Edu 312 Chapter 1 Lecture Notes

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Chapter 1
Week 1


At the end of this week, students will be able to:

 use appropriate assessment tools and techniques; and
 relate learning outcomes and assessment.

21st Century marked by the development of information, computers, automation,
and communication which penetrate human being in the world. Automatically, it has the
effect to an educational system which applied including a model of teaching (Akib & Mushin,
2018). It demands a lot of changes, development, and re-engineering of systems in different
fields for this generation to thrive. Teachers need to be equipped in order to prepare them
to cater the needs of the learners in the 21 st Century. Curricula also are updated to address
the needs of the community in relation to the demands of the 21 st century.

On the other hand, students’ skills to learn must be developed. They need to
develop critical and creative thinking, effective communication and collaboration, and a
globally competitive attitude in study and in work. These skills to be honed must be
assessed, not just simply to get numerical results but more so, to take the results of
assessment as guide to take further action. Educators need to focus on: what to teach; how
to teach it; and how to assess it (Greenstein, 2012; Schmoker, 2011 as cited by Cajigal &
Mantuano, 2014). The Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills project (
has a core belief that alignment of goals with learning and assessment is essential to policy
and practice.

1. Characteristics of the 21st Century Assessment

The following characteristics of 21st century

assessment which are essential guide for preparation of
assessment activities by educators.
A. Responsive

Visible performance-based work (as a result of assessment) generates data that

inform curriculum and instruction. Processes for responding to assessments are thoughtfully
developed, incorporating best practices in feedback and formative assessment.
B. Flexible
Assessment need to be adaptable to students’ settings. Rather than the identical
approach that works in traditional assessment, 21st century approaches are more versatile.
C. Integrated
Assessments are to be incorporated into day-to-day practice rather than as add-

ons at the end of instructions or during a single specified week of the school calendar.

D. Informative
The desired 21st century goals and objectives are clearly stated and explicitly
taught. Students display their range of emerging knowledge and skills.
E. Multiple Methods
An assessment continuum that includes of spectrum of strategies is the norm.
Students demonstrate knowledge and skills through relevant tasks, projects, and
performances. Authentic and performance-based assessment is emphasized. There is
recognition of and appreciation for the processes and products of learning.
F. Communicated
Communication of assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders.
Results are routinely posted to a database along with standards-based commentary, both of
which must be available and comprehensible at all levels. Students receive routine feedback
on their progress, and parents are kept informed through access to visible progress reports
and assessment data.
G. Technically Sound
Adjustments and accommodations are made in the assessment process to meet
the student need and fairness. Students demonstrate what they know and how they can
apply that knowledge in ways that are relevant and appropriate for them.
H. Systemic
Twenty-first century assessment is part of a comprehensive and well-aligned
assessment system that is balanced and inclusive of all students, constituents, and
stakeholders and designed to support improvement at all levels.


Given the following school situation, how would you apply the 21 st century Assessment
Characteristics? Use the template provided.

Before the school year starts, Ms. Garcia, the principal, called the teachers to a
meeting and discussed the plans for the coming school year. One of the agenda of the
meeting is the improvement of the tools and methods that the teachers utilized to assess
students’ learning. As per record, the school utilizes traditional assessment practices. She
challenged the teachers to present an updated assessment instrument/tool that is aligned
with the required skills of the 21st century. Use the template provided below.

Note: Evaluate your answers based on the characteristics of the 21st century assessment.

Assessment Instruments/Tools Currently Used

Instruments/Tools For what is it used? How often is it used?

2. Instructional Decision in Assessment

The major objective of educational assessment is to have a holistic appraisal of a

learner, his/her environment and accomplishments.

The educational assessment process starts in analyzing the criterion together with
teaching-learning situation after which, the kind of evidence that are appropriate to use for
assessment of the individuals are set. This helps to determine the strengths, weaknesses,
needs and personality characteristics, skills and abilities of the learner (Bloom, 1970 as cited
by Cajigal and Mantuano, 2014).

2.1 Decision-making at Different Phases of Teaching-Learning Process

Assessments can be used as basis for decision-making at different phases of the

teaching-learning process. The table below depicts the different phases of the teaching-
learning process, how and what decisions are made by the teachers:

Phase Decision(s) to be made Source(s) of information

Before  Content to cover during  Informal observation of students during class
starting following day, week, month,  Conversation with students’ previous teachers
teaching grading period, and so on.  Scholastic aptitude test results
 Abilities of students  Students’ past grades and standardized test
considering the cultural results
background, interests, and skills  Knowledge of student’s personal family
of students in planning the circumstances
teaching activities.

 Materials appropriate to
use with the students
 Learning activities that
will engage both the teacher and
students as the lesson is being
 Learning targets that the
teacher wants to achieve as a
result of teaching
 Organization and
arrangement of students in class
in consideration of the lessons
and activities.

