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Nowadays, it is quite common for the school to maximize the use of

computer technology. In the educational setting, different monitoring systems

were introduced to monitor the process of getting the attendance of faculty and

staff, including their signing in and off. One of the major concerns of all

organizations, specifically in educational institutions, is the process of monitoring

their employees’ arrival and departure efficiently during their working days. To

resolve the issue, institutions started to rely on devices with sensors to improve

their monitoring capabilities. Such devices use a biometrics system. With the

convenience offered by a proper monitoring tool, the demand for them is high. A

simple monitoring system can observe devices, infrastructures, applications,

services, and even business processes. Biometric technology that involves

identifying and verifying people by analyzing the human fingerprint characteristics

has been widely employed in various aspects of life for different purposes, most

significantly regarding this study, employee attendance. This system aims to

develop an accurate and extremely efficient automatic attendance system using

the fingerprint verification technique.


Montessorie Educational Learning Center of Ubay (MELCU) is one of the

well-known exclusive schools in Barangay Tapon, Ubay, Bohol, was founded on

September 15, 2007 . This school is one of the well-known exclusive private

schools because this is the distinguishing school that holds Primary, Junior high

school and Senior High teaching level.

School Log Management System for Emplyee’s has become an important

need for each school to work. No doubt. It holds numerous crucial functions to

confirm that school management runs smoothly. School management systems

help the institution trace who’s employee’s is entering the school on time, and the

time they are out.

A School Log Management System for Employee’s is important for the

overall functioning of any educational establishment. They increase productivity

and efficiency. Many schools are finding it useful to use School Log Management

System to organize the day-to-day functions of their educational institutes. As the

researcher of this research problem, our main objective is to help Montessorie

Educational Learning Center of Ubay (MELCU) design and develop an advance

school log management system for Employee’s using biometric technologies,

compared to there old bundy clock and DTR use as attendance records. School

log management system for Employee’s system using biometric technologies

can manage the attendance and knows who is going to enter or exit to ensure

safety for every employee and generally.


Theoretical Background

With increasing identity fraud and emphasis on security, there is a growing

and urgent need to efficiently identify humans both locally and remotely on a

routine basis. We require biometric security. From the point of view of security,

biometric measures to prevent interference by unauthorized persons constitute a

particularly important means of protecting critical infrastructures. A global

breakthrough by biometrics in identity verification technology seems to be

imminent in the form of its use in identity documents and corresponding

biometrically-based controls at frontiers.

According to IBG (International Biometric group) report the estimated

value of biometrics market in 2007 is $3,000,000,000 which represents a huge

number. The market share of three core technologies that is fingerprint

recognition is >75% of total biometric services market, it shows that major

development occurred in these biometric measures. Number of people caught

since 2003 at UAE borders using biomitric recognition are >50,000. So above

numbers present that biometrics shows a better solution than we aspect not in

context of as a security measure but also in economic and social acceptance

point of view. Represent the total biometric industry revenues (copyright © 2006-

2007 International Biometric Group). So above numbers present that biometrics

shows a better solution than we aspect not in context of as a security measure

but also in economic and social acceptance point of view.


Legal Basis

This study was anchored in Section II Data Privacy Act of 2012 and It is

the policy of the State to protect the fundamental human right of privacy, of

communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and

growth. The State recognizes the vital role of information and communications

technology in nation-building and its inherent obligation to ensure that personal

information in information and communications systems in the government and in

the private sector are secured and protected. Whenever used in this Act, the

following terms shall have the respective meanings hereafter set forth:

Commission shall refer to the National Privacy Commission created by

virtue of this Act. Consent of the data subject refers to any freely given, specific,

informed indication of will, whereby the data subject agrees to the collection and

processing of personal information about and/or relating to him or her. Consent

shall be evidenced by written, electronic or recorded means. It may also be given

on behalf of the data subject by an agent specifically authorized by the data

subject to do so.

Data subject refers to an individual whose personal information is

processed. Direct marketing refers to communication by whatever means of any

advertising or marketing material which is directed to particular individuals. Filing

system refers to any act of information relating to natural or juridical persons to

the extent that, although the information is not processed by equipment operating

automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose, the set is

structured, either by reference to individuals or by reference to criteria relating to

individuals, in such a way that specific information relating to a particular person

is readily accessible.

Personal information refers to any information whether recorded in a

material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be

reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when

put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an

individual. Personal information controller refers to a person or organization who

controls the collection, holding, processing or use of personal information,

including a person or organization who instructs another person or organization

to collect, hold, process, use, transfer or disclose personal information on his or

her behalf.


