SyncLog Combatetotal v5.0 2021.02.22 143604

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Game completed without desync

Setting up SyncLogger (SettingsCameFromConfig)

DesyncTrackingFrameHistorySize=100 (using default because tracking off)
CheckDesyncsEveryXFrames=1 (using default because tracking off)
Session Stats (these will differ between players):
0/1 prior games have desynched
Sync Categories to Track:
NoteSync (this cannot be turned off)
FinalSync (this cannot be turned off)
Version: 5.0.1
Language: es
Difficulty: Máxima
Map Size: Gigantesco
Random Map: es@prairie_v2.rms
Pop Cap: 500
Visibility: Explorado
Condición de victoria: Conquista
Ranked: Yes
Allow Spectators: Yes
Starting Age: Edad de los Castillos
Ending Age: Edad Imperial
Treaty Length: 0
Mode: Combate total
Speed: 1.50
Number of Players: 8
Player 1:
Name: RLD!
Humanity: Human
Civilization: Malíes
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 1
Scenario Player Index: 2
Team: 2
Steam ID: 76561197960270647
.dat file Crc: 0
MP Game Version: 0
Player 2:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Chinos
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 2
Scenario Player Index: 0
Team: 3
Player 3:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Mongoles
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 3
Scenario Player Index: 1
Team: 5
Player 4:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Etíopes
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 4
Scenario Player Index: 4
Team: 4
Player 5:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Vikingos
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 5
Scenario Player Index: 3
Team: 4
Player 6:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Celtas
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 6
Scenario Player Index: 5
Team: 3
Player 7:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Bereberes
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 7
Scenario Player Index: 6
Team: 5
Player 8:
Humanity: AI
AI Script Base Name: Promisory
Civilization: Españoles
World Player Index (Including Gaia): 8
Scenario Player Index: 7
Team: 3
Limited Civ Pool: Coreanos, Aztecas
* Age of Empires II: Vikingos, Teutones, Coreanos, Aztecas
* Expansiones (DLC): Italianos, Bereberes, Vietnamitas
Dlc Ownership:
Age of Empires II: Installed
The Conquerors: Installed
Age of Empires II: Installed
The Conquerors: Installed
The Forgotten: Installed
The African Kingdoms: Installed
The Rise of the Rajas: Installed

Terrain Restriction IDs:

[0]Césped 1=7
[1]Agua, poco profunda=6
[3]Tierra 3=3
[6]Tiera 1=7
[8]Granja, muerta=6
[9]Césped 3=0
[11]Tierra 2=6
[12]Césped 2=7
[13]Desierto de palmeras=3
[14]Desierto, arena=7
[15]Agua 2D, profunda=3
[16]Césped, otro=6
[17]Selva Negra=7
[19]Bosque de pinos=3
[21]Pinar nevado=3
Player Command Status:
[0]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[1]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[2]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[3]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[4]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[5]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[6]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0
[7]: most commands: 0 (turn 0). Total commands: 0

Random Seed (HOST): 14866 (It is okay for this to differ - only host uses)
Random Seed (MAP): 22000
Random Seed (GAME): 10891

<snipped data frames>

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