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Juan Carlos Vargas Camino

Advanced 11

Professor Ginés Abanto

July 23, 2022



a. Cognition (Noun)


i. The use of conscious mental processes.

ii. The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and

understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.


• Theories of cognition and the experimental tasks used to test

those theories often conspire hand in hand to overlook limited

search and stopping rules.

• Studying animal cognition does not entail any particular

position on whether or to what degree animals are conscious.

b. Behavior (Noun)


i. The way that someone behaves.

ii. The way that a person, an animal, a substance, etc. behaves

in a particular situation or under particular conditions.


• His research involved the study of instinctive behavior in


• These behaviors can be observed among many children who

have lost a parent or other loved one.

c. Acquiere (Verb)

i. To get or buy something.

ii. To buy or take control of a company or part of a company,

often by buying shares in it.

iii. To get the legal right to use or do something.


• His family acquired the property in 1985.

• They acquired a chain of about 20 phone shops.

d. Achieve (Verb)


i. To succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim,

especially after a lot of work or effort.


• Indeed, patients were often reluctant to be prescribed a

detoxification drug which had not led to them successfully

achieving abstinence in the past.

• One day before each new infestation the beans were carefully

mixed to achieve a random distribution of host larvae.

e. Discern (Verb)


i. To perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the

intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend.

ii. To distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different;



• They discerned a sail on the horizon.

• He is incapable of discerning right from wrong.

f. Trait (Noun)


i. A distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's

personal nature.

ii. A pen or pencil stroke.

iii. A stroke, touch, or strain, as of some quality:


• Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character trait.

• Like humans, dogs’ personality traits stayed fairly stable over


g. Prone (Adjective/Verb)


i. Likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative

one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or

an illness.

ii. To put someone into a position in which they are lying face

down, especially in order to improve their breathing and

oxygen levels:


• He was prone to depression even as a teenager.

• In some cases, proning a patient can remove the need for


h. Attribute (Noun/Verb)

i. A quality or characteristic that someone or something has.

ii. To say or think that something is the result of a particular


iii. To say that a particular person was the first person to say

something, do something, invent something, etc.


• Her success can be attributed to three main factors.

• This idea has long been attributed to Keynes, but in fact he

was not the first to think of it.


2.1. Graphic organizer

issues are

Who wrote does the
the article? story take

Why does
When does
the author
the story
wrote the
How does
the author
2.2. Outline

Outline: Summary — Extreme perception and animal intelligence.

I. Introduction

- Hook: Are animals as smart as humans?

- Background information: Extreme perceptions of animals, forensic dogs.

- Thesis Statement: Some animals are able to show superior intelligence

because they acquire their skills and solve problems without human help or


II. Body

a. First paragraph

- Topic sentence: Some dogs have improved their skills by themselves.

- Supporting details: Seizure alert dogs, two Bouvier de Flanders dogs

who predict 80 percent of her seizure´s owner about thirty minutes they


- Concluding sentence: Some seizure alert dogs predict seizures without

having been trained to do that.

b. Second paragraph

- Topic sentence: Ability to understand humans signs.

- Supporting details: Clever Hans, a horse that count

- Concluding sentence: The horse was nos really counting, he was able to

understand human signs.

III. Concluding Paragraph

- Final thoughts / Summary: Some animals acquired their skills without

human help.
- Conclusion: Some animals use their perceptual abilities and cognitive

skills to solve problems, so they show intelligence.

2.3. Writing drafts and essays

In Extreme perception and animal intelligence, authors Temple

Grandin and Catherine Johnson mention some animals are able to

show superior intelligence because they acquire their skills and solve

problems without human help or training.

Some dogs have improved their skills by themselves, using their

perceptual abilities. Seizure alert dogs are an example of that. They

are dogs which are trained to solve problems and help people before

a seizure has begun, also, there are some dogs that can predict a

seizure or perceive signs of a seizure ahead of time. An example of

that is an article about a woman named Connie Standley who has

two Bouvier de Flanders dogs who predict 80 percent of her seizure

about thirty minutes they begun. Most seizures alert dogs were

trained to respond to seizures, not to predict them, so they improved

that skill by themselves.

Clever Hans trained himself to do what he did. He was a German

horse whose owner thought he could count and answer

mathematical questions like add or tapping the month´s day. Then, a

psychologist named Oskar Pfungst shows that Hans was not really

counting, he was observing cues that humans were giving off. Clever

Hans was able to detect and understand human signs that even

humans could not see or perceive, similar to a seizure alert dog.

