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Critical Writing Example: Part 1- Economics page 44 – Thinking Critically

Writing Revision

Sociology: Sports

1. Some countries use sports events to promote nationalism and national

image, for example Korean hosting the Olympics. What is your opinion. Do
you think it effective? (P1)
2. What are civil rights? In your opinion, do you have full civil rights? (P2)
3. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are frequently seen as opposing
forces in the struggle for civil rights and against white supremacy. While
King is often portrayed as a nonviolent activist, Malcolm called for a more
militant approach. In your opinion, which one is more effective in terms of
fighting for civil rights?
4. During the period from 1954 to 1968 while the Civil Rights Movement in
America drew in many supporters, others joined terrorist white supreme
groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. In today’s world, does racial
discrimination still exist? What are the consequences of it and solutions to
eradicate racial inequality?
5. What is civil disobedience? What are some examples of civil disobedience?
Do you think they are effective?

Economics: Patriotic Purchasing

1. Some people say that we should buy local products to support domestic
economy and show our patriotism. What is your opinion?
2. While many economists support free trade, a number of nations still use
tariffs to shelter their domestic manufacturers. What is your opinion? Do
you support free trade or you think that nations should focus on protecting
their local products from the influx of imported goods?
3. Taxes on tobacco, alcoholic drink are often called sin taxes. How did they
get their names? Do you think sin taxes are effective?
4. Usually high-income earners are required to pay more tax than their low-
income counterparts. Do you think this is fair? Should people be asked to
pay tax equally or differently?

5. Why some people are against mass vaccination? Should people be forced to
vaccinate their children?
6. The number of global cancer deaths has rapidly grown due to divergent
factors. What are possible causes for the increasing cases of cancer in the
world? What should be done to minimize risks of getting the disease?

Environmental Engineering:

1. What are some causes of air pollution? How can we improve the situation?

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