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Medical News & Perspectives

How Caring for Patients Could Change in a Post–Roe v Wade US

Rita Rubin, MA; Jennifer Abbasi; Melissa Suran, PhD, MSJ

he driving distance between Dallas or provide 2 very different types of services: was legal to do so, often to spare a future
Houston and Baltimore, Maryland, is calm reassurance after unsupervised medi- child from what may be a short or painful life
roughly 1400 miles. And yet, since cation abortions—which evidence suggests full of medical interventions. Michigan’s law
Texas’ Senate Bill 8 (SB 8) banned abortion are safe and effective—and critical lifesav- makes no exceptions for families that learn
of fetuses with a detectable heartbeat last ing treatment after unsafe abortions. their future infants have serious illnesses or
September, a couple of individuals each Then there are the effects of poten- anomalies, even ones that are incompat-
week, on average, travel from that state to tially tens of thousands of additional births ible with life. Unless Michigan’s Supreme
one of Planned Parenthood of Maryland’s 7 each year. Court or a ballot initiative decides that abor-
clinics for an abortion. “There will be increased deaths,” tion is protected under the state’s constitu-
Kyle Bukowski, MD, medical director of Daniel Grossman, MD, a professor of ob- tion, Harris said, “those babies may be born
Planned Parenthood of Maryland—1 of 16 stetrics and gynecology at the University and will need critical care.”
states and the District of Columbia that have of California San Francisco, said in an inter- Physicians who provide abortion care
laws protecting the right to abortion—is view. Most of the increase in maternal in such states may have to weigh difficult
preparing for a substantial increase in the mortality, Grossman said, will result from new considerations: how much risk to the
number of people seeking abortion care in the increased numbers of additional preg- birthing person is enough to legally justify
his state. nancies carried to term. Although some terminating a pregnancy, and how immedi-
A recently leaked draft opinion from deaths related to unsafe abortions may ate must the risk be? Although the answer
Justice Samuel Alito suggests that the US occur, safe and effective medication abor- sometimes will be straightforward—in cases
Supreme Court will soon overturn Roe v tion, which has been available since 2000, of severe, life-threatening preeclampsia, for
Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abor- may result in fewer of these deaths than example—“those are not the majority of
tion nationwide, leaving the decision about during the pre-Roe era. cases,” Harris said.
whether to keep abortion legal up to each In states like Michigan, where a 1931 law In more common scenarios, a pregnant
individual state. The final ruling in Dobbs v still on the books allows abortion only to pre- person with cardiac disease perhaps might
Jackson Women’s Health Organization is serve the life of the pregnant person, Harris have an increased risk of dying or a patient
expected in late June or early July. noted that neonatal intensive care unit cli- diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy
In an analysis last updated April 22, nicians, pediatric surgeons, pediatricians, might need immediate chemotherapy to
2022, the Guttmacher Institute, a research and family physicians should prepare for the prevent disease progression and death
and policy organization, reported that a care of infants and children with significant down the line. Physicians typically termi-
total of 26 states are certain or likely to medical and surgical needs whose families nate pregnancies in these situations, Harris
ban abortion if Roe is overturned: 9 states may have decided to end the pregnancy if it said, but they could face legal sanctions
have a pre-Roe abortion ban still on the
books, 13 have a “trigger ban” that will go
into effect if Roe is overturned, and 4 have
constitutions that specifically ban a right
to abortion.
The ripple effects for both patients and
physicians are expected to be far-reaching.
“Abortion has been in the background,
available for most practicing doctors for
almost 50 years in this country,” Lisa Harris,
MD, professor and associate chair of
obstetrics and gynecology at the University
of Michigan and professor of women’s and
gender studies, said in an interview with
JAMA. “If it’s not anymore, it’s going to
change the way that we provide all kinds
of care.”

Preparing for Potential Challenges

Emergency physicians and primary care phy-
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Images
sicians, Harris said, should be prepared to