Some animals, like seizure alert dogs and Hans, show a sign of high

intelligence because they recognize signs of an impending seizure o

situation and then they decide to act. They were not trained to do

what they do, they improved by themselves.



a. Vigorous (Adjective)


i. Full of or characterized by vigor.

ii. Powerful in action or effect.


• There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a

new road.

• Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote

vigorous growth in the spring.

b. Immeasurably (Adverb)


i. In a way that is so large or great that it cannot be measured or

known exactly.


• The damage from the 1956 hurricane was immeasurably


• My appreciation for Lincoln has grown immeasurably.

c. Utterly (Adverb)


i. In an utter manner; completely: absolutely.

• However, more recent studies on the subject fail to recognise

the existence of a pre-war international slump, and some of

them utterly deny it.

• They were economically utterly dependent-for ordinary

employment and emergency relief.

d. Chilly (Adjective)


i. Mildly cold or producing a sensation of cold; causing

shivering; chill.

ii. Feeling cold; sensitive to cold.


• The trouble is that instead of finding a warm, friendly

atmosphere at the end of the road, we may find a chilly,

unfriendly abode.

• If he comes again, he will have a chilly reception, following

his comments tonight about the fairness of the tribunals.

e. Presumptuous (Adjective)


i. A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others

by doing things they have no right to do.

ii. Rude because of doing something although you know you do

not have a right to do it.


• It would be presumptuous of me to comment on the matter.

• It would be presumptuous of me to speak for the others.

f. Skewer (Verb/Adjective)


i. To give an oblique direction to; shape, form, or cut obliquely.

ii. To make conform to a specific concept, attitude, or planned

result; slant.

iii. To turn aside or swerve; take an oblique course

iv. having an oblique direction or position; slanting.


• Rollmops can be served held together with one or two small

wooden skewers.

• The skewers are frequently turned during this process.

• The magazine regularly skewered popular culture, the

counterculture and politics.

g. Intermezzo (Noun)


i. A short dramatic, musical, or other entertainment of light

character, introduced between the acts of a drama or opera.

ii. A short periodo f time between two longer periods.


• Note that this pictorial intermezzo has left the semantic

content of the document as a whole unchanged.

• However, they praised the instrumental music, especially the

intermezzo, and also the choruses at the wives' arrival and at

the final dramatic climax.

h. Inimical (Adjective)

i. Adverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful.

ii. Unfriendly; hostile.


• Other critics go further, and say that the challenge model is

inimical to human well-being.

• His description of ' middling ' values is highly prescriptive,

static, and defined against aspects of social mobility that he

regards as inimical to these values


2.1. Graphic organizer

Marriage with
the same

Technology Careers
Let human lives 13 careers.
in other planet
My life
in 2175

Jobs House
Numerous jobs Live in other
Becoming planet due
boring overpopulation
2.2. Outline

Outline: Descriptive essay – Positive and geative aspects of my life in


I. Introduction

- Hook: Being immortal is not goos as it seems.

- Background information: Tratments that can become people immortal.

- Thesis Statement: In my life I have gone through many experiences

that have made it very happy and sad.

II. Body

a. First paragraph

- Topic sentence: Possitive aspects of being immortal.

- Supporting details: Got married with the same woman, studied

numerous careers.

- Concluding sentence: Being immortal has good thing, like learning

and spending the rest of my life with the person I love.

b. Second paragraph

- Topic sentence: Negative aspects of being immortal.

- Supporting details: It´s hard to be excited, living in other planet.

- Concluding sentence: Almost nothing is exciting.

III. Concluding Paragraph

- Final thoughts / Summary: I would like to be mortal again. I think

human beings were created to be mortal.

- Conclusion: Mortality teach us to really enjoy life, to take advantage of

the time. After all, thats what makes us humans.

2.3. Writing drafts and essays

I was having a pleasant and sweet dream. I was on Earth. The fresh

smell of grass, the beautiful pink, purple and blue colors of the sunsets,

the scent of the sea breeze. Everything seemed real. I opened my eyes

heavily. I wanted to continue dreaming. Dreaming that I was on Earth,

enjoying all those things that could be enjoyed there. My alarm woke me

up to go to work. Work. After so many years working, it's not so exciting.

