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Task 1
Name: King Francis V. Buga-as
Section: STEM-Y
Topic: Unit 1 Law of Inheritance

Answer the following question, 5pts each.

1. What are the modes of inheritance of the genetic disorders in the activity?
- The 5 modes of inheritance of the genetic disorders  are the autosomal
dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, and
2. How does it help if a couple determines that an asymptomatic child has a genetic
- It is good to talk with a genetic counsellor if a family member has been diagnosed
with a genetic disorder or if you know that a genetic condition runs in your family. This
will allow you to determine whether the child has inherited the genetic issue that runs in
your family, as well as provide some emotional support.

3. What do you think are the challenges of studying the inheritance of genetic
disorders in humans?
- Anomalies in a person's DNA are the source of genetic disorders. Single,
multifactorial, chromosomal abnormalities, and mitochondrial inheritance are the four
primary forms of genetic inheritance. Many factors influence a person's likelihood of
getting a genetic disorder, making this difficult to anticipate in some circumstances.

4. How does consanguineous mating become disadvantageous to the members of

the couple involved?
- Because matings cannot be controlled in humans, analyzing human inheritance is
more difficult than in peas and fruit flies. Consanguineous marriages are linked to an
increased risk of birth problems and congenital abnormalities. Cancer, mental problems,
heart illness, gastro-intestinal disorders, hypertension, hearing loss, and diabetes
mellitus were all significantly more likely in the present generation of consanguineous

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