Shipping Company System

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Shipping company system

Software Requirements
Specification for
(Shipping company system)

Prepared by
AbdulRahman Hamid Mansour

Version: (V0.1) Date: (28/10/2022)

Supervisor: Eng. Asmaa Saad

Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

Table of Contents
Problem statement…...............................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................
1.1 PURPOSE............................................................................................................3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................3
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS.............................................4
1.4 INTENDED AUDIENCE AND READING SUGGESTIONS.........................................4
1.5 Process Model...................................................................................................5
1.6 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................5

Version Primary Author Description of version Date Completed
1.0 AbdulRahman In this version define the 5/11/2022
Hamid Introduction About The Project

2.0 AbdulRahman In this version define the Overall 12/11/2022

Hamid Description About The Project.

Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

Problem Statement:
This system managing a shipping company and organizing the data of
employees, customers and shipments to be delivered. The system helps
to organize operations within the company

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the company’s
system and what the advantages offered by the system and to
Clarification the requirements and restrictions that are required
to be available in the system to build a program (Desktop
application) for managing a shipping company to facilitate
operations for employees, customers and shipments

1.2 Scope of Project

- This software system (Desktop application) facilitates …
1. Registering employees within the company and collecting data
on each employee to make it easier to inquire about each
2. Company branches management.
3. Registering customers, collecting information and recording it on
the system, To be ease to communication With Customer
4. Recording operations on shipments and tracking each
shipment, its delivery dates and delivery method.
5. Facilitate the registration and modification of departments in
terms of adding and inquiring about each employee in each
Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system


Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Term Definition
Stakeholders business Who the end user thy use the system in company

Shipping system Is the software that the company need it to recognize

the company operation
Facilities This word point to the operation that software system
provide it.
Desktop application That the software tool which company need it this
work on the pc.
waterfall This the model which developer follow it to implement
the project

UI/UX UI User Interface: Who Design System Interface

UXUser Experience : how a user interacts with and
experiences a product

1.4 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

 Business stakeholders :
They are the end users and responsible about the company It is
recommended reading Scope of Project section.
 Project manager:
The manager can read all document.
 Developers:
They reading the purpose section , the Scope of Project, process model
section, and the overview.
 Software Tester:
Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

They reading the project requirement and project scope section

Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

 UI /UX Designer :
They reading the project requirement and project scope section And
Process Model

1.5 Process Model

The system follow waterfall model..
 Requirements are completed in the project.
 Determines the end goal .

1.6 Overview
The second section of the document explains a comprehensive
description of the program, how it works, the requirements
needs to work, and the environment in which work in it. The
program will be explained to end users

Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

2 Overall Discerption
2.1 Product Perspective
The system is built for a company or organization System Will be
Desktop Application

2.2 Product Features (User Requirement )

 Customer data can be added, the customer can be
deleted, and its data can be viewed.
 An employee's data can be added, an employee can be
deleted, and his data can be viewed.
 A new branch can be added to the company and other
departments can be added.
 It is possible to search for employee data, customers,
departments, branches, and shipments.
 Reports can be printed on employees, customers,
branches or departments.
 You can inquire about the shipment and who is
responsible for delivery and receiving it.

2.3 User classes And Characteristics

Admin has the full access to the system which means he is able to make
any activity that program is needed.
Key Functions
 Access And Modify The Data
 Add & Delete , Customer , Employee , Branch , Departments.
Software Requirements Specification
Shipping company system

They are the ones who work in the company and do not have all the powers.
Key Functions
 Add & Delete , Customer .
 Search Customer And Update Customer Data .

2.4 Operation Environment

Software Requirements:
 Windows 7 Or Above.
 Mac .

Hardware Requirements:
 PC ,Laptop .
 Processor Core i3 Or Above .
 Ram 4 GB Or Above.
 2GB of Storage Available In Your Devices .
2.5 Design And Implementation Constraint
Implementation Language Restrictions:
 Programming Language  C#.
 Database SQL Server.
Resource Limit:
 Cloud Capacity To Hold Data .
 Needs To Be Compatible On Must Devices .

Software Requirements Specification

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