Esp 2

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(ESP 2)

By :

Sonia Utari


Prodi Akuntansi


Jl. Medan-Lubuk Pakam Km 24,5 Perdamean

Tanjung Morawa Deli Serdang

Sumatera Utara


Exercise 4

Discuss the following question !

1. Give definition to the word “business”

Answer : business is an organized approach to providing customers with the
goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an
organization that provides these goods and services.

2. What is the defferent between for-profit and non-profit organizations ?

support your answer with relevant examples .
Answer : for-profit organization is the business that seek to make a profit that
is they aim to achieve revenues that exceed the costs of operating the
business. The examples are Mitsubishi Group, General motor cooperation,
and Royal Dutch/Shell Group.
Non-profit organization is the busnisses that only seek to earn enough to cover
their operating costs. These organizations are primarily nongovernmental
service providers. The examples are the organizations as social service
agencies, foundations, advocacy groups and many hospitals.

3. What is production ?
Answer : production include those activities involved in conzeptualizing,
designing and creating products and services.

4. Specify the notion of ‘just-in time inventory’

Answer : The firm stocks only what it needs for the next day or two.
5. What is marketing ?
Answer : Marketing is a process of identifying the goods and services that
consumers need and want and providing those goods and services at the right
price, place and time.

6. Define such business operation as finance.

Answer : All businesses must have enough capital on hand to pay their bills,
and for-profit businesses seek extra capital to expand their operations. Other
common financial activities include granting, monitoring and collecting on
credit or loans and ensuring thet customers pay the bill on time.

7. What does the HRM involve ?

Answer : HRM is responsible for recruiting for new employees to replace
those who leave and for filling newly created positions. They also trains to
arranges for the training of its staff to encourage worker productivity,
efficiency, and satisfaction and to promote the overall success for the
Exercise 5
Discussion, how do you see your future profession?
Please answer the following question :

What kind of work you interested in :

1. Well paid work
2. Interesting work
3. Work in a large and famous company
4. Quiet work
5. Work in an industry which has future prospects
6. Prestigious work
7. A kind of work such as not sit the whole day in the office
8. To travel a lot

Answer : I think the profession that I will pursue in the future is one with well paid
work, interesting work, work in a large and famous company and a kind of work such
as not sit the whole day in the office. I think I want to be a manger or HRM in a

Please discuss advantages and disadvantages of your future profession :

1. Do you think that your future profession is prestigious ?

Answer : Yes, I think being a manager or HRM is prestigious job, it well paid and
certainly interesting because it meets various human characters.

2. Do you think it will be still prestigious and well paid by the time you graduate ?
Answer : Of course. In fact, after I graduate, the economy and industry will
continue to develop. The company will need a manager or HRM to make it run
well and achieve targets. So that profession will be needed and prestigious as long
as the company is estabilished. In a company, the position of manager or HRM is
important, so the salary offered will be good.

3. How difficult is it to find a good work in your field ?

Answer : A bit difficult. It depends of the person. Many factors influence it, such
as skill, level of education, social network and length of time.

4. Is there competition in your group ?

Answer : Definitely, there is competition in a group but it’s still done in a good

5. Do you think that competition among your coeds is a good stimulus to study well
or it just makes communication between you more difficult ?
Answer : The competition that occurs within a group actually becomes a good
stimulus to increase enthusiasm. Make the curiosity even greater, the effect is
discussions ooftrn occut between the coeds which make knowledge grow and
strengthen friendships.
Exercise 6. Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below :

Applicant application application form apply candidate

Curriculum vitae or CV (GB) or resume (US) employment agencies
Interview job description job vacancies references short-listed

Many people looking for read the (1) job vacancies advertised in newspapers by
companies and (2) employment agencies. To reply to an advertisement is to (3)
Apply for a job. You become a (4) candidate or an (5) Applicant. You write an (6)
Application, or fill in the company’s (7) Application form, and send it, along with
your (8) Curriculum vitae or CV (GB) or resume (US) and a covering letter. You
often have to give the name of two people who are prepared to write (9) references
for you. If your qualifications and abilities match the (10) job description, you might
be (11) short-listed, i.e selected to attend an (12) Interview.

Application Letter

Sonia Utari

Street Medan-Lubuk Pakam Km. 24,5

Tanjung Morawa

June 5, 2022

Mr. Ahmad

Pematang Siantar

Dear sir,

I saw your advertisement in today’s local newspaper that you need a Household
Assistant, I am enthusiastically ready to work for you.

For the last four years, I worked as a household assistant in Medan, where I overcome
working under pressure and get a lot of practical knowledge, practice and active in
hokkian language.

I thank you for thinking over me as your household assistant.You should need to
contact me, you can do call me at this number 12345678.

Sincerely yours,

Sonia Utari
Curriculum vitae

Personal data
Name : Sonia Utari
Place & Date of Birth : Bukit Datuk, July 24, 2000
Gender : Female
Religion : Islam
Height : 160 cm (5,2 ft)
Weight : 50 kg
Address : Street Medan-Lubuk Pakam Km. 24,5
Tanjung Morawa
Phone number : 12345678
Marital Status : Not Married
Nationality : Indonesia
Email :

Employment History
 Work as a Household Assistant in Medan for four years.
 Work as a sales in PT. Sari Bunda for 2 years.

Educational Background
 SD N 004 Bukit Datuk, Graduated in 2012
 MTsS Al Hidayah Teluk Panji, Graduated in 2016
 MA S Al Hidayah Teluk Panji, Graduated in 2019

 Fluent in English and Hokkian

So I created this CV with actual and proper under circumstances.


Exercise 3

Complete the Sentences with expressions from the text above

1. The company was accused of giving ( bribes) to local officials in order to

allow their. products into the country more quickly.
2. The company has supported several projects in the local (Areas) where its
factories are situated.
3. Voters demanded that there should be greater (emphasis) in the election
process so that they could understand it fully.
4. Following the scandals of Enron, Worldcom and others, there is greater
emphasis in business schools on the teaching of (Codes of ethics)
Exercise 5

You’ll hear three conversation in which people are meeting and being introduced
to each other . listen to what they say to each other and fill the gaps below:

1. Alex White, a new employee meets Chris Grey.

Alex White : I’d like to 1) introduce myself. My name’s Alex white and I’m
the new export sales co-ordinator.
Chris Grey : Oh, yes, I’ve been heard of you. How 2) are you? I’m Chris
Grey. 3) Nice to meet you.

2. Liz Jones, a colleague from Canada, is visiting the office in London.

Tony Harris : Ms. Smith, I’d 4) like to introduce you to Mrs. Jones. Mrs.
Jones is from our sales office in Toronto.
Liz Jones : Hi!
Claire Smith : 5) Hello, how are you Mrs. Jones ? I’ve been 6) waiting for
meeting you.
Liz Jones : Oh, Please 7) call me Liz.
Claire Smith : And I’m Claire.
Liz Jones : Hi!
Claire Smith : Well, Liz, did you 8) enjoy your trip to here ?
Liz Jones : Yeah, not to bad.

3. Miss Lucas, a visitor from Argentina is introduced to Mr. Evans.

Mrs Green : Mr. Evans, 9) Do you remember Miss Lucas ? She’s from
Mr. Evans : Yes, I think we’ve met before. It’s 10) our second meet right ?
Miss Lucas : That’s right, hello again. 11) How are you ?
Mr. Evans : Fine, Thanks.

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