ws10 Free&responsible

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Division of City Schools


Ecols St. Brgy. Commonwealth,
Quezon City


First Semester – SY 2020 – 2021





CONTENT The learner understand the Human’s& Responsibility
PERFORMANCE The learner shows situations that demonstrates freedom &responsibility of choice and
STANDARD the consequences of choices
LEARNING The learners will able to:
A. Explain the meaning of Freedom& Responsibility
B. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the
consequences of their choice
C. Exercise prudence in choices
D. Illustrate with an example that choices have consequences and some
things are given up while others are obtained in making choices.


The Story about human freedom is not yet complete. In addition to acting upon our freedom by exercising our capacity to
choose for ourselves, there is the equality important task of holding ourselves responsible for the consequences of our
choices. Choosing our life direction is only the first part of the story. It is not even the hardest part. The more challenging part
of this freedom is responsibility that comes with it. Without responsibility, the exercise of freedom by asserting one’s own
personal choices is no different from acting like a selfish teenager.

Kierkegaard speaks of this kind of freedom of self-choice as one that can only be completed when it is performed before
another person( in this case, it was before an adjudicating God who will demand of him to account for all his actions on the
last Day). One can not fully commit to the difficult; process of consolidating one’s personality unless it is done before a
witness who will hold him accountable for his choices. In other words, our commitment to the choices that would direct our life
path is strengthened by knowing that there is someone out there gazing at us, checking whether or not we are consistent with
our choices. In the case of Kierkegaard, who has set out a direct and radical relationship with God, the process of realizing
oneself is grounded in the recognizing of the great Judge.

Freedom, Fulton Sheen once said, “is not the right to do what you want to do; nor it is right to what you must do; rather it is
the right to the what you ought to do”.

To Johann, freedom is more than its corollary, responsibility. He says the fact that you are responsible does not automatically
make you do responsible actions. That fact that you know the rules of the school does not prevent from throwing your plastic
soft-drink glasses anywhere except in the waste baskets or disfiguring the walls of rooms and elevators with grafitti.

Genuine responsibility to Johan means precisely the ability to give an account. It means I can actually justify my actions as
truly responsible to the objective demands of the situation. Responsibility thus includes responsiveness. To respond is to
answer, to commit yourself. It presupposes limitation to the ‘‘objectives demands of the situation” Which are truly the needs of
your neighbours, your word, your God. Thus, to your neighbours: love and justice: to your world: stewardships; and to your
God: worship.

To respond is to decide your course of action. To existentialists, “at the core of human freedom lies the phenomenon of
decision.’’ Sarte says, “I’ am my liberty.” You really are the way you act, the way you choose to act.

Of course, freedom always involves risk. People change. The candidates you voted for may change. This is because human
nature is dynamic and evolutionary and open. Freedom is always posed a challenge. It is never-ending task: the call to put
the other and God in front of self.


1.Freedom, for Kierkegaard is defined not as the absence of constraint but freedom is an individual being conscious
of something. From such consciousness proceeds responsibility. In other words, if we are conscious, then we are
responsible. Now, how do you view or explain it with this passage, to be a free individual is to be responsible not only
for one’s self but also for all?(please cite a real incidents in which your actions/ task is neglected).

___According to Kierkegaard, freedom is the ability to be conscious of something and take responsibility for one's
actions and decisions. This view of freedom emphasizes the idea that individuals are able to shape their own lives
and make choices that have consequences. One example of this might be the decision to engage in volunteer work
or other forms of community service, which involves taking on a sense of responsibility not only for one's own well-
being, but also for the well-being of others. This idea of freedom as consciousness and responsibility can be an
important factor in shaping one's sense of purpose and meaning in life.