Related Literature

Local Literature

“Makati fully implements biometric timekeeping system”, 2014. MANILA,

Philippines - The Makati City government has fully implemented the use of the

Automated Biometrics Timekeeping System in monitoring the daily attendance of

employees working in its offices at the City Hall complex in Barangay Poblacion.

Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay said “the move was in keeping with the

commitment of the city government to harnessing technology to promote

transparency and efficiency in its operations and services”.

According to Vissia Marie Aldon, city personnel officer, said “using the

system eliminated the possibility of employees making ‘proxy’ time-in or time-out

for other employees”.

According to The head of the Human Resource Development Office

(HRDO) also said 10 standalone fingerprint time recorders initially procured were

used for over 3,000 city personnel working in offices within the City Hall complex

during the dry run. Employees were required to sign in and out on a timesheet to

serve as back-up in case the system malfunctioned. And since the test run went

without a hitch, the HRDO has now fully implemented the biometrics attendance

system, Aldon said. She also said that the city government will be purchasing

additional fingerprint time recorders so that all 34 offices and departments of the

city government, including the University of Makati, Hospital ng Makati and other

agencies outside City Hall, would be served.

“Philippines uses biometrics for welfare payments”, 2013. The Philippines’

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has announced that a

biometric payment system is being used to ensure cash grants are correctly

distributed to beneficiaries in its Pantawid Pamilya program. The biometric

system is now being used in the province of Maguindanao. As of January 9,

2013, the national program had 3,843,502 household beneficiaries and operates

in 1,605 cities and municipalities in 79 provinces in all 17 regions nationwide. The

biometric system uses fingerprint recognition to counter the reports of fraud and


According to Secretary of Social Welfare and Development, Corazon

Juliano-Soliman, “the system addresses numerous complaints that there are

false grant claimants, tampered IDs and people holding other beneficiaries’ ATM

cards”. With the new system, the identification and giving of grants to the

beneficiaries will be more efficient, the government said. The system immediately

displays the photo of the beneficiary and the amount of cash grant to be received

after the biometric identification.

“Philippines National Police (PNP) deploy NEC finger identification System”,

2015. NEC Corporation announced that NEC Philippines has deployed a new

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) for the Philippine National

Police (PNP) in Manila in an effort to maintain a database of fingerprint records

used for criminal identification purposes. The new AFIS will enable law

enforcement to compare sets of fingerprints recovered from crime scenes and

match them against a database of known and unknown fingerprints. The system

provides three times faster search capabilities to identify crime suspects when

compared to the previous system, along with five times more storage capacity for

storing fingerprint records. Additionally, the new system will be able to connect

with other compatible AFIS locally or abroad, with export and import capabilities.

According to Agnes A. Gervacio, president of NEC Philippines “through

our research and development efforts, NEC continually pushes the boundaries of

innovation to enhance our biometric technology to benefit our customers, we are

glad to work with the Philippine National Police to implement our “solutions for

society” offerings and contribute towards law enforcement efforts in the

Philippines. NEC’s vision is to contribute towards a society where safe and

secure services are provided to people efficiently and equally, and we look

forward to continuing our partnership with the PNP in their technology


Foreign Literature

Carval HR Unity Software (2017). Carval Computing has

announced that Cottage Delight, provider of speciality foods to independent food

retailers, has selected Carval’s HR Unity Payroll solution, Uniwage and Time and

Attendance software, Unitend, to manage working hours and Payroll for over 200

staff. Cottage Delight provides over 700 specialty foods, either made by the

company or sourced from artisan producers across the UK and Europe, to

garden centers, farm shops, delicatessens, traditional grocers, selected

department stores, as well as fine food festivals and markets. Since

implementing Carval’s solution, Cottage Delight has seen significant time savings

in Payroll, with the time taken to administer the weekly and monthly payroll

reduced from five days to just 10 hours a month.

According to Gary Bowcock, IT Manager at Cottage Delight said; “Our

previous system was installed over ten years ago, was completely outdated and

didn’t meet our needs today. We needed something completely different.

Carvel’s HR software does everything that we wanted. The look and feel is

modern and it’s easy and intuitive to operate. Carvel just came up on top.” 

According to John Ovington, Sales and Support Director at Carval said;

“Companies like Cottage Delight that excel in their business field and expand

rapidly often find that their existing HR IT systems can no longer support their

operations effectively. Our integrated HR solutions provide the tools that

managers and HR require to manage and administer complex working hours and

Payroll transparently and accurately. Customer feedback is that having greater

flexibility in recording attendance and visibility for managers is also more

motivating for staff.”


