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Week 1

Table of Content: Recommendations:

Writing Practice:
★First week should be started
from short teachings. 10-15
★Tracing Letters: A, B, C
minutes a day will be more than
★Tracing Numbers: 1

Language Skills:
★Start from Tracing practice and
★Numbers and Shapes Rhyme
go to the Tracing letters. You
should prepare hand of your kid
★Count and Match
for writing

★Number Sequence: Dot-to-Dot

★Use Numbers and Shapes
Problem Solving Skill:
rhymes to help your kid learn,
★Find a Pair
develop memory and language
★What Doesn't Belong?
skills. Learn it together

★All About Me: Body

Don't forget:

Fine Motor Skills:

★Encourage and support your
★Tracing Practice
little one on each step of learning

★Become a trustful learning
★ Life Cycle of a Butterfly
partner for your kid. Answer all
Tips for Parents:
the questions

★Cognitive Skills
Name______________________ Date_____________

Alphabet Flash Cards

Aa Bb Cc Dd

Ee Ff Gg Hh

Ii Jj Kk Ll

Mm Nn Oo Pp

Qq Rr Ss Tt

Uu Vv Ww Xx

Yy Zz

Developed by Learning Experts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
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Tracing Letter A

A is for Ant

o d c e d O
e U A u o D c
Circle the letter Aa

Developed by Learning Experts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Tracing Letter B

B is for Bee
b c d D B d o
E b A u C b D g
Circle the letter Bb

Developed by Learning Experts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Tracing Letter C

C is for Cat

e c C O u e c
g U b c d A
Circle the letter Cc

Developed by Learning Experts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Tracing Number 1


one one one
1 7 5 1 8 2 3 1
9 1 3 6 5 7 1 5
Circle the number 1

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Numbers and Shapes Rhymes

Read and trace

0 1 2
Around and around

And around we go...

When we get home

Number 1 is like a


A straight line

Around and back

on the railroad

we have a zero. that is very quick. Two, two, Two, two!

3 4 5
Around a tree

Around a tree.

That`s the way

Down and over,

Down once more.

That`s the way

Straight line down,

Then around.

Hat on top

to make a tree!

to make a four!

And five`s a clown!

Terry Triangle,
Sammy Sguare,
Robbie Rectangle,
Cindy Circle,

Terry Triangle,
Sammy Square.
Robbie Rectangle.
Cindy Circle.

Look at me,
That`s my name,
I have four sides,
Just one line,

look at me.
that`s my name.
I have four sides.
just one line.

Count my sides,
I have four sides.
Two are long.
Make it round,

count my sides.
They`re all the same,
two are long.
Make it round.

There are three,

They`re all the same. Two are short,
That is fine,

there are three. Two are short. that is fine.

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Find a Pair
Draw a line to match the pictures that are the same.

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

What Doesn't Belong?

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Count and Match With the Correct Number

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers
Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

All About me: Body

Complete the sentences and color

I have ____ eyes.

My hair is ____.

They are ____ . It is____ .

I have ____ fingers.

I have ____ toes.

They fit in ____ . They fit in ____ .

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Tracing Practice
Trace the broken lines to help our friends

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Life Cycle of a Butterfly


Life cycle of a

Chrysalis Eggs


Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Dot to Dot: Star

Connect numbers and color the picture


Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Dot to dot: Bird

Connect numbers and color the picture

2 6
3 4 5

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!
Name______________________ Date_____________

Tips for parents

If your child is 3-4 they should be able to:

Cognitive Skills: Level 1

• Know their full name, age, and gender

• Identify and name basic colors

• Count to ten; understand the concept of counting

• Say the alphabet

• Identify basic shapes

• Follow two-step or three-part commands

• Build a tower with four or more blocks

• Understand time better (for example, morning, afternoon, night)

• Recognize and identify common objects and pictures

Cognitive Skills: Level 2

• Know their address and telephone number of a parent

• Write some capital letters

• Laugh at silly ideas or jokes

• Remember parts of a story

• Sort objects by shape and color

• Play make-believe with dolls, toys or other people

• Pretend and fantasize more creatively

• Understand “before,” “after,” “now,” “soon” and “later”

• Remember what happened yesterday

• Know where playthings belong; Help clean up

• Understand some important safety rules

(don’t touch the hot stove; stay away from the window)

• Pay attention for about 3 minutes

Developed by Learning Experts for toddlers and preschoolers

Let's enjoy learning adventures together!

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