2.Jean Paul Sarte claimed that we are the ones who defined ourselves and not somebody else and that is the
importance of free individual choice, regardless of the power of other people to influence and coerce our desires,
beliefs, and decisions. To be human, to be conscious, like is to be free to imagine, free to choose, and be responsible
for one’s life. Now, how do you evaluate in this scenario? like among the members of Iglisia ni Cristo(INC). While,
during the Election period they are required a members to vote on a certain candidates which is officially indorsed by
their own head or leader.

Jean Paul Sartre's view of freedom emphasizes the idea that individuals are responsible for defining their own
identities and purpose, and that this involves the ability to make choices and decisions freely, without being
constrained or controlled by external forces. In the scenario you described, where members of the Iglisia ni Cristo
(INC) are required to vote for certain candidates that are officially endorsed by their leader, there may be tensions
between this view of freedom and the influence or coercion exercised by the group's leader or hierarchy. It is
important to consider the ways in which external factors such as social norms, laws, and power dynamics may impact
an individual's ability to exercise their freedom.


1. Which among the illustrations portray the meaning of freedom? Explain further




___I would say that the first illustration is the one that portray the true meaning of freedom. Since there is a saying
that power comes with great responsibility and freedom is actually power since you can do almost whatever you
want. So there I say that responsibility is there too. For freedom to be in a good use

2. What is the connection of the concept of freedom with being given a license to do something (for example: driver’s
license, license to own a gun)? How is the connected to our discussion on freedom?

__A license is a legal permission or authorization to engage in a certain activity or possess a certain item. The
possession of a license allows an individual to exercise certain freedoms that would otherwise be restricted or
prohibited. However, the possession of a license does not necessarily equate to absolute freedom, as there are often
limits and regulations that must be followed in order to maintain the license and continue to exercise the associated
freedoms. The concept of freedom is relevant in the context of a license in the sense that it allows an individual to
engage in certain activities or possess certain items within certain limits and
regulations._____________________________________________________________________ ___

3. Many of us post comments on social media using anonymous accounts. Is this a real exercise of freedom? Defend
your answers?
__The use of anonymous accounts on social media allows individuals to express their thoughts and opinions without
fear of reprisal or consequences. However, it can also contribute to a culture of online harassment and bullying, and
may be used to spread misinformation or propaganda. It is important to consider the potential negative
consequences of using anonymous accounts and to use this freedom


Freedom is not freedom if without responsibility, please cite a real examples/situations particular on a certain laws,
traditions, cultures and beliefs in which are not in congruent on the concept/value of freedom.

__Freedom is often accompanied by a sense of responsibility, and there are many examples of situations in which
laws, traditions, cultures, and beliefs may not be fully congruent with the concept or value of freedom. For example,
laws or traditions that discriminate against or oppress certain groups of people, or cultural or religious beliefs that limit
the freedom of women or girls, may restrict the ability of individuals to exercise their rights and pursue their goals and
aspirations. It is important to recognize that freedom is a multifaceted concept and that it can be experienced and
understood differently depending on the context and the specific circumstances of an


Please reflect on the lyrics of the song Ang BAYAN KO, popularized by Freddie Aguilar. then, how does the message
of the song reflect on the concept of freedom? Please write in a full-page.

Bayan Ko
Freddie Aguilar
Ang bayan kong Pilipinas
Lupain ng ginto't bulaklak
Pag-ibig na sa kanyang palad
Nag-alay ng ganda't dilag
At sa kanyang yumi at ganda
Dayuhan ay nahalina
Bayan ko, binihag ka
Nasadlak sa dusa
Ibon mang may layang lumipad
Kulungin mo at umiiyak
Bayan pa kayang sakdal-dilag
Ang 'di magnasang makaalpas
Pilipinas kong minumutya
Pugad ng luha at dalita
Aking adhika
Makita kang sakdal laya
Ibon mang may layang…

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person for SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Core Subject), Brenda B.
Corpuz, et. al., Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2016.

Introduction to the PHILOSOPHY of the Human Person, Senior High School Textbook Christine Carmela R.
Ramos, PhD. REX BookStore Publishing, Inc, 2016.

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