Related Studies

Local Study

Michael Indico (2016), conducted a study entitled “Development of

Employee Attendance and Payroll System using Finger Biometrics.” The study

focuses on the design and development of the system for recording the

employee’s attendance and processing of payroll using the fingerprint scanner

for teaching and non-teaching staff in a tertiary institution. The system provides

an alternative solution of many companies or institutions for generating the DTR

and payroll of their employees. Also, the system uses the network to make the

features (recording of the attendance, printing the pay slip, generating of payroll)

installed or used by the other departments in the institution.

Jhadie bellere (March 2014), conducted a study entitled “Time and

Attendance System”, the study was focused on how to record the time of

employee in a more accurate and easiest way. The system will be using a

barcode reader for fast accessing of the database of the crew. The study was

developing a stand-alone system that cannot be accessed online and was made

only for the employee’s time keeping and a payroll system for the accounting of

the Premium Bee Food Corporation.


Foreign Study

Rao S and Satoa KJ with the same study, uses the biometric technology

to automate the process of taking the attendance of employees in the

organizations. The study aims to develop an accurate, fast and efficient

attendance system using the fingerprint verification technique. The fingerprint

verification is done by using extraction of minutiae techniques.

A study developed by Adeoye, addresses the problems of various schools

and institutions using the biometric technology. The study uses for the students

in class absenteeism and debtor during examinations. The system is

programmed to record the class attendance, and screening of tuition fee

payment before and after examination of the students. In addition, it can also be

used to verify whether such students are in debit to the institution or whether the

students have paid the required percentage of the tuition before being allowed to

take the examination. Also, the system eliminates impersonation during

examinations, stress of manual class attendance taking and record keeping.

Another study conducted by Adewole, uses the biometric technology for

solving the problem of manual attendance. The system employs to calculate

attendance of staff in an organization and do the further calculations of monthly

attendance summary in order to reduce human errors during calculations. The

proposed system employs in curbing the problems of lateness, buddy punching

and truancy in any institutions or organizations.


Further study conducted by Ami-Narh, investigates the impact of the

adoption and usage of biometric time and attendance management systems

among the Ghanaian business community in the Greater Accra Metropolis. The

result of the study indicates that biometric timekeeping technologies are more

secured than traditional timekeeping methods. Moreover, the use of biometric

timekeeping technologies has better effect on organization labor cost as

compared with the traditional methods.



Statement of the Problem

This study aims to design and develop a School Log Management System

for Emplyee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay.

To fully understand this system, the following must be addressed:

1. What are the common problems being encountered on Montessori

Educational Learning Center of Ubay Inc.?

2. Why we used the database management system?

3. What is the limitation of our system? What’s its only focuses?

4. Is our proposed project is possible? In what way and why?

5. To inproved the current attendance process using old bundy clock and

DTR of the School Log Management System for Emplyee’s of Montessori

Educational Learning Center of Ubay, Inc.

6. Design and develop advance biometric system School Log Management

System for Emplyee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay.

7. Test the proposed School Log Management System for Emplyee’s of

Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay.




The main goal of this study is to help the administrator of Montessori

Educational Learning Center of Ubay, By using the system eliminated the

possibility of employees making ‘proxy’ time-in or time-out for other employees.

The biometric system uses fingerprint recognition to counter the reports of fraud

and misrepresentation.

Below are the areas covered in this study along with their respective

definition and functions:

Dashboard Module

This module showed the number of employee’s entering the campus and

employee’s leaving the school campus..

Employees Module

This module will be responsible for adding, updating, deleting, and viewing

the employee’s information.

Logs Module

This module showed the logs (in and out) of employee’s.


User Module

This module will be responsible for adding, updating, deleting, and viewing

the user’s information.


The system is limited to the development of software that will take care of

employees’ login and logout of the school and keep logs of the time they enter

and exit the campus of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay. This

system is only exclusive to Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay.



This study aims to develop a School Log Management System for

Emplyee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay, that will help the

establishment to monitor employee’s in and out of the school and ensure the

safety monitoring of everyone.


The study aims to develop a system that can help the faculty and

employee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay, to monitor

employees attendance.

The following will be benefited from the result of the study:

Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay

If this system will be implemented this will be the first School Log

Management System for Emplyee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center

of Ubay.


Administrators also benefited from this study because they can easily

track the login and out of the employees and print out the logs or records.


The researchers are aiming to help Montessori Educational Learning

Center of Ubay, in monitoring the attendance, Time-in and Time-out of

employees easily and hassle-free.