During  Students learning on  Observation of students during learning

teaching what and how the lesson is activities
presented  Students’ response to questions the teacher
 Improvement needed to asked them
make the lesson work better  Observation of students’ interaction
 What feedback to give  Diagnosis of the types of errors the students
each student about how well the made or erroneous thinking the students are using
student is learning  Look for alternative ways to teach the materials
 Readiness of the  Identify if there are students who are not
students to move to the next participating and acting appropriately.
activity as planned in the learning
After a  How well students  Classroom tests, projects, observations
Teaching achieve the short and long term  Interviews with students
Segment instructional targets  Standardized test results
 Strengths and weak-  Observations of each student’s classroom
nesses to be given as feedback to participation
parents  Review each student’s homework results
 Grade to be given to  Review each student’s standardized
each achievement and scholastic aptitude test results
student for the lesson or unit,  Review information about a student’s
grading period or end of the personal family circumstances
course  Informal observation of how well the student
 Effectiveness of teaching has attained the intended learning targets
the lesson to the students  Summaries of the class’ performance on the
 Effectiveness of the important instructional targets
curriculum and materials used for  Summaries of the class’ performance on
the lesson selected questions on standardized tests
 Summaries of how well the students liked the
activities and lesson materials
 Summaries of the class’ achievement on
classroom tests that match the curriculum

Nitko, 2001

The list of decisions and possible sources of information that could be used as
input in decision-making process is not exhaustive. More can be included, based on
teaching-learning observations and experiences during Field Study and Observation courses.
Suggested sources of information for decision-making is not limited to a single choice. A

combination of two or more if necessary may be used to make decision making process as
sound as possible.

2.2 Assessment in Classroom Instruction

Linn and Gronlund (2000), cited by Cajigal and Mantuano (2014), described the
relevance of assessment in instructional decision by classifying the varied assessment
procedures according to use in classroom instruction. The following are the categories and
purposes of each category:

Assessment in Classroom Instruction

1. Placement Assessment Measures entry behavior
2. Formative Assessment Monitors learning progress
3. Diagnostic Assessment Identifies causes of learning problems
4. Summative Assessment Measures end-of-course achievement

Linn (1999), cited by Cajigal and Mantuano (2014), said that informed decision-making in
education is very important because of the benefits it can bring about. Topmost of these
benefits is the enhancement of students’ learning and development.

2.3 Types of Educational Decision

Kubiszyn and Borich (2002), cited by Cajigal and Mantuano (2014), classified the different
educational decisions into eight (8) categories. These types of decisions are described briefly
Types of Educational Decision
Instructional This decision is normally made by After a test was given by the
individuals classroom teacher, as teacher, the result is not so
necessary to meet the targets or satisfactory thus the teacher may
objectives set during classroom decide to re-teach the lesson using
engagement. Decisions are reached a different strategy so as to
according to the results of test improve the learning and meet the
administered to a class. objective/target set for that
particular lesson.
Grading It is usually based on teacher-made tests. A quarterly grade is based on the
Grades are assigned to the students using following: results of the teacher-
assessment as one of the factors. made test, class participation,
projects, and attendance.
Diagnostic It is made to determine a student’s A teacher gave an essay test. The
strengths and weaknesses and the reason teacher noticed that the students
or reasons. were able to write more than five
grammatically correct sentences
but the coherence of the ideas

contained in the paragraph is poor.

So the result shows that the
students still need more help in
understanding the principles of
writing a good paragraph.

Selection It involves accepting or rejecting the College or University Entrance

examinee based on the results of Examination, Choosing School
assessment, for admission or qualification Representative for a National Quiz
to a program or school activity. The Bee
decisions are made not by classroom
teachers but by specialist such as guidance
counselors, administrators or the selection

Placement It is made after a student has been A diagnostic test on English and
admitted to school. It involves the process Math were given to freshman to
of identifying students who need determine who among them may
remediation or may be recommended for encounter difficulty in these areas.
enrichment program to school. Those who will get a below-
averages scores will be included in
the remediation program to help
the students cope with the lessons
in English and Math.

Guidance and It utilizes test data to assist students in The NCAE helps to identify which
Counseling making their personal choices for future career path the student may
career and help them know their strengths pursue that matches his/her
and weaknesses by means of standardized interests and skills, whether
tests. academic, vocational, or technical
On the other hand, teachers may use the
results of socio-metric tests to identify
who among the students are popular or
unpopular. Those who are unpopular may
be given help for them to gain friends and
become more sociable.

Program or It is made not at the level of the teachers The decision to implement the K-12
Curriculum but on higher level such as division, Curriculum on order to avoid
regional, or national level. Based on the mismatch among graduates and
result of assessment and evaluation, the industry and to be at par with
educational decisions may be reached: to the Curriculum implemented in the
continue, discontinue, revise, or replace a Philippines’ neighboring countries.
curriculum or program being

Administrative It involves determining the implication to To conduct a remediation class,

Policy resources including financial consideration additional budget is necessary for
in order to improve the students learning the logistics (classroom,
as a result of an assessment. It may entail instructional materials, assessment

acquisition of instructional materials, materials, etc) and also the

books, etc. to raise the level of students’ additional pay for the teachers that
performance in academic, or non- will handle the remedial classes.
academic or both.


