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Learning is the biggest part of our life as a human being comes into this world for acquiring

knowledge and he learns tll his death. Now for knowing details about why we learn, what we
learn and the process is very important.
I believe that learning is universal and it cannot be constrained to only one manner. If the society
or for instance the country thinks that learning is important to create the human being or shape
the human being in his favor then it is not correct also if the learning is only for polishing oneself
and not doing anything for others is also not correct.
Schools are specially responsible for educating pupils and in that case evaluating a school in
whether it is doing great is necessary and it is an ongoing process as there is always room for
A lot of people throughout the history debated on this topic and came up with reasonable
explanations and Elliot Eisner is one of the great academic writers who always fought against
the narrowly instrumentalist view of education should be only for making a human useful for the
society as some countries are obsessed with such concepts. As mentioned previously, education
cannot be only for oneself, neither it can only be for the society but it should be well
combination of mix and mach.
In order to get to that we need a lot of deep thinking so that we get to improve the system. In this
case Eisner came up with several questions where if one tries to find out those questions
answers, then they may find a suitable solution to their situation.
So what students learn in the school is very important and is there a right combination of mix and
match to achieve his goals.
Like Elliot asked a few questions like ,
1. What connections are students helped to make between what they study in class and the
world outside of school?
Here he explained that a major aim of education has to do with what psychologist refer to as
“transfer of learning”.
The goal is to make a student skillful, logical and he should be able to present what he has
learnt nicely. The curriculum should be designed in such a manner that the students get to
learn the tools as well as apply it in the real life.
2. Can students engage in the kind of learning they will need in order to deal with problems
and issues outside of the classroom?

In this case, Eisner explains that if students are learning simply to use it as a means to
increase their scores on the next test, then that is a very wrong mindset and a very bad
signal given by the teacher. That will only mean that the student and the school may pass
for the time being but there will be a lack of ultimate results meaning having any useful
output from the hard labour of learning.
If you don’t know where you are headed , you will not know when you have arrived,
right? (Eisner, 2001)
So, there should be clear guideline which will involve a curriculum not only designed to
deal with the classroom problems but to deal with the problems outside classroom as

Another dilemma he raised is 3. What students do with what they learn when they can do
what they want to do?

He explained this as the real measure of a student's learning as he said different forms of
human meaning are expressed in different forms of representation. The kinds of meaning
one secures from poetry are not the kinds of meaning one secures from propositional
signs. The kinds of meaning expressed in music are not the meanings experienced in the
visual arts. (Eisner, 2001)

From my point of view , I think that a student should be given lectures on the basics of
most of the important subjects which will enhance his skills and shape him up for most of
the laborious works of the society and a student should be offered various subjects to
choose from alongside the important basic subjects which will enhance his skills and
make him more competent for the world.
But it is to be highlighted that in the process, the educational system should not be as
such so that the student loses his interest in the basic joy of life which is learning. If a
student is pressurized too much to do tedious work and being assessed and compare for
some benefit of the society which should be only a partial goal and forgetting the real joy
and the most important part of learning, which is for enlightening himself then that
student will get demoralized and loose all interest to do good and apply the learning in
the future.

It is important to standardize a system and maintain some basic measurements but at the
same time it should be for students benefit. Students are to dream and get his dream to
become truthful and schools and teachers should be there to enhance their dreams and to
make them achieve their goals.

So the curriculum should be made as such and the lesson plan , the lecture for making it
an awesome journey for the student so that he becomes more enticed with the lecture.


1. Elliot Eisner, Forms of understanding and the future of Educational Research, (New
York, Teachers College Press, 1994)

2. David Tyack, The one Best System (Cambridge, : Harvard University Press, 1974)
3. P. Guilford, The Nature of Human Intelligence (ew York: McGraw-Hill, 1967)

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