Future Researchers

This study may help future researchers to use this as a guide to their

study or enhance this system for the school. The researchers also recommend

that future researchers configure all of the features that a School Log

Management System for Emplyee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center

of Ubay, has.


In this chapter, the proponent introduces the research strategy and

techniques in the research.

Research Design

The research design used for the study was a Descriptive method

approach by designing a questionnaire because the data collection instrument

supports fingerprint matching biometric technologies. The design is pondered

descriptive because it allows the researcher to generate data through standard

collection procedures based on highly structured research instruments and

precise study concepts and related satiable.

Research Respondents

The main respondents of this study are the school president, staff, and

security guard of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay Bohol. Twenty

one (21) respondents are needed in this study and were surveyed. One (1) of the

respondents is the school president and Eighteen (18) of the respondents are the

teaching staff and Two (2) of the respondents are school maintenance and office

staff. Moreover, the study will only take place at Montessori Educational Learning

Center of Ubay.

Table I

Number of respondents

Respondents No. of Respondents

School President 1
Teaching Staff 18
Non-Teaching staff 2
Total 21

Table I shows the profile of the respondents. The respondents are the

school president, school Teaching staff, and the school Non-Teaching staff which

has only one (1) school president, Eighteen Teaching (18) staff, and Two (2)

Non-Teaching staff a total of nine (21) respondents.

Research Flow

The research flow in figure 1 illustrates how the researchers conducted

their study. It is composed of three parts namely: INPUT, PROCESS, and


INPUT encloses the statement of the problem in which the research was

purposely conducted.

PROCESS refers to the method of collecting data being used, which was

a direct interview and questionnaire method where data is copied, tabulated,

presented, analyzed, and interpreted.

OUTPUT indicates the recommendation based on the findings gathered

for implementation. As a result, the researchers seek ways to improve the

proposed project’s advancement and accessibility.


 Employees information
 Employees attendance
 Data management system


 Descriptive method of research using questionnaires with

 Data gathering, analyzing, processing and interpreting the
 Designing and developing the proposed School log


School Log Management System for Employee’s


Figure 1. Research flow

Research Environment

The Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay, was the locale of

the study. This is located in Barangay Tapon, Ubay, Bohol. The Figure below

illustrates the location of MELCU.

Figure 2. Location Map

The Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay, is a private non-

sectarian co-educational institution of higher learning in Ubay, Bohol, Philippines.

The institution is located in barangay Tapon along the high way. It was

established as the Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay on

September 15, 2007. It is the opening of the preschool course with temporary

permit. Thus, it was recognized by the government started on 2010. Montessori

Educational Learning Center of Ubay, “MELCU” continuity of the legacy would

mean a challenges, the Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay

enriched its curricular offerings.

Research Instrument

The self-made questionnaire was used to gather the desired information

from the school president, teachers, and employee’s. The researcher also

interviewed the school president, teachers, and employee’s in Montessori

Educational Learning Center of Ubay, to gather supplemental information on

items undecipherable in the questionnaire.

Research Procedure

The researcher submitted the project proposal to the school head of

Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay for approval. After the approval

was granted, the researcher interviewed the MELCU school president, teachers,

and employee’s for additional information. Then the researchers personally

distributed the questionnaire to the 21 respondents and give them enough time to

answer the said questionnaire efficiently. Afterward, the researchers collected the

answered questionnaire from the respondents and recorded their responses with

sensitivity, unbiased, and treated with strict confidentiality.


The data gathered were tabulated, interpreted, and analyzed to establish

the simple percentage of computation

The formula will be:

P= x 100


P = percentage

f = frequently resources

n = number of respondents

100 = percent (%)



To give a clear medium of communication between the proponents and

the readers, the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally:

Montessori Educational Learning Center

The school researchers aim to develop a School Log Management

System for Emplyee’s of Montessori Educational Learning Center of Ubay.

Data Gathering

This is the process of how the current system can easily generate data.

Data Processing

This is the process of how the students and employees process their data.

Data Recording

This is the process of how the students and employees record their data

including students’ and employees’ information.

Data Updating

This is the process of how the students and employees update their data

including students’ and employees’ information.

Data Inquiry

This is the process of how the students and employees inquire about their


Data Security

This is the process of how to secure the current system that the students

and employees used.


Good Feature

This is the process of what are the good features that the researchers

proposed School log management system for employee’s of Montessori

Educational Learning Center of Ubay.

School Log Management System for Employee’s

Is a software solution that gathers, sorts, and stores log data and event

logs from a variety of sources in one centralized location.

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