Situation Analysis
In relation to what were discussed about instructional decision in assessment, given
the following situations, what necessary assessment actions must be done? Come up with a
sound solution/decision/set of actions. Use the template provided below.

Situation 1.
Preparation of detailed lesson plan for the next grading period.
Assessment Action:

Situation 2.
Learning targets for the next topic that will be taught.
Assessment Action:

Situation 3.
Readiness of the class to proceed to the next lesson or activity.
Assessment Action:

Situation 4.
Preparing for a parent-teacher conference wherein students’ strengths and weaknesses are
expected by the parents.
Assessment Action:

Cajigal and Mantuano, 2014

3. Outcome-Based Assessment

All assessment and evaluation activities must be founded on the identified student
intended learning outcomes (ILO). These ILOs should be identified and clarified with
students so that it will be an effective teaching-learning process as the teachers commence
the learning activities through delivery of the lessons.

3.1 Student Learning Outcome

Student Learning Outcome is the totality of accumulated

knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students develop during a
course of study. And this serve as basis for assessing the extent of learning in an Outcome
Based Education (OBE). Outcome Based Assessment must be continuously done during the
entire teaching-learning both by the teachers and students to ensure that the activities are
aligned with the expected outcomes set for the students by the teacher (Cajigal and
Mantuano, 2014).

3.2 Sources of Student Expected Learning Outcome

There are several factors that need to be considered in defining the outcomes, to
ensure that need to be considered in defining the outcomes, to ensure that these are
aligned with the set directions of the program and evaluation setting in general. Following
are the factors that need to be considered in crafting the student expected learning
1. Mission statement of the school.
2. Mandated policies on competencies and standards issued by government
education agencies.
3. Competencies expected by different professions, business and industry.
4. Development plan and goals as well as the current thrusts of both the national
and local governments.
5. Current global trends and developments so that graduates can compete globally.
6. General 21st century skills focusing on the following:
 Oral and written communication
 Quantitative reasoning ability together with scientific methodology
 Analyzing, synthesizing and developing creative solutions.
 Use of technology
 Information literacy

3.3 Characteristics of Good Learning Outcome

Good learning outcomes give emphasis to the application and integration of the

knowledge and skills acquired in a particular unit of instruction (e.g. activity, course
program, etc.), and emerge from a process of reflection on the essential contents of the
activity, course, program, etc.
1. Very specific, and use verbs (that makes expectations clear). By being very
it informs students of the standards by which they will be assessed, and ensures that
student and instructor goals in the course are aligned.
2. Focused on the learner: rather than explaining what the instructor will do in the
course, good learning outcomes describe knowledge or skills that the student will employ,
and help the learner understand why that knowledge and those skills are useful and
valuable to their personal, professional, and academic future.
3. Are realistic: all passing students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge
skill described by the learning outcome at the conclusion of the course. In this way, learning
outcomes establish standards for the course.
4. Focus on the application and integration of acquired knowledge and skills: good
learning outcomes reflect and indicate the ways in which the described knowledge and skills
may be used by the learner now and in the future.
5. Good learning outcomes prepare students for assessment and help them feel
engaged in and empowered by the assessment and evaluation process.
6. Offer a timeline for completion of the desired learning.

Directions: ACTIVITY 3
1. Choose any subject or course that you are interested in. Lists all the topics from the
subject that you have already covered in your class. Choose only two (2) topics from
your list.
2. For each of the topic you choose, write two (2) student learning outcomes (SLO).
3. Finalize your output for this activity using the templates provided.


Topic 1: ___________________________________________________________________________

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

SLO#1. ____________________________________________________________________________
SLO#2. ____________________________________________________________________________


Topic 2: ___________________________________________________________________________

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

SLO#1. ____________________________________________________________________________
SLO#2. ____________________________________________________________________________

Below are sample cases encountered in school setting. Identify the best assessment that could be
used as input in order to come up with a sound decision. Include the type of decision wherein the
results of assessment will be used. Justify your proposed assessment. Write your answer on the
space provided.

Case 1:

Based on the previous school year’s data, particularly the new enrollees, there were students
(since they have different backgrounds) who cannot cope well in the general basic subjects
particularly English and Mathematics. In preparation for the coming school year, the administration
mandated the Academic team to improve the situation and plan a program that will help the
students improve their skills in those subjects.


Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used: _____________________________________



Case 2:

The school received an invitation to join an international competition in the field of

Mathematics. In the invitation, the organizer asked for five representatives from the school a week
after the letter of invitation was received, since there will be an orientation and coaching schedules.
The VP for Academic Affairs endorsed the said invitation to the Subject Area Coordinator (SAC). What
should be the next step(s) to be undertaken by the SAC?


Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used: _____________________________________




(Nitko, 2011 as cited by Cajigal and Mantuano, 2014

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