Then She Defines Personality

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In this occasion, i will present an articla compiled by Nursyahrurahma , who is researching about

relationship between itrovert personaliti and friendships friendly by the lonely Adolescent. She
defines personality, so personality is one of the factors that influence adolescent loneliness. and
personality is divided into two, namely introverts and extroverts and in this article She will discuss
introverted personalities. According to Carl Gustav Jung, introverted personality is the personality of
a teenager who is closed and thinks s friendly by the lonely adolescent.

First she explained about the meanig f loneliness ,so according to her loneliness is a mental and
emotional state that is primarily characterized by feelings of alienation and lack of connection
meaning with other people. According to muge akbag adn seval erden, loneliness is divided two
types namely: emotional loneliness,occurs when a person experiences a condition in wich lose their
attachment figure emotionally. And the seccond types is social loneliness,occurs when a person
experiences a lack of social relaton.

personalities have difficulty developing social relationships and prefer to communicate privately with
friends and enjoy activities that are carried out alone or with close friends more. This is also in line
with previous research conducted by Engels showing that there is a relationship between
introverted personality and loneliness.

good relationships among peers will greatly assist the development of children in socializing
normally. quiet children who are rejected by their peers have the potential to experience
depression. and in this study identified that loneliness peer closeness has an influence on loneliness
but it cannot be denied that loneliness is also still influenced by other factors.loneliness refers to the
discomfort of someone who has deficiencies in social relations.

Damilaray argues that loneliness is a negative situation that occurs after a person feels there is a
difference between the social relations that occur and the desired social relations. So based on the
results of statistical testing, it shows that there is no relationship between loneliness and peer
closeness, but this is inversely proportional to the results of previous research conducted by
Mikulincer which stated that there is a relationship between peer closeness and loneliness. this can
be caused by the data obtained and also several other factors besides peer closeness.

So in this study the researchers used quantitative research methods that focused on introverted
personality and peer closeness to loneliness. Now the subjects in this study totaled 30 students,
from the results of statistical analysis it showed that the relationship between introverted
personality and loneliness was 0.053 <0.05, which means that introverted personality has a
relationship with loneliness while the relationship between peer attachment and loneliness is 0.010
<0.05, which means that peer attachment has no relationship significant with loneliness. so it can be
concluded that this study obtained the results that the hypothesis was accepted, this study showed
that introverted personality and peer attachment with loneliness had an effect .. Teenagers who are
accepted by their environment will develop themselves to be more positive.So in conclusion, the
higher the introverted personality and the closeness of peers, the lower the level of loneliness in

Loneliness is one fact of life experienced by most teenagers. Loneliness can occur in the
environment around, at school and in the community. The purpose of this study to determine the
relationshippersonality introverted and attachment to peers on loneliness in adolescents. This study
uses a quantitative approach to the design of correlational. The subject of this research were 30
students in SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bima. The research instrument used introvertedpersonality, Inventory
of Peer Attachment and UCLA LonelinessScale.Analysis of data using multiple regression. The results
of the first regression testing found thatpersonality introverted significant effect on loneliness with
regression coefficient 0.653. Furthermore peer attachment does not significantly influence the
regression coefficient -0.093 loneliness.personality independent variable Introverted significant
effect on loneliness, after controlling the variable viscosity peers with regression coefficient 0.758.
Stickiness variables influence of peers on the dependent variable alone was not significant (p-value>
0.05; 0.061 > 0.05).

Keywords: Personality Introvert, Stickiness peers, loneliness.

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