos
38. What can we conclude from the text?
A. Producers of personal computers have predicted the bad effects on users
B. Depersonalized business has become today's popular style of business
C. The habit of telecommunicating has in creased interaction among workers
D. The inconvenience of using computers is greater than its convenience
E. Many problems caused by computers can not be controlled and still unsolved

Text for questions 39 to 40
Republic of Indonesia
Invitation for Submission of Interest (EOI)
Consulting Service for Project Implementation
Strengthening of West Kalimantan
Power Grid
Referring to our invitation, regarding the submission of expression of interest (EOI) which was
published in Jakarta Post, January 28, 2014 Edition, we hereby announce that:
1. The deadline for submission of EOI is on August 2012 to the address below. All firms will be advised of the
result of their EOI. Only firms that have been short-listed will be invited to submit a technical proposal. The
names and addresses of short-listed firms will be published.
2. Further information from background documents can be obtained at the address given below.
Attention: Chairman of Procurement Consultant Committee PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat Main Building 15th floor.
Jl. Trunojoyo 12190 Jakarta-Indonesia
Tel : 62-21-7251234 ext 1293, 1384
Fax : 62-21-72277042
E-mail :

39. The announcement released by ….

A. PT PLN (Persero)
B. Republic of Indonesia
C. the Jakarta Post
D. Procurement Consultant Committee
E. Ratnasari Sjamsudin
40. Which firms can submit a technical proposal?
A. Any power plant firms.
B. Big power plant firms.
C. The local power plant firms.
D. The short-listed firms.
E. The small power plant firms.

Text for number 41 to 43

Jakarta (JP): The number of people injured in the weekend earthquake in the Central Sulawesi capital of Palu reached
26. The earthquake, measuring 5.6 in the opened Richter Scale, also damaged or destroyed hundreds of buildings. So far
no deaths have been reported.
“Only 3 of the 26 injured are still being treated at a government clinic. In the Sausu Trans village, the rest have returned
home,” Mohammad Harollah, an official of the Central Sulawesi Office of the Ministry of Social Services, told the Jakarta
Post yesterday.
Officials at the meteorology and geophysics agency in Palu said earlier that the epicenter was in the Gulf of Tomini, 32
kilometers east of Palu, at a depth of 32 kilometers. The office recorded 396 tremors between 5:30 p.m. on Saturday and
12:00 a.m. on Sunday. However, locals felt 47 of the tremors.
Antara News Agency reported on Saturday that most of the casuals were adults, injured by collapsing structures. The
agency also said, that victims were mainly residents of the Sausu, Suli, Torono and Malakosa villages.

41. This text reports….

A. the weekend earthquake in Palu
B. the casualties at a government clinic
C. the profession of Mohammad Harollah
D. the damaged buildings caused by the earthquake
E. the activities of the officials at the meteorology and geophysics office

42. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. There were 349 tremors felt by people.
B. Some people were killed by the earthquake.
C. Sausu, Still, Torono and Malakosa were the worst places hit.
D. The earthquake happened in the South Sulawesi capital of Palu.
E. An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter Scale rocked Palu.
43. “Only 3 of the 26 injured are still being treated at a government clinic.” (Paragraph2)
The underlined word may be replaced by…
A. managed at the same way
B. negotiated with somebody
C. considered in a certain way
D. given something enjoyable
E. given medical care

The text is for questions number 44 to 46

A bobcat (bay lynx) is not much larger than a big cat. A bobcat is found mostly in North America. It is named for its
short, sturdy 'bobbed' tail. It is sturdy, powerful and fierce.

Like many cats, a bobcat can spring straight upwards 2 meters or more. It can also slash out with its paw to catch
low-flying birds. It is more adaptable than its cousin the lynx and has coped better with the spread of people and farms.

It is a carnivore, preys on rabbits, mice, squirrels and similar victims. It stalks its prey through hilly, rocky scrub;
swamps and woods. It preys mainly on wild animals, but it may take chickens, lambs and calves from people's farms.