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News & Analysis

for doing so in the future. Some of these “That’s a lot more maternity care re- Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, a Re-
patients will have to travel to other states sources and infrastructure that are needed,” publican, had vetoed House Bill (HB) 937,
to get an abortion, whereas others will con- Harris said. “All birthing people will feel it which authorizes abortions by these other
tinue the pregnancy and may experience when labor and delivery units are full and health professionals, saying it would endan-
the health consequences. overflowing.” ger lives, but the state legislature’s Demo-
Harris also warned that mental health Myers, who wrote an amicus brief cratic super majority overrode him. The law
professionals will need to prepare for more signed by 154 economists and researchers in becomes effective July 1. However, Hogan
individuals carrying unwanted pregnancies, support of the respondents in Dobbs v has refused Democrats’ request to release
including those resulting from sexual Jackson Women’s Health Organization, early $3.5 million in funds for training ad-
assault, and that maternity care profession- noted that better access to mail-order medi- vanced practice clinicians in abortion care.
als should be ready to adopt a trauma- cation abortion could reduce the estimated The funding isn’t required until fiscal year
informed approach for these patients. number of births. “That’s a big question 2023, which begins July 1, 2023.
Meanwhile, clinics in states where abor- mark,” she said. Even so, Planned Parenthood of
tion remains legal will be asked to meet in- Her modeling study, however, didn’t ac- Maryland this year started training its nurse
creased demand from out of state. “We’ve count for longer appointment wait times due practitioners to provide procedural abor-
recognized that we need to respond to this to increased demand in states where abor- tions, Bukowski said. As a result of a January
moment,” Bukowski said in an interview. tion remains legal. 2020 opinion by Maryland Attorney Gen-
Sean Mehl, associate director of clini- For example, by March 2022, about 6 eral Brian Frosh, they already are able pro-
cal services at Whole Woman’s Health months after SB 8 went into effect in Texas, vide medication abortions.
(WWH)—an organization that provides wait times for abortions in 8 bordering and
abortion care and was the lead plaintiff in nearby states were commonly 2 or 3 weeks, Medication Abortion Steps In
abortion cases reviewed by the Supreme according to research by Myers’ team and the Many observers expect that an increasing
Court in 2016 and 2021—said that the group Texas Policy Evaluation Project at The Uni- number of people will turn to medication to
is working to ensure that patients receive the versity of Texas at Austin published in con- manage an abortion in a post-Roe US. The
care they need, even if that means getting junction with the website FiveThirtyEight. most common regimen is a combination of
them to other states. “[T]hey already can’t absorb that,” the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol.
“In many cases, it means working with Myers said of the 8 states. “When clinics in In 2019, the most recent year for which
both state and national organizations that Oklahoma were called, not a single one could the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
can help with funding and travel logistics offer any appointment at all.” That was be- tion (CDC) has information, 43.7% of all US
in order to get patients seen elsewhere, fore May 3, when Oklahoma Governor Kevin abortions were performed with medica-
including our Minnesota clinic,” Mehl said Stitt signed the Texas-style Senate Bill 1503, tion. Preliminary data from the Guttmacher
in an interview. WWH recently launched which immediately banned abortions once Institute’s census of US health care facilities
the Abortion Wayfinder Program to assist a fetal heartbeat can be detected. that provide abortion care show that in
people with logistics and finances if they At Planned Parenthood of Maryland, the 2020, medication abortion for the first time
need to travel for abortion care. preparations for additional patients include represented the majority of pregnancy ter-
making sure that clinic waiting rooms are minations. Based on information from 75%
Going to Greater Lengths child-friendly—most people seeking an abor- of US abortion clinics, medication abortion
Approximately 862 000 abortions occurred tion already have children, Bukowski noted— accounted for 54% of US abortions in 2020,
in 2017, the most recent year for which data and that clinics are set up to accept cash pay- Guttmacher found.
are available from the Guttmacher Institute. ments. Some patients don’t have a credit While abortion medication “can miti-
The expected Supreme Court ruling card or checking account or, if they do, pre- gate some of the harm” caused by overturn-
would leave behind a patchwork of states fer not to use them. ing Roe, Grossman said, “pills are not a solu-
where individuals who want an abortion os- One way to accommodate the ex- tion” for every person seeking to terminate
tensibly could travel to have one. But re- pected influx of patients from states that ban a pregnancy.
search by Middlebury College economist abortion to those that allow abortion care is One reason: the US Food and Drug Ad-
Caitlin Myers, PhD, suggests that many by training additional types of clinicians to ministration(FDA)hasapprovedmifepristone
people seeking abortions out of state won’t provide the care. for use only through 10 weeks’ gestation. Past
be able to get them. Eighteen states and the District of that point, medication abortions are more
In a 2019 study published in Contracep- Columbia allow some or all advanced prac- likely to be incomplete, necessitating a sur-
tion, modeling by Myers and colleagues sug- tice clinicians—nurse practitioners, certified gical abortion, Grossman said.
gested that increased distances to abortion nurse midwives and certified midwives, phy- Plus, as the Kaiser Family Foundation
facilities could prevent an estimated 93 546 sician assistants—to independently provide pointed out in April, medication abortion “is
to 143 561 people per year from reaching one medication or surgical abortion care or both, subject to many of the same restrictions as
if the Court overturned Roe. Some of these according to the Abortion Provider Toolkit, other abortion methods, at both the state
people may “self-manage” an abortion with a resource for advanced practice clinicians. and federal levels.”
medication abortion or unsafe means, while Some other states may allow them to pro- The FDA only this past December per-
many of the individuals likely will give birth, vide abortion care under the oversight of manently removed the requirement that
according to Myers. a physician, according to the Toolkit. people seeking a medication abortion