I have worked in many companies, in different positions. Also, I have

studied 13 careers, I have learned 10 languages, I have met too many

people... I have lived a lot. I realized that when you live long, it's hard to

get excited for something. It´s hard to feel that emotion when you are

immortal. Sometiemes I ask me why I had decided to be immortal. In

2030, scientists created a treatment capable of granting immortality to

those who lead it. They called it "treatment" because they defined aging

as a disease, a disease that had to be cured. I decided to take that

treatment when I was 31 years old. Now, at 176 years old, I think it

worked. In my life I have gone through many experiences that have

made it very happy and sad.

Of course, I have lived many beautiful moments. The most important

was having decided to get married. I have been married for 146 years to

the same person, and I feel like I get to know her more and more every

day. I'm sure it would have been very difficult to pass my days without

her sweet company and unconditional love. She is like a sun. Sun that

lights up of my days. When I am going through dark paths, she is there,

giving me light, giving me hope. Also, another of the best things I have
experienced is having studied so much. I have studied numerous

careers: Economics, Law, Political Sciences, History, Music, Translation

and Interpreting, Industrial Engineering, etc., and all these have given

me the opportunity to learn a lot about many areas. It is satisfying to

learn more and more every day, after all, knowledge is infinite.

After living so many years, I want to rest. Yes, I had a beautiful life, I did

many things, but here comes a time when the only thing you want is to

rest. After so many years of life, I have realized that we have been

created to be mortal, to have “one oportunity”. Being mortal teaches you

to enjoy life. For example, I have worked for so many years, in so many

companies, and in so many positions, that it is difficult to get excited

about working. Also, I miss Earth. 80 years ago the Earth became

overpopulated, therefore, thanks to technological advances, we had to

habituate another planet in which we can live. Mars was the planet.

Scientists and engineers have tried to make it as similar to Earth as

possible, but it is impossible. Machines and robots are not the same as

beautiful sunsets, the strong smell of the sea or the refreshing aroma of

grass, that smell that you breathe strongly and runs through every part

of your body. We haven't known what "open air" is.

I would like to be mortal again. I think human beings were created to be

mortal. Mortality teach us to really enjoy life, to take advantage of the

time. After all, thats what makes us humans.



a. Proudly (Adverb)


i. In a proud way.

ii. With feelings of satisfaction and pleasure because of

something that you have achieved, possess, or are a part of.

iii. With respect for yourself, recognizing your own worth.


• Crow warriors rode proudly through the village.

• There were photographs of all her children proudly displayed

on the mantelpiece.

b. Passion (Noun)


i. An extreme interest in or wish for doing something, such as a

hobby, activity, etc.

ii. Very powerful feelings.


• Anton has a consuming passion for science fiction.

• Politics and philosophy were his lifelong passions.

c. Thrilled (Adjective)


i. Extremely happy about something.

ii. Feeling very pleased or happily excited; delighted

• I was thrilled that so many people turned up to the party.

• My parents weren’t too thrilled when they found out

d. Proposal (Noun)


i. The act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance,

adoption, or performance.

ii. A plan or scheme proposed.

iii. An offer or suggestion of marriage.


• Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put

forward by the President.

• Management has made proposals to cap overtime.

e. Donate (Verb)


i. To present as a gift, grant, or contribution; make a donation of,

as to a fund or cause.

ii. To make a gift, grant, or contribution of something; give;



• An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars

to the charity.

• The commission also wants to make it easier for attorneys to

donate time to help poor clients.

f. Oxymoron (Noun)

i. Two words or phrases used together that have, or seem to

have, opposite meanings.

ii. A phrase or statement that seems to say two opposite things,

as in "jumbo shrimp" and "agree to disagree".


• There is a metropolitan belief that rural retail therapy is an


• The whole concept of the music industry is an oxymoron.

• That monster is reality television, which hardly anyone seems

to have realized is an oxymoron.

g. Resentful


i. Feeling angry because you have been forced to accept

someone or something that you do not like.

ii. Full of or marked by resentment.


• Nurses are often resentful of this additional and unpaid

demand on their time.

• Where promotion opportunities were confined to the younger

employees, the older workers were resentful and tensions

between the age groups occurred.


2.1. Graphic organizer


▪ Services for the poor ▪ Being forced to do

will cost less. something can make
you mad instead of
▪ It helps the less
▪ It is time consuming.
▪ It can make you feel
generous and proud. ▪ You don’t get paid.

▪ You might encourage ▪ It can be tiring.

others to help, too.

▪ Volunteering can teach

you about helping

▪ Can teach you the


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