Even porcupine quills have been found in its droppings. (Adopted from: Steve Parker, Planet Animals, Essex, Miles
Kelly Publishing Ltd., 2000.)

44. Why is it called a bobcat?

A. It has sturdy 'bobbed' hair.
B. It has a sturdy 'bobbed' tail.
C. It has a short body.
D. It is more adaptable than the lynx.
E. It has coped better with people.
45. What does a bobcat use to slash out low-flying birds?
A. Its mouth.
B. Its tongue.
C. Its fangs.
D. Its claws.
E. Its sharp teeth.
46. From the text we know that…
A. a bobcat is mostly found in South America
B. a bobcat cannot spring upwards 2 meters
C. a bobcat is an omnivore
D. a bobcat has a long tail
E. a bobcat is strong and vicious

Text for questions 47

47. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph!
(1) You can make instant noodle with the help of a microwave.
(2) Finally, add any times that you want and serve the noodles.
(3) First, fill the bowl with 2 cups of water and the noodle.
(4) Microwave it for three about minutes to five minutes.
(5) Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings.
(6) After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave.
(7) Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.

A. 3 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 1- 6
B. 1 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 7 -2
C. 4 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 7 -2
D. 1 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 6 -3
E. 1 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3 - 7

Text for questions 48 – 50

I stayed at night Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had … (48) the road. The next morning, I
hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to Barhabise from Tatopani.
I took a seat by the door side and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The driver started
the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road.
The driver tried … (49) the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling towards the
Bhotekoshi. I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the … ( 50) glass and
plunged into the Bhotekoshi.

The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after that. The rescuers
took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness.
I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands and other parts
noetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.

48. C. to avert
A. disturbed D. to move
B. blocked E. to evacuate
C. closed 50.
D. broken A. shattering
E. eroded B. jumping
49. C. closing
A. to stop D. broken
B. to plug E. shattered


Text for questions number 51 - 53

The Sears Towes, a skyscraper in Chicago, lillinois, has been the tallest building in North America since 1973, It
surpassed the World Trade Center, which itself had surpassed the Empire State Building only a year earlier. Commissioned
by Sews, Roebuck and Company, it was designed by chief architect Bruce Graham and structural engineer Faziur Khan of
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.
Construction commenced In August 1970 and the building coached its originally anticipated maximum height 66 May
3, 1973.When completed, the Sears Tower had overtaken the World Trade Center in New York City as the world's tallest
building. The tower has 108 stories as counted by standard methods, though the building owners count the main roof as 109
and the mechanical penthouse roof as 110. The distance to the roof is 1.1450.58 feet (442 m), measured from the east
In February 1982, two television antennas were added to the structure, increasing its total height to 1,707 feet (520
m). The western antenna was later extended to 1,730 feet (527 m) on June 5, 2C00 to improve reception of local NBC
station WMAQ-TV.
Black bands appear on the tower around the 29th-32nd, 64th-65th, 88th-89th, and 104th-109th floors. .These are
louvers which allow ventilation for service equipment and obscure the structure's belt trusses which Sears Roebuck did not
want to be visible as on the John Hancock Center.
On August 12, 2007, the Bud Dubai in Dubai, United Arab Emirates was reported by its developers to have surpassed
the Sears Tower In all height categories.

51. What does the text describe?

52. “Construction commenced in August 1970 and .... “ (Paragraph 2).The word ‘commenced’ is synonymous with ...
53. We can conclude that the Sear Tower ….

Text for questions number 54 - 55

Miss Joanna,

I’m planning a business trip to Yogyakarta and Jakarta, I’d like to go by train from here to Yogyakarta this afternoon
and spend two days there. Then i'd like to fly to Jakarta and stay there for three nights.
1. Please book an executive class train ticket and seat reservation to Yogyakarta.
2. Please book single room with bath for three nights (Wed 23, Thurs 24, Fri 25) at Legenda Hotel, Husni Thamrin
Boulevard, Jakarta selatan.
54. The text is about ….

55. Write down tTRUE statement is about Mr. Kevin according to the text?


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