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News & Analysis

obtain mifepristone in person at a clinic, People at a Disadvantage states that could pass abortion trigger laws
medical office, or hospital. The change gave A 2021 study published in Demography have some of the highest poverty rates in
rise to several US-based websites that use estimated that a total abortion ban in the the country.
telemedicine to connect patients with pre- US—something Senate Majority Leader Bhavik Kumar, MD, MPH, a staff physi-
scribers. Clinicians ask clients about their Mitch McConnell recently said isn’t off the cian at the Planned Parenthood Center for
last menstrual period to confirm that they table—would result in a nearly 21% increase Choice in Houston, Texas, said he’s already
are early enough in their pregnancy to ter- in estimated annual pregnancy-related witnessed a “post-Roe world” since SB 8
minate it with medication, and, if so, pre- deaths, from 675 to 815 deaths, in subse- passed. Further restricting abortions will dis-
scribe the pills, which are then shipped quent years. But those extra deaths would proportionately affect Hispanic individu-
from US mail-order pharmacies. not be distributed equally. The study pro- als, especially those who are undocu-
However, 19 states still require clini- jected that an estimated additional 78 non- mented and live near the US-Mexico border,
cians who provide medication abortion to Hispanic Black pregnant people would die he said.
be physically present when the drugs are annually in this scenario—an approximate When he worked at a clinic that pro-
administered, according to the Guttmacher 33% increase, the highest among all racial vides abortions in the Rio Grande Valley,
Institute, thus prohibiting the telemed- and ethnic groups. Kumar said, patients often told him they
icine companies from serving people who The study also illustrated what experts went to Mexico and obtained medication
live in those states. Even in states that say are the realities of restricting abortion ac- he’d never heard of to terminate their preg-
allow medical abortions via telemedicine, cess: people from historically marginalized nancy. If Roe is overturned, “I think we’ll con-
the lack of an internet connection, a credit communities will be among those most tinue to see that,” he said.
card, or a reliable mailing address might affected by denial of abortion care. With more babies being born, espe-
prevent some people from accessing them, “Taking away the basic right to decide if, cially in underserved communities, the de-
Harris noted. when, and how to be pregnant is asking mands on society will increase. It’s not clear
Since its launch in 2018, Aid Access pregnant people to take on medical risks,” how those needs will be met in “a country
has shipped mifepristone and misoprostol Liza Fuentes, DrPH, MPH, a senior research that doesn’t have robust safety nets for
to tens of thousands of people in the US, re- scientist at the Guttmacher Institute, said in people,” Harris said, like paid family and ma-
gardless of their address, for self-managed an interview. “And for Black women, that de- ternity leave and child care including spe-
abortions. Clients fill out an online consul- nial is more likely to be to be deadly.” cialized care for children with disabilities.
tation form; if there are no contraindica- The Pew Research Center reports that Kumar urged physicians to prepare:
tions and the patient reports a gestation more than half of the US Black population “This is not a drill. It is not hyperbole to say
of 10 weeks or less, a clinician prescribes lives in the South—where most states that Roe is likely to be overturned—the writ-
the drugs, which are mailed from a phar- would enact trigger laws if Roe v Wade is ing is on the wall.”
macy in India. overturned. Even now, according to the Published Online: May 18, 2022.
Aid Access, founded by a physician in most recent CDC report on disparities in doi:10.1001/jama.2022.8526
Amsterdam, has no plans to stop shipping pregnancy-related death, compared with Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Fuentes
abortion medication to the US should White women, Black women are 3.2 times reporting receiving honoraria from the Society of
the Supreme Court overturn Roe, according more likely to die from a pregnancy-related Family Planning to mentor fellows and review grant
applications. Dr Harris reported receiving honoraria
to its website. cause, with absolute death rates of 12.7 vs for speaking on abortion care and works with the
The organization has continued to 40.8 per 100 000 live births, respectively. Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the
send pills to women in Texas, even though American Indian and Alaska Native women Society of Family Planning without direct
that state’s law—and now Oklahoma’s, have a death rate of 29.7 per 100 000 live compensation. Dr Kumar reported that he is a
national medical spokesperson for Planned
too—authorizes private citizens to sue any- births, a 2.3 times greater risk of death than Parenthood Federation of America and an advocacy
one involved in facilitating abortions after 6 White women. campaign consultant for The People’s Lawsuit. Dr
weeks’ gestation. In fact, the demand in “Abortion restrictions are racist and clas- Myers reported having served as an expert witness
and consultant for the Center for Reproductive
Texas for pills from Aid Access increased sist at their core,” Bukowski said.
Rights and Planned Parenthood Federation of
substantially after SB 8 went into effect, He pointed out that the US has the America. No other disclosures were reported.
according to a recent study published in highest maternal mortality rate compared Note: Source references are available through
JAMA Network Open. with 10 other high-income countries. Many embedded hyperlinks in the article text online.

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